CTI TN-2015-09-07 Importing NOAA Tide Files PDF

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CTI Technical Note 2015-09-07

Importing Tide Files from the NOAA

Tides and Currents Web Site
Revision 1.0,9/7/2015

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CTI_TN-2015-09-07_Importing_NOAA_Tide_Files.pdf Chesapeake Technology, Inc. copyright 2015-2016

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Table of Contents
1 Scope ....................................................................................................................... 2
2 Downloading the NOAA XML Tide file ...................................................................... 2
3 Converting the NOAA XML to SonarWiz XML .......................................................... 3
4 Adding the Tide File to your SonarWiz Project ......................................................... 7

1 Scope
This document outlines the steps required to import an XML file downloaded from the
NOAA Tides and Currents web site. There are 3 steps to this process: 1) downloading
the NOAA XML file from the website, 2) importing the NOAA XML file type and saving it
out in the SonarWiz XML file type and 3) adding the SonarWiz XML file to your project.

2 Downloading the NOAA XML Tide file

Chesapeake Technology, Inc. · 1605 W El Camino Real, Suite 100 · Mountain View, CA
· (650) 967-2045 · www.chesapeaketech.com
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3 Converting the NOAA XML to SonarWiz XML

After downloading the NOAA Tide XML file open your SonarWiz project and use the
Edit/Import Tide file context menu as shown below...

When the CTITideEditor application opens: A) use the File->Import menu option
to open the import dialog, B) set the file type to XML, C) select the NOAA XML
file and

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· (650) 967-2045 · www.chesapeaketech.com
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D) press the open button…

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· (650) 967-2045 · www.chesapeaketech.com
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When the import file preview window opens, select the Template Name to XML
and click the Import button at the very bottom of the window….

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· (650) 967-2045 · www.chesapeaketech.com
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This should load the NOAA tide file and you should see a tide plot similar to the
one below.

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· (650) 967-2045 · www.chesapeaketech.com
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Save this loaded tide file using the File->Save As menu option. It’s a good idea
to save the tide file in your SonarWiz project folder. In this example, I created a
folder named Tides and saved the newly imported SonarWiz format XML file

Close the tide editor program after you save the new XML file.

4 Adding the Tide File to your SonarWiz Project

In the steps above, you have downloaded the NOAA Tide file and converted it to an
XML file that SonarWiz can use. Now, you’ll need to add that XML file to your SonarWiz
project so that it can be used for tide correction during the Merge process.

Chesapeake Technology, Inc. · 1605 W El Camino Real, Suite 100 · Mountain View, CA
· (650) 967-2045 · www.chesapeaketech.com
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1) Right click on the Tide Files tree control item again and this time select the Add
Existing Tide File(s)… menu item.

Chesapeake Technology, Inc. · 1605 W El Camino Real, Suite 100 · Mountain View, CA
· (650) 967-2045 · www.chesapeaketech.com
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2) Navigate to the folder where you saved the SonarWiz XML file from the previous step
and press the open button.

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· (650) 967-2045 · www.chesapeaketech.com
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3) Your tide file should appear on the Tide Files list as shown below and is now ready to
use for processing.

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· (650) 967-2045 · www.chesapeaketech.com
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4) Open the Vessel Editor and enter the appropriate offset between the Vessel
Reference Point and the Waterline.

Close the vessel editor and the waterline offset will be saved automatically.

Chesapeake Technology, Inc. · 1605 W El Camino Real, Suite 100 · Mountain View, CA
· (650) 967-2045 · www.chesapeaketech.com
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5) Apply the tides to your data during the Merge process. Select Merge from the
Bathymetry Toolbar. On the first page of the Merge wizard, select the files to which
you want to apply tides.

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· (650) 967-2045 · www.chesapeaketech.com
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Page 13

6) On the Auxiliary Data Selection page of the Merge Wizard, look for the Height
Computation section and change the Apply Tide Correction option to YES. Note:
setting this option without a tide file loaded into the project (Step 3) will trigger a
warning preventing SonarWiz from merging.

7) Complete the merge process and the tides will be applied to the selected files.

Chesapeake Technology, Inc. · 1605 W El Camino Real, Suite 100 · Mountain View, CA
· (650) 967-2045 · www.chesapeaketech.com

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