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Daniel Calderon


My Community Service Project

Part 1
A place called home is the nonprofit program I would like to support.

Address: 2830 S. Central Ave Los Angeles CA 90011 USA

Phone: (323) 232 -7653

MIssion Statement: A Place Called Home provides a safe, nurturing environment with proven
programs in arts, education, and wellness for the young people in South Central Los Angeles to help
them improve their economic conditions and develop healthy, fulfilling and purposeful lives.

The purpose of this organization is to help kids that live in South Central Los Angeles who need help
economically and academically. This is to help children develop a healthy, fulfilling, and purposeful

Part 2

I chose this organization because it helps kids that may not have benefits on many things
like others and I would like to help people in need of help. This organization’s goal is to support
South Central Los Angeles children who require assistance with their finances and academics.
This is done to support kids in leading healthy, happy lives with aspirations. This organization
helps my community with kids being able to gain extra help and doing good things later on in
life which would also help the community in a positive way. The role I would take for this
organization is to help kids with anything they need such as academically and also giving them
tips and advice for later on when they grow up in life that they can use to not make the same
mistakes I have made. I would also try to help the kids out with anything they need economically
such as shoes or clothes. If they need anything I genuinely would like to help them and provide
help in any way possible I can. I would gain happiness by helping others. It would just make me
feel like I did something for the community and the next generation. This is something that kids
would remember when they grow up and would make them happy.

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