Capacity Consideration For Indoor Femtocell Networks in TV White Spaces

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Capacity Consideration for Indoor Femtocell

Networks in TV White Spaces
Wenjie Zhang∗ , Lingfu Xie† , Yeo Chai Kiat‡
∗ School of Computer Science, Minnan Normal University, China
† Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Ningbo University, China
‡ School of Computer Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Abstract—The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) subband assigned to a macrocell or femtocell in a sub-area
took the unprecedented step to approve the usage of TV white s- [3]; (ii) Power control. Femtocell users transmit using power
paces, i.e., locally vacant TV channels, in 2012. This TV spectrum within the allowance to suppress the inter-tier interference
will present new opportunities for wireless access technologies
and applications. The utilization of TV spectrum also comes [4]; (iii) Collaborative frequency scheduling. A Geo-location
with some technical challenges. One of the most fundamental database obtains locally available spectrum information, and
is that how much capacity can be achieved in TV white spaces perform a new resource allocation scheme to mitigate the inter-
network. Prior works focused on capacity consideration for tier interference [5]; (iv) Opportunistic access. A femtocell
cellular network in outdoor scenario leaving important femtocell based on cognitive radio architecture designed for interference
network in indoor scenario largely open for investigation. In
this paper, we explore the capacity for femtocell network by management is investigated in [6].
developing a TV white spaces reuse and power allocation scheme. The above approaches are mainly focused on cellular fre-
The overall objective is to maximize the capacity achieved by a quency band, which are mostly located at 2.5GHz and 5GHz.
femtocell network while keeping the interference to the primary Particularly such high carrier frequencies do not easily pass
receiver and macro receiver at an acceptable level. Simulation through the obstacles, which will make high signal quality
results show that due to the signal attenuation by the building
structure, there exists considerable TV white spaces for potential and hence high data rate very difficult to achieve in indoor
usage. This result is interesting because we can improve the scenario. To increase the connectivity and data rate, indoor
capacity of femtocell network by using the TV channels. devices are likely to need large transmission power, typically
up to 100mW [7]. This is a good servant but a bad master. The
indoor device is happy with the higher data rate and reliability
I. I NTRODUCTION but the line-of-sight connectivity may reach a long distance,
Thr next generation of wireless data traffic will grow ex- causing unusual patterns of inter-tier interference to a node
plosively resulting from the boom in multimedia applications which is farther away [8]. This raises the obvious question:
running on smart phones, tablets, and other wireless devices why do we not encourage the deployment of a femtocell
[1]. More specifically, most of the traffic will come from network on TV white spaces in these locations? Resulting
indoor environment [2]. The demand for higher data rates from the transition to digital TV, a substantial amount of TV
in indoor wireless networks has triggered the design and spectrum that was previously used by analog transmission will
development of new technology standards, such as WiMAX, become entirely vacant due to the higher spectrum efficiency
LTE and UMB for cellular. However, the main problem of of digital TV. These newly freed up spectra along with other
cellular networks is that the network infrastructure is much unused spectrum located in the VHF and UHF bands (50-
more expensive. This motivates the development of femtocell 700MHz) are called ”TV white spaces”. In 2012, FCC took
networks, also called home base station (BSs). the unprecedented step of allocating significant portions of
Femtocell has been considered as a promising technique to TV white spaces for unlicensed use [9]. Due to the perfect
enhance network capacity. Due to its short transmit-receive low frequency, the radio signals in TV bands have the ability
distance, femtocell can transmit with a lower power, which to penetrate obstacles such as walls, floors and doors well.
can prolong the handset battery life as well as increase This excellent penetration property facilitates the deployment
the Signal-to-Interference-plus-Noise Ratio (SINR). The main of femtocell networks in home or businesses. Although some
challenge in current femtocell deployment is how to increase works have been done for TV white spaces in femtocell
the network capacity while keeping the inter-tier interference networks [5][10], most of the previous works are focused
between macro users and femtocell users low. Some works on spectrum allocation using geo-location database. Conse-
have been done to consider this kind of interference in quently, the interference and network capacity characterization
femtocell networks, which can be mainly classified into: (i) are largely ignored. In this paper, we explore a fundamental
Fractional frequency reuse and resource partition. The entire issue pertaining to TV white spaces usage by femtocell and
frequency spectrum is divided into several sub-band, with each macrocell networks, that may be succinctly captured by the
question: How much capacity can be achieved for indoor
978-1-5090-3599-1/17/$31.00 ?2017 IEEE femtocell networks? Moreover, the interference among the

interference for primary receiver and macro receiver, and dis-

cuss the conditions of TV white spaces reuse. Thereafter that
an optimization problem to maximize the capacity achieved
DQWHQQD by the femtocell network under some interference constraints

will be formulated.

)68 068 )68 )%6 A. Capacity Characterization

In this paper, we are interested in how much capacity can
)%6 )68 )68
be achieved by femtocell network using TV white spaces.
Assuming that each FSU is allocated exactly one of the
available TV channels for transmission, then the capacity
0%6WR)68 )%6WR79
achieved by this 𝐹 𝑆𝑈𝑖 can be calculated using Shannon
0%6 068

capacity function, that is
𝑟𝑖 = 𝑊0 𝑙𝑜𝑔2 (1 + 𝑆𝐼𝑁 𝑅𝑖 ) (1)
Fig. 1. Coexistence of femtocell, macrocell and primary networks. where 𝑊0 denotes the bandwidth of a TV channel, which
is specified by each country. For example, each channel
has 6𝑀 𝐻𝑧 in US, 8𝑀 𝐻𝑧 in Europe and 7𝑀 𝐻𝑧 at some
femtocell users, macrocell users as well as the primary TV places. 𝑆𝐼𝑁 𝑅𝑖 represents the received Signal-to-Noise-plus-
users are also taken into consideration. Interference Ratio (SINR) at 𝐹 𝑆𝑈𝑖 , which can be determined
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Section by
II, the system model is given. In Section III, the interference 𝑃𝑠,𝑡
𝑆𝐼𝑁 𝑅𝑖 = (2)
model is introduced, and the capacity model is formulated. 𝑃 𝐿𝑖𝑖𝑛𝑑𝑜𝑜𝑟 (𝜎12 + 𝐼𝑃𝑖 2𝑆 + 𝐼𝑀
2𝑆 )
Simulation results are presented and discussed in Section IV. where 𝑃𝑠,𝑡 denotes the transmit power of secondary FBS, and
Finally, we conclude this study in Section V. 𝑃 𝐿𝑖𝑖𝑛𝑑𝑜𝑜𝑟 captures the indoor path loss in the link between the
𝐹 𝐵𝑆 and 𝐹 𝑆𝑈𝑖 . 𝜎1 is the noise power at the receiver front
end. We denote 𝑁0 /2 as the power spectral density of the
We consider a heterogeneous communication system model noise, 𝑁𝑓 as the receiver noise figure, then 𝜎12 = 𝑁0 𝑊0 𝑁𝑓 .
that consists of primary network, macrocell network and Here 𝐼𝑃𝑖 2𝑆 and 𝐼𝑀 𝑖
2𝑆 represent the interference from the
femtocell network, as shown in Fig. 1. There are six types of primary TV tower and macro MBS respectively, which will
network entries in this scenario, namely TV tower, TV antenna be further analyzed later.
receiver, Macro Base Station (MBS), Macro Secondary Users 𝑃 𝐿𝑖𝑖𝑛𝑑𝑜𝑜𝑟 will be calculated based on the equation in [11],
(MSUs), Femto Base Station (FBS) and Femto Secondary where it is proposed as an extension of the Keenan Motley
Users (FSUs). The TV tower and TV receivers form the (KM) model:
primary network, they are the license holders of TV white
spaces and have the absolute priority to use it. In each 𝑃 𝐿𝑖𝐼𝑛𝑑𝑜𝑜𝑟 = 𝐿𝑓 + 𝐿𝑖 + 𝐿𝑔 + 𝑘𝑖 𝐹 (𝑘) + 𝑝𝑖 𝑊 (𝑘) + 𝐿𝑠 (3)
macrocell, the MBS is required to serve each MSU. For each where 𝐿𝑓 is the free space path loss, 𝐿𝑖 is a linear atten-
femtocell, there is a FBS to provide service for FSUs. The uation factor dependent on the separation distance between
femtocell and macrocell form the secondary network, which the secondary receiver 𝐹 𝑆𝑈𝑖 and the secondary transmitter
can opportunistically utilize the TV white spaces under the FBS, 𝐿𝑔 is the difference between the theoretical and effective
condition of an acceptable interference to the primary users. gain of the two antennas, 3dB in this case. 𝐹 (𝑘) is a floor
From the primary user’s perspective, secondary user is attenuation factor, and 𝑘𝑖 is the number of floors to traverse.
allowed to utilize the TV channel as long as the interference 𝑊 (𝑘) is a wall attenuation factor, and 𝑝𝑖 is the number of walls
caused by the secondary user to the primary user is properly crossed by the direct path between the secondary transmitter
regulated. From the secondary user’s perspective, the sec- 𝐹 𝐵𝑆 and the secondary receiver 𝐹 𝑆𝑈𝑖 . Shadowing effect
ondary user should adapt its transmit power in order to achieve from furniture, people, etc. is modeled by a lognormal shadow
a reasonably high capacity without degrading the quality of fading process (𝐿𝑠 ) with zero mean, standard deviation 𝜎2 and
service (QoS) of the primary user to an unacceptable level. correlation distance of 5 meters.
In this paper, we develop a TV white space reuse scheme Let 𝑁𝑠 denote the number of FSUs in the femtocell network,
and power allocation scheme for a coexisting heterogeneous then the overall capacity achieved by the femtocell network
system comprising primary, macrocell and femtocell users. that is exploiting TV channels can be obtained by summing
The overall objective is to maximize the capacity achieved over all FSUs, that is
by a femtocell network while keeping the interference to the 𝑁𝑠
∑ 𝑁𝑠

primary receiver and macro receiver at an acceptable level. 𝑅= 𝑟𝑖 = 𝑊0 𝑙𝑜𝑔2 (1 + 𝑆𝐼𝑁 𝑅𝑖 ) (4)
𝑖=1 𝑖=1
III. P ROBLEM F ORMULATION It can be noted from (1) and (2) that the capacity achieved
In this section, we will first characterize the capacity by the femtocell network depends on the path loss as well as
achieved by the secondary receiver FSU, then analyze the the interference from TV tower and MBS.

B. Interference Analysis path loss term 𝑃 𝐿𝑂−𝐼 (𝑑𝑝,𝑖 , Γ𝑝,𝑖 ) can be computed using the
To allow the three heterogeneous networks to coexist, inter- following equation [13]:
ference mitigation has to be taken into consideration. When a 𝑃 𝐿𝑂−𝐼 (𝑑𝑝,𝑖 , Γ𝑝,𝑖 ) = 32.4 + 20 log(𝑓 ) + 20 log(𝑆𝑝,𝑖 + 𝑑𝑝,𝑖 ) + 𝑊𝑒
MSU is very close to a FBS or even within the coverage of 𝐷𝑝,𝑖 2
femtocell, it will experience severe interference from nearby + 𝑊𝐺𝑒 (1 − ) + 𝑚𝑎𝑥(𝛾𝑝1 , 𝛾𝑝2 ) (6)
FBS operating in the co-channel. As shown in Fig. 1, 𝑀 𝑆𝑈3
is located far away from its MBS and is close to 𝐹 𝐵𝑆1 . If where
𝐹 𝐵𝑆1 transmits using the same frequency as 𝑀 𝑆𝑈3 , then 𝛾𝑝1 = 𝑊𝐺𝐼 × 𝐾𝑝,𝑖
heavy interference will be experienced by 𝑀 𝑆𝑈3 . Similarly, and
the FSU will also suffer severe interference from the macro- 𝐷𝑝,𝑖 2
𝛾𝑝2 = 𝛼(𝑑𝑝,𝑖 − 2)(1 − )
cell network. Although the primary users are protected from 𝑆𝑝,𝑖
the undesired interferences of the femtocell and macrocell where 𝑓 is the frequency in GHz. 𝑊𝑒 is the external wall
networks, they also introduce a significant interference to loss (in dB) when the perpendicular penetration angle equals
secondary users working in the same or adjacent bands due to 90∘ . 𝑊𝐺𝑒 (in dB) is the additional loss in the external wall
its high transmission power. The interference will arise from: when the perpendicular penetration angle is 0∘ . 𝑊𝐺𝐼 is the
a. Primary-to-Femtocell interference, denoted by 𝐼𝑃 2𝑆 loss in the internal walls in dB and 𝐾𝑝,𝑖 is the number of
b. Macrocell-to-Femtocell interference, denoted by penetrated internal walls. An additional indoor loss 𝛾𝑝2 is
𝐼𝑀 2𝑆 determined by 𝛼 in dB/m.
c. Femtocell-to-Primary interference, denoted by 𝐼𝑆2𝑃
d. Femtocell-to-Macrocell interference, denoted by (2) Interference from the MBS 𝐼𝑀 2𝑆
𝐼𝑆2𝑀 The interference that is experienced by a indoor receiver
e. Femtocell-to-Femtocell interference, denoted by 𝐼𝑆2𝑆 𝐹 𝑆𝑈𝑖 from MBS has severe impact on its performance. The
Compared with 𝐼𝑃 2𝑆 , 𝐼𝑀 2𝑆 , 𝐼𝑆2𝑃 and 𝐼𝑆2𝑀 , Femtocell– total interference suffered by the 𝐹 𝑆𝑈𝑖 from the coexist macro
to-Femtocell interference 𝐼𝑆2𝑆 is relatively smaller and hence transmitters is given by
it can be ignored in our analysis. Note that our design 𝐺
∑ 𝑔
can easily incorporate the case when femtocell-to-femtocell 𝐼𝑀 2𝑆 = (7)
𝑃 𝐿𝑂−𝐼 (𝑑𝑚,𝑖 , Γ𝑚,𝑖 )
interference is taken into consideration.
where 𝐺 is the number of MBSs near the femtocell network,
(1) Interference from the primary TV tower 𝐼𝑃 2𝑆 𝑔
and 𝑃𝑚,𝑡 is the transmit power of 𝑀 𝐵𝑆𝑔 . The outdoor
The level of interference at FSU depends on the distance to indoor path loss 𝑃 𝐿𝑂−𝐼 (𝑑𝑚,𝑖 , Γ𝑚,𝑖 ) can be modeled
from the FSU to the nearby TV tower, as well as some based on (6) using (𝑑𝑚,𝑖 , Γ𝑚,𝑖 ) as input. Here 𝑑𝑚,𝑖 is the
other parameters, such as external wall loss and number of perpendicular distance from the building wall to the indoor
penetrated internal walls. The TV transmitter will introduce receiver 𝐹 𝑆𝑈𝑖 , thus we have 𝑑𝑚,𝑖 = 𝑑𝑝,𝑖 . The parameter set
two kinds of interference to the FSU: co-channel interference Γ𝑚,𝑖 = {𝑆𝑚,𝑖 , 𝐷𝑚,𝑖 , 𝛾𝑚1 , 𝛾𝑚2 } is defined similarly as that in
and adj-channel interference, due to signal leakage from the (6).
TV channel to the lower/upper bands [12]. The aggregate
interference for the secondary receiver 𝐹 𝑆𝑈𝑖 is: (3) Interference from the FBS to the TV antenna on its
𝑁𝑝 𝑀𝑝 𝑗 own building 𝐼𝑆2𝑃
∑ 𝑘
𝑃𝑝,𝑡 ∑ 𝑃𝑝,𝑡
𝑖 We evaluate the interference caused by the indoor FBS to
𝐼𝑃 2𝑆 = (1−𝜂) + 𝜂
𝑃 𝐿𝑂−𝐼 (𝑑𝑝,𝑖 , Γ𝑝,𝑖 ) 𝑗=1 𝑃 𝐿𝑂−𝐼 (𝑑𝑝,𝑖 , Γ𝑝,𝑖 ) the TV receiver located on the top of its own building. The
(5) interference caused on the TV antenna of its own building can
where 𝑃𝑝,𝑡 is the transmit power of TV tower on channel be computed using the following general equation, that is
𝑘, 𝑃 𝐿𝑂−𝐼 (𝑑𝑝,𝑖 , Γ𝑝,𝑖 ) is the path loss function between the
𝐼𝑆2𝑃 = 𝑃𝑠,𝑡 − 𝑃 𝐿𝐼−𝑇 [𝑑𝐼 ] − (𝑛𝑓 + 1)𝜉 (8)
TV transmitter located in the external part of a building
to a secondary receiver 𝐹 𝑆𝑈𝑖 inside the building 𝐼 with where 𝑃𝑠,𝑡 is the transmit power of indoor FBS, 𝑃 𝐿𝐼−𝑇 [𝑑𝐼 ]
parameter set Γ𝑝,𝑖 , 𝑁𝑝 /𝑀𝑝 is number of co-channel/adj- is the path loss from indoor FBS to the antenna located on the
channel surrounding the TV tower, and 𝜂 is the leakage factor top of building 𝐼, 𝑛𝑓 is the number of floors to traverse and
for TV transmitters. Note that 𝐼𝑃𝑖 2𝑆 is hidden inside distance 𝜉 denotes the power loss due to shadowing for each floor.
factor 𝑑𝑝,𝑖 and parameter set Γ𝑝,𝑖 . The path loss term 𝑃 𝐿𝐼−𝑇 [𝑑𝐼 ] can be computed using the
Here we choose the COST-231 building penetration model following equation [14]:
for initial analysis of path loss from the outdoor environment
𝑃 𝐿𝐼−𝑇 [𝑑𝐼 ] = 10𝛽 log10 (𝑑𝐼 ) + 10𝛽 log10 (𝑓 ) + 𝑋𝑔 (9)
to indoor environment. Let 𝑆𝑝,𝑖 denote the physical distance
from the outdoor TV transmitter to the externally illuminated where 𝑑 is the distance from the FBS to the TV antenna
wall and 𝐷𝑝,𝑖 be the perpendicular distance from outdoor TV in meters, 𝑓 is the transmission frequency and 𝑋𝑔 is a zero-
transmitter to the building wall. 𝑑𝑝,𝑖 represents the perpen- mean random gaussian variable with standard deviation 𝜌. The
dicular distance from the building wall to the indoor receiver terms 𝛽 and 𝜌 have been studied for a plethora of different
𝐹 𝑆𝑈𝑖 . All the distance parameters are given in meters. The frequencies and scenario.


Note that since the FBS transmit with a finite power,
max 𝑅= 𝑟𝑖 (13)
we assume that the interference caused by the FBS to the
TV received antenna located in the neighboring buildings is
𝑠.𝑡. 𝐼𝑆2𝑃 ≤ 𝜆𝑝
insignificant as compared to 𝐼𝑆2𝑃 in the own building, hence 𝑗
is ignored here. 𝐼𝑆2𝑀 ≤ 𝜆𝑀 , 1 ≤ 𝑗 ≤ 𝑁𝑚
It can be noted that if we increase the transmit power of
(4) Interference from the FBS to the MSU 𝐼𝑆2𝑀 FBS, the 𝑆𝐼𝑁 𝑅𝑖 will increase as well which results in a larger
In the following, we evaluate the interference involved in capacity. However, the interference caused by the femtocell to
the MSUs by indoor FBS. Basically, the interference generated the primary receiver and macro receiver will also increase as
on the MSU located in the external part of a building 𝐼 by a the transmit power increases. Hence, we observe the tradeoff
secondary transmitter FBS inside building 𝐼 can be computed phenomenon. Therefore, the optimal transmit power of FBS
as follows: balances the conflict between protecting the primary and
𝑗 macro receivers and keeping the capacity achieved by the
𝐼𝑆2𝑀 = 𝑃𝑠,𝑡 𝑃 𝐿𝐼−𝑂 (𝑑𝑚,𝑗 , Γ𝑚,𝑗 ) (10)
femtocell network high.
where 𝑃𝑠,𝑡 is the transmit power of indoor FBS, and
𝑃 𝐿𝐼−𝑂 (𝑑𝑚,𝑗 , Γ𝑚,𝑗 ) is path loss function from indoor IV. S IMULATION R ESULTS
transmitter 𝐹 𝐵𝑆 to the outdoor macro receiver 𝑀 𝑆𝑈𝑗 In this section, we will present the simulation results. As it
using {Γ𝑚,𝑗 , 𝑑𝑚,𝑗 } as input, which can be calculated is not yet possible to transmit opportunistically in China on
using (6) as well. Here, 𝑑𝑚,𝑗 represents the perpendicular TV white spaces, we calculate the capacity and interference
distance from the building wall to the indoor transmitter based on the analytical models as discussed in Section III.
FBS. This is the same for all MSUs. The parameter set A 30 × 30𝑚 idealized building is assumed for simulation.
Γ𝑚,𝑗 = {𝑆𝑚,𝑗 , 𝐷𝑚,𝑗 , 𝛾𝑚𝑗 , 𝛾𝑚𝑗 } is defined similarly as that The building has 10 floors, each floor is 3 meters high, so
in (6). For example, 𝑆𝑚,𝑗 denotes the physical distance from for instance at 6 meters the indoor secondary receiver FSU
the outdoor 𝑀 𝑆𝑈𝑗 to the externally illuminated wall and and the secondary transmitter 𝐹 𝐵𝑆 have 2 floors in between.
𝐷𝑚,𝑗 is the perpendicular distance from outdoor 𝑀 𝑆𝑈𝑗 to Unless otherwise stated, the values of the parameters used are
the building wall. listed in Table I. Note that most of the parameters assumed
in the simulation are taken from [15] and [12], which have
been proven to be quite conservative regarding the pathloss
C. Conditions of TV White Spaces Reuse experienced by experimental studies in [16].

Since the priority of a primary-macrocell-femtocell coexist TABLE I

heterogeneous network is to protect the QoS of the primary
receiver, thus an interference constraint should be imposed for Parameter Assumption
protection. Therefore, the condition to determine TV white Bandwidth of TV channel 𝑊0 6MHz
spaces reusability is formulated in terms of the interference Floor attenuation factor 𝐹 (𝑘) 18.3dB
Wall attenuation factor 𝑊 (𝑘) 6.9dB
level allowed by the primary receivers. In order to provide Number of walls crossed by FBS 𝑝𝑖 {1, 3, 5}
sufficient protection, the interference suffered by the primary Number of floors traversed by FBS 𝑘𝑖 {1, 3, 5}
receiver should not exceed the given threshold 𝜆𝑝 . Thus the Transmission frequency 𝑓 6MHz
condition that enables the usage of TV white spaces without The external wall loss 𝑊𝑒 7dB
Additional loss in the external wall 𝑊𝐺𝑒 20dB
disturbing the primary receiver is given by The loss in the internal walls 𝑊𝐺𝐼 10dB
Number of penetrated internal walls 𝐾𝑝,𝑖 1
𝐼𝑆2𝑃 ≤ 𝜆𝑝 (11) Power loss due to shadowing for each floor 𝜉 20dB
The perpendicular distance 𝑑𝑝,𝑖 {1.5𝑚, 3.5𝑚, 7.5𝑚}
Similarly, the interference to the macro receivers must be The leakage factor 𝜂 1.75 × 10−5
considered as well. Let 𝑁𝑚 denote the number of MSUs Distance from the FBS to the TV antenna 𝑑𝐼 8 meter
around the femtocell network, then the interference caused Standard deviation 𝜌 7
The number of floors traversed 𝑛𝑓 {1, 3, 5}
by the FBS to the MSUs will be bounded by 𝜆𝑀 , that is
𝐼𝑆2𝑀 ≤ 𝜆𝑀 , ∀1 ≤ 𝑗 ≤ 𝑁𝑚 (12) Fig. 2 displays the femtocell user capacity as a function
of the number of floors 𝑛𝑓 traversed by 𝐹 𝐵𝑆 for different
values of 𝑘𝑖 = {1, 3, 5}. As can be seen from this figure,
D. Capacity Optimization Problem Formulation the larger the value of 𝑛𝑓 , the higher the achieved capacity
The main objective of this paper is to develop a TV white which is reasonable because building floors attenuate signals
spaces reuse scheme and power allocation scheme to allow propagating through them. Thus, if the FBS is far away (e.g.,
he femtocell network to maximize its achieved capacity while with larger 𝑛𝑓 ) from the TV receiver located in the top of
maintaining the constraints on the interference to the primary building, it can transmit with a larger power 𝑃𝑠,𝑡 without
receiver and macro receiver. The capacity optimization prob- degrading the QoS of primary users, which results in a higher
lem can be formulated as capacity. Moreover, it is easy to note that the capacity increases
Problem P1 as 𝑘𝑖 decreases. This is reasonable due to the fact that a lower

value of 𝑘𝑖 indicates that the FSU is close to FBS, thus the as well as the primary TV users by considering the effect of
power will not be attenuated before it reaches FSU, which building structure. For indoor femtocell network, the building
leads to a higher capacity. structure provides a sufficient level of signal attenuation. The
TV white spaces can be reused by the FSUs without interfering
with the primary TV receiver and macro receivers, which
k =1
indicates that we can improve the capacity by deploying the
k =3
i femtocell network over TV white spaces.
6 k =5
Channel Capacity (Mbps)

This work was supported by the Scientific Research Foun-
4.5 dation for the Returned Overseas Chinese Scholars, State
4 Education Ministry, and No.JK2015027 and No.MJ14006.

2.5 [1] Global mobile data traffic forecast update, 2011-2016.
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In this paper, we focus on the fundamental problem in
TV white spaces used by femtocell network, i.e. How much
capacity can be achieved for femtocell network? We analyze
the interference among the femtocell users, macrocell users

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