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54 I can arrange a holiday 3 Things you might do or arrange before you go abroad on holiday: * book the flight * book the accommodation * find your passport * geta vii * get travel insurance * get foreign currency * pack your suitcase * hire a car spotlight Might means ‘it is possible that’ or ‘perhaps’. ‘Might is the same in all forms. You might be ill on holiday He might forget his passport. Iemight be cold in March, @ Circle the correct word. > | have toGebyfind a visa. 1 We went abroad/holiday last summer. 2. | had to hire/arrange accommodation. 3 We might/have go to Japan in June. 4 | need to hire/get travel insurance. 5 Can we pack/hire a car here? 6 | must hire/find my passport. 7 Have you made/packed your suitcase? 8 Did you book/have the flight to Paris? Complete the text. 'm going on holiday for two weeks this Saturday. | wanted to go (1) — year, perhaps to the Far East, and | finally decided to go to China. | booked the (2) to0, so | looked on the internet for hotels in to stay there for the first week. | also had to (5) a visa, and | got some foreign (6) ___ with China Airlines. | needed (3) Beijing. | found a nice one and (4) travel (7) | you never know, | (8) I'm going to (9) have to (10) _______ it before Saturday! nge something plan and organize something go abroad goto another country on holiday Ifyou are on holiday, you are not at work and you are away from home. book arrange the plane ticket, e.g, buy it before you travel flight a journey by plane accommodation a place to stay, e.g. a hotel find look and see where something is Passport a * fssstc visa a document or note in your passport which means you can travel to certain countries travel insurance You pay a company for travel insurance so they will help you if you lose something or are ill on holiday foreign of another country currency the money of country, e.g. $ (dollars) or € (euros) pack put clothes in a suitcase suitcase hire pay to use something for a short time, e.g, acar, a bike — this _~ Chinese Yuan. | paid €30 for _—— be ill or lose my things. Tomorrow, my suitcase. | know | put my passport somewhere, but where? I'll 8 Bb Test yourself. Cover the list of things you might do before you go abroad. Can you remember the phrases and write your own list? HOLIDAYS 141 55 I can book a hotel room A Describing a hotel 6% Atlanta Hotel (Vilnius, Lithuania) We stayed in this hotel near the Old Town where we had a beautiful bedroom with good facilities: minibar’, ! internet access’, satellite TV’ and air 3s conditioning. The hotel has a great gym'.There was 24-hour room service and the staff were very helpful with stay in a hotel live for a short time in a hotel (also tourist information. The café bar was a stay) very pleasant place to meet other guests, facilities things you can use, e.g, internet, gym. and we had a delicious breakfast there air conditioning makes a room colder, central too. We recommend both Vilnius and the heating makes a room warmer Atlanta for a short stay. room service when a waiter brings food or drinks to your room ] it staff u people who work for a company helpful wanting to help tourist someone who goes to a place on holiday 7 . guest a person staying in a hotel or your home @ Circle the right answer. delice vey gualioat The bar was pleasantfelicious, recommend say something is good The staff/guests work in the hotel. It was a lovely hotel so | recommended/didn’t recommend it to my sister. The dinner was delicious/helpful. A lot of tourists/guests visit our city. Internet access and satellite TV are room service/facilities. You can get drinks from the gym/minibar. AuRWNay @ complete the questions. ABOUT YOU > What was the last hotel you stayed in? 1 How long did you there? 2 Were the _______ helpful? 3 Did the room have good ________, e.g. internet access? 4 Didithavea__. with drinks in your room? 5 Didithave_.____Tv? 6 Did it have air. and central —.._-_.__ ? 7 Did you talk to other _—in the hotel? 8 Would you this hotel to other people? © sour YOU write your answers to the questions in Exercise 2, or ask another student. 142 HOLIDAYS mn doubleroom singleroom —_ twinroom Booking a room 6% book a room ask a hotel to keep room for you fora future date ensuite a bedroom with a bathroom right OK £60 a night = €60 for one night Katja (K) is talking to the receptionist (R) ata hotel. eo R Hotel Metropole. Can I help you? (thats) great fine very good K Oh, good moming. I'd like to book a double room with a pening apis bac, bathroom for May 24", please. eRe ree R_ That's fine, All our bedfooms are en suite. fm afrald not =Tm sorry, but 0. K Right, and how muchis that? never mind = it isn't important R__ It's €60 a night, and breakfast is inchuded in the price. detalls information, eg. the card K That's great. And has the hotel got parking? number R No, I'mafraid not. K Oh, what a shame. OK, well, never mind. Ill takeit. R_ Right, can have your credit card details please?... ° You say this when someone tells Answer the questions about the dialogue. you something which isa little > Is Katja staying for two nights? No sad, or you don't want to hear. Tcan't come this evening. 1 Does she want a room for one person? —__ ~ Oh, what a shame. Has the room got a bathroom? —__ ~ Oh, that’s a shame, Is she happy about the price? es Will she pay more for breakfast? —__ How much is the room for one night? Can she leave her car at the hotel? ___ Is she angry about the parking? —___ Do they want her credit card number? —__ OIYAUAWN Complete the dialogue. > A Regent Hotel, can | help. B Oh, hello, I'd (1) a room for two next Tuesday, please. A Isthata(3)roomora(4) ? B Adouble, please. A All our rooms are (5) —————., with bath or (6)____ _ B That's (7) ______. How much is the room? A It's €45 (8) _— night, and breakfast is (9) — BOK, and does the room have (10) conditioning? A i'm (11) not. B —————-. Oh, well, never (13) ____.. Ill take the room. A = Could you give me your credit card (15) please? HOLIDAYS 143 56 | can communicate in an airport A Check-in 69 When passengers’ get to the airport, they put their luggage? (suitcase® and bag’) on a trolley® and go to the check-in desk®, There, they show their ticket” and passport, and put their luggage on the scales*. They can take hand luggage’ on the plane with them. The person at the check- in desk often asks, ‘Do you want a window seat” or an aisle seat"'?’ They give the passenger a boarding card", and they often say, ‘Have a good flight’ 12 @ complete the words. > p45 Senger 4 1 su_tea_e 5 2 |_gg—ge 6 3 ai_le se_t 7 h_nd I_gg—ge have a g——d fi a—-p-—t b__td__g ca_d 8 w—nd_—w se_t 9 tick_t 10 sc_I_s 1 tr_il_y e Bb Test yourself. Cover the text. Name the things in the picture. B Departures 6% Departures from Bristol Airport Time now: 10.30 Flight | Destination | Departure time | Notes EZY 6025 | Barcelona | 10.25 departed KL 1048 | Amsterdam | 10.35 flight closed BA 4021 | Munich 10.50 last call gate 5 FR 483 | Dublin 11.00 boarding gate 7 BA 7643. | Milan 11.05 delayed until 11.50 BA 4084 | ParisCDG | 11.35 check-in desk 22 © Look at the departures board. It is now 10.30. Circle the correct answer. > Can you get on the Dublin flight now? (¥es)No Can you get on the Barcelona plane now? Yes/No Can you get on the Amsterdam plane now? Yes/No Can you get on the Munich 2 3 4 |s the Milan flight on time? Yes/No 5 plane now? Yes/No How many flights are boarding now? 1/2/3/4/5 144 HOLIDAYS departed Ifa plane has departed, it has left the airport. (The noun is departure.) flight closed = You can't get on the plane now. last call = You must get on the plane now. gate the place where you leave the airport building to get on the plane boarding Ifthe flight is boarding, people are getting on the plane. delayed Ifa plane is delayed, it is going to be late. (It isn't on time.) © complete the airport announcements. > Flight _____ kL 1048 to Amsterdam is now closed. 1 This is the last ... for passengers on flight BA4021 to Munich. Please go to ——--—__. 5 immediately. Passengers on flight FR 483 to Dublin: this flight is now We are very sorry that flight BA 7643 to Milan is Would passengers on flight BA 4084 to Paris please go to... desk 22. Flight BA 7643 to Milan will now —........._ at 11.50. _— at gate 7 uUaAWN C Take-off and landing 6% ped You get on the plane and ‘The plane takes off. The plane lands and fasten your seat belt. you get off. You go through passport control. You collect your luggage Someone cheeks your passport. from baggage reclaim. and leave the terminal. © Put the phrases in order. Write numbers in the boxes. a collect your luggage |_| di theplane lands |_| g geton the plane b go through customs ©. get off the plane h. the plane takes off ¢ fasten your seat belt |_| f _leave the terminal i someone checks your passport __| © complete the phrases. You leave the The plane takes off and You fasten . You go through You collect your Passengers ___ __— the plane. uMaAWNa¥ @ A80UT YOU Write answers to the questions, or ask another student. 1 How often do you travel by plane? What do you do in the airport when your fight is delayed Do you like to sit in a window seat or an aisle seat? What hand luggage do you usually take on the plane? RWN © WB test yourself. cover the words. Can you remember the phrases for each picture? HOLIDAYS 145 59 | can use the bank and post office A At the bank 6% Questions Answers Meaning CanIuse this cardinthis _| Ifit’sa Visa card, yes. | also ATM cash machine? Where can I change dollars | Ina bank, ahotel,or | change (money) e.g. give someone dollars into euros? abureaude change. | and get the same in euros Isthere a bureau de Yes, there's one at the | an office where you can change money change near here? station. Which currency doIneed | You need pesos. the money that a country uses, e.g, dollars in for Argentina? the USA T've got Japanese yen. It’s 142 yen to the exchange rate how much money from one What's the exchange rate | euro. country you can buy with money from another for the euro? country, e.g. US$10 = €12.40 Where do I sign this? Just here, What commission doyou | We charge 1%. commission the money you pay a bank, e.g. charge? (%=per cent) for changing currency charge ~ ask someone to pay a certain price for something @ Match 1-5 with a-f to make questions. > Where can | change my euros —f__ a for Brazil? 1 What currency do | need b for the peso? 2. What commission... cdo you charge? 3. Canluse this card. din this cash machine? 4 What's the exchange rate e inthe station? 5. Is there a bureau de change into dollars? @ complete the sentences. > The banks charge __ 1.5% commission, 4 What's the exchange —? 1 _. the cheque at the bottom. 5 You pay one. cent to the bank. 2 dollars into euros. 6 You get money froma. 3. The im China is the yuan. machine. 8 ABOUT YOU AND YOUR COUNTRY Write your answers or ask another student. 1 What's the currency in your country? 2 Do you know the exchange rate for the US dollar? 3 When you travel, where do you get or change money? — 4 Do you use a cash machine to get your own currency? a 5 Where do you find cash machines in your country? — 148 HOLIDAYS

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