Taller 1 English Activity Elvis Jair Cabezas Jimenez 24-11-2022

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Group: 1


Watch the video about International Labour Organization ILO, after that, write
two paragraphs in English about its job and objectives.
The International Labor Organization (OIT) is dedicated to promoting social justice,
internationally recognized human and labor rights, pursuing its founding mission: social
justice is essential for universal and permanent peace. The OIT's unique tripartite structure
grants equal rights to workers, employers and governments in ensuring that the views of
these social partners are accurately reflected both in labor standards and in changing policies
and programs.
The ILO recognizes the link between workplace peace and personal prosperity and progress,
that is why the success of the organization's work can really serve as an indicator of progress.

Its objectives are to contribute to achieving world peace, promoting the solution of the
problems that they present in the labor sectors, and creating international laws and
conventions that govern their norms. The ILO has carried out as its main objective is to carry
out issues related to social security and the preservation of health in their jobs that will allow
us in an excellent work environment, being that they respect the laws decreed such as that
of working the maximum 8 hours possible in a working day taking into account rest hours that
include food and rest.
The OIT works around four strategic objectives which seeks to Promote and comply with
standards and fundamental principles and rights at work; Create greater opportunities for
women and men to have decent jobs and income; Improve the coverage and effectiveness of
social security for all; Strengthen tripartism and social dialogue.

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