Final - Questionnaie

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This questionnaire is designed to collect some needed information for bachelor degree final
project fulfillment of students from Champasack University, Faculty of Education, Department
of English, under the topic of: Difficulty in English Communication for Staff at the
Department of Foreign Affair of Champasack Province. Your information will be used only
for this project; it will not be published anywhere else.
I. General Information
1. Gender
 Male
 Female
2. Age
 Less than 25
 25 to 35
 36 to 45
 More than 45
3. How often do you attend the English workshop?
 Never
 1 to 5 times
 6 to 10 times
 More than 10 times
4. How long is your working experience?
 Less than 1 year
 1 to 5 years
 6 to 10 years
 More than 10 years
II. English Communication Information
Please put a tick on the number in each statement to identify that do you agree:
Number 1 Strongly Disagree
Number 2 Disagree
Number 3 Neutrally
Number 4 Agree
Number 5 Strongly Agree
No Statements 1 2 3 4 5
I. The Difficulty in English Communication
1. Incorrectly consonants and vowels sound while communication
2. Lack of confidence to communicate
3. Lack of vocabulary meaning knowledge
4. Lack of grammatical knowledge in making sentences to respond
while communicating with other people
5. Enable to understand some words, but unable to get the aims of the
6. Always guessing while listening to English causes

7. Always requesting descriptions while communicating causes weak

listening skills.
8. Have very short memory to memorize English

9. English Communication class is not fun enough

II. The Couse of Difficulty in English Communication

10. Never pay attention enough while studying in English class before
11. Less opportunity to use English Communication in daily lives
12. Not have enough time in practicing English.
13. Anxiety while communicating causes my English is not good
14. Lack of opportunities to improving or joining English workshop
15. Other co-workers never communicate in English with each other
16. Is not necessary to use English to communicate in this work area
17. Confuse in the accents while communicating
18. Never learn or notice any English communication techniques from
another site
19. Difficult to find out the source in improving English for
20. Not have enough budget or fund to learn more about English
21. Always forget the words and techniques while communication
22. Family Inconvenience causes English Communication Difficulties
23. Environment Inconvenience causes English Communication
III. The Way to Improve an English in Communication
24. Practice speaking English on a mirror
25. Practice communicating English with other staff
26. Learn new words very often
27. Try to practice English with foreigners
28. Learn more grammars for being perfect while communicating
29. Try to learn English through many social media such as YouTube,
Facebook etc.
30. Make the English Communication Class funnier via playing games
or other interesting activities
31. Make friends with native speakers or foreigners
32. Always think in English words or sentences
33. Try to use the English language to communicate with colleague.
34. Input the English language in daily lives for example changing the
language on the mobile phone to English, speaking in Lao but
insert some English words.
35. Watch movies or listen to English music that provide English
36. Try to note more new words and make more sentences in a daily
book for improving an English communication technique
37. Try to attending an English workshop if possible.
38. Go abroad to practice English Communication
39. Do meditation to gain more concentration to communicate in
40. Use translator while communication

Thank you very much for your cooperation.

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