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Inquiries, Investigations, and Immersion

Brainstorming for Research Topics



Do you have any idea what Inquiries, Investigations, and Immersion is? It is a
common subject included in K-12 Basic Education Curriculum. This will develop the
critical thinking and problem solving skills through qualitative and quantitative
Inquiry is defined as “the systematic search of information, knowledge, and truth
about certain thing”. It is the process of solving problem through researching and
probing. It involves questioning and interrogation.
Investigation is the systematic examination to uncover facts regarding the matter.
Investigation is done carefully and by thoroughly inspecting details in organized
manner and assessing facts which are uncovered in the process.
Immersion means that the researchers immerse themselves in the culture they are
studying. The payoff of immersion is usually immense as the researcher can gain
more information than through other method.


According to Clarke and Clarke, research is a careful, systematic and objective

investigation conducted to obtain valid facts, draw conclusions and establish
principles regarding an identifiable problem in some field of knowledge.

Another meaning from the American College of Dictionary, 1964 states that
research is a diligent and systematic inquiry or investigation into a subject in order to
discover facts or principles.
In addition to, OECD, 2002 states that research comprises “creative work
undertaken on a systematic basis in order to increase the stock of knowledge of man,
culture and society, and the use of this stock of knowledge to devise new applications.
Quantitative research entails the collection of numerical data and exhibiting
the view of relationship between theory and research as deductive, a predilection for
natural science approach, and as having an objectivist conception of social reality,
Bryman and Bell (2005, p. 154).

Qualitative research, on the other hand, asks broad questions and collects
word data from phenomena or participants. The researcher looks for themes and
describes the information in themes and patterns exclusive to that set of participants.
Given the meaning of research, why is it that research is so important for you
as student? Here are some reasons.
• research enhances knowledge
• research clarifies confusion
• research helps students to have a proper understanding of the
• research helps students to learn about the methods and issues
• research helps students understand the published work
• research helps students learn to create a balance between
collaborative and individual work
• research helps students know their interest

Why does a student like you need to write a Research paper?

 to communicate and convey your ideas
 to describe experiments, processes, approaches and results
 to dive deep into a subject or topic that you are interested in
 to learn something that will change the way you look at the world
Directions: Write words related to the keyword that is inside the box. Write your
answers on the space next to the arrow. If you are done, you may proceed to the next
Activity. Do this activity in a separate paper.



EXAMPLE: Information





EXAMPLE: Scientific


EXAMPLE: Involvement


Directions: Use the identified word/s from the first activity in a sentence and
write a paragraph related to the given word. Do this activity in a separate sheet of




Inquiries, Investigations, and Immersion

Research Topics

A research topic is an issue that a researcher is interested in when conducting

research. A well-defined research topic is the starting point of every successful
research project. Choosing a topic is a process by which researchers explore, define,
and refine their ideas.
A good topic helps in demonstrating the usefulness of your study and hence
the reason why good topic is important for your research. An irrelevant topic
translates directly to an irrelevant value. But to whom should the topic appear relevant
that’s another integral question one should first deeply consider. The answer is quite
simple; the topic must be relevant to the parties involved in your research. The starting
point for a good research topic lies within you and your educational program. A good
topic must be able to cover scientific, social, or practical relevance in the entire study.
The research topic must depict some relevance to you as a person. Since you
will be dealing with your research for a longer period of time, the research subject you
choose must also have some significance in you as an individual. This explains that
we always insist on finding good topic for research before commenting on anything.
Some students have experienced some challenging moments and even failed to
maintain their momentum due to poor topic selection. In conducting your research, be
patient, persistent, and diligent.



A good research topic is a comprehensive task and requires a great deal of
effort on your part as a researcher. Your research topic is the most important factor in
determining the success of your study. A good research topic should have the
following qualities:

Cover a Specific Subject. Good research paper is specific. While a simple

internet search yields thousands of possible research topics, many of these are too
general. Choose a topic that isn’t too broad and could focus on many different aspects.
For example, social issues in the Philippines are a good topic to write about but it is
broad. Instead, you can choose one aspect of social issues such as poverty,
unemployment, early teen pregnancy, bullying, broken family, absenteeism etc.

Make the Topic Relevant. Choose to write about topics that are relevant. In
order to make your topic timely, focus on current issues or find a way to make your
preferred topic relevant to what is going on in the world. For example, a topic with
regards to school bullying might seem to be overused. Think of some topics that are
rarely or yet to be used as a research topic.


1. Clarity is the most important quality of any research topic. The topic
should have to be clear so that others can easily understand the nature of your
research. The research topic should have a single interpretation so that people cannot
get distracted. The topic should have to be very clear in your mind so that you can
properly undertake it.

2. Well-defined and well-phrased research topic is a half guarantee of a

successful research. Sometimes researchers phrase the research topic in such a way
that it gives a double-barreled impression. The research topic should have to be
welldefined and well-phrased and it should have to be easy to understand.

3. The language of the research topic should have to be simple. You

should use technical terms only when it is necessary, otherwise use simple words so
that everyone can understand it. Keep the ethics of writing in your mind to avoid any
unethical term or sentence. Do not introduce any sort of bias directly or indirectly,
willingly or unwillingly in the research problem or research topic.
4. The titling of the research problem should follow the rules of titling.
There are various rules of titling. When formulating an effective research title, take the
following guidelines into consideration:
indicate accurately the subject and the scope of the study.
the title must be limited to 10 to 15 substantive words. Conjunctions (
and, but, because), prepositions (in, on, at) and articles (the, a, an) are
not counted.
do not include analysis of, study of, and investigation of and the like.
the title must be in phrase form.
avoid title that gives too much information.
5. Current importance should also be the consideration of the researcher
while selecting a research topic. An obsolete topic will not be beneficial for anyone the
topic should have current importance. You should also assess how much the topic will
provide benefit to the field in which you are conducting the study.

Guidelines for Choosing a Topic

Often you're assigned a topic to write about or asked to choose among several
topics. When you can choose your own topic, keep the following points in mind:

• Choose a topic that's appropriate to the length of your paper. Students

often pick topics that are too broad to be adequately covered. Narrow topics lead to
close observation, while broad topics lead to overgeneralization.
• Avoid a topic that will tempt you to summarize rather than to discuss or
analyze. Don't choose the plot of Macbeth but how the final scene of Macbeth
illustrates the play's theme. The second topic is narrower and less likely to lead to
summary. When considering a topic, ask yourself if it can lead to a reasonable
• Choose a topic that interests you. If you don't care about limiting cigarette
advertising, don't select it as a topic for a persuasive essay. You'll have more to say,
and you'll write better, on something you care about. Generally, if you choose a topic
that is interesting to you, then your reader will find it interesting too.
• If your assignment requires research, choose a topic on which you can
find material. Even when you aren't writing a research paper, make sure you select
a subject that you can develop with sufficient details.

It. can help you develop an idea for a topic and identify questions and keywords.
Brainstorming, mindmaps and concepts maps are terms that are often used
interchangeably. They all refer to a quick, simple technique for generating and
focusing ideas and making connections between concepts.

When brainstorming, don't worry about grammar, spelling, or formatting initially. Just
jot down ideas until you can't think of anymore, then go back and make connections
between the ideas. If an idea appeals to you, make it the center idea on a new piece
of paper and brainstorm more details.

Example of Brainstorming 1: Mindmap

Here's an example of a mindmap. The student used colors to organize his ideas: red
is the idea he started with, green are broader concepts, black are subtopics. He put
a red star on the topic he decided to focus on.

Example of a mindmap.
Example of Brainstorming 2: Concept Map

This shows a more formal example of brainstorming to go from a broad topic

(broken family) to narrower topics (financial and health problems), to even more
narrow topics (like lack of job, have STD’s and third party involve).
Topic Narrower Topic Even Narrower
Broken family Financial problem Lack of job
Cannot buy needs and

Health problem Have STD’s

Misunderstanding Third party involve


Directions: Think of specific research topics from the broad topics listed below.
Write your answers in a separate sheet of paper. Use the rubric as your
 online games
 social media
 grades
 malnutrition
 teenage pregnancy
 college courses
 sports
 drugs
 gadgets
 online classes For example:
Broad Topic: Grades
Specific Topic: Impacts of Absenteeism to the Number of Dropouts in School.

1. Broad Topic: _________________________________________

Specific Topic: ________________________________________

2. Broad Topic: _________________________________________

Specific Topic: ________________________________________

3. Broad Topic: _________________________________________

Specific Topic: ________________________________________

4. Broad Topic: _________________________________________

Specific Topic: ________________________________________

5. Broad Topic: _________________________________________

Specific Topic: ________________________________________

Performance Excellent Good Average Poor

Idea Ideas clearly Ideas may be Ideas are Ideas not
development organized and evident but the present but developed and
supported organizational vague and do lack
throughout the structure not flow organization
essay needs to be smoothly
(10 points) (8-10) (6-7) (4-5) (1-3)
Elaboration Well written. Well written. Awkward Poor writing
Fully elaborated Most points writing style. with little or no
points with elaborated with Points are specific details
clear and clear and general. Errors
accurate detailed are present.
information information
(6-7) (4-5) (1-3)
(10 points)
Mechanics No critical 2-3 critical 4-5 critical 6 or more
errors errors errors errors
interfering with interfering with interfering with interfering with
comprehension comprehension comprehension comprehension
(5 points) (4-5) (3) (2) (1)
(09/18/2019) Adopted from http://www.rubrics.com / rubrics/ Essay.html


Research is an important tool for students in order for them to express

themselves, find better innovations and solutions to a problem, test some experiments
and so much more.
In order for student researchers land with a great research, they must first come
up with a good research topic. A good research topic is somewhat a foundation to
gauge the success or failure of a research. So students must remember that a good
topic cannot be made on just a one night basis, it has to take some time.
Brainstorming is one way of to help students develop an idea for their research
topic. This method refer to quick, simple technique for generating and focusing ideas
and making connections between concepts. One does not need to worry about the
grammar nor the spelling of the words. They just need to jot down notes in order to
make the broad topic narrower for a clearer and better research topic.

Directions: Multiple Choice: Read the questions carefully and select the letter of the
correct answer. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.

21. John is doing his research, which of the following is the mistake committed by
John in doing his research?
A. John paraphrased skillfully to avoid the exact statement of his source.
B. John quoted accurately and directly the source of his research.
C. John signaled the presence of a quotation skillfully.
D. John acknowledge his source carefully.

22. Which of the following is NOT a consideration when writing a research title?
A. the title must be in phrase form.
B. the title must be limited to 10 to 15 substantive words.
C. indicate accurately the subject and the scope of the study.
D. should include analysis of, study of, and investigation of and the like.

23. What is the process of solving problem through researching and probing?
A. Inquiry C. Immersion
B. Investigation D. Research

24. Which of the following is done carefully and by thoroughly inspecting details in an
organized manner?
A. Inquiry C. Immersion
B. Investigation D. Research

25. Which is said to be the payoff or gain in immersion?

A. Compensation C. More knowledge
B. Money D. High grade

26. Which of the following is the essence of research? A. Misunderstanding society

and social processes
B. Giving misinformation to people
C. Destroying theories
D. Enhancing knowledge

27. Johnny is angry that he is going to make another research paper in the next
semester; Henry, Johnny’s classmate explained that research is important for
students like them in what manner?
A. To create conflict among students like them.
B. To communicate and convey their ideas.
C. To be included in the honor roll.
D. To get good grades.

28. All of the following data refers to quantitative research EXCEPT?

A. Broad questions C. Numerical figure
B. Large sample D. Pie chart and bar graph

29. Cathy is making a quantitative research and she is aware that among the following
is the most widely used branch of mathematics in quantitative research?
A. Algebra C. Statistics
B. Calculus D. Trigonometry

30. Which is an ongoing process in which researchers explore, define and refine their
A. Asking questions C. Making the statement of the problem
B. Choosing a topic D. Writing questionnaires

31. Which of the following is a sign of a good research topic? A. Creating confusion to
B. Translating into irrelevant research value.
C. Demonstrating the usefulness of the study.
D. Displaying irrelevance of the research paper.

32. When you are writing a research paper, you should be aware that all of the
following are characteristics of a good research EXCEPT?
A. The topic should be relevant C. The topic educates the readers

B. The topic should be obsolete D. The topic is the researcher’s interest

33. Which of the following is the most important quality of a research topic?
A. The topic is broad C. The topic is complicated
B. The topic is clear D. The topic is vague

34. Which of the following is a well phrased and easy to understand research topic?
A. Clear C. Relevant
B. Simple D. Well defined
35. Sydney does not use technical terms in her research topic, instead, she uses
words that can be easily understand by people. Which of the following defines
Sydney’s research topic?
A. Clear C. Relevant
B. Simple D. Well defined

36. Jane makes use of the topic, “Covid 19 in Dagupan City”. Which of the following
quality describe the research of Jane?
A. Clear C. Relevant
B. Current importance D. Well defined

37. Which of the following is irrelevant in brainstorming?

A. Make connections between the ideas
B. Be careful with your grammar
C. Do not worry about spelling
D. Just jot down ideas

38. Why is it that students are advised to have a narrow and simple topic instead of a
broad one?
A. A narrow topic will lead you to summarize your research.
B. A narrow topic will confuse the readers about the research.
C. A narrow topic will give the readers a clear idea on your research.
D. A narrow topic will only lead to more revisions and expenses on your

39. Caleb is frustrated because he cannot find additional resources for his research.
Where can Caleb find additional resources for his research?
A. Google C. Hearsay from their other friend
B. Gossips of their neighbors D. Story of his grandfather

40. Paul does not like the topic given by his teacher. Paul cannot do well on his
research PRIMARILY because?

A. He doesn’t have enough resources

B. The topic is too broad
C. The topic is not clear enough
D. The topic does not interest him

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