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COURSE: Delivering Sustainable Built Environments (BUIL1059)

SUBJECT: Regulating for Sustainable Built Environments


To produce a critical analysis of the current policy framework in relation to the delivery of
sustainable built environments for a country or region you are familiar with.

Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of the assignment the student will:

 Have developed a critical appreciation of the current legislative and policy frameworks
associated with the delivery of sustainable solutions in a location or region familiar to them;
 Have developed a high level policy framework with the intention of delivering a
‘sustainable built environment’.

In recent years there has been an increasing drive at national, regional and even a global
levels to ensure that policies, incentives and regulations are put in place to minimise
anthropogenic climate change and resource depletion. As the built environment is responsible
(in some regions) for up to 40% of C02 emissions and also consumes significant amounts of
resources, the construction industry is coming under increasing pressure to reduce these

Governments and/or local authorities may take a number of approaches when considering
policy mechanisms to ensure the aforementioned impacts are minimised. Incentives may be
used to encourage certain behaviour or regulations may be introduced to punish those who do
not comply. Much of the current policy framework is based around the key goal of mitigation
of climate change, however there is increasing recognition that a certain amount of climate
change is now inevitable and as a result regulation and policy must take account of this
expected change.

There are pro’s and con’s associated with each approach and in most cases a balance is
required to ensure a successful outcome.

Produce a critical review of the current policy framework, for a country or region you are
familiar with, in relation to the delivery of a sustainable built environment, and in that context
produce a high level vision for a new (or improved) policy framework.

Your work should:

 Provide details of the current policy framework and any changes expected in the near
 Critically review this framework in relation to the approach taken in other regions
 Produce a high level vision of a policy framework in your given location supported by
reasoned argument and justification.
You may chose to focus on a particular aspect of the policy framework (such as those related
to the refurbishment of existing buildings, the operation of existing buildings, the design and
development of new buildings or how planning mechanisms could encourage sustainable

Recommended Reading (all available online – students are expected to conduct their own
research beyond the publications noted below)

Department of Energy and Climate Change (2008). The Climate Change Act (UK)

The European Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD)

Eisenberg, D.A. (2016). Transforming building regulatory systems to address climate change.
Building Research and Information (available via. Taylor and Francis accessed via the UoG
library database).

Muldavin, R. (2010). Value beyond Cost Savings. How to underwrite Sustainable Properties.

Qian, Q.K., Fan, K. & Chan, E.H.W. (2016). Regulatory incentives for green buildings: gross
floor area concessions. Building Research and Information (available via. Taylor and Francis
accessed via the UoG library database).

Zhang, J., Zhou, N., Hinge, A., Feng, W. & Zhang, S. (2016). Governance strategies to
achieve zero-energy buildings in China. Building Research and Information (available via.
Taylor and Francis accessed via the UoG library database).

Reference all sources using a recognised referencing system (Harvard etc.)
Submission dates will be confirmed by local centres
Your submission should be up to 2000 words excluding appended sections and preliminaries.


Assessment criteria: % Mark
Outline of current policy framework 30
Critical review 30
Recommendations 30
Referencing and structure of work 10
Assessor's comments:
Assessor: Date:

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