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The genus Pterostichus in China II: the subgenus Circinatus Sciaky...


27. right lobe on the right side of endophallus: (0) absent; (1) present.
28. left lobe on the left side of endophallus: (0) absent; (1) present.
29. left lobe of endophallus divided into sub-lobes or apex bifid: (0) yes; (1) no.
30. gonopore orientation: (0) to aedeagus base; (1) to aedeagus apex;.
Female genital characters
31. spermatheca receptaculum shape: (0) clavate or tubiform; (1) capitate.
32. ratio of spermatheca seminal canal length / receptaculum length: (0) 3 times
or more; (1) approx 2 times.
33. basal sclerotized piece of seminal canal: (0) very small or absent; (1) well developed.
34. middle transparent region on female sternum VIII: (0) V-shaped, more than half
width of sternum; (1) triangular or quadrate, less than half width of sternum.
35. anterior margin of female tergum VIII: (0) strongly notched in the middle;
(1) not or very weakly notched in the middle.
36. ensiform setae at the inner margin of female stylomere II: (0) 0 or 1 seta;
(1) 2 setae.

Out-group material
Out-group 1: Pterostichus (Gutta) sp. cf. gaoligongensis Wrase & Schmidt: 2 males,
2 females, “CHINA, Yunnan Prov., Gongshan county, Dongshaofang-Yakou,
N27°41'40", E98°28'47"; 3400 m, 2002.5.1, day, Liang H.B., Ba Weidong, Yuan
Guodong, Li X.Q.”.
Out-group 2: Pterostichus (Sinosteropus) sinensis ssp.: 2 males, 3 females, “China, Si-
chuan prov., Kangding county, Jiagenba Xiang, Gonggashan Mt. W slope, pine
forest, 4050 m, N29.77855, E101.69564; pit fall trap, 2012.VII.12, SHI Hongli-
ang, LIU Ye & WANG Ya’nan lgt.”.
92 Hongliang Shi & Hongbin Liang / ZooKeys 536: 1–92 (2015)

Characters matrix for subgenus Circinatus and two out-groups

Character/ 0000000001111 11111122222222222333333
Taxa 1234567890123 45678901234567890123456
Gutta (out-group) 0000000000000 000000000100000–0000010
Sinosteropus (out-group) 1000000000000 010000100000000–0000100
P. adelphus 100100100001– 000000001011110–0101000
P. cavazzutianus s.str. 1001001000001 000000001011110–0101110
P. cav. mianningensis 1001001000001 000000001011110–0101010
P. bullatus 000101100001– 001000001111110–0101101
P. zhygealu 000110100011– 001000001011110–0101010
P. agilis 000110100011– 001000001011110–0101011
P. camelus 000101101011– 00100000?????????101010
P. liciniformis 0000000000001 00000001001101101000110
P. dimorphus 0000101001001 00010101000101101010110
P. wangjiani 0110001001001 00000111001101101001000
P. baenningeri 1110 00101000200001111001011111110110
P. maitreya 1110001000002 00011111001001110100100
P. miao 1100000000002 00010111???????????????
P. yan 1100001000002 00001111???????????????
P. ailaoicus 1110001001002 00110111???????????????
P. tumulus 0010111001000 00011111?????????011010
P. subtilissimus 000011100001– 110000002100000–1101000
P. yuxiaodongi 000011110001– 100100002000000–0??????
P. dentifer 000011110001– 11000000???????????????
P. beneshi 100000100001– 00000000200011110111100
P. zoiai 100000100001– 01000000200011100111100
P. xilingensis 100010100001– 001000001101000–1101110
P. pohnerti 100010100001– 001000001011000–0101000
“?” = missing data; “–” = gap.

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