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„Criminals need education, not prison”

On the one hand, we all had in mind the idea of helping others and willingness to bring
person with lost soul on the right path. On the other hand, we demand justice and severe
punishment for all persons who committed breaking law. Does education instead of prison make
For all those who answer ‘yes’ to this question I have disappointing information.
Resocialization has no effect as we would expect. People are not like object that you can fix when it
breaks down. Almost every second person goes back to prison again. We can say that this because
of faulty system, but we can not forget that these problem consists of many social and psychological
factors. There is also grain of our fault.
Some people simply chose life of a thief. In this case even best system of resocialization is
unable to help. Others spent almost whole live in one prison, one cell. During 25 years of their term
in prison everything has changed: technology, political scene, buildings, lifestyle. How they can
adapt to completely different reality? They intentionally commit a crime to come back home -
prison. There is no help for those two groups.
Fortunately, a lot of prisoners want to change. Prison policy ensures psychological care, the
opportunity to obtain various qualifications, to study. But they are getting out of prison and… what?
They can’t find any job because of their criminal history. We turn away from them. We are talking a
lot about helping others, giving another chance, but it ends with words. If someone really wants to
change, we should do everything we can to help him.

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