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Class Test



IC NO: 750705-06-5457


Human Resource Planning involves in projecting labour needs and the

effects they'll have on a business. Human Resource department forecasts
both short- and long-term staffing needs based on projected sales, office
growth, attrition and other factors that affect a company's need for labour.

Discuss 3 ( THREE ) ways implemented by your respective organization in

Human Resources Planning by the Human Resource Management
department. Justify your answer with relevant examples from your

Human Resources Department LKPP Corporation Sdn. Bhd forecasting involves forecasting labour
requirements and their impact on business. The Human Resources Department forecasts short- and
long-term staffing needs based on projected sales, office growth, attrition and other factors that
affect the company's labour needs. In addition to predicting the number and type of employees a
company needs, human resource planning includes analysing the various costs and administrative
work that goes along with adding employees or downsizing.

The Basic forecasting of human resources

Just like a business plan for financial growth, planning for workforce growth is just as important. HR
forecasting is the process of forecasting supply and demand. This may include the number of
employees or the type of skills needed and available to complete the work. Basic forecasting
techniques include:

1. Annual sales or production forecast.

2. Quantitative assessment, using mathematical calculations, which examines the number of workers
needed and when.

3. Qualitative assessment, based on judgment, that determines cultural fit and qualifications of
desired personal and professional skills or qualities.

Businesses in the existing plantation sector that have been operating for several years will also
conduct trend analysis to create staffing plans for the future. Trend analysis allows General
Managers to examine the relationship between past and future staffing needs using operational
index metrics. Using this technique, General Managers will examine causal factors such as
production volume to predict staffing needs.
The company will use human resource forecasting to minimize risk. It is especially important for
production-oriented companies to "limit exposure to labour surpluses or shortages." Company LKPP
Corp.Sdn.Bhd can use forecasting and strategic human resource planning to better understand
workforce needs. When assessing labour demand during the company's strategic plan, the
company's employees may already have skills that can be utilized as the business grows or the
company may find a need to add or update technology skills. The company can meet labour demand
from within, or use external labour supply sources. As companies build HR forecasts, it is important
to carefully review the supply of talent and the factors that affect the availability of that talent. It is
often more expensive to recruit new employees than to upskill or train existing employees to
improve productivity

Since companies need or want to invest all their time and energy in business growth. That's why
companies rely heavily on the HR Department to help predict labour demand and supply. The HR
department will create organizational and succession charts that help identify key roles and
functional requirements across the company's entire business. Supply forecasting includes a review
of current labour markets and employment laws to ensure the business is competitive and

Human Judgement

Under this method, firstly experienced managers or executives estimate the manpower
requirements for their respective departments. This is done on the basis of their knowledge of
expected future workload and employee efficiency. At last, the General Manager then aggregates
and approves the departmental estimates. With the assistance of work-study, Operations and
Management, and human resource experts can refine the estimates based on experience. This
method helps in judging the informal group norms on Human Resource Forecasting.

Work-study Method

This method uses time and motion study to analyse and measure work. Such studies help the
managers to decide the standard time for per unit work. The following method shows this method:
When it is possible to measure work and set standards, the work-study method is more suitable for
repetitive and manual jobs. Job methods should not change frequently.

Ratio-Trends Analysis

This method helps to calculate the ratios on the basis of past data. Firstly, it calculates the future
ratios on the basis of the time series analysis/extrapolation, after making allowances for the changes
in the organization, method, and jobs, if any. Extrapolation is a mathematical extension of past data
into the future time period. Moving averages and exponential smoothing can help for projections.
The company estimates the demand for human resources on the basis of ratios.

Mathematical Model

Mathematical models show the relationship between the independent variable and the dependent
variable. These models express the various factors that affect human energy requirements in the
form of formulas. There are several types of models, e.g., regression, optimization models,
probabilistic models, etc. This is complex and only suitable for large organizations like LKPP corp. The
future demand for human resources depends on several internal and external factors, some of
which are given below:
1. Employment Trends: By comparing and analysing personnel over the past five years, a company
can assess its workforce trends.

2. Replacement Requirements: This depends first on retirement, and then on death, resignation, and
termination of employees. The assessment is based on past experience and future retirement

3. Productivity: Improvements in labour productivity impact requires better utilization of existing

labour is one method to gain in productivity. Mechanization and computerization is another method
of increasing productivity. It will affect both the quantity and quality of the workforce. Matching
skills with job requirements is the third method. Therefore, job analysis techniques help in such

HR forecasting enables companies to estimate skill requirements, gauge demand, assess labour
supply, understand workforce needs and design strategies to fully meet company growth goals and
targets. HR forecasting empowers companies to do more than just balance labour supply and
demand. Here are some of the key benefits of human resource forecasting:

i. Develop an effective budget

By determining the needs of the company's staff, the LKPP CORP. Sdn.Bhd will be able to estimate
costs better for the company. LKPP CORP. Sdn.Bhd also needs to hire seasonal labour or raise salary
levels to retain the best talent to achieve the company's operational goals. Interest costs may also
increase. HR forecasting enables companies to accurately plan for overall human capital costs by
providing insight into expected workforce expenditures.

ii. Make a detailed workforce forecast

HR forecasting empowers management to gain a deeper understanding of a company's workforce

while helping companies meet changing needs for new skills, production and productivity. HR
forecasting and research can help anticipate workforce reductions due to retirements or market
competition. It can also help in determining how changes in business strategy will affect the
workforce, such as the implementation of new employment or manufacturing legislation, or the
creation of new products.

Regularly forecast HR needs

Because the company's needs are constantly changing, so are the company's employees. It is
important to review talent requirements on a regular basis to properly meet HR needs. For example:

When palm oil production is low, the need for labour will decrease and increase when production
increases. Seasonal harvests for palm oil, as well as other changes in maintenance work, may affect
the company. HR and production forecasting should be aligned in this situation to detect current
spikes or declines that may impact production and labour requirements. Reviewing these estimates
regularly can help the company avoid lost revenue and waste from occurring , producing too much
inventory or paying overworked labour.

Human resources managers are responsible for developing strategic

solutions to employment-related matters that affect the organization's
ability to meet its productivity and performance goals.  Nowadays, this is
been done through the existing technology. Human resource planning can
change the organizational structure, the employees’ authority and
responsibility in an organization.

Discuss TWO (2) positive and TWO (2) negative impact of on the

respective organization that implement human resource management
through technology assistance. Support your statements with appropriate

Human Resource Management is a planned process that includes human resource planning
activities, recruitment and selection processes, staff training and development, administration of
salary and employment benefits and corporate relations aimed at enabling them to provide effective
services to achieve organizational goals. Without human resource management, an organization
tends to face various problems whether it involves the internal or external management of an

The success of an organization depends on the effectiveness of human resource planning. Good
human resource planning requires human resource managers to plan comprehensively by balancing
the demand for energy resources either from within or outside the organization with the available
energy resources. If human resource planning is carried out well, it is able to produce a workforce
that meets the needs and wants of the organization to face and overcome various internal and
external challenges, and the organization will even be able to take advantage of the environmental
changes that occur.

Human resource managers are responsible for developing strategic solutions to employment-related
matters that affect the organization's ability to meet its productivity and performance goals.
Nowadays, this is done through various technological aids. Human resource planning can change the
organizational structure, power and responsibility of employees in an organization.

Among the strategic solutions with the help of technology are:

1.Information Technology and Computer system

The help of information technology and computer systems have been widely used in our time.
Whether it is a start-up company or a large enterprise, documents related to hiring employees,
improving work performance, training programs cannot be avoided. However, large piles of
documents are very troublesome for businesses, especially when employers need to collect basic
information from their employees every working day. In addition, the time used by employers for
these matters will break their focus on legal matters, the implementation of company values and the
construction of business strategies.
To solve the issue, human resource software that can automate administrative tasks has been
designed and presented. For example, Golden Hope Company uses Estate System Computer (ECS)
while LKPP Corp. Sdn. Bhd uses IPAMIS. This is because a comprehensive management system with
the features of attendance, payroll, leave management, claims and performance evaluation can
solve manual affairs in the most effective way. Employers don't have to worry anymore with the
availability of versatile human resource software.

Negative impact in the use of Information Technology and Computer Systems

The use of Technology in the workplace costs a lot. Technology is always evolving with time, this
causes technology requires continuous improvement and this will cost a lot of money. Each the
changes that take place must be communicated to employees through courses, workshop or
training. Therefore, this will take a long time. Throughout as this process continues, the company's
productivity will decrease because employees need time to adapt to the newly introduced system
(Belcher, 2010). In addition, companies have to bear the cost of software, technical services and
implementation of burdensome courses. Every technological improvement made will also cause
employee motivation to decrease because they have to face with difficulty learning new applications
and achieving new standards.
After system upgrade completed ongoing maintenance fees had to be borne by the company. In
addition, cost savings will also not occur if employees use machine, computer, internet facilities
widely. For example the use of computers and the internet is used for too long so that it increases
the payment of electricity bills other than it should pay for internet facilities used. Purchase of
machines and technologies others also cost a lot so that the company has to make payments in
advance instalment over several years to pay off the entire cost.

2. Mechanization In work

Mechanization is the process of changing from working extensively or exclusively with hands or with
animals to doing that work with machines. In early engineering texts, machines were defined as

Every machine is constructed for the purpose of performing a certain mechanical operation, each of
which presupposes the existence of two other things besides the machine in question, namely, a
moving power, and an object subject to the operation, which may be called work to complete.
Machines, in fact, are crossed between power and work, for the purpose of adapting one to the

In some fields, mechanization includes the use of hand tools. In modern usage, such as in
engineering or economics, mechanization implies more complex machinery than hand tools and
would not include simple devices such as horse mills or unheard donkeys. Devices that cause a
change of speed or a change to or from reciprocating to rotary motion, using such means as gears,
pulleys or sheaves and belts, shafts, cams and cranks, are usually considered machines. After
electrification, when most small machinery was no longer powered by hand, mechanization was
synonymous with motorized machinery. The further mechanization of the production process is
called automation and it is controlled by a closed loop system where feedback is provided by
sensors. In automatic machines the work of different mechanisms is done automatically.

Negative impact Mechanization in work

Reduction of workforce in an Organization at this point, various advanced technologies such as
supercomputers and intelligent robots have emerged Such advanced technology shows the
capabilities of technology without involving humans directly in a field or task. Development and use
technology that is gaining traction in today's work organization indeed leading to progress and
increased productivity of an organization. However, this development leads to a reduction in the
labour force or civil servants nor private in an organization.

The development of technology with the existence of various sophisticated machines and robotic
robots is able to complete various types of jobs in a short period of time short without help or
control from many workers. This intelligence robot and machine dominates the field of work that
should be done by humans, however due to the rapid development in the field of technology, many
workers are faced with removal and reduction of manpower in every department and organization.

There are also job sectors that are at high risk of experiencing a reduction in the workforce or staff
due to the development and tendency of the use of technology sophisticated in an organization. A
very significant change occurred to the current employment pattern due to by the development of
technology, many jobs in the past exist now eliminated. For example, a typist's job in the past was
done by energy humans are now extinct due to the speed of advanced technology used in the field
current job.

In addition, employees at the counters such as banks or anywhere other organizations are also
reduced by the existence of online systems and cashier machines automatic (ATM and deposit).

The world's workers are estimated to face the loss of approximately 5 million jobs by the year 2025.
This leads to the fate of local workers who are no longer the focus of the economy because their
jobs are replaced by robots and other technologies. This kind of thing will indirectly eradicate jobs
and withdrawing local workers due to difficulties in obtaining jobs where superiors only recruit and
hire employees based on level their knowledge in the operation of the new machines used in

New graduates are also not given the opportunity to gain knowledge in machine operation because
it is said to have no experience and skills in operating machines and technology. This at the same
time leads to an increase unemployment percentage in the country to a higher percentage.

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