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Hello, my name is Vinicius Oliveira, I am a student of Industrial Maintenance and

Electrotechnical, I am a sports bettor since 2019 when I started only as a hobby and to
have fun with friends from college and work, I bet only in free time and since the
emergence of the covid-19 pandemic (2020) that I made it more serious and started
betting to have an extra income, since the success I had, I passed this as a new job, I
left my job and had more free time to bet and study the market, since 2022 I fell in
love with betting and really decided that I would like to live it, but with the variations
in the market I couldn't have such a high income and decided to return to the labor
market and why not work with what I learned to like, and joining the useful to the
pleasant, I'm willing to apply for a vacancy in Betano that was one of the houses that
welcomed me during these years.

Vinicius, February 06, 2023.

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