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Lesson Structure in Schools

 Discuss the concepts that influence school organization
as a part of a larger organization in response to
community contexts.
 Describe various functions and roles of various
members of the school community based on policies
and procedures to foster harmonious working

Hello students. Welcome to Lesson 10: The Teacher as School
Culture Catalyst.
The first major topic for this module Structure in School will allow
you to explore the different structures in school as well as their influence in
the organization. The goals and activities of the people in the organization are
shaped by its structure which makes one school different from one another. It
creates the unique school culture and climate that contribute in the growth and
development of teachers, students and all stakeholders.
The second topic is on the Organizational Culture of Schools. This
topic will give you a picture of how school culture makes one school unique.


____ ____
Identify eight (8) factors
that influence the teacher
performance in school.
Write them inside the
blank circles surrounding ____ PERFORMANCE ____
the word TEACHER/ in school
school. Then, rank them ____ ____
with 1 as the strongest
factor, and so on. ____
1. What are your first three factors that influence the teacher/student/non-teaching
personnel performance in school? How do you think they influence teacher


Structures in School
Each school as an institution is distinct from one another. The interaction of
the school heads, teachers, students and other stakeholders which leads to a unique
educational experiences of the learners is influenced by the complex social structures
of the school (Turkkahraman,2015). And it will be beneficial to identify and explore
some sociological concepts to understand behaviors of students, teachers, and school
administrators in school.

Classical Weberian Bureaucracy

Karl Emil Maximilian Weber (pronounced Vay’- ber) was one of most influential
theorists who was resolving issues on how workers do tasks efficiently.
• Was born in Germany in 1864, died in 1920
• Grew up during the Industrialization era
• Was interested in Industrial Capitalism and in inequality
• Was drawn to know the varied effects of capitalism in different countries
• Observed capitalism in the United States in 1904
• Saw that capitalism in the USA resulted to competition and innovation
• Recognized the link between professional managers and economic
• Contrasted USA and Germany capitalistic practices on the issue of control,
position, authority based on social standing and connections, family and
social relationships
• Realized that an individual’s social status, individual’s charisma, and
personality characteristics are crucial elements for one to have authority or
According to Weber, organizations maneuvered using rational authority which is
granted to competent and qualified people are considered more efficient, and this is
what bureaucracy is. And this bureaucracy is a strong tool to make people accomplish
tasks under a system of rules and within hierarchy of authority (Neubeck and
Glasberg, 2005).

Table 1. Weber’s Six Rules of a Bureaucracy

Characteristic of the
Each level controls the levels below and is
controlled by the level above. Authority and
responsibilities are clearly defined for each
Tasks are clearly defined and employees
become skilled by specializing in doing one
Division of Labor
thing. There is clear definition of authority
and responsibility.
Employee selection and promotion are
based on experience, competence, and
Formal Selection
technical qualification demonstrated by
examinations, education, or training. There
is no nepotism.
Management is separate from ownership,
and managers are career employees.
Career Orientation
Protection from arbitrary dismissal is
Rules and regulations are documented to
Formal Rules and ensure reliable and predictable behavior.
Regulations Managers must depend on formal
organizational rules in employee relations.
Rules are applied uniformly to everyone.
Impersonality There is no preferential treatment or

Further Readings:
Rao, S. and Smriti,S. (2018).Max Weber’s Contribution to the Sociology of
Education: A Critical Appreciation. Available @ https://journals.sagepub.
Formalization of Structure
Organization structure speaks about how an individual or team performs in the
organization to implement and achieve its goals and objectives. It generally shapes the
behavior and work performance of the people within the organization. The four
aspects of organizational structure have been the concern of various studies in order to
improve the dynamics in the organization: centralization, formalization, hierarchical
levels, and departmentalization.

Formalization is the extent to which an organization’s policies, procedures, job

descriptions, and rules are written and explicitly articulated. Formalized structures
are those in which there are many written rules and regulations. These structures
control employee behavior using written rules, so that employees have little autonomy
to decide on a case-by-case basis. An advantage of formalization is that it makes
employee behavior more predictable. Whenever a problem at work arises, employees
know to turn to a handbook or a procedure guideline. Therefore, employees respond
to problems in a similar way across the organization; this leads to consistency of

Formalization has its weaknesses though it gives direction to employees and

lessens ambiguity. If high degree of formalization is present in the organization,
innovativeness may weaken because employees are already comfortable with what
they are having or what they are into. With this work environment, motivation and job
satisfaction are low as well as the decision-making pace is slow. Thus, organizational
crisis is the only way to make critical decision making to address issues and problems.

Other aspects of Organizational Structure

Centralization is the degree to which decision-making authority is concentrated
at higher levels in an organization.  In centralized companies, many important
decisions are made at higher levels of the hierarchy, whereas in decentralized
companies, decisions are made and problems are solved at lower levels by
employees who are closer to the problem in question.
Levels of Hierarchy is dependent on the size of the organization. It can be tall
structures with several layers of management between frontline employees and
the top level, and flat structures consist of only a few layers.

Departmentalization can be categorized as either functional which means jobs

are based on similarity of functions or divisional which means jobs are based on
the uniqueness of products, services, clients or location the company is serving.

(source: Organizational Structure. Retrieved from principles

management/chapter/7-3- organizational-structure/#:~:text =Marquez%2C%202007).-,
Mintzberg’s Coordinating Mechanism of Structure

Meaning, power and norms as social interaction elements are produced and
reproduced by the behavior of the people in the organization (Giddens,1979).
Henry Mintzberg posits that organization has dimensions that make an organization
distinct from one another:
1. the key part of the organization that critically plays the role in determining its
success or failure;
2. the prime coordinating mechanism which is the major method used in
coordinating its activities; and
3. they type of decentralization used in involving the subordinates in the
decision-making process.

Mintzberg’s Key Parts of Organization

1. Strategic apex (includes senior management)

2. Middle line (links strategic apex to operating core)
3. Operating core (handles operational processes)
4. Technostructure (includes analysists of various sorts)
5. Support staff (supports and offers services to the organization)
6. Ideology (includes company's norms and values)

Table 2. Mintzberg’s Five Organizational Structure

Structural Prime Key Part of Type of
Configuration Coordinating Organization Decentralization
Simple Direct Strategic apex Vertical and horizontal
structure supervision centralization
Machine Standardization Technostructure Limited horizontal
Bureaucracy of work decentralization
Professional Standardization Operating core Vertical and horizontal
bureaucracy of skills decentralization
Divisionalized Standardization Middle line Limited vertical
form of outputs decentralization
Adhocracy Mutual Support staff Selective
adjustment decentralization

Coordinating Mechanisms
The five prime mechanisms for coordinating the work of the members of an
1) Direct supervision - Through specific orders or one-to-many monitoring of
the work processes. This usually means that every worker or group, reports
directly to one manager. A manager may have to supervise several groups,
increasing the span of control.

2) Standardization of skills - To ensure that everyone has the same

knowledge and qualifications.

3) Standardization of work processes - Every work process follows a

predefined path and a set of rules.

4) Standardization of outputs - Sets up measures for the outcomes of the


5) Mutual adjustment (informal communication) - Lets individuals

coordinate their own work and communication between peers are the
crucial activity which makes this possible. As a result of a high level of
cooperation, it is used equally and often in both very small and simple

(source: Mintzberg’s Structure in Five. Retrieved from )

Further Readings:
2. )
3. The. Structuring of organizations. Henry Mintzberg. Available @
4. Caramela, S. (2018). The Management Theory of Mintzberg. Available @.

The DepEd Organizational Structure (based on Republic Act No. 9155)

The Department of Education responded to this call for transformation through

modification of the DepEd’s organizational structure. The recent approved
organizational structures are in harmony with the provisions of RA 9155 in its
implementation of the principles of decentralization and shared governance that
warrants accountability and relevance to the developmental needs and context of the
learners and other stakeholders of different organizational levels. With the
hierarchical and bureaucratic structure, it is expected that relevant and effective
school leadership will produce effective teacher leadership and competent learners.

RA9155 An Act Instituting A Framework Of Governance For Basic Education,

Establishing Authority And Accountability, Renaming The Department Of
Education, Culture And Sports As The Department Of Education, And For Other

SECTION 1. Short Title. – This Act shall be known as the “Governance of Basic
Education Act of 2001.”

SEC. 2. Declaration of Policy. – It is hereby declared the policy of the State to protect
and promote the right of all citizens to quality basic education and to make such
education accessible to all by providing all Filipino children a free and compulsory
education in the elementary level and free education in the high school level. Such
education shall also include alternative learning systems for out-of-school youth and
adult learners. It shall be the goal of basic education to provide them with the skills,
knowledge and values they need to become caring, self- reliant, productive and
patriotic citizens.

The school shall be the heart of the formal education system. It is where children
learn. Schools shall have a single aim of providing the best possible basic education
for all learners.

Governance of basic education shall begin at the national level. It is at the regions,
divisions, schools and learning centers — herein referred to as the field offices —
where the policy and principle for the governance of basic education shall be
translated into programs, projects and services developed, adapted and offered to fit
local needs.

The State shall encourage local initiatives for improving the quality of basic
education. The State shall ensure that the values, needs and aspirations of a school
community are reflected in the program of education for the children, out-of-school
youth and adult learners. Schools and learning centers shall be empowered to make
decisions on what is best for the learners they serve.

20Regular% 20Session-,Republic%20Act%20No.,EDUCATION%2C%20AND%20FOR%20 OTHER

Organizational Structure of the Department of Education Field Offices (RA


To implement the mandate, vision, mission, and goals of the Department of

Education, structural components are specifically established to ensure clarity of
functions, responsibility, and accountability. As new and young teachers, the
structure and hierarchical levels will help you understand the movement in the

Section 2 of RA 9155 stipulates that “Governance of basic education shall

begin at the national level. It is at the regions, divisions, schools and learning centers
— herein referred to as the field offices — where the policy and principle for the
governance of basic education shall be translated into programs, projects and
services developed, adapted and offered to fit local needs.”

DepED Order No. 52, s. 2016 New Organizational Structures of the Central,

Regional and Schools Division Offices of the Department of Education “  as a result
of the Rationalization Program (EO 366) and to assume office functions in the
rationalized structure until the end of December 2015.
(Source: DO 52, S. 2015. AVAILABLE @
organizational- structures-of-the-central-regional-and-schools-division-offices-of-the-department-of-

Further Readings:
1. Organizational Structure of the Department of Education Field Offices (RA 9155),PPT.
Available @
2. DepEd Organizational Structure/PDF/PPT/
3. DepEd Organizational Structure (based on RA 9155) PPT Available @
4. Macasaet, Alfornso. Governance Of The Education Sector. Available @

You are going to interview one (1) teacher who works in the
private school or in the public school. It can be done via zoom or any platform
where you can communicate with the interviewee on how he/she functions in
his/her school as organization. Ask politely if he/she can talk on the following
about his/her school as organization:
1. Who does the hiring, promoting and firing of teachers?
2. Whom do they get instruction in relation to their classroom duties and
3. How do they describe their school as organization in terms of decision-
4. What common issues of task delegation do they encounter?
5. What actions can they recommend to create better school

Make a summary of the interview results and write your Insight on how
teachers and their classroom performance are influenced by their
organizational structure. Be able to discuss at least three (3) major points
based from the information/ knowledge you gained from this lesson. You can
use bond paper or yellow sheets of paper for your write-up.
Yes! You successfully finish the first topic of Lesson 9. I hope that you gained
awareness on the challenges a teacher encounters in school as a dynamic
organization. So, you are now ready for the next topic Organizational Culture of

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