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Do you like travelling?

Yes, definitely! I think seeing the world, from great historical monuments to white sandy
beaches, is what life is all about. It's a very interesting way to learn about new cultures
and explore new places.

What is your favourite type of holiday?

I really like going to the countryside, getting away from it all. Nothing relaxes me as
much as wilderness... I am tired of tourist traps and usually go off the beaten track...

What do you do on holidays?

I prefer visiting various museums and places of interest. For instance, on my last vacation
I was to Rome and I visited 12 museums. It was fantastic! Of course, sometimes I go
shopping with my friends or relatives too... But I don't find it near as exciting...

Are there many tourists visiting your country?

Probably yes... My country has different tourist attractions in many cities, especially the
capital... For example, my country has old-time religious traditions... That's why we have a
lot of ancient cathedrals and churches that are interesting for both tourists and local
1. Have you ever been abroad?

2. Where have you been?

3. Are you planning on going anywhere for your next vacation? ...

4. Are you afraid of going abroad alone?

5. Could you live in another country for the rest of your life?

6. Describe the most interesting person you met on one of your travels.

7. What was your best trip.

8. Where do you like to go on vacation?

9. Where would you like to go on vacation?

10. Tell your partner about your best travel story.

11. What are some things you always take with you on a trip?

12. Do you prefer package tours or making your own trip?

13. Where did you spend your last vacation? What did you do?

14. What are some of the benefits of traveling alone?

15. What are some of the benefits of traveling with a group?

16. What is the longest journey you have ever made?

17. What’s the best way to travel? (By plane, ship, train, car, etc.)

18. Where is the most amazing place you have been?

19. Where are the best places for:

20. Adventure vacations?

21. Historical vacations?

22. Shopping vacations?

23. Party vacations?

24. Relaxing vacations?

25. What is the best and worst thing about traveling to a new country?
26. Where do you prefer to stay when you go on vacation? (Hotel, hostel, Airbnb house / room, etc.)

27. What are your best travel tips?

28. What is the strangest food you’ve seen or eaten while on vacation?

29. What do you like to do while you are traveling? (i.e. relax, shop, sight see, experience local

30. How often do you travel?

31. What souvenirs have you brought back from traveling?

32. Where are you going for your next trip?

33. Where are the best places to go on vacation in your country?

34. Who in your family travels the most?

35. What popular travel destination do you want to avoid?

36. How adventurous are you when you travel?

37. Do you try to learn some of the local language before you travel to a new country? What phrases
do you try to learn?

38. What is the longest trip you’ve taken?

39. How much vacation time do you get a year?

40. What do you usually forget to bring when you go on vacation?

41. What do you miss most when you are traveling?

42. What was the worst flight that you have taken?

43. What is the ideal length for a vacation?

44. What is the most interesting tourist attraction you’ve traveled to in your own country?

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