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SISTER LETTY G. KUAN order to have a rewarding retirement period even

amidst the presence of role discontinues
experienced by this age group.
“I have grown and sown and now I can reap the
reward and blessing of a life lived in joy and love,
for I too have made others grow” RETIREMENT AND ROLE
● Dr. Kuan is a nurse. She had 2 Masters Degrees,
MA in Nursing and MA education, (Guidance and
Counseling). For her vast contributions to the RETIREMENT
University of the Philippines College of Nursing ● An inevitable change in one’s life. It is evident in
faculty and academic achievements, she is now a the increasing statistics of aging, increasing
professor emeritus, a title awarded only to a few statistics of the aging population accompanied by
who met the strict criteria related disabilities and increased dependence.
● She had clinical fellowship and specialization in This developmental stage, even at the later part
neuropsychology at the University of Paris, of life, must be considered desirable and
France. Neurogerentology in Watertown, New satisfying through the determination of factors
York. She also had bioethics formal training at the that will help the person enjoy his remaining
Institute of religion, Ethics and Law at Baylor years of life. It is of primary importance to prepare
College of Medicine in Houston Texas. She is a early in life by cultivating other role options at age
recipient of the Metrobank Foundation 50 to 60 in order to have a rewarding retirement
Outstanding TeachersnAWard in 1995. period even amidst the presence of role
discontinuities experienced by this age group.



● Is the endurance of cells and tissues to withstand
the wear and tear phenomenon of the human
● Sister letty kuan has a very unique nursing theory body.
which focuses on the older adults. Those who are ● Some individuals are gifted with the strong
going to retire and those who are on the retirement genetic affinity to stay young for a long time
stage, for short, the gerontology patients. period.
● The main goal of her theory is to help elderly ● As we add more years to our age, our body is
people on how to achieve fruitful and aging alike. also aging. We have wear and tear, meaning the
● The Theory of Sister Letty G. Kuan is about condition of our body will not be as 100% good as
“Graceful Aging”. Her interest in old people compared to when we grow old.
initiated her to formulate a theory for the purpose
of knowing the reasons and variables on how to
make people happy at retirement by
conceptualizing a framework: ● Refers to the set of shared expectations focused
upon a particular position. These may include
beliefs about what goals or values the position
incumbent is to pursue and the norms that will
govern his behavior.
● It is also a set of shared expectations from the
retirees' socialization experiences and the values
internalized while preparing for the position as
well as the adaptations to the expectations
socially defined for the position itself.
● For every social role there is a complementary
set of roles in the social structure among which
● It is of primary importance to prepare early in life interaction constantly occurs.
by cultivating other role options at age 50-60 in

● For short, role means, what is the specific role Determinants of positive perceptions
that this person is working on for the past years
of his or her life (was he or she a teacher, a
in retirement and positive reactions
nurse, a doctor, a mother, etc.). toward role discontinuities:


● Is the period between near retirement and post ● Refer to the physiological and mental state of the
retirement years. In the medico-physiologic respondents, classified as either sickly or healthy.
terms, this equates with the climacteric period of ● If an elderly is healthy, meaning he or she can still
adjustment and readjustment to another tempo of function and can still do activities of daily living.
life. According to Sr. Letty Kuan, there is still a good
● If you are entering your change of life or if you chance that this person will have fruitful aging
are about to retire, you have to start adjusting and positive reaction towards role discontinuity as
yourself since you will be entering another phase compared to those who are sick already in the
of life which is retirement. first place.
RETIREE ● (Economic Level) Refers to the financial affluence
of the respondent which can be classified as
● Is an individual who has left the position occupied
poor, moderate or rich.
for the past years of productive life because
● Money or income can change how a person can
he/she has reached the prescribed retirement
see his or her retirement phase. Does he or she
age or has completed the required years of
have enough money or savings to go through the
retirement phase? Will there be other sources of
● In the Philippines, it is between 50-65 years old
income when he or she will stop working?
or our senior citizens.
● After you retire, will you apply for another job that
ROLE DISCONTINUITY will not have age requirements, or will you stay at
● Is the interruption in the line of status enjoyed or home?
role performed. The interruption may be brought ● Status of an individual according to his or her
about by an accident, emergency, and change of work.
position or retirement. (4) FAMILY CONSTELLATION
● If an individual was once a teacher, a nurse, or ● Means the type of family composition described
any other professional occupations, if an either close knit or extended family where three
individual discontinues that, there will be an or more generations of family members live under
interruption in the lines of status that individual one roof; or distanced family. Whose members
performed. live in separate dwelling units; or nuclear type of
family where only husband, wife and children live
● The support group, especially the family, is a
● Refer to the interventions or measures applied to
strong determinant for positive perception in the
solve a problematic situation or state in order to
retirement phase. According to Sr. Letty Kuan, if
restore or maintain equilibrium and normal
an elderly person will have a good family
constellation, support group, etc. the elderly will
● Of course, our elederly clients or elderly folks, will
better accept his or her fruitful aging because he
also need to undergo coping approaches since
or she will have more time to spend with the
the retirement phase or retirement life is a drastic
family in the remaining years of his or her life.
change in their life. Hence, they have to cope up
to maintain equilibrium and normal functioning so
that they will not go through depression or ● It is the preparation of self to the possible
physical deterioration. outcomes in life.
● Were you able to prepare physically, financially,
emotionally, and spiritually? Before retirement do
you have insurance, pension, monthly money you
will receive from the government or any private
agencies. Were you able to prepare for that
ahead of time? What if you get sick? Do you

have health insurance, health card? Do you have professionalism or expertise but also benevolent
businesses you can still continue after you retire? work as in charitable actions with the colleagues.
➔ Self-preparation is investing not in monetary
benefits but in something that gives them
FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS dignity; enhancing their feelings of self-worth
1. Health status dictates the capacities and the and happiness.
type of role one takes both for the present and for ➔ Elderly people start doing things that they
the future. like, that they will be passionate about even
➔ It fits for everyone to maintain and promote after they retire. So that when they retire,
health at all ages because only proper care of they still have something else to do that they
the mind and body is needed to maintain like.
health in old age. 6. To cope with the changes brought by
2. Family constellation is a positive index retirement, one must cultivate interest in
regarding retirement positively and also in recreational activities to channel feelings of
reacting to role discontinuities. depression or isolation and facing realities
➔ In the Philippines, the family undoubtedly through confrontation with some issues.
stands as the security or trusting ank where 7. To perceive retirement positively, it requires
all members, young and old can always run early socialization of the various roles we take in
and get help. life. The best place to start is at home extending
➔ When one retires, the shock of the role to schools, neighborhood, the community and
discontinuities is softened because the family society in general.
not only cushions the impact, but also offers ➔ In retirement, their fellow retirees are their
gainful substitutes, as in providing monetary own best advocates. To facilitate this, barriers
support, absorbing emotional strains that to full participation in the areas where
often times with discontinuities and other important decisions are rich should be
forms of surrogating. eliminated in order to give recognition and
➔ Health status and family constellation will appreciation of the knowledge, wisdom,
have a great impact on how a person will experience, and values which are the social
perceive retirement stage. assets that make the retired age and the
3. Income has a high correlation with both the custodians’ folk wisdom.
perception of retirement and reactions toward ➔ The challenge to other people is to make
discontinuities. retirement fruitful, enjoyable, and desirable.
➔ Since income is one of the factors that secure So how can we help our elderly people so
the outlook of an individual, efforts must be that they may feel that their retirement
exerted to save and spend money wisely phase is happy and enjoyable? We should
while still actively earning in order to have start making a comfortable home for them,
some reservation when one grows old. we should start having more community
➔ It also implies that retirement pensions programs that elderly people can enjoy, etc.
should be adjusted to meet the demands of 8. Government agency to construct a holistic pre
the elderly. retirement preparation program which will take
➔ This should be done in order to have a more care of the retiree’s finances, psychological.
relevant and realistic pension and benefit Emotional and social needs.
adjustment. ➔ A challenge for the government to have a
4. Work status goes hand in hand with economic holistic retirement program for our elderly
security that generates decent compensation. people. Increase in pension, increase
➔ For the retired, it implies that retirement programs that can assist the mental health
should not be conceptualized as a period of and emotional needs of the elderly.
no work because capabilities to function get 9. Retirement should be recognized as the
sharpened and refined as they practice it on fulfillment of every individual’s birthright and must
a regular basis. live meaningfully.
➔ Work enhances the aspects of self-esteem ➔ Retirement should be something to look
and contributes to the feeling of wellness forward to.
even at an old age.
5. Self Preparation which is said to be both
therapeutic and recreational in essence pays its
worth in old age. This does not only account for ● The theory of Sister Letty G. Kuan stated that
without positive acquisitions during childhood, the

person (patient) will be “in a pathological state” to

delinquency. Now, this is the challenge that
nurses will face. The role of the nurse is to put
back what they have missed during childhood
and to fill this gap. Nurses need to let them
acquire good things through setting an example
and to make them feel loved and important. The
role of the nurse is to become a therapeutic self
and spiritual self by showing empathy and
● She quoted this:
“The Longer you stay in life, the more you have
acquired, the better you should be, the Legacy is

CARMENCITA M. ABAQUIN ● During the past decade, the incidence of cancer

has significantly increased not only in the
Philippines but also worldwide. Cancer has been
associated with multifaceted issues and concerns
To Nursing, may be able to provide the care that
regardless of stages of development. For patients
our clients need in maintaining their quality of life
with advanced progressive cancer, these problems
and being instrumental in “birthing” them to
are compounded, thus the need to develop
external life”
interventions that can address the needs,
especially those concerning the ability to be in
● Abaquin is a nurse with a Master's and Doctoral
control and maintain their dignity.
Degree in Nursing obtained from the University of
the Philippines College of Nursing. She is an
expert of Medical Surgical Nursing with PREPARE ME has the following
subspecialty in Oncologic Nursing, which made Components
her known both here and abroad. She had served
the University of the Philippines College of Nursing
her alma mater as faculty and held the position as PRESENCE
secretary of the college of nursing. Her latest
● Being with another during the times of need. This
appointment as chairman of the board of nursing
includes therapeutic communication, active
speaks to her competence and integrity in the field
listening, and touch.
she has chosen.
➔ If a nurse is called, and the nurse is not just
physically present but mentally and
PREPARE ME emotionally present with the patient, it is a big
help for the patient that someone is there to
● “Prepare Me” Interventions and the Quality of life care for them. That someone is really and
of Advance Progressive Cancer Patients” genuinely concerned for them.
● According to Abaquin, holistic nursing intervention
is “Prepare Me”.
● Recall of past experiences, feelings, and thoughts
to facilitate adaptation to present circumstances.
➔ This is a non-pharmacological intervention,
meaning you do not have to give any
medication, a non-pharmacological
intervention that boosts the self-esteem of the
patient for them to be happy and satisfied.
➔ How will you do Reminisce Therapy? By
helping them remember events, people,
places from their past lives so that they can
be happy.
➔ How are we (the nurses) going to remind
them of the happy places, events, and
significant people in their lives? You can
use different senses like the sense of sight,
touch, taste, smell, and sound.

● You have to encourage prayer whatever religion
your patient might believe in. As a nurse, you
should always encourage prayer. A nurse may
also pray together with the patient.

● Breathing-techniques to encourage and elicit
relaxation for the purpose of decreasing

undesirable signs and symptoms such as pain, BASIC ASSUMPTIONS AND

muscle tension, and anxiety.
➔ You should be able to provide relaxation
activities to your patient. The patient is
already terminally ill, and in order to provide a PREPARE ME (HOLISTIC NURSING
good quality of life aside from taking INTERVENTIONS)
medications, you should also provide
relaxation activities. ● Are the nursing interventions provided to address
the multi-dimensional problems chosen to be
confined. This program emphasizes a holistic
MEDITATION approach to nursing care.
● Encourages an elicit form of relaxation for the
purpose of altering a patient's level of awareness QUALITY OF LIFE
by focusing on an image or thought to facilitate
● Is a multifaceted construct that encompasses the
inner sight which helps establish connection and
individual’s capacities and abilities with an aim of
relationship with God. It may be done through the
enriching life when it cannot longer be prolonged.
use of music and other relaxation techniques.
This includes proper care of the body, mind, and
➔ Relaxation and Meditation go hand in hand
spirit to maintain integrity of the whole person
together because it helps the patient relax
despite limitations brought by the present
and be more comfortable.
● This can be seen with the following dimensions of
VALUES CLARIFICATION man-physical, psychological, social, religious, level
of independence, environment and spiritual.
● Assisting another individual to clarify his own
values about health and illness in order to facilitate
effective decision making skills. FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS
● Through this, the patient develops an open mind
that will facilitate acceptance of disease state or 1. Terminally-ill patients require a holistic approach of
may help deepen or enhance values. The process nursing that encompasses the different aspects of
of values clarification helps one become internally man namely physical, psychological, social,
consistent by achieving closer between what we religious, level of independence, environment and
do and what we feel. spirituality.
➔ Is an approach that helps clarify their goals, 2. Prepare me intervention as a basic part of care
priorities and their values. given to cancer patients is recommended, as well
➔ Even if they are terminally ill, they should as the incorporation of the intervention in the basic
know their goals, priorities, and values in nursing curriculum in the care of these patients.
order for them to arrive at a sound decision 3. The utilization of the intervention as a basic part of
making. care given to cancer patients is recommended. As
➔ A nurse should help with value clarification, to well as the incorporation of the intervention in the
prioritize the goals, to remember his or her basic nursing curriculum in the care of these
value so he or she can decide properly. patients.
4. 4. Development of training programs for care
➢ If a nurse will be able to provide these providers, as well as health care professionals
interventions or the PREPARE ME Interventions where intervention is a part of treatment
to their terminally ill cancer patients, a nurse can modalities, is also recommended.
be able to help them physically, socially, 5. For patients, an honest view and feedback
psychologically, religiously, spiritually, regarding their illness and management and
environmentally, and even in the level of obtaining their perceptions can lead to
independence. Hence, the patient will have a good improvement of services and communication
quality of life. between patients with advanced progressive
➢ If a nurse will be able to provide these cancer, their families and health team.
interventions, the output or the outcome will be 6. Supportive environment where patients with
symptom relief and quality of life for the patient. advanced progressive cancer and the terminally ill
patients can attain dignity of dying with peace
while their families are given the necessary
support they need to cope up with. Thus,
healthcare professionals and family members

have to provide this kind of venue whether in the

home or hospital setting. This will maintain a
holistic support for this special type of clients.

CECILIA LAURENTE ● The first 5 caring behaviors cited by patients


a) Respectful
● Local nursing theorist in the Philippines, who
b) Patience
focused her work on helping a patient through
c) Various helping acts
support systems, specifically the family. She has a
d) Gentleness
publication entitled "Categorization of Nursing
e) Guidance
Activities as Observed in Medical Surgical Ward
Units in Selected Government and Private
➔ These are the five caring behaviors that the
Hospitals in Metro Manila.
patients were able to determine.
● BSN Graduate from the University of the
➔ These are the patient's perception of a caring
Philippines (1967).
● Dean College of Nursing 1996-2002 UP-Manila.
● She is known for her work in the field of nursing. In
● The rest of the findings are:
her theory of nursing practice, she emphasized
effective communication and championed using
✓ Competence
the family as an entry point to help a patient.
✓ Therapeutic touch
● Focused her work on helping a patient through
✓ Verbal communication
support systems, specifically the family.
✓ Close proximity/is accessible
● She has a publication entitled "Categorization of
✓ Active listening
Nursing Activities as Observed in Medical Surgical
✓ Smiling/cheerful/with humor
Ward Units in Selected Government and Private
Hospitals in Metro Manila.
● It is a fact that these caring behaviors require extra
● In the recent study of Laurente, she states that
time and energy on the part of nurses, but these
another entry point of helping the patient is
behaviors would pave the way to infuse quality of
through the family, when nurses can be of great
life on the clients. They feel that they are persons
assistance to prevent at the very beginning
with dignity and it is at this time when they are ill
serious complications. The nurse can help
that they need caring the most. The client's
strengthen the family’s term of knowledge, skills,
perception of the effects of nurses' caring
and attitude through effective communication,
behaviors was varied.
employed informative, psychotherapeutic,
● Some of them feel happy/satisfied (99.53 percent),
modeling, behavioral, cognitive behavioral, and
secured/relaxed (7.42 percent), with increased
hypnotic techniques that are summarized and
fighting spirit (92.58 percent), with increased hope
for early recovery (86.77 percent), trustful of the
nurse (55.16 percent): Any combination of these is
THEORY OF NURSING PRACTICE AND characteristic of well-being. They feel that
although they are ill, there is someone, the nurse,
whom they can entrust their whole being.
● A unique trademark of a genuine nurse who ● Based on the results of the study, it can be
demonstrates excellence in nursing practice is concluded that nurses' caring behaviors have an
caring behavior. This is said to be a subconscious impact on the well-being of the clients that go
effort to be sensitive and respond to human needs beyond physiologic responses. They feel that they
and the human person. The study was undertaken are cared for by nurses, not merely to improve
to determine the effects of nurses caring behaviors their nutritional status or maintain fluid and
on the clients. electrolyte balance but to boost their personhood
and dignity.
● Specifically, the following questions were

1) What are the perceptions of the clients of

what a caring nurse is to them?
2) What are the perceptions of the clients of
the effects on them of the nurses caring

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