Effects of Trunk Rehabilitation With Kinesio and Placebo Taping

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Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation

ISSN: 1074-9357 (Print) 1945-5119 (Online) Journal homepage: https://www.tandfonline.com/loi/ytsr20

Effects of trunk rehabilitation with kinesio and

placebo taping on static and dynamic sitting
postural control in individuals with chronic stroke:
A randomized controlled trial

Yong-Hun Cho, Kyun-Hee Cho & Shin-Jun Park

To cite this article: Yong-Hun Cho, Kyun-Hee Cho & Shin-Jun Park (2020): Effects of trunk rehabilitation
with kinesio and placebo taping on static and dynamic sitting postural control in individuals with chronic
stroke: A randomized controlled trial, Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation, DOI: 10.1080/10749357.2020.1747672

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Published online: 06 Apr 2020.

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Effects of trunk rehabilitation with kinesio and placebo taping on static and dynamic
sitting postural control in individuals with chronic stroke: A randomized controlled trial
a a b
Yong-Hun Cho , Kyun-Hee Cho , and Shin-Jun Park
Department of physical therapy, AVENS Hospital, Anyang-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea; bDepartment of Physical Therapy, Gangdong

University, Chungcheongbuk-do, Republic of Korea


Background: Impaired trunk postural control is common after stroke. Combining kinesio taping with Received 30 December 2019
trunk rehabilitation has been shown to enhance the recovery of postural control ability in patients with Accepted 20 March 2020
stroke. KEYWORDS
Objective: We investigated whether the combination of kinesio taping with trunk rehabilitation would Trunk; rehabilitation;
improve dynamic and static sitting stability after stroke. kinesiotape; postural
Methods: Twenty-eight patients with stroke were recruited and randomly assigned to one of the two 8- control; stroke; sitting
week trunk rehabilitation programs with kinesio (experimental group) or placebo taping (control
group). Outcome measures were dynamic forward, dynamic backward, affected-side, and unaffected-side
sway areas, static sway area and length, and the total limit of stability (LOS) area. The variables were
measured using the BioRescue analysis system. All outcome measures were assessed at baseline and after
8 weeks of trunk rehabilitation.
Results: Significant increases were observed in the dynamic forward, dynamic backward, affected- side,
and unaffected-side sway areas, and the total LOS area, in the experimental and control groups,
whereas decreases were observed in the static sway area and length. The dynamic forward sway area
was significantly higher in the experimental group than in the control group, but there were no
significant differences between the groups in the other variables.
Conclusions: Trunk rehabilitation is effective for improving dynamic and static sitting stability after
stroke. The addition of kinesio taping to the back muscles further increases forward mobility.

are also developed in the chronic stage. 5 Therefore,
From a pathological perspective, disabilities that trunk rehabilitation has been performed to
prevent body organs from functioning properly improve the trunk control, sitting and standing
often develop in patients with stroke due to func- balance, and mobility in patients with stroke.6
tional limitations that lead to the impairment of Impairments on one side of the cerebral cortex
motor function, sensory function, postural control, usually result in the appearance of neurological
perception, range of motion, muscle tone, and symptoms in the arm and leg of the opposite side, 7
cardiovascular conditioning. These conditions are and, thus, interventions are finally applied there.
caused by loss of brain functions due to the block- However, recent studies have reported that exercise
age or rupture of blood vessels in the brain.1,2 using both legs is more effective than using the
Among these disabilities, impaired postural con- affected-side leg for the improvement of postural
trol may be caused by an inability to maintain the control ability in patients with stroke.8 Neurarchy
center of gravity, delayed onset of postural in the trunk does not involve control of only one
response, or loss of ability to modify the postural side of the body. Rather, control is shared by both
strategy.3 Patients with hemiparesis with trunk sides of the cerebral cortex. Consequently, patients
muscle weakness and altered trunk position sense with stroke experience trunk muscle weakening on
have poor trunk control, which leads to difficulties the affected and unaffected side. 9 However, as the
in sitting postural control.4 Greater impairments trunk is a single structure, an exercise method that

CONTACT Shin-Jun Park 3178310@naver.com Department of Physical Therapy, Gangdong University, 278, Daehak-gil, Danpyeong-ri, Gamgok-Myeon,
Eumseong-gun, Chungcheongbuk-do, Republic of Korea
© 2020 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
2 Y.-H. CHO ET

activates the trunk muscle can promote trunk func-

Anyang, Gyeonggi Province. Forty-five
tion on both sides, which can improve their
individuals were initially recruited for the study
physical function.10
and 28 of them met the inclusion criteria. The
Trunk rehabilitation increases trunk stability in
inclusion criteria were: (1) single stroke diagnosis;
patients with stroke and improves sitting postural
(2) onset time ≥ 6 months and < 2 years; (3) trunk
control11, standing posture, and gait ability.12 As
impair- ment scale (TIS) static balance score ≥ 5
alternatives to singular intervention methods,
points (score ranges from 0 to 7, interquartile
trunk rehabilitation methods that combine physi-
range from 5 to 7)30,31; (4) no damage to visual and
cal agent therapy, such as motor13 and sensory
vestibular senses; (5) Korean Mini-Mental State
nerve stimulation,10,14 have been introduced.
Examination (K-MMSE) score ≥ 24 points (score
Trunk rehabilitation exercise with physical therapy
ranges from 0 to 30, normal range: ≥ 24 points)32;
has an even greater effect on the trunk control and
(6) no ortho- pedic disorder in the spine; and (7)
gait ability of patients with stroke due to the sen-
normal find- ings in a pin prick test (assessment
sory input with respect to the trunk 10,14 and motor
for severe sensory deficits).33 Patients were asked
unit recruitment by the back muscles.13
to respond when the sensation of the paretic side
Kinesiotape stimulates proprioceptive receptor
was more or less sensitive, or comparable to that
when applied to the skin,15 by increasing motor
felt on the non-paretic side. The test was
nerve excitability16 and modulating muscle
conducted under eyes-open and eyes-closed
activity.17 Kinesiotape may be applied to patients
conditions. The exclu- sion criteria were: (1)
with stroke to relax and support shortened and
allergic reactions (irritant contact dermatitis) when
weakened muscles respectively and/or correct
taping was applied; (2) low back pain; (3)
body malalignment.18 In recent studies, taping of
previous spinal surgery history;
the shoulders or ankles of patients with stroke
(4) apraxia; (5) hemineglect; and (6) presence of
resulted in improvements in patients’ joint position
cerebellar and vestibular ataxia or orthopedic dis-
sense,19 hemiplegic shoulder pain,20 Berg Balance
order that may affect sitting postural control. The
scale (BBS) score, forward reach test, mediolateral
flowchart of recruitment is depicted in Figure 1.
sway area,21 step length, gait speed, and functional
ambulation classification.22
However, evidence supporting the effects of Sample size calculation
trunk taping on static and dynamic sitting stability
Analysis was performed based on the reported
is still lacking. Actually, on discharge from our
effects of additional core stability exercise on sitting
rehabilitation center, 40% of patients with stroke
postural control (Spanish version of TIS 2.0,
used a wheelchair and they were exposed to
dynamic sitting balance) in patients with stroke. 34
kyphosis due to looseness of the back support or
The sample size was calculated using the power
cushion of the wheelchair.23–25 For patients with
analysis software G*Power (version,
stroke with trunk malalignment, such as forward
Heinrich Heine University, Dusseldorf, Germany).
head posture and kyphosis, back muscle taping can
G*Power is an easy-to-use sample and power
be performed to correct their posture.24,26,27 This
calculation for a variety of statistical methods. It can
can improve body alignment28 and increase
calculate the number of samples and
postural control ability.29
power for F-, t-, χ2, Z, and exact tests. The effect
Therefore, our aim was to identify whether
size was derived using the mean and standard
trunk rehabilitation is more effective for static deviation of
and dynamic postural control improvement using dynamic sitting postural control among the
kinesio taping than placebo non-elastic tapes. primary outcomes. Based on the results, input of
an error probability of 0.05, power of 0.8, and
effect size of
Materials and methods 0.97 produced a total sample size of 28. Thus, 28
Participants patients were therefore selected for the study.

The study population consisted of patients with

stroke from the AVENS rehabilitation hospital in Study design
This study was conducted in accordance with the
ethical principles of the Helsinki Declaration.
4 Y.-H. CHO ET

Assessed for eligibility (n = 45)

Excluded (n = 17)
Not meeting the inclusion criteria (n = 17) TIS static balance score < 4 points
K-MMSE < 24 points
Severe sensory deficits (less sensitive)
Other reasons (n = 0)

Baseline assessment (n = 28)

Randomized (n = 28)

Allocated intervention (n = 14) Allocated intervention (n = 14)

Received allocated correction taping with trunk rehabilitation (n = 14)
Received allocated placebo taping with trunk rehabilitation (n = 14)
Did not receive allocated intervention (n = 0) Did not receive allocated intervention (n = 0)

Lost to follow-up (n = 0) Lost to follow-up (n = 0) Discontinued

Discontinued intervention (n = 0) intervention (n = 0)

Analyzed (n = 14) Analyzed (n = 14)

Figure 1. Flow flowchart of the participants selection.

K-MMSE, Korean-mini mental state examination; TIS, trunk impairment scale.

study was a randomized single-blind controlled

clin- ical trial (parallel treatment design). Initial therapists were randomly assigned to the patients.
assess- ment was performed after obtaining a All therapists possessed neurodevelopmental treat-
signed informed consent form from the candidates. ment certifications and at least 5 years of clinical
Concealed randomization after the baseline assess- experience. Taping was performed by three trained
ment was performed by an administrator not physical therapists, including one of the
directly involved in the study. Randomization was researchers. Assessments were performed by a
performed using random numbers generated in research assistant. The participants were blinded to
Microsoft Excel to separate the participants into the study objectives and the group that they
two groups: the experimental (n = 14) and the con- belonged. Both groups com- pleted an 8-week
trol group (n = 14), in which the participants per- intervention, and post-hoc assess- ment was
formed stabilization exercises with kinesio and performed after the intervention was completed.
placebo taping, respectively. In this study, partici- The present study was approved by the Institutional
pants were blinded to eliminate performance bias. Review Board at Yong in University (2- 1040966-
Prior to the intervention, the physical therapist told AB-N-01-20-1811-HSR-116-9).
all subjects the following: “You may or may not
feel any support to back muscles after apply Intervention methods
taping.” Trunk rehabilitation was performed by
eight physi- cal therapists, including one of the The experimental and the control group performed
researchers. The trunk rehabilitation exercises with kinesio and pla-
cebo taping, respectively. In the experimental
when the participant complained of severe skin patients were rested for safety, but the exact rest
pull- ing or discomfort, the tape was removed; time was not monitored.
however, no one complained of discomfort. The
tapes were applied once per day to all participants
and remained in place for an average of 18 hours Assessment methods
per day. In patients with stroke, placebo taping has
The main outcome variables were dynamic
no elasticity and, thus, no effect on position sense.
affected- side sway, dynamic unaffected-side sway,
Conversely, kinesio taping has an effect on
dynamic forward sway, dynamic backward sway,
position sense.19 Therefore, elastic-property tapes
and limit of stability (LOS) total areas. The
were applied to the experimental group.
secondary outcome variables were static sway area
The research and control groups were subjected
and length. All outcome measures were assessed at
to the Trunk Rehabilitation three times a week for
baseline and after 8 weeks of trunk rehabilitation.
8 weeks; taping was applied every single day.

Center of pressure (COP) displacement

Kinesio taping
An elastic 5-cm width tape (3NS tape, TS Co., Ltd, The AP1153 BioRescue (RM Ingenierie, Rodez,
Seoul, Korea) was used in the study. Two I-shaped France) analysis system was used to measure the
tapes were applied to the paravertebral muscles. 29 participant’s COP displacements. It is a pressure
First, the length from the 4th lumbar to the 1st sen- sitive platform with 1,600 sensors
thoracic vertebrae was measured while the patients embedded in a measurement field of 400 × 400
sat upright and the tape was cut to the measured mm. The pressure sensitive platform was placed on
length. After cutting off ¼, the tape was applied to the chair for sitting COP displacement
the paraspinal muscles on both sides. Taping was measurements. The participants placed their legs
performed in the back as straight as possible and comfortably on the ground and maintained a sitting
the tape was stretched for application from the 4th posture with both hands down and the back straight
lumbar vertebra to the 1st thoracic vertebra. In the in a ready position for measurement.
control group, placebo taping was performed
using the same method with non-elastic, weak
Dynamic COP displacement
surgical tapes (3M™ Micropore Surgical Tape
For dynamic COP displacement measurements in
White, 3M Health Care, Saint Paul, MN, USA).
the sitting posture, the participants shifted their
body weight in the direction given while sitting
Trunk rehabilitation without moving their legs. They were instructed to
keep both buttocks attached to the chair while
For trunk rehabilitation, we selected task-related shifting their weight from one side of the buttocks
trunk training exercises that patients with stroke to the other. Then, they crossed their arms and
could perform. The exercises were modified and placed them on their chest, shifted their weight
supplemented for the study and consisted of pelvic from the starting to the furthest point they could
bridging, sit-up, flexion and extension of the move in the given direction, and maintained the
trunk, lateral flexion of the trunk, rotation of the posture for the measurement. Weight shifting was
upper and lower parts of the trunk, and reaching performed in eight directions indicated by arrows
within and out of arm’s reach for trunk control in on a forward-facing monitor: forward (↑), back-
three planes and trunk muscle strength.10 These ward (↓), left (←), right (→), forward and outward
six exercises were performed for 10 min each (↖,↗), and backward and outward (↙,↘). The
(60 min in total). The therapists who participated participants returned to their original position
in the study (n = 8) encouraged movement to once the arrow disappeared and the measurement
improve speed, repetitions, and range of motion began again when the next arrow appeared. All
during trunk rehabilitation. The patients were participants in this study completed each step.
allowed to rest when they became fatigued. The Data were analyzed to determine the forward,
6 Y.-H. CHO ET

backward, affected-side and unaffected-side sway

were observed in group-by-time (interactions or
areas, and the total LOS area. As a change for each
main effects) analyzes, the t-test was performed. The
of the directions was considered the COP displa-
statis- tical significance level was set at alpha =
cement distance of the straight line from one spe-
cific direction. The distance of each of the
directions of the BioRescue corresponded to the
maximum weight shift.35 Results
General characteristics
Static COP displacements
Static COP displacement measurements were per- The general characteristics of the participants are
formed for 30 sec with a measurement frequency shown in Table 1. The results showed no
of 100 Hz. These measurements were performed significant difference in sex, paretic side,
after the participants lifted the affected-side arm pathogenesis, disease duration, age, weight, height,
with the unaffected-side arm and assumed and K-MMSE scores between the control and
a position with the shoulder flexed ≥ 90°. This experimental groups, con- firming homogeneity
posture was maintained for a set amount of time between the groups.
while the static sitting COP displacement was
measured. The data were analyzed to determine
the sway area and length. Changes in dynamic sitting stability
Both the control and experimental groups showed
Statistical analysis significant increases in the dynamic affected-side,
unaffected-side, forward, and backward sway
Statistical analysis of the data was performed using areas, and in the total LOS area after the interven-
the SPSS version 20.0 software (IBM Corp., Armonk, tion compared to the baseline values. Although the
NY, USA). For confirmation of homogeneity experimental group showed a significant increase
among the general characteristics of the in the dynamic forward sway area than the control
participants, indepen- dent samples t-test and chi- group, there were no significant differences in
square test were per- formed to express the results other variables between the two groups (Table 2).
as the mean plus standard deviation and frequency,
while K-S tests were performed to test for normal
distribution. The intervention effect was measured Discussion
using two-way repeated-measure analysis of
Our findings confirmed that trunk rehabilitation
variance. The within- participants factors were the
plays an important role in static and dynamic
pre- and post- intervention results (time). The
sitting stability. However, when trunk rehabilita-
between-participants factors were the experimental
tion was combined with kinesio taping, there was
and control group results (group-by-time). When
no difference in the variables tested, with the
significant differences
exception of the forward area. Most studies invol-
ving healthy individuals have reported that kinesio

Table 1. Classification of characteristics.

Classification Control group (n = 14) Experimental group (n = 14) p-value
Sex (male/female) 11/3 12/2 .622
Paretic side (left/right) 7/7 8/6 .705
Pathogenesis (hemorrhages/infarction) 7/7 6/8 .705
Disease duration (months) 12.21 ± 2.16 12.00 ± 2.68 .820
Age (years) 61.00 ± 8.73 60.38 ± 6.23 .836
Weight (kg) 71.14 ± 10.18 68.00 ± 9.62 .418
Height (cm) 168.14 ± 8.80 162.69 ± 11.64 .180
BMI (kg/m2) 25.11 ± 2.43 25.77 ± 3.38 .315
Hypertension, participants (%) 7 (50) 8 (57.14) .705
K-MMSE score 26.71 ± 1.07 27.15 ±.80 .241
K-NIHSS score 9.90 ± 3.35 9.94 ± 4.02 .383
Values are presented as the mean ± SD. BMI, body mass index; K-MMSE, Korean-mini mental state examination; K-NIHSS, Korean-
National Institute of Health Stroke Scale; SD, standard deviation.
Table 2. Changes in the dynamic and static sitting center of pressure displacements in the two intervention groups.
Measure/group Pre-interventiona Post-interventiona Within-group changeb Between-group changeb
Primary outcome
Dynamic affected-side sway area (mm2)
Experimental group 185.77 ± 86.67 274.54 ± 129.61 88.77 (43.02,134.52)* 28.05 (−19.41,75.52)
Control group 257.00 ± 152.96 317.71 ± 167.47 60.71 (37.67,83.76)*
Dynamic unaffected-side sway area (mm2)
Experimental group 249.77 ± 118.24 350.00 ± 169.42 100.23 (42.35,158.11)* 38.02 (−22.20,98.23)
Control group 317.43 ± 187.66 379.64 ± 194.78 62.21 (32.70,91.73)*
Dynamic forward sway area (mm2)
Experimental group 264.31 ± 129.80 433.00 ± 230.29 168.69 (82.06,255.33)* 92.48 (2.02,182.93) **
Control group 326.43 ± 184.84 402.64 ± 195.21 76.21 (31.37,121.05)*
Dynamic backward sway area (mm2)
Experimental group 171.23 ± 82.37 191.54 ± 95.79 20.31 (0.72,39.90)* −26.19 (−65.01,12.63)
Control group 248.21 ± 160.57 294.71 ± 177.23 46.50 (11.69,81.31)*
LOS total area (mm2)
Experimental group 435.54 ± 193.94 624.54 ± 295.19 189.00 (88.93,289.089)* 66.07 (−36.98,169.12)
Control group 574.43 ± 339.59 697.36 ± 360.17 122.93 (74.15,171.71)*
Secondary outcome
Static sway area (mm2)
Experimental group 21.00 ± 11.44 12.31 ± 8.20 −8.69 (−12.73,-4.65)* −.26 (−5.07,4.54)
Control group 20.00 ± 12.82 11.57 ± 9.83 −8.43 (−11.55,-5.31)*
Static sway length (cm)
Experimental group 7.00 ± 1.91 5.85 ± 1.63 −1.15 (−1.75,-0.56)* .02 (−0.78,0.83)
Control group 6.98 ± 1.83 5.80 ± 1.61 −1.18 (−1.78,-0.57)*
Values are denoted as the mean ± SD.
Values are denoted as the mean (95% CI)
*Statistically significant (p < .05).
**The experimental group improved more than the control group (interaction).
Experimental group: Trunk rehabilitation with kinesio taping; Control group: Trunk rehabilitation with placebo taping. LOS, limit of stability; SD,
standard deviation.

taping does not affect muscle strength. 36 There is found to increase the pectoralis minor length and
also a lack of evidence supporting the effect of reduce the rounded shoulder posture and total scap-
taping on individuals with musculoskeletal ular distance.28 Likewise, in children with cerebral
injuries.37 In this study, placebo tape was attached palsy, spinal correction by taping the back muscle
to the control group. reduced the Kyphotic and Cobb’s angles and
In previous studies, kinesio and placebo taping increased the Gross Motor Function Measure
showed no significant difference in BBS score. 38 Sitting scores.29 Such taping was more effective for
However, kinesio taping showed significantly sitting assessment compared to the control group
increased LOS than placebo taping in BioRescue. 39 without taping.41 As shown, taping can correct
To demonstrate the effect of kinesio taping, an spinal alignment, by improving the sitting
inter- vention period of at least 4 weeks is postural control ability. However, our findings
required.38 Thus, we conducted an 8-week showed no significant differences between the
intervention with trunk rehabilitation to compare experimental and control groups, except for
the effects of kinesio and placebo taping. In forward sway. This could be attributed to the
addition, infarct or hemorrhage was not associated sufficiency of trunk reha- bilitation exercises to
with balance disability in patients with stroke.40 improve the trunk control ability of patients with
Weakness, sensation, and neglect affected the stroke,42–44 and the difficulty to observe the effect
balance disability of such patients, 40 and, thus, we of taping in directions other than the direction of
excluded patients with neglect or severe sensory attachment.45 Taping is known to have various
deficits. effects, including pain reduc- tion, joint assistance,
The elastic tape used in the present study was muscle relaxation and facilita- tion, and
applied to paraspinal muscles on both sides of enhancement of proprioception.18 Another effect of
patients with stroke. The application of an elastic taping is the increased body movement in the
tape to the posterior surface of the torso of seated direction of the elasticity of the tape applied.
male workers with a rounded shoulder posture was Taping the back muscles had no effect on the range
8 Y.-H. CHO ET

of motion for trunk lateral flexion and extension distance of patients with stroke.10 The LOS
compared to non-taping, but improved the range
of motion for trunk flexion. 45 Moreover, taping
applied to the calf muscle of patients with
multiple sclerosis significantly reduced the length
of sway in the antero-posterior plane when the eyes
were closed compared to the results before
taping.46 Kinesio taping can improve body
movement depending on the direction of
attachment.45,46 In our study, for- ward sway was
calculated as the longest distance the trunk can
lean forward in the sitting position, and was
significantly higher in the experimental than in the
control group. Therefore, we speculated that
when the patients leaned forward, the tape
stretched and the elasticity of the tape
contributed to trunk holding, which resulted to
increased forward sway.
Patients with stroke generally exhibit decreased
sitting postural control than the elderly individuals
in their 70s, as those who have greater impairment
in their ability to perform daily activities show
increased postural sway in the sitting position. 47 As
our parti- cipants were hospital-bound patients with
stroke, the trunk rehabilitation program was
designed including exercises that could be easily
performed by those who could assume a sitting
posture. The exercise method was focused on
improving motor control and trunk muscle strength
by controlling weight shifting and movement with
the trunk erect while performing functional
Trunk rehabilitation for 3–6 weeks increased the
peak torque of trunk flexion and extension, and
improved the total TIS score, dynamic sitting bal-
ance, and coordination in patients with stroke.10
Performance of core stability exercises for 5 weeks
resulted in improved Tinetti’s balance, gait, and
total scores.34 TIS and Tinetti’s balance scores were
found to be significantly correlated with changes in
pres- sure shift in a standing position for patients
with stroke,48–50 while TIS was found to be
significantly correlated with changes in the sitting
posture.51 As trunk muscles play a role in
preventing falls and maintaining balance, and
sitting postural control can be improved through
postural adjustments by shifting the center of mass
toward the support surface,52 trunk rehabilitation
is expected to have a positive effect on the
dynamic and static sitting stability. Trunk
rehabilitation increases the forward and lateral
(affected and unaffected sides) seated reach
area in this study was measured as the seated rehabilitation exercises with attached kinesio taping
reach distance evaluated with COP excursion. to
Therefore, the increase of COP excursion
improved sitting pos- tural control.
Static COP displacement (sway area and
length) decreased significantly after intervention
in this study. Patients with stroke have greater
static COP displacement than healthy
individuals. 53
Therefore, trunk rehabilitation
should aim to reduce static COP displacement
to a level closer to that of healthy individuals.
Based on the present findings, trunk rehabilita-
tion may be effective for improving dynamic and
static sitting stability in patients with stroke who
have weak trunk muscles, and the sway area may
increase even further in the direction of taping.
The strength of this study was that it was the
first in literature that examined the effect of trunk
rehabilita- tion with kinesio taping in sitting
postural control in patients with stoke admitted to
a rehabilitation hospi- tal. We found that taping is
relatively safe and could be applied after simple
training. Conversely, as the tape loses
adhesiveness over time, it should be removed and
replaced with a new one, highlighting a higher
socioeconomic cost.
However, our study has several limitations.
First, the daily activities of the hospital-bound
patients with stroke were not controlled. In
addition, patients were allowed to rest for safety
after trunk exercise, but we did not control the rest
time accurately. This could prevent us to
generalize the findings to all patients with stroke.
Second, muscular changes after trunk exercises
could not be identified objec- tively. Regarding
BioRescue system, there are no studies
concerning its psychometric characteristics
(including minimal detectable change) for this
spe- cific population. Therefore, a study should be
per- formed to confirm the effects of kinesio
taping in patients with stroke using other balance
To sum up, we identified changes in the sitting
posture pressure shift, which could not be
identified in many previous studies, a fact that
highlights our study’s clinical significance. Indeed,
forward sitting postural control is an important
assessment for people who cannot stand. The lack
of ability to safely move the center of mass can
limit patient’s wheelchair mobility and activities of
daily living.54 We managed to increase the dynamic
forward sway area by performing trunk
1 Y.-H. CHO ET

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