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Miyamoto Musashi: The Ronin

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Cristian Alexis Serna Pérez


A Power Point presentation about the life of Miyamoto Musashi, the Ronin, that is to
say the most famous free samurai without a lord of all history of Japan


From the reading of the book written by Miyamoto Musashi: "The book of the five rings"
extract the most important ideas where he describes how a samurai warrior should be
trained through the strengthening of the body and spirit


Perseverance, intuition, understanding of oneself and the environment, serenity even in

the midst of chaos, quick action but not hasty, knowing how to wait, are some of the
teachings that today arouse great attraction in the world of business and management
and They are, therefore, key elements to explain the interest that the Japanese
leadership has in the Western business world.

Project work
Eastern culture has always caught my attention because its teachings are deep and seek
to strengthen the body and spirit through a cosmic connection between the inner self
and the universe. Thinkers like Lao Tse, founder of Taoism and who wrote the "Tao Te
Ching" and the samurai Miyamoto Musashi, professor of martial arts and who wrote
"The Book of Five Rings", have helped me grow as a person and strengthen my mind and
spirit. from the teachings embodied in his books. That is why I chose Miyamoto Musashi
as the central theme to introduce the culture of Japan from the most famous samurai of
all time.



 Learn about Japanese culture and its most influential characters in history
 Put into practice the topics learned during the English course 2
 Improve writing, listening and speaking of English words
 Prepare a well-structured and concrete presentation on Japanese culture

Él nació en junio de 1584 y él murió en marzo de 1645

He was the Ronin, that is to say the most famous free samurai without a lord of all
history of Japan

he wrote the book of 5 rings: Earth, water, fire, wind, void

Earth: Knowing the small through the great, one goes from the superficial to the deep

Water: He exposes a method designed to forge oneself physically or spiritually: the

water takes the shape of the vessel, the mind takes the shape of the situation.

Fire: Musashi explains the tactics that must be applied in the simple duel and in the
great battles, the fire, like the duel, has a sense of violence.
Wind: Musashi compares the characteristics of other schools, highlighting the
philosophical spirit of his Niten school.

Void: The Void is comparable to the firmament purged of all clouds of disorientation. To
have an empty mind is to have a clear mind

He compares the master carpenter to the master warrior:The master carpenter knows
the laws of the country where he works and attends to the local regulations. Know the
measurements and structures, the correct wood to build and delegate functions
according to the abilities of each worker, choose the right tools and keep them in good
condition to develop each activity.

We as industrial engineers select the raw material, the workers, the tools, we know the
standards and we verify the correct flows of the assigned tasks.

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