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VIP 90 - BOT PHA BIEM SO VO1 BO CAU HOI DE TRUNG TU VA BO DE PHAT TRIEN DE THAM KHAO 2022 Bién soan: Cé Vii Thi Mai Phuong || Dc quyén va duy nhat tai: TAL LIEU DOC QUYEN DI KEM KHOA HOC VIP 90 - TONG ON TRONG DIEM BO CAU HOI DE TRUNG TU & BQ DE PHAT TRIEN DE THAM KHAO MUC TIEU 9+: LUYEN TAP DOC HIEU (BUOI 4) C6 Vai Thj Mai Phuong Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 1 to 5. A nuclear family, elementary family or conjugal family is a family group consisting of parents and their children (one or more). It is in contrast to a single-parent family, the larger extended family, or a family with more than two parents. Nuclear families typically center on a married couple which may have any number of children. There are differences in definition among observers. Some definitions allow only biological children that are full-blood siblings and consider adopted or half and step siblings a part of the immediate family, but others allow for a stepparent and any mix of dependent children including stepchildren and adopted children, Some sociologists and anthropologists consider the nuclear family as the most ba: form of social organization, while others consider the extended family structure to be the most common family structure in most cultures and at most times. Although the term nuclear family was popularized in the 20th century, it has been the dominant form of family structure for centuries in Europe. In the United States, the nuclear family became the most ‘common form of family structure in the 1960s and 1970s. Since that time, the number of North American nuclear families is gradually decreasing, while the number of altemative family formations has increased; this phenomenon is generally opposed by members of such philosophies as social conservatism or familialism, which consider the nuclear family structure important, (Adapted from htips://en. Question 1, What does the passage mainly discuss? A. The gradual decline of nuclear family B. An introduction to nuclear family C. The differences between two most common types of family D. Experts’ attitudes towards different kinds of family Question 2. The word ‘It? in paragraph | refers to . A. group B. single-parent family C. extended family D. nuclear family Question 3. According to paragraph 1, which of the following is stated regarding the family? A. A nuclear family always contains a husband and wife, plus two children. B. There is a general consensus shared among theorists as to what constitutes a nuclear family. C. Experts in societal and human behaviour believe a nuclear family is primarily responsible for social order. D, The extended family is less acknowledged across cultures as the most common family structure. Question 4, The word ‘dominant’ in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to A. primary B. hesitant C. weak D. humble C6 Phuong chtic cdc em Iép VIP 90: ON LA TRUNG TU - THI LA TRUNG TUYEN Vi quyén Igi chinh dang cia chinh cdc em. Khéng chia sé tai ligu BOC QUYEN nay cho ngudi khac! VIP 90 - BOT PHA BIEM SO VO1 BO CAU HOI DE TRUNG TU VA BO DE PHAT TRIEN DE THAM KHAO 2022 Bién soan: Cé Vii Thi Mai Phuong || Dc quyén va duy nhat tai: Question 5. Which of the following is true, according to the passage? A. In Europe, nuclear families only started in the 20th century. B. In the United States, the nuclear family is not as common as it was in the 1960s. C. Post 1970, the number of nuclear families within the US witnessed steady growth. D. Familialism is a branch of philosophy that rejects the idea of a nuclear family being important. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 6 to 12. For most of us, it is not difficult to conjure up rosy memories of our childhoods. Perhaps you recall a favorite pet, a much loved toy, or a special place. For this writer, that place was my grandparents’ old farm, where I played with flocks of friendly lambs and feasted on warm, delicious chocolate chip cookies straight from my nana's oven, However, it’s a funny thing about that memory-it turns out that most of it isn't true. According to my mother, I was actually miserable during my visits to the farm, She says that there were no lambs-I had that mixed up with a visit to a petting zoo when I was older-but rather a herd of surly cows that frightened me to the point of tears. As for my grandmother's cookies, I recently persuaded her to bake them for me again, and the results were dry and disappointing. Perhaps my nana’s baking skills have deserted her, but that still doesn't explain the other inaccuracies in my recollections. ‘The reality is that our memories are simply not that reliable, According to Elizabeth Loftus. a professor of psychology at the University of California and an authority on memory. "Our memories have a superiority complex. We remember we got better grades than we did, that we gave more money to charity than we did, that our kids walked and talked earlier than they really did." In fact, Loftus and her colleagues have learned that our memories do not just exaggerate in some cases, they out-and-out lie. In one well-known experiment. Loftus asked test subjects to read aloud four descriptions of events which they were told were gathered from family members and had actually happened to them. In fact, only three were true, while the fourth-an account of being lost in a shopping mall at age five-had never happened to any of the subjects. In follow-up interviews, however, 25% of the subjects claimed that they clearly remembered the false incident often embellishing the memory with vivid details straight from their own imaginations. The implications of these findings are far-ranging. We all know that childhood memories have profound and long-lasting effects on our relationships with our family, friends, and spouses. If we can't trust our memories, how can we trust the people closest to us? Memories also play a crucial role in self-esteem: we are what we remember. We depend on our memories to do well at school, to remember vital skills in the workplace to keep us safe by reminding us of past mistakes, and to cheer us up by recalling past triumphs, In addition, the police rely on accurate eyewitness accounts to bring criminals to justice and keep the public safe, but Mare Green, an expert on memory and witness testimony has stated that these recollections become less accurate with each retelling. ‘No matter where the science leads us, one fact remains the same. Memories are the foundations of our lives. They are the glue that holds together families, friendships, and marriages. Good or bad, accurate or not, where would we be without them? Perhaps what really matters isn't how my nana's cookies actually tasted all those years ago, but the happy times we spent together baking and enjoying them. (Adapted from Skillfidl Reading and Writing by Mike Boyle and Lindsay Warwick) C6 Phuong chtic cdc em Iép VIP 90: ON LA TRUNG TU - THI LA TRUNG TUYEN Vi quyén Igi chinh dang cia chinh cdc em. Khéng chia sé tai ligu BOC QUYEN nay cho ngudi khac! VIP 90 - BOT PHA BIEM SO VO1 BO CAU HOI DE TRUNG TU VA BO DE PHAT TRIEN DE THAM KHAO 2022 Bién soan: Cé Vii Thi Mai Phuong || Dc quyén va duy nhat tai: Question 6. Which best serves as the title for the passage? A. Diteh Past Memories - Why they don’t Matter B. Taking Trips down Memory Lane - why they’re so Amazing C. Can we Really Trust our Childhood Memories? D. Living without Memories: Where would we Really Be? Question 7. The phrase ‘conjure up’ in paragraph 1 mostly means Av recite B. clear C. replay D. evoke Question 8. According to paragraph 1, which of the following is a claim made by the writer? A. People struggle to recall events from their childhood. B. Her memories of her farm visits were not in conjunetion with her mother’s accounts. C. Asa child, she felt her nana’s cookies were far from delicious. D. She vividly recalled petting lambs on her grandparents farm, Question 9. The word ‘they? in paragraph 2 refers to . es C. memories D. subjects A. colleagues B. Question 10. The word ‘triumphs’ in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to A. pleasures B. achievements C. luxuries D. thrills Question 11. Which of the following is NOT true, according to the passage? . Childhood memories play an important role in harnessing relationships with relatives. B. How we recall memories is closely linked to a person’s self-esteem. C. Memories are seldom used in the workplace. 1D. Memories diminish in accuracy each time a person recalls them. Question 12. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage? A. Memories are useless because they are inaccurate, B. Despite the imprecision associated with memories, they are still fundamental to life. C. It’s essential to be able to recall the taste of cookies at all times. D. Everyone exaggerates their memories and there are no exceptions to the rule, C6 Phuong chtic cdc em Iép VIP 90: ON LA TRUNG TU - THI LA TRUNG TUYEN Vi quyén Igi chinh dang cia chinh cdc em. Khéng chia sé tai ligu BOC QUYEN nay cho ngudi khac! VIP 90 - BOT PHA BIEM SO VO1 BO CAU HOI DE TRUNG TU VA BO DE PHAT TRIEN DE THAM KHAO 2022 Bién soan: Cé Vii Thi Mai Phuong || Dc quyén va duy nhat tai: BANG TU VUNG SIT Tir vung Tir loai Phién am Nghia 1 | nuclear family | /ajucklia(r) ‘femali/ | gia dinh hat nhin 2__| contrast n /'kontra:st/ trai nguge 3_| definition n / defi nifin’ dinh nghia 4__| observer n Jab'z3:va(ry) ngudi quan sat 5 _| biological adj [.bara'Iodgiki/ | vé mat sinh hoe a : anh chi em eiing cha khde 6 | half-sibling n hacf stblny/ meloiing me Hide Bh 7_ | step-sibling a F'step siblun/ anh chj em ké 8 | immediate family a itmicdiot ‘femuli/ __| gia dinh tre 9 | sociologist a Tsoosi'plodgist/ _ | nha xa hoi hoe 10_| anthropologist a Jendra'poladgist’_| nha nhin loa T1_| organization a Taiganar'zeyfnl | t6 chute 12 | term n iesim/ thugt ngtr 13_ | popularize v Fpopjalorarz/ _| pho bien 14 | dominant adj Fdommont/ vugt tri 15 | altemative adj foil ts:nativ/ thay thé 16 | form a faim] hinh thire 17_| phenomenon a [fs nomunon/ hign tuong 18 | philosophy a fa! Tosafi/ wigt ly 19_| conservatism a Ikon'ss:vatizom/ _| chii nghia bao thi: 20__| familialism a His’ milislizom/ | chii nghia gia dinh 21_| conjure up v Tkandgar ap’ __| ggilén 22 | rosy adj Traozil tuoi dep 23, | recall v in'ko:l/ nhé lai 24 _| surly adj Pssilil hung han 25_| international adj Jinta'nafnal’ | quoc té 26 _| persuade v [pa'swerd/ thuyét phyc 27_| desert v Fdezat! bo di 28 | inaccuracy a ‘an’ eekjarasil diém khong chinh x4e 29_| recollection a 7.reko'lekjin/ hoi tte 30_ | psychology a Jsar'kolodsil tim ly hoe 31_| authority a J5:'Orati/ chuyén gia 32_| superiority a Jsu: provi pati! —_| vugt tri 33_| complex a T'kpmpleks/ phire hop 34, | exaggerate v hig zedgareit) __| phong dai 35_ | out-and-out adj Jaot and aut hon toan 36 | subject n Fsabdgikt bi tugng 37_| shopping mall n 7 fopmy mo:l/ trung tim mua sim 38. | embellish v ‘im’ belyf? t6 diém 39_| vivid adj Tvividl song dong C6 Phuong chtic cdc em Iép VIP 90: ON LA TRUNG TU - THI LA TRUNG TUYEN Vi quyén Igi chinh dang cia chinh cdc em. Khéng chia sé tai ligu BOC QUYEN nay cho ngudi khac! VIP 90 - BOT PHA BIEM SO VO1 BO CAU HOI DE TRUNG TU VA BO DE PHAT TRIEN DE THAM KHAO 2022 Bién soan: Cé Vii Thi Mai Phuong || Dc quyén va duy nhat tai: 40_[imagination a f.medgrneyj/ _| tri tuong tugng 41_| implication a Tampl' kein’ | anh huéng 42_| far-ranging adj Hfa:(e) ‘remdsin/_| su rong 43_| profound adj pro’ faond) sdu sie 44 | long-lasting adj Flop ‘la:stiy | lau dai 45_| self-esteem n [self rsti:m/ long ty trong, 46_| triumph n Ftraiamf] chién thing 47_| eyewitness a [arwitnas) nhan ching 48_ | testimony a Ttestimani/ Toi Khai 49 | foundation a Hfaon’ deifin/ nén ting BANG CAU TRUC STT Cau tric Nghia 1__| be in contrast to something trai nguge v6i thir gi 2__| consist of bao gom 3__ | centre on tp rung 4 _| feast something in thit gi 5 _| (a quality/skill) deserts somebody thir gi dé bong dumg mit di 6 _| play a crucial role in something dng vai tr quan trong trong thir gi 7__| depend on something phy thude vio thir gi 8 _ | remind somebody of something ggi nhé ai vé dieu gi C6 Phuong chtic cdc em Iép VIP 90: ON LA TRUNG TU - THI LA TRUNG TUYEN Vi quyén Igi chinh dang cia chinh cdc em. Khéng chia sé tai ligu BOC QUYEN nay cho ngudi khac! VIP 90 - BOT PHA BIEM SO VO1 BO CAU HOI DE TRUNG TU VA BO DE PHAT TRIEN DE THAM KHAO 2022 Bién soan: Cé Vii Thi Mai Phuong || Dc quyén va duy nhat tai: TAL LIEU DOC QUYEN DI KEM KHOA HOC VIP 90 - TONG ON TRONG DIEM BO CAU HOI DE TRUNG TU & BQ DE PHAT TRIEN DE THAM KHAO MUC TIBU 9+: THI ONLINE LUYEN TAP BQC HIEU (BUOI 4) C6 Vai Thj Mai Phuong Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 1 to 3. Most people want to be polite and behave well around others. Being polite involves good manners of eating and appropriate ways of greeting and talking to people, and giving and receiving gifis. Polite behaviours may differ from culture to culture. In the United States, people prefer to shake hands firmly for a few seconds. In some Middle Eastern countries, people hold each other's hands gently for a longer time. What about eye contact? In some countries, you show respect when you look at someone directly in the eyes. In other parts of the world, looking at someone directly can be rude. Another difference is personal space. In North America, people usually stand about an aim’s length apart during a conversation. However, in Latin to stand closer. If you are going to live, work, or study in another country, you should learn about its culture. In this, way, you can be polite and make a good impression. Politeness can be good for making friends and doing bus is well. es (Adapted from Skills for Success by MeVeigh and Bixby) Question 1: What is the passage mainly about? A. Politeness in different cultures B, Table manners around the world C. Giving and receiving gifts D. Greeting and talking to people Question 2: According to paragraph 2, in which part of the world do people hold each other’s hands gently? A. In some Middle Eastern countries. In the United States C. In North America D. In Latin America Question 3: The word “rude” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to A. unelear B. careful C. impolite D. friendly Question 4: According to paragraph 2, which of the following is NOT mentioned as an example of differences in politeness arojmd the world? A.shaking hands —_B. personal space C. eye contact, D. facial expressions Question 5: The word its in paragraph 3 refers to A.conversation —__B. country C. space D. arm Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 6 to 12. Hawaii is often considered to be one place in the world where you can find paradise. But when I arrived in Hawaii, I was shocked to discover beaches were covered in plastic rubbish washed up from around the world, As I dug through the sand, I realised the sandy beach was being transformed into a plastic beach. A chill went down my spine. C6 Phuong chtic cdc em Iép VIP 90: ON LA TRUNG TU - THI LA TRUNG TUYEN Vi quyén Igi chinh dang cia chinh cdc em. Khéng chia sé tai ligu BOC QUYEN nay cho ngudi khac! VIP 90 - BOT PHA BIEM SO VO1 BO CAU HOI DE TRUNG TU VA BO DE PHAT TRIEN DE THAM KHAO 2022 Bién soan: Cé Vii Thi Mai Phuong || Dc quyén va duy nhat tai: From the beaches of Hawaii to the seas around Britain, we are polluting our own environment. Beaches are now covered in more rubbish than ever before. The plastic we see on our beaches is just a small amount of the plastic waste that exists in our oceans. Scientists believe that sea currents have created five huge ‘garbage areas in our oceans, including the one in the North Atlantic. This is a global problem for which we are all responsible. Plastic makes our life easier, but its production and use are completely out of control. Because plastic rubbish in the oceans looks like food, it is being eaten by small fish, which in turn is eaten by large fish, which in tum is eaten by us. Plastic is damaging our beaches, polluting the oceans, and poisoning our food chain. The consequences are still not fully understood, but they are likely to be terrible, We need to stop using plastic bags for packaging and single-use water bottles, These make up most of the plastic garbage in the oceans. In Bangladesh and Kenya, they have stopped using plastic bags completely. The UK has put a tax on plastic bags. Many supermarkets around the world are not packing goods in plastic. The future of our beaches, our seas, and the food chain is at risk. This is an environmental problem that we need to solve immediately. (Adapted from Headway by Soars, Soars and Hancock) Question 6: Which of the following is the best title for the passage? A. Common Plastic Products B. A Green Lifestyle C. Benefits of Plastic Products D. A Planet Poisoned by Plastic Question 7: The word transformed in paragraph | is closest in meaning to A. changed B. placed C. checked D. broken Question 8: The word they in paragraph 3 refers to . A. beaches B. fish C. consequences D. oceans Question 9: According to paragraph 4, both Bangladesh and Kenya [A.have used more and more plastic bags B. have produced alot of plastic bags C. do not use plastic bags any more D. encourage the use of plastic bags Question 10: Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? A. Hawaii is protected from plastic rubbish. B. One huge garbage area in the oceans is in the North Atlantic. C. The UK has introduced a tax on plastic bags. D. Production and use of plastic are now out of control. Question 11: The phrase at risk in paragraph 5 is closest in meaning to A. refused B. accepted C. threatened D. developed Question 12: Which of the following can be inferred from the passage? A. The environment in Hawaii was not as good as the writer had expected. B. There is far more plastic waste on the beaches than in the oceans, C. Plastic helps maintain the natural food chain in the oceans. D. People in the past were more concerned about the effects of plastic waste. C6 Phuong chtic cdc em Iép VIP 90: ON LA TRUNG TU - THI LA TRUNG TUYEN Vi quyén Igi chinh dang cia chinh cdc em. Khéng chia sé tai ligu BOC QUYEN nay cho ngudi khac! VIP 90 - BOT PHA BIEM SO VO1 BO CAU HOI DE TRUNG TU VA BO DE PHAT TRIEN DE THAM KHAO 2022 Bién soan: Cé Vii Thi Mai Phuong || Dc quyén va duy nhat tai: TAL LIEU DOC QUYEN DI KEM KHOA HOC VIP 90 - TONG ON TRONG DIEM BO CAU HOI DE TRUNG TU & BQ DE PHAT TRIEN DE THAM KHAO DE DU DOAN - PHAT TRIEN DE THAM KHAO 2022 DESO 15 C6 Vai Thj Mai Phuong Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. Question 1. Ifthe virus were earlier, she wouldn’t suffer serious symptoms. A. grabbed B. caught C. trapped D. seized Question 2. This is interesting story I’ve ever heard. A. the most B. more - most of, D. the more Question 3. When for the position of Sales Director, Kathy was extremely pleased. A. select B. selecting C. be selected D. selected Question 4, Tuan has been living abroad with his mother 2002. Avon B. for C.with D. since Question 5. my brother read the manual very carefully, he just couldn’t assemble the cupboard. A. Because B. Eventhough C. Because of D. Inspite of Question 6. My favourite volleyball team won the final, but the results were too for comfort. A. short B. quick C. close D. far Question 7. Her mother promises to buy her a smartphone if she passes the exam, A. expensive Korean black B. black Korean expensive C. expensive black Korean D. Korean expensive black Question 8. Frank with his studies because he was sick for nearly two weeks. A. put on B. kept off C. fell behind D. set up Question 9. «he will buy a new printer. A. As soon as he has enough money B. Before he had enough money C. When he was having enough money. After he had enough money Question 10, He was sent off after committing a(n) on the goalkeeper. A. fault B. error C. mistake D. foul Question 11, They had the event for next Saturday. A. reschedule B. rescheduled C. rescheduling —_D. to reschedule Question 12. Nguyen prepared for dinner after he a bath, Avhas had B. was having Chad had D. is having Question 13. Lan a lot of effort into decorating her bedroom. Av set B. asked C. won D. put Question 14, The test was and many students were able to do it in 10 minutes. A. ease B. easy C. easily D. easiness Question 15. The river is heavily polluted, 2 Ac isn’tit B. wasn’t it C. doesn’t it D. hasn't it C6 Phuong chtic cdc em Iép VIP 90: ON LA TRUNG TU - THI LA TRUNG TUYEN Vi quyén Igi chinh dang cia chinh cdc em. Khéng chia sé tai ligu BOC QUYEN nay cho ngudi khac! VIP 90 - BOT PHA BIEM SO VO1 BO CAU HOI DE TRUNG TU VA BO DE PHAT TRIEN DE THAM KHAO 2022 Bién soan: Cé Vii Thi Mai Phuong || Dc quyén va duy nhat tai: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of the primary stress in each of the following questio Question 16. A. remind B. welcome C. advise D. conclude Question 17. A. monument B. emotion C. quality D. animal Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs ‘from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. Question 18. A. neck B. egg C. pet D. she Question 19. A. waits B. stops C. loads D. packs Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions, Question 20, The findings set alarm bells ringing and we should take preventive measures to stop another wave of infection. A. calmed our fears B. caused a lot of damage C. helped to save lives D. caused worry Question 21. I’m not sure about the price; it may cost you approximately $40 a month. A. precisely B. normally C. carefully D. nearly Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined bold word(s) in each of the following questions. Question 22. Thanks to his assistance, I was able to complete my report on time. A. doubt B. help C. creativity D. anger Question 23. The vase was too pricey; we just couldn’t afford it. A. general B. cheap C. detailed D. expensive Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to complete each of the following exchanges. Question 24, Nam is talking to Hoang about his test results. ~ Nam: “I got a 9.0 in Maths for the first time!” -Hoang:“__ A. Thank you. B. Same to you. C. Good idea! D. Congratulations! Question 25. Victoria and Sam are talking about ways to study languages. : “Watching foreign films can help us to study languages better.” We can learn some useful word expressions through t A. You can say that again B. That’s not good C. Sorry to hear that D. You’re totally wrong activity.” C6 Phuong chtic cdc em Iép VIP 90: ON LA TRUNG TU - THI LA TRUNG TUYEN Vi quyén Igi chinh dang cia chinh cdc em. Khéng chia sé tai ligu BOC QUYEN nay cho ngudi khac! VIP 90 - BOT PHA BIEM SO VO1 BO CAU HOI DE TRUNG TU VA BO DE PHAT TRIEN DE THAM KHAO 2022 Bién soan: Cé Vii Thi Mai Phuong || Dc quyén va duy nhat tai: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to choose the word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 26 to 30. CANOLA OF NEW PETROI Imagine a motor oil that can cut car pollution by 40 percent, Duane Johnson doesn't have to imagine such a product any more. He's made it a reality! Johnson, a new and alternative crops specialist, has developed a lubricant from canola oil, a seed crop grown in Colorado. This lubricant (26) reduces harmful emissions from car engines. Canola oil is traditionally used as a cooking oil especially in Asian foods. (27) Canola oil is benefits for (28) reasons. Apart from reducing air pollution, it creates a useful by-product called meal, (29) can be fed to animals. Another (30) point is that it can be grown as a crop every year, and this makes it a renewable energy source, unlike petrol. In the event of an il spill, canola is environmentally friendly to soil or water. Perhaps the most interesting point of all is that when burned in an engine, canola oil smells like popcorn! (Adapted from FCE Use of English by Virginia Evans) 2 . with certain adjustments it is as effective as any normal motor oil. Question 26. Acresponsibly —_-B. unlikely C. drastically D. flexibly Question 27. A. However B. Therefore C. Instead D. For instance Question 28. A. several B. alittle C. much D. another Question 29. Ait B. which what D. whose Question 30. Acimaginative B. changeable C. complete D. favourable Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 31 to 35. Have you heard the car drivers in your family complaining every time they have to fill up the car at great expense at the local petrol station? Well, now a solar-powered family car has been developed that's producing very promising results. ‘The new car is what is known as ‘energy positive’, which means that it actually produces more energy than it consumes. Thanks to the large solar panels on its roof, the car can travel up to 250 miles even if there is no sunshine. And on a sunny day, when it is fully charged, it can travel a much longer distance than that - nearly 420 miles. That's nearly twice the distance that an electric car can travel until itis out of fuel and needs to be plugged in! Further models of the solar-powered car are still being tested, according to the designers, who are in no doubt that solar-powered cars could eventually replace all petrol vehicles! (Adapted from First for Schools Trainer by Sue Elliott, Helen Tiliouine and Felicity O’Dell) Question 31. What is the passage mainly about? A. The disadvantages of driving a car Cars run on solar energy C. The comparison between two cars ‘1D, The benefits of travelling by car Question 32. The word promising in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to A. completely true B. quite cheap C. likely successful D. rather terrible Question 33. According to paragraph 2, a solar-powered car A. doesn’t need any types of energy at all B. uses a lot of energy C. can travel a long distance D. is as expensive as an electric car Question 34, The word it in paragraph 3 refers to A. energy B. roof C. a solar-powered car D. an electric car C6 Phuong chtic cdc em Iép VIP 90: ON LA TRUNG TU - THI LA TRUNG TUYEN Vi quyén Igi chinh dang cia chinh cdc em. Khéng chia sé tai ligu BOC QUYEN nay cho ngudi khac! VIP 90 - BOT PHA BIEM SO VO1 BO CAU HOI DE TRUNG TU VA BO DE PHAT TRIEN DE THAM KHAO 2022 Bién soan: Cé Vii Thi Mai Phuong || Dc quyén va duy nhat tai: Question 35. As stated in paragraph 3, the designers of solar-powered cars believe A. they need to undergo several testing procedures B. they can be used instead of vehicles run on petrol C. their reliability shouldn’t be suspected D, other models will become available soon Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 36 to 42. In 1971, a small boat set sail from Vancouver, Canada, to Amchitka. It was a gesture of non-violent protest against a nuclear test that was to be conducted by the United States government. Despite the protests, the US refused to change its plans to conduct the test. Sadly, the ship and her crew did not reach Amchitka and failed to prevent the nuclear test from occurring. Although Amchitka had not had any inhabitants since the mid-nineteenth century and there was no imminent danger to humans, the explosion caused tremendous suffering to local wildlife. The voyage of the Phyllis Cormack did not succeed in stopping the nuclear test, but this peaceful demonstration did have a very positive outcome. It attracted world-wide attention and gave birth to the international movement called Greenpeace. Today, Greenpeace is an international, non-profit organization with offices in more than forty countries. Greenpeace representatives from around the world meet each year to discuss environmental issues and concerns of the global community. According to its website, “Greenpeace exists because this fragile earth deserves a voice. It needs solutions. It needs change. It needs action.” Greenpeace is committed to making the public aware of environmental abuses. It seeks change through creative, non- violent confrontations between activists and those responsible for harming the environment. Greenpeace is currently working in six major areas where there is significant threat to the environment. ‘The first two areas address radiation and chemical contaminants. The third area of concer is the threat posed to the environment by genetically engineered food ingredients, which cause irreversible biological pollution and many types of health risks. A fourth item on the Greenpeace agenda is the protection of marine life. Of particular concern are commercial fishing practices that do not protect endangered species. Greenpeace is also engaged in educating the world community about the effects of global warming. Finally, Greenpeace actively supports measures that will protect the remaining ancient forests of the world, With more than 80 percent of the world’s forests already gone, preserving what we have left seems more urgent than ever. In a recent victory, the Maisin people of Collingwood Bay, in Papua New Guinea, won a three-year legal struggle to deny loggers access to their land. Greenpeace played an important role in defending the interests of the Maisin in the court case. (Adapted from Reading for the Real World by Moraig Macgillivray and Tonia Peters) Question 36. Which best serves as the title for the passage? A. Campaigning for the Earth B. A Profit-Making Organisation Strive to Save the World D. Preventive Measures to Protect the Fragile Ecosystem D. Greenpeace ~ An Environmental Demonstration Question 37. The word tremendous in paragraph | is closest in meaning to A. open B. huge C. amusing D. different C6 Phuong chtic cdc em Iép VIP 90: ON LA TRUNG TU - THI LA TRUNG TUYEN Vi quyén Igi chinh dang cia chinh cdc em. Khéng chia sé tai ligu BOC QUYEN nay cho ngudi khac! VIP 90 - BOT PHA BIEM SO VO1 BO CAU HOI DE TRUNG TU VA BO DE PHAT TRIEN DE THAM KHAO 2022 Bién soan: Cé Vii Thi Mai Phuong || Dc quyén va duy nhat tai: Question 38. According to paragraph 1, the ship travelling to Amchitka A. took part in a violent demonstration B. wanted to end all nuclear tests in the world C. arrived at Amchitka after holding a protest in the United States D. didn’t succeed in stopping the nuclear test in the US from happening Question 39. The word It in paragraph 1 refers to A. The nuclear test B. Outcome C. The demonstration D. Greenpeace Question 40. The word confrontations in paragraph 2 mostly means A. conflicts B. betrayals C. promises D. beliefs Question 41. Which of the following statements is TRUE, according to the passage? A. The nuclear test conducted by the US government posed a threat to the local inhabitants. B, Greenpeace leaders gather several times a year to discuss pressing environmental issues. C. There are only six environmental problems that need the whole world’s attention, D. Greenpeace aims to raise people’s awareness of the consequences of global warming. Question 42. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage? A. Deforestation could have been a serious problem for the Maisin people in the past. B. It has been proved that genetically modified products taste bad and are poisonous. . The disappearance of the world’s ancient forests could be attributed to climate change. D. Some marine species are in danger of extinction just because of overfishing. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions. Question 43. The workers get the permission to take a rest. A. The workers should take a rest. B. The workers must take a rest. C. The workers would take a rest. D. The workers can take a rest. Question 44, Linda has been learning to play the violin for three years. ‘A. Linda started to leam to play the violin three years ago. B. Linda has stopped playing the violin for three years. C. Linda will learn to play the violin in three years. D. Linda last learnt to play the violin three years ago. Question 45. “I will send you this picture,” Ngan said to me. A. Ngan threatened to send me that picture. B, Ngan promised to send me that picture. C. Ngan denied sending me that picture. D. Ngan suggested sending me that picture. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions. Question 46. The ending of the film was very emotional. Everyone in the cinema shed a tear. A. Not until everyone in the cinema had shed a tear was the ending of the film very emotional. B. But for the emotional ending of the film, everyone in the cinema would have shed a tear. C. No matter how emotional the ending of the film was, everyone in the cinema shed a tear. D. So emotional was the ending of the film that everyone in the cinema shed a tear. C6 Phuong chtic cdc em Iép VIP 90: ON LA TRUNG TU - THI LA TRUNG TUYEN Vi quyén Igi chinh dang cia chinh cdc em. Khéng chia sé tai ligu BOC QUYEN nay cho ngudi khac! VIP 90 - BOT PHA BIEM SO VO1 BO CAU HOI DE TRUNG TU VA BO DE PHAT TRIEN DE THAM KHAO 2022 Bién soan: Cé Vii Thi Mai Phuong || Dc quyén va duy nhat tai: Question 47. She kept smoking despite the doctor’s advice. Now she regrets it. A. She regrets not having smoked despite the doctor’s advice. BB. She wishes she had listened to the doctor’s advice and stopped smoking. C. Suppose that she had followed the doctor’s advice and stopped smoking, she would regret it. D. If only she had kept smoking despite the doctor’s advice, she wouldn’t regret it. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions. Question 48. The wall became a mess when people drew different things on them. A B c D Question 49, Since the outbreak of the pandemic, he will work from home. A B c D Question 50, Some consider this process of negligent importance, but in fact it has a crucial part A B to play in ensuring that all products meet food safety standards. c D C6 Phuong chtic cdc em Iép VIP 90: ON LA TRUNG TU - THI LA TRUNG TUYEN Vi quyén Igi chinh dang cia chinh cdc em. Khéng chia sé tai ligu BOC QUYEN nay cho ngudi khac! VIP 90 - BOT PHA BIEM SO VO1 BO CAU HOI DE TRUNG TU VA BO DE PHAT TRIEN DE THAM KHAO 2022 Bién soan: Cé Vii Thi Mai Phuong || Dc quyén va duy nhat tai: MA TRAN CHI TIET DE THI STT| Dang bai Chuyén a2 S6ciu | NB | TH | VDT| VDC 1 Phat am —_| - Céch phat m dudi -s/es 1 x - Cich phat dm cua nguyén am 1 x 2 Trong am | - Trong am cua tir 2 am tiét 1 x - Trong 4m cua tir 3 am tiét 1 x 3. | Chon dip an | - Cau hoi dudi 1 x dang | Cau bj dong 1 x - Gidi tir 1 x - So sinh kép 1 x ~ Trat ty eda tinh tir 1 x ~ Thi qua khir tiép dién 1 x - Lign tir 1 x ~ Sir phdi hop thi (Tuong lai & hign tai) | 1 x ~ Rat gon ménh dé 1 x - Tit loai 1 x ~ Cum dong tir 1 x - Cum tir cd dinh 1 x - Thanh ngit 1 x - Tir vung 2 x | x 4 | Déngnghia | - Tirdon 2 xx 3 | Trdinghia |-Tirdon 1 x - Thanh ngit 1 x 6 Giao tiép _| - Tinh hudng giao tiép 2 x x 7 | Doc dién tir | - Lin tirtrang tir lién két 1 x ~ Dai tir quan hé 1 x - Tir vung 2 x | x - Lugng tir 1 x 8 | Dochiéu — | - Cau hoi main idea/best title 2 x | x - Cau hoi TRUE/ NOT TRUE 1 x - Cau héi théng tin chi tiét 3 xx | X C6 Phuong chtic cdc em Iép VIP 90: ON LA TRUNG TU - THI LA TRUNG TUYEN Vi quyén Igi chinh dang cia chinh cdc em. Khéng chia sé tai ligu BOC QUYEN nay cho ngudi khac! VIP 90 - BOT PHA BIEM SO VO1 BO CAU HOI DE TRUNG TU VA BO DE PHAT TRIEN DE THAM KHAO 2022 Bién soan: Cé Vii Thi Mai Phuong || Dc quyén va duy nhat tai: - Cau héi quy chiéu 2 XX - Cf hoi tir vyng 3 x | XX ~ Céu hoi suy luén 1 x 9 Tim Idi sai_| - Thi cia dng ter 1 x - Phép quy chiéu 1 x - Tir vung 1 x 10 | Caudéng | - Chuyén d6i thi 1 x nghia Cau tuong thut 1 . - Dong tit khuyét thiéu 1 x 11 | Kéthop cau | - Cau uéc/edu diéu kién 1 oq - Dao ngir 1 x ‘Tong 50 | 13) 19 | 13 6 C6 Phuong chtic cdc em Iép VIP 90: ON LA TRUNG TU - THI LA TRUNG TUYEN Vi quyén Igi chinh dang cia chinh cdc em. Khéng chia sé tai ligu BOC QUYEN nay cho ngudi khac! VIP 90 - BOT PHA BIEM SO VO1 BO CAU HOI DE TRUNG TU VA BO DE PHAT TRIEN DE THAM KHAO 2022 Bién soan: Cé Vii Thi Mai Phuong || Dc quyén va duy nhat tai: BANG TU VUNG STT Tir vung Tirlogi| _ Phién Am 1 | eatch v Tkeetf/ 2 | monument n Fmonjumant! 3_| approximately adv_|_/o'proksimatli/_| xap xi 4 _| assistance n Je'sistons) | su tre gitip 5__ | pricey adj [pratsi/ dat a6 © | canola oil iko'navla ail | dau hat cai 7_| lubricant Flusbrikont! | chat dau nhon 8 | by-product /'bar prodakt/ | san pham phu 9 _| renewable adj Ternjuabl/ | ¢6 thé tdi tao 10 | petrol a Tpetral/ xing diu ii_[ popecom a Tpopkon) _| bong ngo 12 | favourable adj Ffewarabl’_| thuin loi 13 | solar-powered adj | /'saulo ‘pavad/ | chay bing ning lugng mit troi 14 | promising adj Fpromisiy/ —_| hia hen 15_| solar panel n [savlo ‘paenl/_| pin mat troi 16_| procedure n Ipra'sicdga(ny’ | tha tue 17_[ nuclear adj [njucklio(ry | hat nhan 18 | inhabitant a Tin heebrtont/ | eu dan 19 | imminent adj Fummant)_| sip xay ra 20_ | tremendous adj Ttra'mendas/ _| Khing khiép 21_| voyage n Tvoudy/ chuyén 22_| demonstration | /demon’streyin’ | cuge biéu tinh 23__| world-wide adj _/,waild’waid/_ | toan thé gidi 24 _| international adj | /inta’nafnal/ | qudc t8 25. | representative n__| /reprrzentativ/ | dai dién 26_| fragile adj /fredgai/ | mong manh 27_| confrontation n__| /konfran'teyfn’_| cude d0i dau 28 | activist n Fektvist | nha hoat dong 29 _| radiation n [reid erin | phong xa 30__| contaminant a /kon'teminont/ | chat 6 nhiém 3i_| genetically adj Tag'neukli/ | ve gen 32_| irreversible adj Tarr vaisabl/_| Khong thé phue hoi 33_| biological adj | /bara'IndgikV/_| vé mat sinh hoc 34 | agenda a Ta'dgenda/ st 35, | marine adj Ima’ in! 36 _| poisonous adj T'paizanas/ 37 | outbreak n Faotbreik/ | su bing phat 38__| pandemic n Ipaen'demik/ | dai dich 39 _| negligent adj Fneghidgont’ | cau tha 40_| negli n Fneghdgebl/ | khéng dang ké C6 Phuong chtic cdc em Iép VIP 90: ON LA TRUNG TU - THI LA TRUNG TUYEN Vi quyén Igi chinh dang cia chinh cdc em. Khéng chia sé tai ligu BOC QUYEN nay cho ngudi khac! VIP 90 - BOT PHA BIEM SO VO1 BO CAU HOI DE TRUNG TU VA BO DE PHAT TRIEN DE THAM KHAO 2022 Bién soan: Cé Vii Thi Mai Phuong || Dc quyén va duy nhat tai: BANG CAU TRUC STT (Cau tric Nghia 1__| be too close to comfort qua gan/sit sao dén mite dang lo lang 2__| puton mic do 3__| keep off tranh xa 4 _| fall behind with something tut lai phia sau 5__| setup sip dit 6 | commit a foul (thé thao) pham di 7_| put effort into sth bo cing ste vio gi dd 8 _| set alarm bells ringing gidng én hoi chudng eanh bio 9 | you can say that again hoan toin dong y 10_| in the event of trong truéng hop 11_| prevent sb/sth from doing sth ngan chin ai d6/gi dé khdi Kim gi 12_| succeed in doing sth thanh cOng trong vige gi do 13 | give birth to Khai sinh ra 14 | be committed to V-ing cam két lam gi db 15 _| be engaged in V-ing tham gia vio vige gi d6 16 | play arole dong vai td C6 Phuong chtic cdc em Iép VIP 90: ON LA TRUNG TU - THI LA TRUNG TUYEN Vi quyén Igi chinh dang cia chinh cdc em. Khéng chia sé tai ligu BOC QUYEN nay cho ngudi khac! VIP 90 - BOT PHA BIEM SO VO1 BO CAU HOI DE TRUNG TU VA BO DE PHAT TRIEN DE THAM KHAO 2022 Bién soan: Cé Vii Thi Mai Phuong || Dc quyén va duy nhat tai: TAL LIEU DOC QUYEN DI KEM KHOA HOC VIP 90 - TONG ON TRONG DIEM BO CAU HOI DE TRUNG TU & BQ DE PHAT TRIEN DE THAM KHAO HOC TU BO TU VUNG MULTIPLE CHOICE. MUC DO 9+ (BUOI 3) C6 Vai Thj Mai Phuong Question 1, Susan took a deep breath, trying to ___her thoughts before entering the exam room. A. compile B. collect C. assemble D. employ Question 2. Some students have their complaints about the school’s unhealthy meals. A. voiced B. pronounced ——_C. uttered D. claimed Question 3. The book was so complex that it took him for nearly 3 hours to it A. ingest B. consume C. swallow D. absorb Question 4, Could you my suitcase for a moment while I go and check the depature time? A. resent B. bother C. object D. mind Question 5. The recent serious injury the end of his hopes of becoming the champion of this year’s tournament. A. dictated B. pronounced _C. spelled D. wrote Question 6. Linda didn’t to what the teacher said, so she couldn’t answer his question, A. present B. appear C. register D. attend Question 7. A lot of celebrities failed to the social distancing rules and still went out for relaxation during the pande A. wateh B. observe C.witness D. notice Question 8. Nguyen couldn’ t stand being teased by his classmates any longer; he finally his anger. A. released B. discharged C.emitted D. issued Question 9. With the outstanding achievements in the recent tournament, James was toa club abroad for a huge fee. A. transmitted B. converted . transferred D. transported Question 10, Phat really has to himself harder if he wants to get a place at university. A. push B. pull urge D. throw Question 11. Given the unprecedented spread of the virus, people across the country were ordered to in place. A. discourage B. escape C. shelter D. lodge Question 12. She succeeded in out a reputation for herself as a talented actress. A. drawing B. carving C. shaping D. writing Question 13. Ifyou continue behaving in that way, you're __your chances of getting promotion. A. collapsing B. sinking C. declining D. falling Question 14, All cases involving school violence should be with caution. A. treated B. cured C. behaved D. acted Question 15. The city council has suggested some plans in order to traffic congestion. A. comfort B. calm relieve D. relax C6 Phuong chtic cdc em Iép VIP 90: ON LA TRUNG TU - THI LA TRUNG TUYEN Vi quyén Igi chinh dang cia chinh cdc em. Khéng chia sé tai ligu BOC QUYEN nay cho ngudi khac! VIP 90 - BOT PHA BIEM SO VO1 BO CAU HOI DE TRUNG TU VA BO DE PHAT TRIEN DE THAM KHAO 2022 Bién soan: Cé Vii Thi Mai Phuong || Dc quyén va duy nhat tai: Question 16. The policeman was by law to report all the findings to the public. A. certain B. bound firm D. fixed Question 17. I'm quite curious about Max’s new girlfriend; he’s always her praises. A. calling B. shouting . singing D. erying Question 18. The principal was accused of his position to fire a qualified teacher. A. attacking B. hurting C. injuring D. abusing Question 19. The invention of washing machines women from the arduous task of hand- washing clothes. A. unwinds B. relaxes C. eases D. frees Question 20. She can’t talk now because she’s currently with calls from customers. A. watered B. swept C. flooded D. drowned Question 21. You won't be to the concert if you can’t show your identity card. A. confessed B. admitted C. revealed D. conceded Question 22. Once you have luxury, you don’t want to go back to your current situation, A. tasted B. digested C. swallowed D. ingested Question 23. Two types of drinks taste equally good; you just can’t the difference. A. inform B. notify C. update D. tell Question 24. I would like to acknowledge my ____to my husband. Without him, I couldn’t have succeeded in getting A. bill C.card D. receipt Question 25. They are determined to championship in this year’s tournament. A. protect B. safeguard C. defend D. preserve Question 26. The team poorly in the last match just because they didn’t pay much attention. A. performed B. amused C. entertained D. delighted Question 27. They to take immediate action to stop inflation rates from growing. A. suggest B. recommend —_C. propose D. project Question 28. The woman accused of killing her neighbour was __of all charges. A. deleted B. cleared C. swept D. mopped Question 29, His newest invention was successful in the desired result, A. manufacturing B. assembling C.constructing —_D. producing Question 30. A lot of parents __ against the school’s decision to reopen next Monday. A. attracted B. tempted C. appealed D. invited C6 Phuong chtic cdc em Iép VIP 90: ON LA TRUNG TU - THI LA TRUNG TUYEN Vi quyén Igi chinh dang cia chinh cdc em. Khéng chia sé tai ligu BOC QUYEN nay cho ngudi khac! VIP 90 - BOT PHA BIEM SO VO1 BO CAU HOI DE TRUNG TU VA BO DE PHAT TRIEN DE THAM KHAO 2022 Bién soan: Cé Vii Thi Mai Phuong || Dc quyén va duy nhat tai: BANG TU VUNG STT Tir vung Tir logi Phién am Nghia 1_[ compile v ‘Tkam’ pail! téng hop 2__| assemble v fa'sembl/ tap hop, lap rap 3 | utter v F'ato(ry/ thot ra 4 [ingest ¥ ‘in’ digest! an vio 5 _| swallow v F'swolou! nudt 6 | absorb v Jab'z9:b/ hap thy, hiéu, tiép thu 7_| resent v in'zent! bye béi, edu gidn 8 __| bother v Tbvda(r)/ lim pl 9 | dictate v Idik tent! ra Iénh 10 [tournament n Ftonomant) | gidi ddu 11_| pandemic n ipen'demk/_| dich bénh 12_| tease ¥ tial tréu choc 13_| discharge v Jdis'tfa:ds/__| phong ra, phong thich 14_| convert v Ikon’ v3:t/ chuyén doi 15 | outstanding adj Javt'stenduy) | ndi bat, vugt trot 16 | urge v Ia:d3/ thic give 17_| unprecedented adj__|__/an‘presidentid/ | chua cé tign 16 trade 46 18 [lodge v Mods/ otro 19 | carve v tka:v/, cham khie 20_| actress n J wktros/ nit dién vién 21_| collapse v ko’ leeps! sup 46 22 _| caution n P kof than trong 23 _| congestion n Ikon dgestfon/_| tae nghén 24 | bound adj /baond/ rang bude, chac chan 25 _| praise n Iprerz! khen nggi 26 | accuse v Ja’ kju:zl bude t6i 27_| abuse van Ja'bju:s! Jam dung, 28 | arduous adj Farrdguas) | vat va 29 | drown v Jdraon! chét dudi 30_| concede v Ikon’ sizd 31_| acknowledge v Jak'nolids/ 32__| safeguard v ['se1fga:d! bao ve 33_| defend v ddr fend/ phong vé, bao vé 34_| inflation n ‘in’ fleyfnd Jam phat 35_| propose v ipra'paoz! dé xuit 36_| project v Ipro'dgekt/ | dy doan 37_| charge n fads) cao bude 38_| appeal v Ja'pi:ll bt mat, hip dan, khang cdo 39_[ tempt v tempt! dy d6, thu hat C6 Phuong chtic cdc em Iép VIP 90: ON LA TRUNG TU - THI LA TRUNG TUYEN Vi quyén Igi chinh dang cia chinh cdc em. Khéng chia sé tai ligu BOC QUYEN nay cho ngudi khac! VIP 90 - BOT PHA BIEM SO VO1 BO CAU HOI DE TRUNG TU VA BO DE PHAT TRIEN DE THAM KHAO 2022 Bién soan: Cé Vii Thi Mai Phuong || Dc quyén va duy nhat tai: BANG CAU TRUC STT Clu trie Nghia 1__| take a deep breath hit mdt hoi that sdu 2__ | collect yourselfyour thoughts cé ging kim ché cam xi va binh tinh 3_| voice your complaints lén tiéng phan nan 4__| absorb something tigp thu, hiéu 5 _| attend to somebody/something chi y, dé tm 6 | observe something tun theo luat 1é, quy tae 7__| release something giai toa cam xtc (tite gif, lo Ling...) 8 | push yourself cé ging Lim viée chim chi, nd lye 9_| shelter in place 6 yén trong nha 10 _| carve something (out) for yourself 6 duge thir gi nho kim vige chim chi 11 _| sink something/somebody a ai hog@RoU Racine arian 12_| treat somebody/something xit li 13 _| bound by something bj bit budc boi cdi gi 14 | be curious about something to.mé vé diéu gi 15 _| sing somebody’s praises canggi ai do 16 _| abuse something Igi dung chite quyén dé lim gi sai trai 17_| be accused of bj bude tdi 18 me ‘something from giatpping ai Khoi céi gi 19 _| be flooded with something chim ngap trong thir gi (s6 long én) 29 | admit somebody/something tofinto cho phép vaoltham gia something . 21 _| taste something 6 trai nghigm thir thir gi (ngin ngui) 22__| tell the difference phan biét 23. | acknowledge your debt to somebody CE ee Ot eet tat véi ban 24 _| succeed in doing something thanh cOng lam gi 25 _| defend something bao vé (danh higu/chite v6 26 _| perform well/poorly thé hign tot/khéng tot 27_| pay attention to chi y, dé tm 28 _| propose to do something du dinh kim gi 29_| clear somebody (of something) x6a t6i cho ai 30__| produce something mang lai két qua, anh huéng 31 | appeal against something yéu edu chinh thite «61 ngudi e6 tham quyén dé thay déi quyét dinh nao 45 C6 Phuong chtic cdc em Iép VIP 90: ON LA TRUNG TU - THI LA TRUNG TUYEN Vi quyén Igi chinh dang cia chinh cdc em. Khéng chia sé tai ligu BOC QUYEN nay cho ngudi khac! VIP 90 - BOT PHA BIEM SO VO1 BO CAU HOI DE TRUNG TU VA BO DE PHAT TRIEN DE THAM KHAO 2022 Bién soan: Cé Vii Thi Mai Phuong || Dc quyén va duy nhat tai: TAL LIEU DOC QUYEN DI KEM KHOA HOC VIP 90 - TONG ON TRONG DIEM BO CAU HOI DE TRUNG TU & BQ DE PHAT TRIEN DE THAM KHAO THI ONLINE HQC TU BO TU VUNG MULTIPLE CHOICE MUC BQ 9+ (BUOI 3) C6 Vai Thj Mai Phuong Question 1. Failure to club rules may result in expulsion. A. wateh B. observe C. witness D. notice Question 2. She paused to her thoughts before entering the interview room. A. compile B. collect C. assemble D. employ Question 3. You are by the contract to pay before the end of the month. A. certai B. bound C. firm D. fixed Question 4, You will not be to the theatre after the performance has started. A. confessed B. admitted C. revealed D. conceded Question 5. The parents against the school's decision not to admit the child. A. attracted B. tempted C. appealed D. invited Question 6. This cold weather could trouble for gardeners, A. dictate B. pronounce C.spell D. write Question 7. Residents of the city have been ordered to___in place for at least the next three weeks. A. discourage B. escape C. shelter D. lodge Question 8. All cases involving children are as urgent. A. treated B. cured C. behaved D. acted Question 9. The newspapers have been the praises of Italy's new star player. A. calling B. shouting . singing D. crying Question 10. It was hard to the difference between the two versions. A. inform B. notify C. update D. tell Question 11. A number of parents have concern about their children’s safety. A. voiced B. pronounced uttered D. claimed Question 12, He hopes to ___ out a niche for himself as a leading researcher in his field of study. A. draw B. carve C. shape D. write Question 13. Some very high-profile players have to clubs abroad A. transmitted B. converted C. transferred D. transported Question 14, I think I've just my chances of getting the job by saying that. A. collapsed B. sunk C. declined D. fell Question 15. The office was with applications for the job. A. watered B. swept C. flooded D. drowned Question 16. I owe them a of gratitude that I can never repay. A. bill B. debt C.card D. receipt Question 17. The champion successfully his title against the American challenger. A. protected B. safeguarded C. defended D. preserved C6 Phuong chtic cdc em Iép VIP 90: ON LA TRUNG TU - THI LA TRUNG TUYEN Vi quyén Igi chinh dang cia chinh cdc em. Khéng chia sé tai ligu BOC QUYEN nay cho ngudi khac! VIP 90 - BOT PHA BIEM SO VO1 BO CAU HOI DE TRUNG TU VA BO DE PHAT TRIEN DE THAM KHAO 2022 Bién soan: Cé Vii Thi Mai Phuong || Dc quyén va duy nhat tai: Question 18. The prime minister's speech an angry response from opposition parties. A. manufactured —_B. assembled C. constructed D. produced Question 19. She asked me if 'd the children for an hour while she went shopping. A. resent B. bother C. object D. mind Question 20, He punched the pillow in an effort to his anger. A. release B. discharge Cemit D. issue Question 21. The centre aims to young people from dependency on drugs. A. unwind B. relax Cease D. free Question 22. Aid workers called for further effort from governments to the famine. A. comfort B. calm relieve D. relax Question 23. Once you've luxury it's very hard to settle for anything else. A. tasted B. digested C. swallowed D. ingested Question 24, She her position as principal by giving jobs to her friends. A. attacked B. hurt C. injured D. abused Question 25. England's players better for their clubs than for their country. A. performed B. amused C. entertained D, delighted Question 26. After spending more than ten years on death row, the two men were finally ofa crime they did not commit. A. deleted B. cleared C. swept D. mopped Question 27, We do not ___ to take any further action in the matter. A. suggest B.recommend —_C. propose D. project Question 28. You'll never be successful if you don't, yourself. A. push B. pull Cu urge D. throw Question 29. I'm afraid I wasn't to what was being said. A. presenting B. appearing C. registering D. attending Question 30. It's hard to so much information at a time. A. ingest B. consume C. swallow D. absorb C6 Phuong chtic cdc em Iép VIP 90: ON LA TRUNG TU - THI LA TRUNG TUYEN Vi quyén Igi chinh dang cia chinh cdc em. Khéng chia sé tai ligu BOC QUYEN nay cho ngudi khac!

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