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Energy Economics

Prof Debajit Palit, PhD (Energy Policy)

January 12, 2022

Course Objectives
 This course provides important economic tools and
techniques to understand the consumers’ and producers’
 It starts with an overview of the energy sector and a
discussion on the building blocks which help in analyzing
the energy behaviour.
 It will introduce the participants to various aspects of
energy demand and supply and deliberates on
contemporary market issues and sustainability.
 This course aims to build and broaden the vision of
participants so that they can take their decisions effectively

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 Dr Debajit Palit, Professor, NSB

 Dr P P Kulkarni, Dean, NSB

 Dr Brijesh Bhatt, Assistant Professor, NSB

 Dr Abhinav Jindal, Senior Faculty, PMI

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Course Evaluation Components
CECs Course Evaluation Weights Remarks (if any)
No. Components
CEC 1 Class Attendance 10 Based on attendance
(CA) percentage
CEC 2 Quiz 20 4 Modules x 5 marks each
CEC 3 Assignment or 30 4-5 students per group.
Presentation Group assignments will be
group/individual distributed among all the
CEC 4 End Term Exam 40 4 Modules x 10 marks each

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Structure of the Presentation
 Energy and multidimensional interaction
 Energy defined and alternative classification of energy;
 Energy Security, Energy Trilemma concepts
 Overview of national & global energy challenges
 Energy demand analysis and forecasting, Energy demand
 Market failure, Externalities- Positive/Negative, Public goods-
free rider problem, tragedy of the commons
 Energy resources- Resource Curse (Dutch Disease)
 Integrated Energy System- Concept of energy system modelling -
Use of Data Envelopment Analysis for performance
measurement. Illustrative Models for Efficiency measurement
and benchmarking of Energy Utilities/plants

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Structure of the Presentation
 Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA), Time value of money, NPV analysis
and Discounting factor
 Economics of environment protection, Carbon tax/ Pigouvian
tax/ command & control regulation
 Emission Trading Systems (ETS)- EU ETS, Revamping EU-ETS,
Indian ETS, Indian Carbon Market
 Economics of Electricity supply
 Economics of Renewable energy supply
 Principles of Energy Pricing
 Energy Pricing and Taxation
 Regulation and governance of energy sector

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Text Book

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 Energy economics is a branch of applied economics where economic
principles and tools are applied to ‘‘ask the right questions’’ (Stevens
2000), and to analyse them logically & systematically to develop a well-
informed understanding of the issues.
 The energy sector is complex because of several factors:
 The constituent industries tend to be highly technical in nature,
requiring some understanding of the underlying processes and
techniques for a good grasp of the economic issues.
 Each industry of the sector has its own specific features that
require special attention.
 Energy being an ingredient for any economic activity, its
availability or lack of it affects the society and consequently, there
are greater societal concerns and influences affecting the sector.
 The sector is influenced by interactions at different levels
(international, regional, national and even local), most of which go
beyond the subject of one discipline.
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 Analyses of energy problems have thus attracted inter-
disciplinary interests.
 Like any branch of economics, energy economics is concerned
with basic issue of allocating scarce resources in an economy.
 Thus, the microeconomic concerns of energy supply & demand
and the macro-economic concerns of investment, financing and
economic linkages with the rest of the economy form an
essential part of the subject.
 However, the issues facing the energy industry change, bringing
new issues to the fore. For e.g, in the 1970s, the focus was on
understanding the energy industry (especially the oil industry),
energy substitution and to some extent on renewable energies.
Moreover, there was some focus on integrated planning for
energy systems with a major emphasis on developing countries.

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 The scope of the work expanded in the 1980s. Environmental
concerns of energy use and economic development became a
major concern.
 In the 1990s, liberalisation of energy markets and restructuring
swept through the entire world although climate change and
other global & local environmental issues also continued. These
changes brought new issues and challenges to the limelight & by
the end of the decade, it became evident that unless the design is
not well thought through, reforms cannot succeed.
 In recent years, the focus has shifted to high oil prices, energy
scarcity and the debate over state intervention as opposed to
market-led energy supply. This swing of the pendulum in the
policy debate is attributed to the concerns about security of
supply in a carbon-constrained world.

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Energy & Multidimensional Interactions
 Energy trade—All transactions involving energy commodities (e.g., oil
coal & gas) are due to the differences in the natural endowments of
energy resources across countries and the gaps in domestic supply &
 Similarly flow of technologies, human resources, financial and other
resources as well as pollutants generated from energy & other material
use can also be considered at this level.
 International institutional influences—Various influences through
international institutions affect interactions among countries and
govern transactions. These include the legal frameworks, treaties and
conventions, international organisations such as the United Nations
(UN), the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the
judicial system and the like.
 Other interaction—Other interactions among countries (co-operation,
competition and conflicts) involving their governments or other entities
(such as the firms) also influence the energy sector.
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Energy & Multidimensional Interactions
 These influences are neither mutually exclusive nor static in nature.
 Consequently, the relative importance of one or more of these influences on a
particular country would vary and changes in the importance of one or the
other over time could modify the relationships extensively
 The key role of the energy sector in the economic activities of any economy
arises because of the mutual interdependence between economic activities
and energy.
 For example, the energy sector uses inputs from various other sectors
(industry, transport, households, etc.) and is also a key input for most of the
sectors. These interrelations influence the demand for energy, possibilities of
substitution within the energy and with other resources (capital, land, labour,
material), supply of energy & other goods and services, investment decisions,
& the macro-economic variables of a country (economic output, balance of
payment situations, foreign trade, inflation, interest rate, etc.).
 Once again, the national level institutions (including the rules & organisations
like government, judiciary, etc.) both influence and get influenced by these

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Energy & Multidimensional Interactions
 Thus, the macro-level influences arise broadly from:
a. The level of economic activities & its evolution over time;
b. Interdependence of energy and other economic activities as
well as interactions among economic activities;
c. The structure of each activity and its evolution over time;
d. The technical composition & characteristics of the economic
activities and its evolution over time;
e. The institutional arrangement that provides the enabling
environment for different activities to flourish & its evolution;
f. Macro-management of the economy and its interaction with
the institutional arrangement.

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Energy & Multidimensional Interactions
 Finally, the energy sector itself is composed of different
industries (or subsectors), each of which has different technical
and economic characteristics.
 They are also interdependent to some extent and each industry
attempts to achieve a balanced operation considering demand,
investment, prices, supply and the institutional environment.
 The operating decisions are highly influenced by the objectives
and goals of the operators and the operating constraints faced by
them (including the resource related and socio-political
 The ownership pattern as well as institutional factors also
influences the decisions.
 Thus, the sector faces both micro-level operating issues which
are short-term in nature as well as those involving the medium &
long-term future.
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Energy & Multidimensional Interactions
 Because of specific characteristics of the energy sector such as
reliance on both non-renewable & renewable energies, capital
intensiveness of investments, discrete plant sizes, long
gestation period, scale economies, tradability of certain goods
leading to high revenue generation potential compared to other
economic activities, and the boom-bust cycle phenomenon, the
decisions need to be taken well in advance for the future and
the present greatly shapes the future outcomes, although with a
greater level of uncertainty.
 While the above outline of interaction is generic, the specifics
vary depending on the circumstances (e.g., resource rich or
resource poor country), economic conditions (developed or
developing country), time dimension, and the like.

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Energy Basics
 Energy is defined as the ability to do work or to produce heat.
 Normally heat could be derived by burning a fuel—i.e., a substance that
contains internal energy which upon burning generates heat, or
through other means—such as by capturing the sun’s rays, or from the
rocks below the earth’s surface (IEA 2004).
 Similarly, the ability to do work may represent the capability (or
potential) of doing work (known as potential energy as in stored water
in a dam) or its manifestation in terms of conversion to motive power
(known as kinetic energy as in the case of wind or tidal waves).
 Thus, energy manifests itself in many forms: heat, light, motive force,
chemical transformation, etc.
 Two basic laws of thermodynamics govern energy flows.
 The first law of thermodynamics is a statement of material balance
 The second law introduces the concept of quality of energy
imposing physical restriction on the use of energy.

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Alternative Classifications of Energy

 Primary and Secondary Forms of Energy

 Renewable and Non-Renewable Forms of Energy

 Commercial and Non-Commercial Energies

 Conventional and Non-Conventional Energies

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Energy classifications

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Energy Supply Chain

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Energy Trilemma
 Three elements make up the Energy Trilemma*
 Energy Security
 Energy Equity
 Energy Sustainability

 Energy trilemma index

 The World Energy Trilemma Index is an annual
measurement of national energy system performances
across each of the three trilemma dimensions:
* The term was coined by the World Energy Council

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World Energy Trilemma Index
 Energy Security measures a nation’s capacity to meet current
and future energy demand reliably, withstand & bounce back
swiftly from system shocks with minimal disruption to supplies.
The dimension covers the effectiveness of management of
domestic and external energy sources, as well as the reliability &
resilience of energy infrastructure.
 Energy Equity assesses a country’s ability to provide universal
access to reliable, affordable, & abundant energy for domestic &
commercial use. The dimension captures basic access to
electricity and clean cooking fuels and technologies, access to
prosperity-enabling levels of energy consumption, and
affordability of electricity, gas, and fuel.
 Environmental Sustainability of energy systems represents the
transition of a country’s energy system towards mitigating and
avoiding potential environmental harm and climate change
impacts. The dimension focuses on productivity and efficiency of
generation, transmission and distribution, decarbonisation, and
air quality.

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World Energy Trilemma Index
 The World Energy Trilemma Index ranks energy performance
of 127 countries on the three dimensions based on global and
national data & includes recommended areas for improvements
on policy coherence and integrated policy innovation, helping
to develop well calibrated energy systems.
 From a law and policy perspective, understanding these three
challenges and using the last two to frame future legislation,
policy, and regulation are key to stemming the tide of climate
change and its devastating effects

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Energy Security

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Energy Security - Summary
 Resource-rich nations Canada and the United States top the list for
energy security. Finland takes third place followed closely by Sweden.
The European top performers have highly diversified and innovative
mixes of energy with fast adoption of renewables.
 Clearly, the data is not reflective of the energy security crisis in Europe.
The presence of Germany in the top 10 indicates overall historical
trajectories on track towards a strong performance in energy security,
although this has been disrupted.
 In the short term, several countries in Europe may need to revert to
alternative carbon intensive sources of power at the expense of
environmental sustainability. In the medium & long term, the hope is
that the geopolitical crisis will catalyse transitions to cleaner energy
sources while keeping in mind energy security.
 The composition of the Trilemma data relies on lagging indicators using
the latest available data which has yet to be reflective in the context of
the most recent energy shocks. A more risk-based approach to diversify
the electricity mix would support higher energy security.
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Energy Equity

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Energy Equity - Summary
 Energy Equity scores are improving, including the thresholds to
achieve an A, B or C rating – but there are countries at the bottom
of the ranking who are not progressing & thus creating a
widening equality gap in Energy Equity.
 Energy exporting countries dominate the top Energy Equity
performers – especially the Middle Eastern countries whose
energy is subsidised.
 The top Energy Equity improvers are from Southeast Asia & sub-
Saharan Africa, whose progress is primarily due to investments in
infra to substantially increase energy access to their populations.
 All the top improvers despite their progress, are still within the
lowest D rating for Energy Equity – so there is still much progress
to be made to help these, and perhaps more importantly the
other lowly ranked countries that are not improving, to catch-up
and close the equality gap.
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Environmental Sustainability

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Environmental Sustainability - Summary
 Sweden, Switzerland, and Norway are the top performers in the
Environmental Sustainability dimension with low carbon sources
providing for over 95% of electricity generation in each country.
 Uruguay & Brazil are the only two non-European countries in Top 10,
benefitting from a large contribution of renewables to their energy mix.
 Angola, China, and Saudi Arabia are the top improvers since 2012.
Despite progress made, these three countries still occupy low positions
in the global Environmental Sustainability ranking.
 After plunging in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, global GHG
emissions from energy rebounded in 2021, slowing countries’ progress
towards their decarbonisation commitments and highlighting the need
to adopt new technologies to support the transition.
 Climate change is posing unprecedented challenges to energy systems,
with worsening physical impacts on infrastructure often not designed
to withstand more frequent and intense weather extremes. HEP is
particularly exposed, and its financial viability, together with power
generation itself, is increasingly threatened by climate change.
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Av generation mix for Top 10 & Bottom 10 Countries

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Global Investments

According to IRENA, in 2021 costs continued to fall for onshore wind (15%), solar
photovoltaic (13%) and offshore wind (13%), leading to a record-high 9% increase
in global renewable capacity generation compared to 2020.
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Trilemma Reimagined

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Energy Quadrilemma
 The energy quadrilemma adds the fourth element (of social
dimensions of energy) that focuses on people, their involvement,
& the acceptance of decisions in the energy industry.
 This fourth issue concerns itself with providing energy in a just
and sustainable way & is referred to as ‘energy justice’. It is
concerned with identifying when and where injustices occur in
energy systems and how best law and policy can respond.
 Conceptualized as having three principal tenets (distributional
justice, procedural justice, and recognition justice) it deals with
both macro-justice (on societal impacts of energy & how fair and
just their institutional decisions are) as well as micro-justice (how
individuals are impacted by systemic outcomes)

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Energy Information
 Information is crucial for any decision-making be it development
planning decisions or business decisions or decisions by
individual consumers.
 Reliable and quality information facilitates decision-making and
improves the decision-making process.
 Broadly the common requirement would include,
 Energy use by various economic activities;
 Energy production, transformation and delivery to various
 Technical and operating statistics of the plants and
 Financial and cost information, and
 Macro-economic and other social information

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Energy Accounting Framework
 The energy accounting framework is one that enables a
complete accounting of energy flows from original supply
sources through conversion processes to end-use demands
with all double-counting avoided.
 By accounting for all conversion losses this framework
provides an exhaustive accounting for itemizing the
sources and uses of energy

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Energy Commodity Flow

Source IEA (2004)

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Main flows considered in Energy Accounting

Energy Balance

 Commodity Accounts
& Overall Energy
 Units, Conversion
Factors & Aggregation
of Energy Flows

Source UN (1982), Codoni et al. (1985), UN (1991) and IEA (2004)

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Energy Accounting
 Accounting of Traditional Energies
 Treatment of Primary Electricity Production
 Production and use of electricity pose certain problems
for energy balance tables. This is because for other fuels
the total energy content is measured rather than the
available energy, while for electricity generated from
hydroelectric power, nuclear power or geothermal, the
available energy is essentially measured

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Energy Accounting
 Consumption equivalence: Here the OEB records the direct heat equivalent
of the electricity (i.e., converting 1 kWh to kcal or kJ using the calorific value
of electricity, note that 1 kWh = 860 kcal). This is done on the premise that
the energy could essentially be harnessed by transforming it into electricity
and that electricity is the practically first usable form of the energy under
consideration. This approach is known as consumption equivalence of
electricity treatment for energy balances.
 Production equivalence: The second method attempts to measure the
equivalent or comparable fossil fuel requirement of primary electricity
production. This is done on the premise of consistency in approach. This
method estimates the amount of fossil fuel input that would be required to
provide the same energy as produced by the primary electricity sources. This
approach is known as fossil fuel input equivalent approach or simply
production equivalence approach (or partial substitution approach).
 A two-step procedure is followed to determine the input primary energy:
 the overall thermal efficiency of thermal power generation for the
country concerned is estimated first;
 this efficiency is applied to primary electricity generation to arrive at the
input energy requirement.
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Treatment of Electricity in Final Consumption
 Treatment of Electricity in Final Consumption
 Electricity, being a secondary form of energy, is a high-grade
energy compared to other forms of energy; and
 the appliance efficiency is often much higher than other
types of energy-using appliances.
 The issue is whether electricity should be treated like any other
source of energy or differently.
 Useful energy basis – considers device agency
 Fossil fuel equivalence – e.g., MTOE

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Treatment of Electrification
 Electricity plays a key role in the development of a country,
especially in the context of developing countries, like India, that
has scarce resources and infrastructure to provide for the
impoverished rural communities.
 Theories on rural electrification differ based on their argument
over whether electricity is a derived demand generated by
growth or it acts as driver to development.
 Many researchers observe that essentially rural electrification
has four roles (Ranganathan, 1993; Gupta, et al., 2001).
 Electricity as a production input;
 A commodity for consumption;
 As basic need; and
 As infrastructure for development.

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Treatment of Electrification Contd…
 The production input perspective argues electricity can support
existing production processes to improve efficiency of
production and thereby income (Ranganathan, 1993).
 In case of commodity perspective, it is argued that wealth and
income are the drivers for electricity demand i.e., electricity can
be provided to only such areas that has developed itself to a
certain level (Foley, 1992).
 The counter to the above argument is electricity’s role to meet
basic needs that considers electricity as essential to development
and treats it more of a service towards socio-economic value
creation that should be provided free, if necessary, to improve
living conditions.
 On the other hand, infrastructure role of electricity supports the
view that combining provision of electricity with other
infrastructure needs leads to secondary benefits (Reddy, 1999)

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Treatment of Electrification Contd…
 Conceptually, the production input and infrastructure roles of
electricity could be distinguished by the critical test of knowing
whether the demand is immediate and manifest or latent and
developing over time.
 In the latter case, electricity will act as infrastructure, and
accordingly supply should lead demand, instead of following it.
 Based on the review of the literature, it can be concluded that a
single treatment of electricity may be inadequate.
 Electricity has all the four roles depending on when and where it
is being served.
 Such a process implies providing electricity subsidies initially
that would help the rural inhabitants to meet their basic
 Through an integrated approach encompassing infrastructure
development and education programmes, subsidies can be
phased out as customers start developing production systems &
markets to sustainably generate income and growth.
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Treatment of Electrification Contd…
 Defining access to electricity in purely economic and technical
terms masks the social, institutional & cultural dimensions
 These aspects might be playing a big role in shaping the extent to
which electricity is able to meet different levels of aspiration of
people, how such access is maintained and the factors
contributing to the sustenance.
 Further, electrification may have to play all four roles depending
on the context and developmental stage of a community.
 Thus, in terms of definitional aspects, there is a need to move
from considering electricity access as a matter of technical
provision from the supply side to also include the demand side
aspects i.e., provision of ‘electricity services’ like, lighting,
productive use, entertainment, and/or cooling/heating as well as
customer services.

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Treatment of Electrification Contd…
 Access to electricity services is not restricted to the physical
infrastructure but is also shaped by the local social aspects
and relations, institutions, norms and regulations, processes
and practices that define the socio-technical systems
 Some scholars observe that electricity access is created not
only through “designed and engineered material objects” but
through an entanglement of “producers, infrastructures,
users, customers, regulators and other intermediaries
 Access to energy is therefore neither a singular endeavor
nor a step-wise progression, but a condition sustained
through the ongoing social, political, cultural, technical and
economic work of maintaining the provision of energy

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Challenges in Energy Sector
 The issues of and concerns about the energy sector are multi-
faceted, often international, spatially differentiated and
 This is due to the pivotal role of energy in any individual’s day-
to-day life as well its importance as a key input to the
production processes that transform inputs to goods and
 In addition, the sector has a multi-dimensional strategic
importance in terms of macroeconomic influences, geo-
political implications, and environmental concerns.
 Often these interactions and mutual dependencies create
complex problems

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Grand Energy Transitions
 Two grand transitions have shaped energy systems at all levels
 The first transition involved a
shift towards coal, which was
made possible by a radical
technological innovation of
steam engines powered by coal.
 This allowed conversion of fossil
energy into work and made the
supply of energy site
independent, as coal could be
transported & stored as needed.
 The second transition was triggered by a number of innovations that
resulted in a diversification of supply options & end-use technologies.
 Electricity was the most important innovation of this period
 In both the transitions, scarcity of energy in the sense of physical
exhaustion did not play any role
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Grand Energy Transitions
 Two grand transitions also resulted in far-reaching structural changes
in terms of industrialization and urbanization.
 Economies started to move away from agriculture towards industry
and manufacturing.
 The present trend is to move away from basic industries to services and
information-based industries.
 Urbanization has also led to profound changes in the economies in
terms of economic activities, lifestyles, social values, migration etc.
 Yet, the benefits of grand transitions did not reach everybody, as 1/3rd
of the world population relies on traditional energies to meet demand
 Energy Poverty appears to be increasing than decreasing (rate of pop
growth is more than the rate of providing access for many countries)
 At the same time, uncontrolled urbanisation, rapid population growth,
changes in the economic and social structures, and imitation of
developed country lifestyles are imposing additional burden on energy

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Future Transition
 Any future transition is expected to emerge from the present-day
issues and challenges
 High reliance on oil & gas centralised in a few regions has led to the
concerns of scarcity and security of supply.
 Unprecedented demand growth, skewed regional distribution of
demand, profound divergence in consumption level, ~1 billion
people without access to clean energies, and multi-dimensional
concerns of environmental damage due to energy use are some
other concerns
 The symptoms of unsustainable energy practices would continue
to haunt us in the future
 the energy sector thus requires a paradigm shift to return to a
sustainable path.
 This implies that the sector has to organise differently and to
change practices and policies at various levels.
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Future Transition
 What will such a transition involve and when and how will
this happen?
 Any future transition is expected to emerge from the present-
day issues & challenges.
 But such a transition will lead to a large number issues
 Does it make sense to act now or is it better to wait and see?
 If one decided to wait, will it be disadvantageous pushing it lag
behind others?
 Or will waiting provide the opportunity for free-riding and
 If waiting is not desirable, what sort of action will be desirable?
Should it take a leading role or follow others?
 Will the chosen technologies be socially acceptable, economically
viable, environmentally friendly, & institutionally manageable? If
not, what would be the fallback option?

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Transition Management Challenge

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Typology of Energy Sector Management Issues

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Resource Management Issues

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Managing Effects of Price Shocks
 Higher oil prices result in a fall in oil demand, as the consumers with
limited budget try to reach an alternative equilibrium position.
 The cost of production of goods and services rises, which puts pressure
on profits of the firms. The effect depends on the energy intensity of
production: normally developed countries with lower energy intensity
are expected to face lower pressure than the developing countries.
 Higher costs of goods and services put pressure on general price levels,
fuelling inflation.
 Higher costs & inflation, and lower profit margins would put pressures
on demand, wages and employment, affecting the economic activities.
 Effects on economic activities influence financial markets, interest rates
and exchange rates.
 Finally, depending on the expected duration of price increases,
consumer & producer behaviours would change. Producers may invest
in new capacities while consumers may tend to economise

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Energy Supply Security
 Another concern is related to ensuring adequate energy supply in an
affordable and reliable manner to meet the future demand
 There was a belief that the markets would be able to solve the
problems of the energy sector and that no specific attention needs to be
paid to energy security concerns
 The security of supply problem has several components:
 Exercise of market power by suppliers to raise prices
 Macroeconomic disruption due to energy price volatility
 Threats to infrastructure
 Localised reliability problems
 Environmental security, etc.
 Accordingly, the security concern has a physical & economic dimension
 Moreover, there is a time dimension of it:
 Short-term - main concern relates to the risks of disruption to
existing supplies due to act of god, technical or political problem;
 Long-term, the risks related to future energy supply also arise.
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Issues Related to Supply Provision
 Investments
 Search for Alternative Strategies for Energy Access Problem
Consumers in Africa meet their energy needs by consuming 111 kgoe
of coal, 140 kgoe of oil, 86 kgoe of gas and 310 kgoe of traditional
energies, their counterparts in North America consume 1.4 toe of coal,
2.5 toe of oil, 1.5 toe of gas and one toe of other energies (including
traditional energies). Thus, coal consumption per person in North
America is 12 times higher, while oil and gas consumption is about 20
times higher.
 Sustainable, long-term solutions for energy access problem can
neither rely on subsidized supply of clean energies nor on piece-
meal solutions that address only a part of the problem
 What is required in the long term is to ensure adequate supply of
monetary resources to households to sustain a lifestyle that relies
on clean energies and other monetized inputs.
©Debajit Palit – Not to be used without permission 59
Integrated Approach to address Energy Access
 Focusing on the creation of opportunities for higher income
generation in monetary terms, as opposed to in-kind income.
Unless money flow increases to the poor, commercial energies
stand little chance of competing with traditional energies.
 By developing local energy markets taking into account the
specificities of local energy situation (resources, needs, capacities,
strengths and constraints) and adopting appropriate supply
mechanisms and organizational structures to cater to the local
 By selective and judicious use of market interventions to make
energy supply affordable but ensuring financial viability of energy
supply. Unless the supply is financially viable, it cannot be
 By ensuring local community participation in the decision-making
and policy implementation process.

©Debajit Palit – Not to be used without permission 60

Other Sector Management Issues

 Management of Environmental Issues of Energy use

 Renewable Energies and the Management Challenge

 Reform and Restructuring

©Debajit Palit – Not to be used without permission 61

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