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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region XIII - Caraga

Introduction to Philosophy of Human Person
S.Y. 2021 – 2022

Name: __________________________________________________ Date: _______________________

Grade: G – 12 St. Faustine

Instruction: Read and understand the following statement and encircle the correct answer.

1. Who proposed the two kinds of reflection?

A. Socrates B. Gabriel Marcel C. Plato D. Aristotle

2. How would you describe “philosophical reflection as the act of giving time to think about
the meaning and purpose of life”?
A. It is a human activity that recaptures our own experience in life.
B. It is a form of meditation about the purpose of life.
C. It is a manifestation that we have a purpose in this world.
D. It is a clear explanation of what is our purpose in life.

3. How would you rephrase the meaning of primary reflection as a kind of thinking that
calculates, analyzes, or recounts past events?
A. It is a kind of thinking that only addresses personal needs.
B. It is a kind of thinking based on the calculated analysis of one self.
C. It is a kind of thinking that helps one understand the self.
D. It is a kind of thinking that recognizes the need of other.

4. What can you say about Primary reflection as “instrumental thinking”?

A. Primary reflection is a tool to understand one’s need.
B. Primary reflection is a tool to answer only the practical need of the person.
C. Primary reflection is a tool to reflect on one’s need.
D. Primary reflection is a tool to satisfy one’s need.

5. What is meant by secondary reflection as characterized by the act recapturing the unity of
the original experience by gathering back together what has been separated by primary
A. Secondary reflection is better than primary reflection.
B. Secondary reflection completes primary reflection.
C. Secondary reflection sees experience from different perspective.
D. Secondary reflection is an answer to all our questions about life.

6. What concrete example can you find in the primary reflection?

A. You help your friends in doing their assignments.
B. You study hard to get excellent grades in the end.
C. You help others so that they will also help you in times of need.
D. You come to school on time to study for the math quiz.
7. What conclusions can be drawn from this statement “Secondary reflection allows us to
think holistically”?
A. Secondary reflection leads us to whole understanding of our experience.
B. Secondary reflection points out the importance of holistic perspective in our experience
C. Secondary reflection offers us broad perspective of our experience in life.
D. Secondary reflection emphasizes the concept of holistic perspective in looking at our life
in broader sense.

8. What would be the result if we do not apply secondary reflection in our actions?
A. We lost grip of the very essence of our own experience and how it can change us to be
B. We become selfish by only satisfying our personal needs in life.
C. We will never reach to the point of knowing ourselves better.
D. We remain hopeless to the things that we failed to do in our life

9. How is primary reflection related to secondary reflection based on experience?

A. It connects you to understand deeper some issues and problems in your life.
B. It leads you to have a full grasped of your own experience in life.
C. It opens up a new perspective in looking at problems in life.
D. It gives you clear explanation of your problem in life.

10. What theme can you make from the sentence below?
“Reflection requires a person to be willing to examine one’s thoughts, feelings, and actions
and learn more about one’s life and experiences.
A. Reflection is the key to understanding one self.
B. Reflection is the wisdom of the old.
C. Reflection is an awareness of one’s life.
D. Reflection is answer to all our questions in life.

11. How would you summarize this statement “Philosophical reflection is the process by
which a person undergoes a reflective state or evaluates his or her experiences first before
making any related action”?
A. Philosophical reflection centers on evaluating one’s action before any action to be made.
B. Philosophical reflection emphasizes the importance of evaluating actions before any plan
of action.
C. Philosophical reflection demands an action to be evaluated before any action.
D. Philosophical reflection considers evaluating ones action before making any decision.

12. How would you justify this statement “Reflection happens due to an occurrence of a
phenomenon that is a break from the daily normal life”?
A. Experience is the determining factor why we need to reflect or have a break from the
usual routine.
B. Experience is the best teacher after all that awakens us to stop and reflect for a while.
C. Experience leads us to understand that we need to take a break from our normal life.
D. Experience opens a new door to look into the deeper aspect of our life.

13.What do you call the state of being or existence above and beyond the limits
of material experience?
a. Transition
b. Transcendence
c. Transformation
d. Transgression
14. What does the term scandare mean?
a. “to exist”
b. “to impart”
c. “to climb”
d. “to deduce”

15. According to this philosopher, the human person is an embodied spirit. Who
is he?
a. Socrates
b. Aristotle
c. Immanuel Kant
d. St. Thomas

16. Which of the following is a biological limitation for transcendence for a student
whose goal is to be a valedictorian?
a. Joining a dance troupe
b. Being absent for a week due to fever
c. Watching videos over the internet
d. Criticism from his teacher on his science project

17. Which of the following is not a possibility for transcendence?

a. Looking for help
b. Having a positive outlook
c. Working to reach a goal
d. Learning from experience

18. Magie is a poor 17-year old girl whose ultimate dream is to finish her studies.
What can she do to make her dream possible?
a. Join the school choir to lessen her stress in her studies
b. Start on organization that fights for human rights
c. Work during her free time to gain extra money for school
d. Read books on her own

19. Why do some people fail to experience transcendence?

a. They have a feeling that it will not occur.
b. They are not meant to experience it.
c. They are not hardworking.
d. They have a goal that is too challenging for them to achieve.

20. A science that deals with the relationships between groups of living things and
their environments.
A. Anthropocentrism
B. Ecology
C. Ecofeminism
D. Ecocentrism

21. What is a flame in cyberspace?

A. A person who follows the rules of Netiquette.
B. An expert programmer.
C. An online chain letter.
D. A post or email message that expresses a strong opinion or criticism.
22. Knowledge and understanding of netiquette is useful because ___________
A. it helps you create a positive impression on those you meet in cyberspace.
B. it explains some of the technical limitations of online communications.
C. it explains the conventions already being used by millions of cybernauts.
D. All of the above.

23. What type of online threat happens when an attacker uses electronic devices
to do unwanted surveillance against its victim?
A. Cyberbullying B. Phising C. Spamming D. Cyberstalking

24. What type of online threat happens when the attacker impersonates another
individual or organization to gather personal or business information?
A. Cyberstalking B. Spoofing C. Scamming D. Pharming

25.You get an email telling you that you won a hundred thousand without joining
in a competition. You should ____________.
A. Claim the prize. C. Return the email with response.
B. Ignore the email. D. Send rude message as revenge
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XIII - Caraga

Understanding Culture Society and Politics (UCSP)
1ST Quarter Summative Examination S.Y. 2020 – 2021


1. Discuss the nature, goals
and perspectives in/of
1,2,3 22 4
anthropology, sociology
and political science
2. Analyze the concept,
aspects and changes in/of 4,5 23 3
culture and society.
3. Explain the importance of
cultural relativism in
6,7 24 28 5
attaining cultural
4. Analyze the significance of
cultural, social, political
9,10,11, 25 6
and economic symbols and
5. Explain the context,
content, processes, and
14,15,16,17 26 29, 30 7
consequences of
6. Analyze the forms and
functions of social 18, 19, 27 5
Total Number of Items 30

Prepared by:

Subject Teacher

Noted by:
School Head

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