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Tingkat Sekolah Dasar

Tahun Pelajaran 2022-2023

Bahasa Inggris

1. Berdoalah sebelum mengerjakan soal!
2. Tuliskan nomor pesertamu di lembar jawaban yang tersedia!
3. Berilah tanda silang di depan nama mata ujian dan pilih jawaban
A, B, C, atau D yang kamu anggap benar pada LJK!
4. Gunakanlah pensil 2B untuk mengerjakan soal.
5. Dahulukan mengerjakan soal yang kamu anggap mudah, baru
kemudian mengerjakan soal yang lain.
6. Jika salah, hapuslah sebersih mungkin dengan karet penghapus
7. Periksalah kembali hasil pekerjaanmu sebelum kamu serahkan
kepada pengawas!
8. Akhiri ujianmu dengan berdoa, tinggalkan lembar jawaban di
meja ujianmu, dan keluar ruangan dengan tertib.
A. Berilah tanda silang (x) pada salah satu huruf a, b, c atau d di depan

jawaban yang paling tepat!

1. It is a bowl of ....
A. noodle
B. soup
C. meatball
D. porridge

2. Yesterday, mama bought .…

A. soft drink
B. milk
C. fruits
D. drinks

3. We can .… in the kitchen.

A. cook
B. sleep
C. play
D. take a bath

4. We will need a .… for playing basketball

A. shuttlecock
B. ball
C. glove
D. stick

5. Nara : .…
Maya : My favourite sports is basketball
A. What is your favourite sport?
B. Can you play basketball?
C. What are you doing?
D. Are you playing basketball?
6. How many .… do we have in our hands?
A. eyebrow
B. fingers
C. toe
D. ear

7. Nara : .… that beautiful girl?

Maya : She is my sister
A. Who is
B. Where does
C. When is
D. What are

8. Shanna goes to bed at ….

A. a half past nine
B. a quarter to nine
C. nine o’clock
D. a half past seven

9. He …. watching TV to jogging
A. prefers
B. would
C. can
D. run

10. Today is Sunday, .… was Saturday

A. today
B. yesterday
C. tomorrow
D. the day before today

11.Today is Sunday, .… was Monday

A. today
B. yesterday
C. tomorrow
D. the day before today
12. Dewi : Today is Monday. What day was it before today?
Sandra : ….
A. It was Tuesday
B. It is Tuesday
C. It was Sunday
D. It is Wednesday

13. This month is…

A. November
B. Nopember
C. Novembar
D. Nofember

14. The second month of the year is…

A. January
B. February
C. August
D. December

15. Nara : …. will you go to school?

Maya : I will go to school on Monday
A. When
B. Where
C. Who is
D. How

16. These are for protecting our ….

A. teeth
B. fingers
C. feet
D. head
17.Roger’s hobby is playing football

A. B.

C. D.

18. We will need …. for playing Badminton.

A. glove
B. ball
C. shuttlecock
D. bicycle

19. Merry : What time does Susy arrive home?

Terry : She .… at twelve o’clock
A. run
B. arrives
C. walk

20. We can play football in the .…

A. classroom
B. kitchen
C. rice field
D. field

21. The Students are having experiment in the ….

A. library
B. canteen
C. laboratory
D. kitchen
22. We can buy Sports stuff at the ....
A. station
B. library
C. supermarket
D. sports shop

23. We can take a bath in the ….

A. bathroom
B. kitchen
C. dining Room
D. garage

24. Mega : Do you like Football?

Rena : .…
A. What can you do?
B. No, I don’t like football
C. Thankyou, you are welcome
D. Yes, I like Badminton.

25. Chris john is a ….

A. badminton player
B. swimmer
C. boxer
D. running Athlete

26. Mother …. to the mall yesterday.

A. went
B. bought
C. clean
D. played

27. These are many kinds of sport ….

A. boxing, watching movie, playing football
B. tennis, collecting stamps, running
C. cooking, swimming, running
D. boxing, swimming, playing tennis
28. Nara : ….
Maya : It is in the kitchen.
A. Where is the spoon.
B. Can you play basketball?
C. Where is the towel.
D. Are you playing basketball?

29. Rina can play violin well. Her hobby is playing music
A. B.

C. D.


We can find these goods at a….

A. bakery
B. stationer’s
C. library
D. drugstore
B. Isilah titik-titik dibawah ini dengan benar!
31. Complete the missing compass direction!

32. The traffic sign means ….

33. Jakarta has two seasons, dry season and ….

34. The ice cream is cold but the ice cube is …. than the ice cream

35. There are chairs …. the Betawi’s house

C. Jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan dibawah ini!

36. Rearrange these words below into a good sentence.

Tanah Abang market –Siti – kebaya and batik Betawi – bought – in


37. Rearrange the words below into good sentence.

in the zoo - He - next Saturday - watch - is going to - animal attraction

38. Rearrange the words below into good sentence.
to draw - Khadijah - a drawing book - will use - and color pencils - Monas


39. Convert the sentence bellow from direct to indirect speech

Minah said, “I will practice with you tomorrow


40. Convert the sentence bellow from direct to indirect speech

Mat Ali said, “I ride bicycle to school


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