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Eandise ————__ | DF Points to Remember: Land Use. Way or purpose for which land in a region is used Sparse © Distribution of population in rural areas Agro bestia © Activities common in rural areas © Arable land, Fallow land, Forest and, Grassland or Pastureland Types of on Land use © Land under individual ownership ae a © Agricultural land which is temporarily not in use © Atype of rural land use which is a demarcated forest area Forest Land © Land under the ownership of the village Panchayat or the Bee ert alepting purpose Grassland / Pasture land Distribution of population in urban areas Dense Commercial, Residential, Transport, Public Utility Area, Recreational, Mixed Classification of Urban land use © Parts of city area where there are shops, banks and offices Commercial Land use Area where houses and residential buildings are included Residential Land use © _ Incities; roads, railway lines, stations, petrol pumps, transport depots and vehicle repair centres are important Transport Land use Services provided by the local governing bodies Public Utility ares ‘© Some areas in cities specially reserved for the entertainment of the population Recreational Land use ‘Areas where all the uses are found together Mixed Land use ‘The immediate area in between the urban and rural settlements. (Over a period of time the transitional area is converted into an urban area Limited land, varied land uses and burgeoning cities are resulted into this thought © Kind of mirror about the land © These are available with the Talathi of ev revenue collection purposes The land over which ownership rights are available th The land given by the government to marginal fa mer: Ownership of non-agricultural land is recorded on, eae ae Cour Climate, soil, De of slope, irrigation facilities, natural Tesou ou Treas government policies of is Factor fecting use © Location and site, natural resources, housing d. lopmes ee co transportation routes, industrialistion, trade ou ee and entertainment facilities, government policies ay Playgrounds ‘actors affecting Urban land u5* ‘Transitional ares ‘Suburbs eee. Planned cities 7/12 extract ery village for land and Village forms 7 and 12 ‘ough generations Occupant Class 1 td (46) Qa. ay 2 @) ® © © 0) (8) o (a0), Fill in the blanks with the correct optio ‘Types of agriculture and ownership of the land canbe classified on land. (a) Fallow (©) Forest (© Arable. (@) Pastureland ‘Agricultural land which is temporarily not in use is called land. (@) Pastureland —_(b) Arable (0) Fallow (A) Forest Land thatis under the ownership of the village Panchayat is called the (@) Forest ( Pastureland (© Arable (a) Fallow Since population is more in the urban areas, land use has increased. (@) Transport (©) Recreational (© Commercial _(d) Mixed Services like hospitals, schools, etc. provided ‘by the local governing bodies comes under Pe (@) Recreational land (b) Commercial land (c) Public Utility (4) Mixed ‘The intermediate area between the rural and urban settlements is called the area. (@) Trans positional (b) Transitional (© Recreational (a) Commercial ‘The availability of .. . is always a serious problem in cities. (a) Air (©) Water (b) Land (4) Food Land registration is done under the department of the government. (a) Commercial () Financial (a) Textile pirobee reins gare Taw pertaining to the (b) 7,12 O57 612 ‘The village forms are available with the of every village for land and ‘revenue collection purposes. (@) Talathi () Panchayat (6) Sarpanch (a) Gram sevak i (11) Ownership of non agricultural land is recorded onthe card. (@) Pan (b) Property (©) Aadhar (a) Ownership ‘Ans, (1) Arable(2) Fallow(3) Pasturetand 4) Commercial (5) Public utility (6) Transitional (7) Land (8) Revenue (9) 7/ 12 (10) Talathi (11) Property (a) Brazil (b) USA. (©) Switzerland | |(d) South Korea | __|t@ Singapore __} (2) Seoul Q) Zurich (3) Washington D.C. (4) Brasilia Ans. (1 2 Q-0.6 (1) Arable land | (a) Firewood is obtained (2) Fallow land | (b) Individual ownership ) Forest land |(c) Land belongs to entire village land (4) Pastureland | (d) Agricultural temporarily not in use Ans. 6), 2-@),(3 @) (1) Commercial (2) Forest area (3) Residential (4) Agricultural (@) Red (b) Blue (©) Yellow (2) Black (e) Green (2-0), 2-0), 3-0), (4-0) Ans. @) (1) Central Business District | (a) Mixed (2) Houses are included | (b) Transport 3) Metro and Monorail | (c) Commercial (4) Police stations (@) Residential | (5) Theatres: (e) Publicutility. (6) Residential and (f) Recreational entertainment areas (g) Transitional Ans. 0-0) 2-0) 0-0) G-0,6-P.6-2) Q3. (A) Examine the statements and incorrect ones: correct the *(1) Mining isnot a type of land use. Ans. Incorrect Mineral rich lands can be used for minin *@) There are factories in the Central Business District ‘Ans, Incorrect. There are shops and Corporate Offices in the Central Business District °@) In urban areas, the largest area is used for residential purposes, Ans, Correct *(4)_ The village attendant issues the 7/12 extract. Ans. Incorrect The village talatht issues the 7/12 extract *@) In rural areas residential areas occupy large tracts. Ans, Incorrect. In rural areas residential areas occupy small. tracts, *(6) Extract 7 indicates Record of Rights. Ans. Correct. "(Extract 12 indicates change in ownership. Ans. Incorrect. Extract 12 indicates land type and usage. (8) _Industrialisation is one of the factors affecting, rural land use. Ans, Incorrect. Industralisation is one of the factors affecting urban land use. (9) _ Irrigation facilities one ofthe factors afecting urban land use. Ans. Incorrect. Irrigation facilites i one ofthe factors affecting rural land use. (10) Government policies is one of the factors affecting urban land use. Ans, Correct, Q5. (B) Name the following: () This land is under individual ownership, ) @ @ } ©. ” ®. 0) (10) Ans. “ay Ans, *@) Ans, @) Key Geograpy Iv 1 improve the fertility of the yg inorder" ! i part of is gna former does not Use Jand. Forest product HKe firewood, GUM ang ere obtained from this land tne Fort area of the BKC in Mumby example of this land use. any one type of transportation fait ag, incities. ‘Atype of land use that diffuses the ten, aused due to burgeoning population Over a period of time this area gets conven | imo an urban area ‘Thisis considered as a kind of mirror about, land It means an ancestral property. This land can be given as charity. (1) Arable Land (2) Fallow Land (3) Forest Lei (4) Commercial Land use (5) Bus stop / Rag line Metro (Monorail. (6) Public Utility Ang (7) Suburbs (8) 7/12 extract (9) Occtipant Class} (40) Occupant Class 2 (©) Answer the following questions: Why is agriculture important in rural land use? In rural areas, agriculture is the malt occupation. Agro based activities are abo common in rural areas. This influences the Jocation for the rural. settlements. State the factors affecting land use. Climate, soil, type of slope, irrigation fait natural resources, goveenment _ plig® ao and site, natural resources, hous, lopment policies, transportation rot ee ee trade and comment Biase and entertainment facilites affecting land use, State the di ‘lithe etetent types of transportatiot facilities found in cities, : Eine {yPes of transportation An Sites are public bus stops, lines, metro, fens * Monorail, commercial Lon @ “c @ sand Use o Ans *Q3. @ Enlist the services provided by the local governing bodies. Hospitals, post offices, police statio police stations, pla grounds, schools, colleges, universities ete are the services provided by the local governing, bodies. What is Mixed land use? In some areas, we find all the uses of land together. Such areas are said to have Mixed land use. What resulted in the thought of having planned cities for the future? Limited land, varied land uses and burgeoning cities resulted in the thought of having cities for the future. What records are kept in the register of the revenue department? ‘The register of the revenue department records the details of the ownership rights of the family, status of debts and loans, transfer of ownership and the area under different crops. (D) Differentiate between 7/2 Extract and Property Card. (a2) Ans. 0 For what use can the Occupant Class 2 land be put to? Such land can be sold, leased, pledged, given as charity or transferred only with the sanction of the district collector. What is mentioned under “other rights”? Under “other rights’, the names of other joint holders are included. Thisalso shows the status of loans taken for agriculture and whether they have been repaid or not. State the classification of rural land use. Arable land, Fallow land, Forest land and grassland/ pastureland are the classification of rural land use State the classification of urban land use. Commercial, Residential, Transport, Public utility, Recreational and Mixed are the classification of the urban land use. What is prepared even before a city grows? Even before a city grows, its land use is pre~ determined and a planned layout is prepared. @ (@) Itrecords ancestral property and land given by the government to marginal farmers. maintains the record of this. (iii) It contains the details of the ownership rights of the family, status of debts and loans, transfer of ‘ownership and the area under different crops. (ii) The Register of the Revenue department (i) It records the ownership of non-agricultural | land. (ji) The Urban Land record maintains a record of this, ii) It contains the city survey number, plot ‘number, amount of tax, area of the property assessed, right to access, ete. Rural and Urban land uses. (i) Agriculture is the main occupation. (ii) In rural areas, the availability of land is more and the population is less, hence population is sparse. (i) There is a lot of land available. (iv) Eg. of Rural land use follow land, Arable land, (()_ Inurban areas and is used for different purposes. (ii) In urban areas, with reference to population, the land is limited. Therefore, the distribution of population is dense in urban areas. | (Gil) is necessary to make maximum use of the land due to its shortage. (iv) Eg. of Urban land use commercial land, } Residential land | QS. (A) Give geographical reasons: *@) Land used for public facility is extremely important in urban areas. Ans. (For the various needs of the population, some services are provided by the local governing bodies, state government or central government. (ii) The area under these services come under this category e.g, hospitals, post offices, police stations, play grounds, schools, colleges, universities, ete. ii) The land use under this category is important as these services diffuse the tensions caused due to burgeoning population. "@2) The record of the ownership of non- agricultural land is the same as that of the agricultural land. (Ownership of non-agricultural land is recorded on the property card, Whereas the ownership of agricultural land is mentioned in the 7/12 extract. (fi) Both the documents maintain a record of city, survey number, plot number, amount of tax, area of the property assessed, right to access, etc. "(3) A region can be classified as developed or developing on the basis of landuse. (We know that in different countries, the Percentage under various land uses differ. (8) Based on the availability of land, the population of a country, its quality and needs, land use types vary: (iii) In Japan, for example the percentage of land under forests is more and the percentage of land under permanent agriculture is very low, Gv) Ascompared to that, in India, the percentage of and under forest is more, while the percentage of land under permanent agriculture is high (@ The distribution of urban population in “urban areas is dense. Ans. ()_ Therehas been an increase in urban settlements in the twentieth century. In urban areas, land is used for different purposes. Master Key Geography (44 » Tris necessary to make maximum Use ofthe ang Gi) vas with reference to population (ii) beset Therefore, the pe ar gon population in urban areas is dense (6) Availability of land is always a. seri, problem in cities. eS after the industrial revolution, urbanisation curred ona large scale throughout the worlg {i Since this urbanisation was not well planne, tities began to grow in a haphazard manner Because of employment opportunities there a large scale migration to cities occurred. Ay ‘a result, the availability of land is always. serious problem in cities. (6) The 7/12 extract is a kind of mirror about the land. (iii) Ans. (i) Serial number 7 and 12 are distinctive sections of the law pertaining to the ownership of land (ii) The seven by twelve extract is a kind of minor about the land because just by reading the extract sitting in one place one can getcomplete information about the piece of land without actually going there. (B) Write short notes on: (1) Fallow land Ans (This is agricultural land which is temporarily not in use. G) Inorder to improve the fertility of the soil te farmer does not use a part of his agricultural land for one or two seasons. @) Commercial land use Ans. NUBBSOMe Darts cof cites! lara only used fo Commercial purposes. In these areas, there at _, many shops, banks and offices, (i) ps has given rise to the concept of in Mr wusiness District (CBD), For example ie lumbai, the Fort area or the BKC (Ban ; ‘urla Complex), 3) Public Utilit A Ans. BL oie Fe “°F the various needs of the population, som and Use @ Gi) ® Ans. @ i) (i) 6) Ans. w. (ii) (it) Qs. a @ ii) services are provided by the local gover bodies, state gover Seal governing ment orcentralgoe patimgdetuen aur this category e.g. hospital Post offices, poli = stations, play grounds, schosle sgh universities, ete. The land use ‘under ste category is lmmportant These services diffuse the tensions caused due to burgeoning population, Transitional areas and suburbs Rural settlement start outside the boundary areas of urban settlements. But the intermediate area in between is called the transitional area, Inthis area, there isa blend of rural and urban land use. In these areas, land used is of mixed nature, In this zone, cultural activities area also of a mixed type. Over time this area is converted to an urban area and these regions become suburbs e.g, Bandra, Bhandup, etc. are suburbs of the Mumbai city. Property Card ‘Ownership of non agricultural land is recorded ‘on the property card. This document showing ownership rights and the area of the property is made available from urban land records. It has the following information- city survey number, plot number, amount of tax, area of the property assessed, right to access, ete. Answer the following questions: If land is left fallow, or not in use then can it bbe termed as a kind of land use? (Think about it, Textbook Page no, 36) Fallow land means agricultural land which is temporarily not in use. (i (ii) We) wv) @) Ans. @ (ii) (iii) Gv) ™) wi) (vii) @ @ (i) 53 Since this urbanisation was not well-planned, Cities began to grow in a haphazard manner. Because of employment opportunities there, @ large scale migration to cities occurred. As a result, the availability of land is always a serious problem in cities. A lot of diversity is visible in the land use of cities. Limited land, varied land uses and burgeoning ‘ities resulted in the thought of having planned Cities for the future. Even before a city grows, its land use is pre- determined and a planned layout is prepared. Accordingly, the cities are developed. Describe the 7/12 Extract. ‘One can get to know, who own's the land. The extract is a record kept by the public revenue department Serial Number 7 and 12 are distinctive sections of the law pertaining to the ownership of the land. ‘The seven by twelve extract is a kind of mirror about the land, This is because just by reading the extract sitting in one place, one can get complete information about the piece of land without actually going there. ‘The register of the revenue department records the details of the ownership rights of the family, status of debts and loans, transfer of ownership and the area under different crops. Village form No. 7 and Village Form No. 12 are combined to prepare as 7/12 extract, hence itis termed as 7/12 Extract, These village forms are available with the talathi of every village for land and revenue collection purposes. How is the 7/12 Extract read? ‘Occupant Class 1 means the land over which the ownership rights are available through generations. This is ancestral property. Occupant Class 2 means the land given by the government to marginal farmers or landless people. Such land can be sold, leased, pledged, given as charity or transferred only with the sanction of the district collector.

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