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1) Facemask come in many forms, each aimed at a particular sector of the market.

t. Consider a design of 3-ply facemask using nanomaterials. C5

i. Identify TWO (2) constraints that must be met for each of the facemask design. [2]
ii. Justify each of the identified constraints in (i). [4]
2) Please describe your level of experience with 1-dimensional, 2 dimensional and 3-dimensional nanomaterials in your research (or if you have C3
planned any) and describe their unique properties to what you aim at the end of your project. [6]

3) Explain the nanoscience and nanotechnology mechanisms of size dependence of colours in gold nanoclusters. C2
modification needed at the layout-design.
4) The world today is currently facing to a Covid-19 pandemic. Hence, technological applications like non-contact infrared thermometer and a C5
rapid test kit are increasingly receiving the attention of mankind. Your supervisor is planning to produce an ultra-fast biosensor rapid test kit. [8]
i) Propose the most suitable nanomaterials for the rapid test kit. [6]
[Note: Show the nanomaterials expected performance and design requirement in your answer. Your evaluated candidates should include at [4]
least two materials.]
ii) Describe the nanoscience and nanotechnology mechanism that you will adopt to produce the biosensors.
iii) Sketch the biosensors design that you will use in (ii).
voltages, timing different etc.

Figure 1
Figure 1 shows the Moore’s Law (Source: Transistor_Count_and_Moore%27s_Law_-_2008.svg): C4
i) Suggest the change needed for small semiconductor industry in order to survive in this crisis. [2]
ii) How do you see about this law now? [1]

Hak Cipta Terpelihara UPM

All Rights Reserved UPM

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