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Reading passage 1
You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1-13, which are based                                             The Welsh in Argentina
on Reading Passage 1 below.

Questions 1-6

Complete the sentences below. In the middle of the 19th century, some individuals in Wales and the United States
Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each establishing a Welsh settlement in Argentina. Their hope was that the Welsh could
answer. traditions alive, without any external influences. At first sight, it is curious that som
Welsh travelers had headed earlier towards North America. The problem in the U.S
Write your answers in spaces 1-6 on your answer sheet.
strong influence on the language and traditions of Welsh migrants. Some therefor
1. The Welsh settlers wished to found a settlement in Patagonia to not other somewhat far-away places of the world, so that the lack of contact with othe
only nurture their culture, but also their preservation of their own culture. They finally chose Patagonian Argentina, due to
language Argentine government offered a grant of twenty-five acres of land per family.
Initially, it was problematic to raise funds and gather public support and the long n
government were very difficult. However, the first group of Welsh settlers finally be
2. The early Welsh settlers in the U.S. noticed that their language and on the 28th May 1865. Some 150, in total, sailed from Liverpool on board the Mim
culture were particularly affected by
The reality of life in Patagonia, a barren and inhospitable place, was to prove extre
American society settlers. The settlers had to face many adversities, such as bad harvests, floods and
. ocean in order to sell their goods. Some of them, as a result, decided to emigrate t
decreased and because of this, it became important that more Welsh came from W
3. The Argentinian government gave the new Welsh settlers twenty-five
back to Wales in order to convince them and two more waves took place during th
acres of land per family, but not before lengthy
the settlers established their own Welsh-speaking communities, where they built fa
By the mid-twentieth century, the influx from Wales had ceased altogether and pe
. backgrounds from other parts of Argentina migrated to the territory. During this t
4. Poor harvests and floods were just two of the numerous between Wales and Patagonia, because of the two world wars, and the depression
community was at that time in a minority and, when the first generations of Welsh
of relationship between Wales and Patagonia weakened and Welsh cultural activity
that the first settlers faced in Patagonia. This decay of the settlers’ Welsh traditions continued. Although Argentina had gai
5. Visits to Wales by settlers in led to further wasn’t until the 20th century that Spanish became the official language of the cou
Argentinian authorities becoming actively involved in the governance of the settle
more and more Argentinian and less and less Welsh. The number of people speak
taking place. reduced rapidly during the early twentieth century. However, the 1960’s saw a revi
6. The world wars and period of Patagonia, which led to an increase in interest in all things Welsh amongst the des
Welsh people visited the region in 1965 to celebrate the colony’s centenary and si
visitors has increased.
in Argentina ensured few relations between Wales and Patagonia in the Today, the Welsh Institute, which is responsible for gathering data on Welsh cultur
mid twentieth century. approximately 150,000 people living in the province where the Welsh areas of Pata
Questions 7-11 approximately 20,000 who are descendants of the Welsh. Many of them speak We
able to speak Welsh to differing levels. The latter are people and children, who eith
Answer the questions below.
Welsh at home, or have learned Welsh as a second language in the classroom. App
Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER from the all ages take up learning Welsh as a second language annually. The Welsh heritage
passage for each answer. the entire province, even in villages in the middle of the Patagonian desert, with W
Write your answers in spaces 7-10 on your answer sheet. street on the shop fronts. Educators are sent to teach the language and to train lo
prestige in knowing the language, even among those who are not of Welsh descen
7. In which century did Spanish become the official language of
is mainly funded by the Welsh government and other UK institutions.
It seems like a wonderful story, but not everyone agrees with this point of view. Ac
Welsh involvement in Patagonia say the migration has to be seen now more as cu
8. What did many Welsh visitors come to Patagonia to celebrate in settlement of the region. This act of migration was underpinned by a contradiction
1965?     England’s cultural dominance while failing to grasp that they would pose the same
the colony’s centenary Some opponents feel that Wales’ involvement in the region has escaped the critici
expansion in places like India and Africa, because received wisdom has always por
9. Which organization in Patagonia collects information on Welsh disempowered. Finally, modern anthropological researchers have reported that the
culture?    
speakers remaining in Patagonia. Claims about Welsh language speakers actually r
the Welsh Institute or language learners. Nevertheless, there are currently three bilingual Welsh-Span

Whatever the point of view, there is no escaping the fact that there is now a small
Argentinian Patagonia. 
10. About how many people today take up learning the Welsh
language in Patagonia every year? 
six hundred

Questions 11 – 13
Choose the correct letter A, B, C or D.

Write the correct letter in boxes 11 - 13 on your answer sheet.

11 What example is given of current Welsh help to foster Welsh culture

in Patagonia? 

Teachers are sent out

Argentinian Welsh speakers are given scholarships to study in Wales

New emigration is funded

Cultural events are sponsored

12 What contradiction is identified by academics regarding cultural


Many settlers experienced a worse life in Patagonia than back in


The settlers escaping from English cultural colonialism inflicted it on

indigenous Patagonians

The settlers who wanted to preserve their Welsh identity

intermarried with the indigenous Patagonians

The settlers were there, but not in a location that they wished

13 Why is it stated by some critics that the Welsh settlement was not
classed as colonialism? 

Because the Welsh settlers were welcomed by the indigenous


Because Wales as a country was too weak and itself colonized

Because the Welsh settlers were happy to include the indigenous

Patagonians in their villages

Because the Welsh settlers embraced Argentine nationality

Câu hỏi 2

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Reading passage 2
You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 14-26, which are
based on Reading Passage 2 below. Can we call it "ART"?

Life-Casting and Art

Questions 14-18
A When these life-castings were made in the 19th century, no one thought of them
Tracey Emin's unmade bed and the lights going off and on in a gallery as masterpi
The reading Passage has seven paragraphs A-H.
these more skillful and profoundly strange works have a greater claim on our atten
Which paragraph contains the following information?
B Art changes over time; what is art changes, too. Objects intended for devotional
Write the correct letter A-H, in boxes 14-18 on your answer sheet. re-categorized, by latecomers from another civilization who no longer respond to
would New Yorker cartooning be without Lascaux gags in which one bison-painter
14 How to assess an art    H
remarks to another? What also happens is that techniques and crafts judged non-

15 Technicians do the boring work   D C In the 19th century, life-casting was to sculpture what photography was to paint
cheating short-cuts by the senior arts. Their virtues - of speed and unwavering rea
16 Intention from author is claimed matters in Art  B they left little predicting or no room for the imagination. For many, life-casting wa
gesture; in a famous lawsuit of 1834, a moulder whose mask of the dying Napoleo
17 A trial on a famous figure's mask in 19th century  C without his permission, was judged to have no rights in the image - in other words
an artist. Rodin said of life-casting: "It happens fast, but it doesn't make art." Other
18 Detailed depiction of an earlier work  F aesthetics might be blown off course if too much nature was allowed in, it would l
pursuit of the ideal.
Questions 19-24
D Gauguin, at the end of the century, worried about future developments in photo
Do the following statements agree with the views of the writer of the
into color, what painter would labor away at a likeness with a brush made from sq
text? robust. Photography changed it, of course, just as the novel had to reassess narrat
In boxes 19-24 on your answer sheet, write But the gap between the senior and junior arts was always narrower than the die-h
used technical back-up - studio assistants to do the boring bits, cameras lucida an
YES   if the statement agrees with the write’s views
crafts involve great skill, thought, preparation, choice, and - depending how we de
NO   if the statement doesn’t agree with the write’s views was complex, technical work, as Benjamin Robert Haydon discovered when he pou
NOT GIVEN   if it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this black model Wilson and nearly killed him.

19 The intention of using artistic objects will change as time pass.         E Time changes our view in another way, too. Each new art movement implies a re
                NOT GIVEN before; what is done now alters what was done before. In some cases, this is mere
using the old to justify itself: Look how all of that points to this; aren't we clever to
20 In 19th century, people appreciate the fast speed and realism of gone before? But usually it is a matter of re-alerting the sensibility, reminding us n
living casting.     YES so often we need the aesthetic equivalent of a cataract operation. So there are ma
bit-players back in the last half of the 19th century - which would sit happily nowa
21 Rodin indicated that slow pace would improve the artistic quality of gallery. Many curators would probably put in for the stunning cast of the hand of
casting.   NOT GIVEN F The initial impact is on the eye, in the contradiction (which Mueck constantly exp
and extreme verisimilitude. Next, the human element kicks in: you note that the na
22 The importance of painting dropped as the development of
is the caster's decorative addition - and the paddy fingertips extend far beyond th
photographs.           NOT GIVEN gnawer, or does giantism mean that the flesh simply outgrows the nails?) Then yo
arrangement, art if you like - the neat, pleated, buttoned sleeve end that gives the
23 Life casting requires less skill and cost than painting.                        
texture. This is just a moulded hand, yet the part stands utterly for the whole: and,
                                  NO reminds us, slyly, poignantly, of the full-size original who in his time was just as mu
not a long way from Degas's La Petite Danseuse (which, after all, one critic said sho
24 Emerge of new art makes people recognize the meaning of art
pathology museum); though we are nearer to contemporary art that lazily gets cal
again.                   YES
G Barthes proclaimed the death of the author, the liberation of the text from autho
Questions 25-26 empowerment of the reader; he announced this, needless to say, in a text written w
to communicate something very specific to a reader. An own goal of Keith Weller
Choose the correct letter, A, B,C or D.
for literature works much better for art. Pictures do float free of their creators' inte
Write your answers in boxes 25-26 on your answer sheet. does become more powerful. Few of us can look at a medieval altarpiece as its pai
25 Why hand of giant from Barnum's circus attract people's attention predicting too little and aesthetically know too much, so we recreate, we find new
in the first place? Equally, the lack of artistic intention of Paul Richer and other forgotten craftsmen w
moulded, cast, decorated and primped a century and more ago is now irrelevant.
details and human element 
H What counts is the surviving object and our living response to it. The tests are si
size and realism
excite the brain, move the mind to reflection, and involve the heart; further, is an a
texture and color Much currently fashionable art bothers only the eye and briefly the brain; but it fai
It may, to use the old dichotomy, be beautiful, but it is rarely true to any significan
imagination and intuition pleasures of art IS its ability to come at us from an unexpected angle and stop us s
of the objects in this show do. The Ataxic Venus doesn't make Ron Mueck's Dead D
26 What requirement does it depend on when judging if an object is an image; but she does offer herself as a companion, precursor, and, yes, rival.

audience status

fresh or old condition

lasting period

public response

Câu hỏi 3

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Reading passage 3
You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 27-40, which are                                               Corporal Punishment
based on Reading Passage 3 below.
Corporal punishment is a contentious and much debated issue within society. Corp
Questions 27-33 use of physical force towards a child for the purpose of control and/or correction,
inflicted on the body with the intention of causing some degree of pain or discom
Do the following statements agree with the views of the writer of the
shown that corporal punishment is effective in achieving immediate child complian
that the benefits associated with immediate child amenability can be offset by find
In boxes 27-33 on your answer sheet, write: punishment fails to teach a child self-control and inductive reasoning, Instead, cor
YES                  if the statement agrees with the write’s views to avoid engaging in behavior that is punishable by way of force while in an adult'
a child not to engage in the undesirable behavior at all. 
NO                  if the statement doesn't agree with the writer's views
As part of their natural development, children sometimes challenge or test parenta
NOT GIVEN    if it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this
authority and sometimes, children simply choose to misbehave in order to gain so
27 Studies have proved the success of corporal punishment at making object, power or peer approval. This parental challenge is a significant part of the g
a child obedient.    YES everyone agrees that, although it should not be discouraged, it should not be with
children learn right from wrong, acceptable from unacceptable, However, there are
28 Even young children have been known to fight back when corporal strongly about than those regarding the discipline and punishment of their childre
punishment is applied. YES terms interchangeably, they mean quite different things. The definition of disciplin
teaching a child the difference between acceptable and unacceptable behavior. Go
29 Parents should try and prevent their children from challenging an force, focusing on what a child is allowed to do. The goal of discipline is to help a
adult's authority.  NO behavior into controlled, purposeful behavior, and discipline should be reinforced
reminders. Corporal punishment is one technique of discipline. It may be physical
30 The words 'discipline' and 'punishment' are often confused by - disapproval, isolation from others, or withdrawal of privileges. The goal of punish
people.        YES behavior.

There is a significant group within society that supports the use of corporal punish
31 Corporal punishment is not part of what discipline is meant to be.   
believe in its mild application. They believe that mild corporal punishment used sp
          NO environment teaches a child that one can press the patience of others past a point
theory is that corporal punishment can serve to emphasize parental conviction, cle
32 The use of corporal punishment has been condemned by the United
child, and relieve parental frustration when a child's behavior is especially exaspera
Nations. NOT GIVEN
point out, however, that corporal punishment should not be used in instances whe
33 Supporters of corporal punishment believe it can help parents feel control or truly accidental, such as spilling milk. 

better in some situations. YES The overwhelming majority nowadays oppose corporal punishment in any form. T
punishment used as a method of discipline can result in undesirable and even dam
Questions 34-37 corporal punishment does not affect misbehavior, and takes the responsibility for
Complete the summary below. child. Child psychologist Anna Westin explains. "Children need to be accountable f
learn the inner control necessary to function as healthy, self-disciplined individuals
Write ONE WORD ONLY from the text for each answer.
spankings, shouts, and threats may learn how to avoid these punishments simply b
Write your answers in boxes 34 - 37 on your answer sheet. particular way within sight of the person who punishes. There is no guarantee that
Opposition to Corporal Punishment changed over time or when he or she is away from the person who punishes him o

Opponents of corporal punishment fear its 34  Another criticism of corporal punishment is that it may lead to a child viewing pun
aggression, and learning only that a large person has power over a smaller one. Co
arouse feelings of resentment, counter-aggression, and deep humiliation and a ch
and feel it removes children's 35 toward another person's pain. Corporal punishment also increases the possibility o
difficult for a parent to judge the severity of the punishment.
It is helpful to keep in mind the goals people have for children. If the goal is to hel
for their misbehavior. It's feared children's behavior might only change
impulses and become self-directed adults, they must be helped by expanding the
only when they are observed. Children might also see corporal
more than mild punishments that serve only as temporary stopgap measures. This
punishment as an 36 
include corporal punishment. It can be done, for example by accompanying a mild
endorsement explanation stating specifically what the child did wrong and what she can do to c
of using force and create various negative feelings and effects. Children future. Explaining to the child so that he/she can understand why the misbehavior
may also lose their feelings of empathy and they can become think about acceptable versus unacceptable behavior and helps him or her learn to

vulnerable to cruelty with adults getting the 37  own behavior. This should not be confused with trying to get the child to be "reas
agree that parental rules are reasonable in order to abide by them. It is widely agre
will do the right thing, not because they fear external reprisal, but because
they ha
of the corporal punishment wrong. presented by parents and other care-takers. In learning to rely on their own resour
children gain self-confidence and a positive self-image.
Questions 38-40
Complete each sentence (38-40) with the correct ending (A-F) below. In conclusion, it is clear that corporal punishment can be an emotive issue. Many n

Write the correct letter (A-F) in answer boxes 38-40 on your answer and so parents do not really have a choice of whether to use it or not, unless they
country. What is clear though is that discussion of this issue will always begin agai
into the world.
38 Spoken justification to children for a punishment teaches them that

39 Children do not need to feel that       C

40 Children eventually learn that           A

      A role models have displayed the proper behavior.

      B some unnecessary rules can be ignored.
      C rules are fair in order to follow them.
      D they will understand better when they grow up.
      E they should consider the acceptability of their actions.
      F they can learn better behavior at home than at school.


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