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ACLEDA Institute of Business Grammar Form and Function 2A

Department of English Lecturer: KONG Matta

Academic Year: 2017-2018
Answer Key

Complete these sentences with USE (D) to … + a suitable verb.

2. used to have/ used to ride
3. used to live
4. used to like/ used to love/ used to eat
5. used to be
6. used to take
7. used to be
8. did you use to go

Choose the correct alternative.

2 found
3 used to wear
4 Did people really use to think
5 admitted
6 often used to fall
7 were
8 was planning
9 was wearing
Write true sentences about yourself with USED TO or DIDN'T USE TO and
the words from the box.
2 I didn’t use to wear jeans when I was a child.
3 I used to watch television every day after school.
4 I used to go to the cinema every weekend, but I don’t have time now.
5 I didn’t use to have so much homework at my last school.
6 I didn’t use to eat in restaurants, but now I go several times a week.
7 I used to listen to music while I was working, but my radio broke.
8 I used to see my grandparents every week when I was younger.
Edit: Read this student’s journal. Final and correct five mistake in the use
of USED TO. The first mistake is already corrected.


When I was younger, clothing didn’t used to be a problem. All the girls at my school


used to wore the same uniform. I used to think that it took away from my freedom of choice.

Now I can wear what I want, but clothes cost so much! Even blue jeans, today’s “uniform,”

used use

used to be cheaper. My mum uses to pay less than $20 for hers. I guess they didn’t used to

sell designer jeans back then. You know, I was used to be against school uniforms, but now

I’m not so sure!

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