Unidad 5-1 Valeria Guapacha PDF

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Author’s name (with ID)

Valeria Guapacha Gaviria
ID: 730565

Teacher’s name

Colombia, Santiago de Cali

I. Transforma las oraciones activas siguientes en pasivas manteniendo el
tiempo verbal.

1. He invents silly things. Silly things are invented by him

2. I am reading a book. A book is being read by me

3. She has signed the contract. The contrac has been signed by her

4. A car hit me. I was hit by a car

5. My neighbours will take care of my plants. My plants will be taken care by them

II. Completa las oraciones con los verbos entre paréntesis en voz pasiva.

1. I don’t have to go to the newsstand because the paper

(deliver) is delivered to our house every day.

2. When Kylie went to school, she (pick) was picked up by her parents
every day.

3. You need not clean the bathroom. It (clean/already) was already

cleaned by someone else.

4. Relax! From now on everything (do) will be done for you.

5. When I came home, dinner (cooked/not) was not cooked yet.

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