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Name : Riema Jean G. Molas

Diaz college

1. Discuss Feedback and reflections in the teaching process .

- Feedback provides the practitioner and learner with evidence about current knowledge and skill

In all three phases of teaching, a continuous process of feedback and reflection is made. To give a
feedback is to give information as to whether the three phases were appropriately done and gave good

2. What is the importance of interaction in implementing the curriculum?

- Helps to give learners the appropriate/ relevant content with the application of the learner's
environment in order to make learning real. It helps to ensure that the set goals and objectives are
achieved. It enables effective/ proper assessment and evaluation of the curriculum. For Unintentional

3. How is good Teaching characterized?

- Some qualities of a good teacher include skills in communication, listening, collaboration,

adaptability, empathy and patience. Other characteristics of effective teaching include an engaging
classroom presence, value in real-world learning, exchange of best practices and a lifelong love of

4. Give sample situations on intentional and unintentional learning.

- example given in the book, was that of Pavlov's Dogs, where he got the dogs to salivate every time they
heard a bell. The learning is happening here as a response to the stimuli, where the focus is on the
reaction, not the information given by the stimuli.

- An example of intentional learning is when someone who wants to learn a new language reads a book
in that language and looks up new words that they encounter, in order to improve their vocabulary.

5. What are the two types of learning theory? Please explain each.

* Behavioral Learning theory focuses objectively on observable behaviors in the way to produce a
desired outcome. It completely separates its self from anythoughtful processing for a change in
behavior. While in Cognitive Learning Theory centralizes on the mental activity of understanding
concepts. It is the function of processing information and reasoning.
6. In a synopsis, what is theory on cognitive learning of Bruner, Ausabel and Gagne?

- Bruner, Ausabel and Gagne describe three models of teaching which are anchor on the cognitive
learning theory.

• Discovery Learning of Jerome Bruner states that the individual learns from his own discovery of the
environment. Reception Learning poses a contrast to Discovering Learning of Bruner.

• To Ausubel, though learners are inherently curious, they may not be able to know what is important or
relevant and they need external motivation in order to learn.

• Events of learning of Robert Gagne , proposed that an act of learning involves a serious of eight
internal events.

7. What are the 2 types of learning theory?

* Behavioral Learning Theory

* Cognitive Learning Theory

8. What are the events of learning in Gagne's theory?

* Motivation phase

* Apprehending phase

* Acquisition phase

* Retention phrase

* Recall phase

* Generalization phase

* Feedbacks phase
9. Choose 3 General statements from side 15 and discuss.

* Each learner has his/her own learning styles.

- Ownership of learning means a learner is motivated, engaged, and self-directed with a sense of
autonomy, choice, and responsibility in their actions.

* Learning is both observable and measureable.

- Learning objectives are specific, observable, and measurable learning outcomes that describe what
the learner will be able to do as a result of the learning activity.

* Learning is a result of individual experiences and self activity.

- Learning is an internal activity and a key personal development skill, it is not something that can be
directly observed in others. We can, however, observe the results of learning in ourselves and others
this is why, in formal learning situations, assessment is such a crucial part of the teaching process.

10. Explain teaching and learning as a cause and effect.

- Cause and effect learning is an instinctive process in which children associate their own actions
with the cause of immediate consequences. This psychological instinct allows children to associate the
instantaneous consequences of their actions with the type of stimulus that caused it.

-As the direct relationships of teaching and learning become clear, success of both brings out something
like, “learning in teaching and teaching for learning.”

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