Vstep Speaking Test

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Part 1: Social interaction

A1: Holiday
Q: What did you do on your last holiday?
A: My last holiday was summer vacation last year while I’m still a student, I didn’t do much
actually because COVID-19 hit Vietnam badly and we had to stay at home, so I stayed at home
and enjoy my peaceful time with my family.
Q: Who do you prefer spending holiday with?
A: I love to spend holiday with my family, I love my family. Ever since University, I have been
studied far from home and barely have time for my family at all, So I spend most of my holiday
with my family
A2: TV Programs
Q: How many hours a day do you watch television?
A: I usually spend about one hour and a haft per week-day to watch television, and an extra 30
minutes on weekends
Q: Which programs do you like?
A: My favorites programs is National Geographic channel. I always fonds of the planet and its
fundamental parts, and National Geographic shows are spread in all fields related to
environment. Its content is amazing, I never getting bored while watching it and importantly, I
learn a lot of new things.
Q: Do you prefer watching television alone or with other people? Why?
A: I prefer watching with my family members, especially my dad. My dad and I have the same
interest which is environment and social issues, so it’s really fun when we watching the same
stuff and discuss about it later, and for most times, we end up have an argument but it’s really
helpful and relaxing.
Part 2: If you won a lottery of 1 billion VND, what would you do with the money?
- Buy a new house
- Start a business
- Deposit the money in the bank
A: To be honest, I would never choose any of the above suggestions, but if I was forced to
choose, then I deposits the money in the bank. I’m not ready to start up a business at the moment
and the vision of buying a house freaks me out ‘cuz it’s meant that I unconsciously attach myself
to one place, so I’m gonna deposit the money in the bank and when the times come when I’m
ready to be settled down and be a family-women, I will use it to buy a house or start a business.
Who knows?
Part 3: Discuss the topic as guide in the outline below
Online courses
- Provide new learning experience
- Be more convenient to study
- Be independent in learning
- Own ideas
A: Online courses have many advantages for learners. First of all, online courses provide new
learning experiences for people who wishes to enlarge their knowledge but have limited of time
and unstable arranged of schedule for example workers. Furthermore, as online courses are
available on any digital devices that connect to internet, learner can easily access to the course
and re-watch or re-read it anytime in their free time, which enhance conveniency in learning.
Besides, learners will be more independent in learning while taking online course, to clarify,
though online courses are easy to take, but in order to take the most advantages of it, learners
have to follow rules and fulfil assignments on time, this demands each learner have to find their
own way to study effectively.
Further Questions:
1. What advice would you give someone on how to study English?
People actually asking me these questions a lot, but honesty, I don’t have any specific advice to
give them. English particularly and languages in general is a form of culture, and to learn culture
is to live within it and absorb its beauty which is take times, so my advice would be approach to
English as much as you can in under any form is possible, could be movies, music, books,
podcasts, magazines, etc.
2. Do you think being a student is the best time of your life?
Yes, a big YES. I always enjoy studying ever since I was little, I have had wonderful times of
being a student, I have met some incredible people and they inspire me so much, dedicated
teacher has taught me to dream big and no hesitation to follow my dream, wholehearted friends
shown me that it’s okay to failed and to feel down sometimes. I wouldn’t found anything of these
if I’m not being a student.
3. Should a student’s university education be free or should the student have to get loan?
I think it depends on each university and the major as well. For example, in Vietnam, there are
many Universities that doesn’t charge students free in major of education or security, however,
apart from these special majors I think a student should get a loan for their education as it taught
student to be responsibility with their education and finance as well.
Part 1: Social interaction
B1: Birthday
Q: When is your birthday?
A: I was born on the 20 of November, 2000
Q: What do you usually do on your birthday?
A: It’s pretty lame what I do on my birthday, I always keep my birthday privacy, therefore it’s
just me, my close friends and my family. We spend our dinner together at my house, and later
that night, Me and my friends would go outside maybe to the pub to drink or to watch a late-
night movie at the theater.
Q: What is your favorite family celebration? Why?
A: My favorite family celebration would be Tet Holiday, because this is an only occasion that all
members of my family gather and spend our leisure time together. This is also the time when I
got to meet my friend from childhoods and relatives of my family as well.
B2:  Public transportation
Q: What is the best way to travel in your town/city?
A: My town is very small so the best way to travel within the town is bicycle. It’s light,
noiseless, and very friendly to the environment. Maybe it’s not as fast as motorcycle but well,
people in my town are not in a hurry anyways, so speed is not really a priority.
Q: What is the favorite means of transportation?
A: I think the means of transportation is conveniency and fast
Q: Do you think people should use public transportation more? Why?
A: Yes, a 100% yes, I think people should use public transportation more often because it has a
lot of advantages. Firstly, it’s convenient, public transportation can literally take you anywhere
in the city or even outskirt of the city. Secondly, it’s environmentally friendly, for instance, if
everyone using public transportation instead of their own vehicle, it would reduce a great amount
of gas emission into the space, and also, noise pollution and so on. Finally, it’s cheap, a bus ride
only cost you 5 VND, and if you register to be a monthly member or yearly member this number
decrease to only 2 VND, now put these expend with the money you use to travel by your own
vehicle and you will see why public transportation is and ultimate option.
Part 2: You have just received a sum of money from your father as a birthday
present. How would you use the money?
- Saving up for the future
- Buying a laptop for study
- Buying a fashionable smartphone
Part 3: Discuss the topic as guide in the outline below
- Time consuming
- Unfair
- Costly
- Your own ideas
Further questions:
1. Do you think schools are necessary?
2. How do modern technologies change the way people study?
3. Do you think that traditional schools will disappear in the future because of the
development of modern technology?

Part 1: Social interaction
C1: Music
Q: Do you like music? If yes, what kind of music do you like best? Why?
Q: what is the most popular kind of music in your country?
Q: How is music good or not good for people?
C2: English
Q: Did you learn English at secondary school?
Q: What do you think about how English is taught at school now?
Q: In what ways has children much improved nowadays?
Part 2: An optional subject will be added to the curriculum for secondary students
in your city. Which do you think is the best option for secondary students?
- Photograph
- Swimming
- Dancing
Part 3: It is good to learn about a culture when you learn a language
Language and culture
- Language: the best means of culture
- Better communication
- Culture shocks
- Your own ideas
Further Questions:
1. Do you think it’s good to understand other people’s culture?
2. What would you introduce first to a foreigner about Vietnamese culture?
3. What would you like to learn about English-speaking cultures?

Part 1:
D1: Favorite place
Q: where do you usually go when you have spare time?
Q: Are there many interesting places where you live for people to go at weekends
Q: In what way is a café a great place for people to enjoy their time?
D2: Subject at school
Q: What subject did you like most when you were at school?
Q: Do you think English is a good subject for all students to learn at school? Why?
Q: Do you think students are learning too many subjects at school now?
Part 2: You going to take your secondary school students to the cinema. What kind
of film do you think it best for the students?
Part 3: Punishment by teachers at school is good for students.
- Obey teachers
- Minimize misbehavior
- Concentrate better on study
- Your own ideas
Further question:
1. Do you think punishment by teachers to students at school should be encouraged?
2. Do all students obey their teachers whenever they receive punishment?
3. What are downstairs of overuse punishment at school?

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3: smoking you be banned in public place
- Smoker’s health
- Second-hand smoker’s health
- Financial burden
- Your own ideas – Bad influence

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3: Describe a teacher who has influenced you
- His/her appearance
- His/her personality
- His/her influences
- Your own ideas/ Her loving towards what she teach

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3: Airplane is the best transport means to travel long distance
Traveling by airplane
- Time-saving
- Safe
- Comfortable
- Your own ideas/ sight seeing

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3: Traditional festivals present important values
Traditional festivals
- Honor community strength
- Improve spiritual life
- Teach history and culture
- Your own ideas/ preserve and value the historic contribution of previous generation
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3: How important are your friends to you?
- Share life
- Help
- Get together (have fun)
- Your own ideas/ Self-growth

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3: Crimes are increasing in modern society?
- Unemployment
- TV program
- Your own ideas/ living conditions

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3: Things that affect people’s job satisfaction?
Job satisfaction
- Qualifications
- Attitude to work
- Relationship with colleagues
- Your own ideas/ boss

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3: living in a city
Difficulties for people living in cities
- Finding work
- Finding accommodation
- Travelling around
- Your own ideas/ approaching to public service, facilities

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3: Stressful things in life
Stressful things
- Job security
- Finances
- Family life
- Your own ideas/ Hustle world vs gentle POV

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3: negative effects of fast food
Fast food:
- Loss of appetite
- Lack of family gathering
- Irregular eating time
- Your own ideas/

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3: There are some ways to stay healthy
How to stay healthy
- Having good diets
- Doing exercise
- Relaxing and being happy
- Your own ideas/ MEDICATION

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