Science Q1

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region XIII - Caraga


Earth and Life Science 11
S.Y. 2021 – 2022

Name: __________________________________________________ Date: _______________________

Grade: G – 11 St. John

Instruction: Read and understand the following statement and encircle the letter of the correct

1. What is the fifth largest planet in the solar system in terms of size and mass?
a. Mercury c. Earth
b. Mars d. Jupiter

2. Earth’s environment became more stable as a result of the ______________ stabilizing effect
on its orbit.
a. Moon c. Magnetic Field
b. Sun d. Atmosphere

3. What is the sphere of the Earth that is made up of a variety of gases, the majority of which
are nitrogen and oxygen, with minor amounts of argon, carbon dioxide, and other gases?
a. Geosphere c. Hydrosphere
b. Atmosphere d. Biosphere

4. What is the importance of gases in the geosphere of the planet?

a. It transforms rock material to another form such as soil.
b. It is needed in some chemical changes in land
c. It facilitates evaporation
d. It is responsible for the conduction of energy

5. A kind of rock form where there are compilations of sediments over time______.
a. igneous c. sedimentary
b. metamorphic granite

6. Which type of rock do fossils belong?

a. Sedimentary c. Igneous
b. Metamorphic d. all of these

7. Which of the following processes occur in the rock cycle?

a. heat and pressure c. weathering and erosion
b. cooling and solidification d. all of these

8. What is the thickest layer, made mostly of iron, magnesium and silicon, it is dense, hot and
a. mantle c. core
b. crust d. outer core
9. It is the result of heat transfer from the core to the base of the lower mantle and it occurs at
rates of centimeters per year.
a. Mantle Convection c. Crust Convection
b. Core Convection d. Mantle Conduction

10. It refers to the rate of temperature change with respect to increasing depth in earth’s interior.
a. Adiabatic Compression c. Geothermal Gradient
b. Core formation Energy d. Accretion energy

11. _____________ on rocks is a force that creates deformation or changes in the rocks’
shape and volume.
a. Stress c. Weathering
b. Tension d. none of the above

12. What type of stress where rocks are pushed together or tend to compress each other.
There is a tendency for the rock to be pressed or squeezed, causing rocks to fold or
fracture (break)?
a. Tension c. Compression
b. Shearing d. all of the above


The picture above describes what type of stress?

a. Tension c. Compression
b. Shearing d. all of the above

14. What is the study of rock layers?

a. Geography b. Stratigraphy
c. Geology c. Meteorology

15. What stratigraphic Law states that the deposition of sediment is controlled by gravity and will
pull it downward?
a. Law of Horizontality b. Law of Superposition
c. Law of Cross-Cutting Relationship d. Principle of Inclusion

16. It contains information about the relative ages of events and objects in Earth’s history.
a. Rock Cycle b. Stratification
c. Compression d. Layers of rocks

17.It is used in geology to determine the order of events and the relative age of rocks by examining
the position of rocks in a sequence.
a. Stratigraphy b. Relative Dating
b. Fluorine Dating d. Absolute Dating
18. Which of the following describes absolute dating?
a. a technique that analyzes how much of the chemical fluorine has been absorbed by bones from
the surrounding soils in order to determine how long the specimen has been underground.
b. a technique that was common in the mid-20th century, seriation looks at changes in certain
styles of artifacts present at a site.
c. is a method and process that uses properties of atoms in rocks in order to determine the age of
a rock or other object by comparing the amount of radioactive & non-radioactive isotopes
d. process in which the decay of an atom of an isotope result in a change in the number of
protons and the formation of a new element.

19. Which of the following is a method of absolute dating?

a. Radio Carbon b. Fluorine Dating
b. Relative Dating d. Radioactive Dating

20. What is another term for landslide?

a. Lava flow c. Landslip
b. Debris Avalanche d. Rock fall

21.Which of the following is NOT the use of hazard map?

a. Use for leisure.
b. Use to identify flood areas.
c. To be informed if you are vulnerable to a landslide.
d. Shows highlighted areas that is risky to any hazards.

22. After a danger has passed, make sure to check your local radio or weather station for
updates on landslide. Which of the following do you NOT have do after returning home?
a. Check foundation and chimney for damage
b. Keep all electronics turned off for a month
c. Replant ruined land
d. Stabilize land as soon as possible

23.Which of the following is a correct definition of coastal zone?

A. It is where people spend their vacation.
B. It is where destructive waves are common.
C. It is where land meets the sea.
D. It is where sharks and whales are observed.

24. Which of the following is NOT an example of the coastal processes?

A. Deposition
B. Erosion
C. Plucking
D. Transportation

25. Which of the following are examples of coastal erosion?

A. Corrasion, abrasion, hydraulic action, attrition and suspension.
B. Corrasion, abrasion, wave action, attrition and corrosion/solution
C. Corrasion, abrasion, hydraulic action, attrition and corrosion/solution
D. Corrasion, abrasion, hydraulic action, attrition and traction
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XIII - Caraga

Understanding Culture Society and Politics (UCSP)
1ST Quarter Summative Examination S.Y. 2020 – 2021


1. Discuss the nature, goals
and perspectives in/of
1,2,3 22 4
anthropology, sociology
and political science
2. Analyze the concept,
aspects and changes in/of 4,5 23 3
culture and society.
3. Explain the importance of 6,7 24 28 5
cultural relativism in
attaining cultural
4. Analyze the significance of
cultural, social, political
9,10,11, 25 6
and economic symbols and
5. Explain the context,
content, processes, and
14,15,16,17 26 29, 30 7
consequences of
6. Analyze the forms and
functions of social 18, 19, 27 5
Total Number of Items 30

Prepared by:

Subject Teacher

Noted by:
School Head

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