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z )civit Disobedience Movement !- Tr Points to Remember: An important demand put forth by cancellation of the salt tax and monopoly of the = Gandhiji to the British Government British to manufacture salt Main objective of the Salt Satyagraha To break the oppressive and unjust laws of - the British Government a Destination of the Salt Satyagraha Dandi in Gujarat, 12th March 1930 Distance covered in the Salt Satyagraha on foot ‘Approx. 385 kms. Start of the Salt Satyagraha Sabarmati Ashram . Gandhiji reached Dandi Sth April, 1930. — Gandhiji broke the Salt Act 6th April, 1930. 5 ‘Most loyal follower of Gandhiji in the North-West frontier Khan Abdul Gafar Khan - Khan Abdul Gafar Khan was also known as Frontier Gandhi 5 Organisation founded by Frontier Gandhi Khuda-i-Khidmatgar = Satyagraha at Peshawar by Khan Abdul Gafar Khan 23rd April, 1930 Officer who refused to open fire on the Chandrasing Thakur Satyagrah is in spite of orders from the British Garhwal Regiment Gandhiji arrested for launching Satyagraha 4th May, 1930 — Satyagraha by the mill workers in Solapur 6th May, 1930 Leaders who Mallappa Dhanshetti, Shrikrishna Sarda, = were hanged to death Qurban Hussain and Jagannath Shinde Satyagraha led by Sarojini Naidu ‘Dharasana Satyagraha - Locations of the Salt satyagraha in Maharashtra Wadala, Malvan and Shiroda. "Locations of the Bilashi, Sangamner, jungle satyagrahas Kalavan, Chirner and Pusad in Maharashtra Martyr who was crushed under a truck Babu Genu carrying foreign goods. = Women who took part in Satyagraha -—-‘Kasturba Gandhi, Kamladevi Chattopadhyay, ‘Avantikabai Gokhale, Lilavati Munshi and Hansaben Mehta © Organizer of the Round Table Conference Ramsay Mac Donald from 1930 to 1932 Indian representatives at the Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar, Sir. Tej Bahadur Sapru, Barrister Jinnah, etc. Gandhi-Irwin Pact © Representat Round Table Dalits given separate ‘Third Round Table se Gandhiji withdrew e Civil Q.1. (A) Complete the sea enters the approximate options. “a) ee ‘organised the Round Table Conference in London (a) Gandhiji (&) Aruna Asaf Ali (©) Nehru (GY Ramsay Mac Donald. *@) Khan Abdul Gafar Khan established the organisation named ot (a), Azad Hind Sena <8) Khuda-i-Khidmatgar. (©) Indian National Army (4) Toofan Sena. *(3) At the Second Round Table Conference participated as a representative of Indian National Congress. § Mahatma Gandhi (b) N.G. Gore (c) SM. Joshi (a) _Yashwantrao Chavan (4) _ After the resolution of complete Independence was passed in the ... session of the Indian National Congress, Mahatma Gandhi decided to launch the civil disobedience snovener Mena eee (c) Delhi (d) Indore Gandhiji decided to launch Sat India by breaking the ee allover ©) meneas (A) Sales tax act Pact ee conference sionce Dr. Babasahgy , Nii! Dist! Com,” Ae giver “an @) ) Nc “© t Moveme' mn @ 6) (9) *(10) = (a) a2) (a3) (a4) 16) Int Am\ distance of approximately Bi foot during th A fecovered On the oi “Sts 0 a ) ore ce Khan peal Gafar Khan wang, a2 @ potansens Ue | au (c) Chacha (d) ‘ Mill workers were at the f 7.1. ® i Satyagraha, mM (a) Mumbai om ° () Hyderabad (d)Solay ued the DharasanaSapy (@ KasturbaGandhi(b) Hang (©) Sarojini Naidu (@) Lila Gy ‘The sacrifice Of enone GONE the national movement fa (a) Acharya Vinoba Bhave (b) Maulana Azad (©) Babu Genu b) (@)_ Jay Prakash Narayan The chairman of the First Re Conference wa8 ives: (a) Cripps. (b) Ramsay Mac Donald (©) Simon (d@) Lord Linlithgow ¢ The pact signed between Gant Irwin is known as 2. ¢ (a) Gandhi-Irwin Pact tea (b) India-Britain Pact ; (©) Poona Pact : (d) Lahore Pact The Dalits in the Round Table ™ ) Tepresented by {@) Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkat (©) Abdul Kalam Azad (©) Indira Gandhi Nehru cit Disbebionce Movement a5) Acconding to the given separate electorates, () Communal Awards (b) Cripps mission (Azad Dasta (a) Lalsena (16) In 1932 Mahatma Gandhi and Dr. Babasaheb ‘Ambedkar signed the famous .. (a) MumbaiPact (6) Delhi Pact, (©) Raigad Pact (d)_— Poona Pact (1) Ramsay Mac Donald (2) Khuda-i-Khidmatgar (3) Mahatma Gandhi (4) Lahore (5) Salt ‘act (6) Dandi (7) 385 (8) Frontier Gandhi (9) Solapur (10) Sarvjini Naidu (11) Babu Genu (12) Ramsay Mac Donald (13) Gandhi Irwin pact (14) Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar (15) Communal Awards (16) Poona Pact. (B) Identify the wrong pair and correct the Ans. Qa. wrong one: 1) @) Gandhi — Salt act (i) Khan Abdul GafarKhan - — Khudai- Khidmatgar Sarojini Naidu - — Dharasana Satyagraha (iv) BabuGenu — -_—_‘Jungle Satyagraha _ Wrong pair: Babu Genu —Jungle Satyagraha Correct pair : Babu Genu - Agitation against Foreign goods First round table conference London Second round table conference — 1931 ‘Third round table conference ~ 1932 Withdrawal of Civil Disobedience Movement ~ 1930 ‘Wrong pair : Withdrawal of Civil ‘Disobedience Movement ~ 1930 [Sapaioao — [Gsndhijreachea Dandi | ‘Gandhiji broke the Salt Act ‘6 April 1930 [23 apni 1930 _| Khan Abdul Gafar Khan started a satyagraha at | \ Peshawar [tay 1930 | Gandhi was arrested [eMay 1930 __| Hartal in Solapur [1931 ‘Second round table | ‘conference | 1932 | Poona Pact 1932 | Third Round table | | Conference | 1934 Gandhiji withdrew | the Civil Disobedience Movement, } *(2) Complete the following timeline of the Civil Disobedience Movement. ‘Ans. 12March 6th April 23 April 4May — 6May yao 1938190158019 Eman) [Gms] [Mar | oma sede \Comie || Abdul || wae | [Solopur SENET, | Leica |catartha| | arid ‘aver wanes torisands satya ‘sat * setae Peshawar 0.2. (B) Write short notes on the following. (a) Sacrifice of Babu Genu Ans. (j) In Mumbai there was agitation against foreign ‘goods. The vehicles transporting foreign goods ‘was obstructed. Babu Genu Said, a mill worker from Mumbai, ‘was at the forefront of this movement. ‘A truck carrying foreign goods, safeguarded by the police, came in front of Babu Genu. ‘To stop the truck, he lay down on the road. The threatened him, but he did not move from his place. Finally, he was crushed under the truck, and ‘Babu Genu gained martyrdom. ‘Dharasana Satyagraha Gi) (iv) (iii) The satyagrahis silently tolerated the blows of the lathi (iv) When they were taken away for medical aid, | another batch of satyagrahis came forward to replace them. This continued endlessly. Launch of Satyagraha by Gandhiji ° Ans. () After the resolution of complete Independence was passed in the Lahore session, Mahatma Gandhi decided to launch the Civil Disobedience Movement Before beginning this movement, Gandhiji put up various demands in front of the British Government. One of the important demands was to cancel the salt tax and monopoly of British Government for manufacture of salt. Because the demands of Gandhiji were rejected by the Government, he decided to launch Satyagraha all over India by breaking the salt act Peshawar Satyagraha Gi) (ii) @ Ans, @) Inthe North West Frontier, Khan Abdul Gafar Khan was the most loyal follower of Mahatma Gandhi, He was also known as ‘Frontier Gandhi. He had founded the organisation called 'Khuda-i-Khidmatgar’ On 23 April, 1930, he started a satyagraha at Peshawar. The town was in the hands of the satyagrahis nearly for a week. ii) The British Government gave orders to the Garhwal regiment to carry out open firing on the Satyagrahis, but Chandrasing Thakur, an officer of Garhwal Regiment, refused to open. : Gi) fire. (iy) He was court-martialled and was given severe punishment. (5) Solapur Satyagraha Ans. (i) The mill workers were at the forefront of the Solapur satyagraha. On 6 May, 1930, hartal was ‘observed in Solapur. A huge procession was ‘organised in Solapur. The District Collector Master Key History and Cis (Sty Sarda, Qurban Hussain and Jagannath Shige were hanged to death. Q3. (A) Explain the following statements wy reasons. sa) Chandrasing Thakur was court-martiajg and severely punished. Ans. () On 23rd April 1930, Khan Abdul Gafar Kha: started a satyagraha at Peshwar and the tow ‘was in the hands of satyagrahis nearly for, week (ii) The British Government gave orders to th Garhwal regiment to carry out open firing @ the Satyagrahis, but Chandrasing Thakur, « officer of Garhwal Regiment, refused to opy fire. He was court-martialled and was given; severe punishment, *@) The Government declared Martial Law « Solapur. Ans. (i) On6May, 1930, hartal was observed in Solapu ‘Ahuge procession was organised in Solapur. (i) The District Collector gave orders of firing a the procession. (ii) Many volunteers along with — Shanle Shivdare died in the firing. As a result, peopl started attacking police stations, railwa stations, courts, municipal buildings, etc. Th Government declared Martial Law and th agitation was suppressed *@) The deliberations in the First Round Tabl Conference proved to be meaningless. Ans. (Representatives of different political partes lia and rulers of Princely state: in the conference, oe Ce (a) However, the Indian National Congress didn Participate in it. The Indian National Congr __ was a body that represented the country. (iii) Without its participation, the deliberations? the First Round Table Conference were indet meaningless, *(@) Gandhiji_ be; f : Noses a fast unto death in & (ail) fe G Gi (i «6 @ Ga Gi (in @ (i Gi int Daobedionce Movement {i _ After the Second Round Table Conference, the Dash Prime Minuter Tameny Nocona | declared ‘Communal Awards (ii) According to it, Dalits were given separate electorates. Gandhijiwenton fast untodeathat | Yerwada jail, protesting against the granting of separate electorates on the basis of caste. @ TheRound Table Conferences were organised in the period between 1930 and 1932. Ans. ()__ Inthe opinion of British Prime Minister Ramsay MacDonald, while the Civil Disobedience Movement was going on, the constitutional issues regarding India were to be thought over. (a) For this purpose he organised a conference at London. This conference was known as the ‘Round Table Conference’. (ii) In the period between 1930 and 1932, three round table conferences were organised. (6 Babu Genu gained Martyrdom. Ans. In Mumbai there was an agitation against foreign goods. The vehicles transporting foreign goods were obstructed. (@) Babu Genu said, a mill worker, from Mumbai ‘as at the forefront ofthis movement, (i) A truck carrying foreign goods, safeguarded by the police, came in front of Babu Genu. To stop the truck, he lay down on the road. (iv) Police threatened him, but he did not move from his place. Finally, he was crushed under the truck. Babu Genu gained martyrdom (@ The Civil Disobedience Movement became a national movement. Ans, wo ‘Allthe movements, until the Civil Disobedience ‘Movement, were limited only to urban areas. But this movement became a nationwide movement. People from rural areas registered their participation. (i) Women took part in large numbers: Kasturba i ‘Chattopadhyay, ti Munshi, and Q3. “ay (B) Answer in Bi Why did Gandhi decide to break the Salt Act to begin the satyagraha all over the country? Ans, (i) After the resolution of complete Independence was passed at the Lahore session of the Indian National Congress, Mahatma Gandhi decided = to launch the Civil Disobedience Movement. t 3 Before beginning this. movement, “Gandhiji put up various demands in front of the British Government One of the important demands wasto cancel he salt tax and monopoly of British Government for the manufacture of salt, But because the demands of Gandhiji were rejected by the Government he decided to Taunch Satyagraha all over India by breaking, the salt act Why did the Indian National Congress withdraw the Civil Disobedience Movement? @ iti) Ww) 7 Ans. (i) A pact was signed between Mahatma Gandhi ‘and Viceroy Irwin which is known as the *'Gandhi-Irwin Pact (i) According to this pact, the British Government assured that the system of Responsible Government would be added in the proposed constitution of India Consequently, the Indian National Congress withdrew the Civil Disobedience Movement andagreed toattend the round table conference. (3) What happened in the Dharasana Satyagraha? ii) ‘The satyagraha at Dharasana in Gujarat was Jed by Sarojini Naidu. ‘The police lathi-charged the satyagrahis who came forward to break the Salt Act. ‘The satyagrahis silently tolerated the blows of the lathi. When they were taken away for medical aid, another batch of satyagrahis came forward to replace them, This continued endlessly. How did the people support satyagraha in places where there were no sall-pans? ‘Ans. Where there were no salt-pans, the forest Jaws ‘were broken. There were jungle satyagrahas at Bilashi, Sangamner, Kalavan, Chirmer and ‘Pusad in Maharashtra. The tribal people took part in the satyagraha in large numbers. (i) (ai) Gv), ®

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