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As government offices start to reopen after the onslaught of the pandemic, DOLE XI -Davao de Oro
Field Office needs to consider going back to the usual routine in the delivery of public service in the
region. With this premise, the wellbeing of the workforce or in this case the employees must be taken
into consideration by providing a more conducive space for them to perform their duties and
responsibilities effectively since it cannot be denied that they too have felt more anxious and isolated
than ever due to lockdown.
In a more optimistic viewpoint, offices play a vital role in collaboration, creating an environment for
collective innovation, productivity and wellbeing, as well as spaces where employees can work and
relax. Ideas can be shared and developed more easily as a team. It’s also easier for colleagues to
communicate with each other, read moods and emotions, and bounce ideas off one another in a
shared space. This creates an energy and a positive working atmosphere which can’t be replicated
remotely or through video calls, and is essential for the success of any team.
While balancing home and work life can keep us on our toes at the best of times, the office provides
a clear place of work, which employees can physically leave at the end of each day. Being able to
mentally switch off from work helps to reduces stress.
Moreover, culture impacts a person’s wellbeing at work, and ensures they are more engaged and
passionate about their role. What employees experience day to day in the office has a huge influence
on a department’s reputation, and how it attracts and retains talent. Without a physical space, it’s
harder to implement activities and practices that create a strong company culture. Office activities
such as team building events, where people see each other in person and interact as a group, boost
team spirit, create a social buzz and help turn professional relationships into personal ones.
In conclusion, workplaces need to maintain certain standards by law – from equipment and desk
furniture to office temperature. Another benefit of having a physical office, which ties into an
organization’s culture, is that it ensures everyone has equal working conditions.
Hence; this proposal.

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