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English speech for SBEC

Assalamualaikum wr wb.

First of all, I would like to thank The Almighty for His never-ending blessings to us ,so we
can gather here in this important event Smaboy English competation 2023.

Good morning to the honored Vice Head Master, the judges, Junior English teachers who
are patient to accompany their beloved students in joining this competation, and Thanks all
the committee SBEC who has high spirit and dedication to realize this programme run well.

Today, February 26, 2023 still on the special month, marks the day of our school 49th
anniversary. My name is muarif, as The advisor of Alepho (All English Phobient) English
extra curricular and also represent the principal to open this event, would be delivering a
speech in this very special day today

Ladies and gentlement

. Today is a legendary day for Smaboy’ family because this school was established 49 years
ago. Let us pray that Smaboy will be a school which produced qualified leaders who can
make family, society, nation, and the country be proud.

Ladies and gentlement,

Talking about SBEC, it is the last series of events in commemorating smaboy’anniversary

that we have done before. For example,Preceeding by 4G (go for a walk, Go social, Go
green,and Go Clean), Smaboy Edufair and blood donors.

Smaboy English competation is annual programme, and always handled by the Alepho in
every year especially on February. But during the pandemy, this programme was stopped.

I am standing here, would like to appriciate to all participants which take a part this event.
Based on data list total 87 students come from junior high school in this regent attend to join
it. English competation as a media in competing with others. In this case of competations
winning often meant taking home the prize. Amid the pressing idea of competing with other
contenders to attain the prize, we might overlook the more important things we can gain that
make us a true winner. To support the confidence, stronger character and also level up our
CV. All of you are the best students, but here in joining this competation we would like to get
the best from the best. And I guarantee the students who get the first, second and the third
winner as a golden ticket to be smaboyer in PPDB 2023 in achievement path.

Ladies and gentlemen

With bismillahirrahmanirrohim, Smaboy English Compatation 2023 is opened. Finally, along

with this speech I congratulate all the , participants enjoy and happy competing. Thank you
for your attentions. Wassalamualikum wr wr.

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