Gilbert Dave Yacat Midterms

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Gilbert Dave P.

Midterm Exam HMPE4

1. Humankind has always enjoyed some type of leisure and recreation way back before, so the history
of leisure and recreation goes back a very long way. What is the difference between leisure and
recreation before to present?

During the Middle Ages, the other leisure and recreations of the people were various types of
games and gambling, music and dance, sport, and jousting. During the industrial revolution,
people included horse racing, cricket, football (soccer), music halls, theatre and the opera. After
that, in the twentieth century, advanced, there existed a greater priority on home-based leisure
and recreation. The invention of the radio, television, video players, systems and personal
computers implied that people could experience leisure in the satisfaction of their own houses at
little or no expense.

2. What Is Sports Management and Why Is It Important? Why do you need it for your strategy in terms
of handling people?

Sports management is the field of industry that concentrates immediately on sports and
recreation. Numerous different subjects are integrated into sports management such as
administration, finance, law and ethics. To an extent, sport management can lead to career
opportunities in the world of sports and recreation.

3. In your opinion, What is the big impact of the New Normal in the Gaming and Entertainment

I think it has disadvantages and advantages, disadvantages are the people that can spend their
time outside and doing something more significant get the time for the new normal in the gaming
industry also it takes time to interact physically, while the advantages of it even you can't come to
your friend's new normal gaming can be online just to connect on the internet and search for
your friends to have a bond time but in a virtual world.

4.      As
a student of Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology, how can you
apply the Vision and Mission in:

In your home

I will always use my leisure time at home for significant things that I can do to help my family at
home and also myself by managing my leisure time while at home.
In our school

As a student, I'll take the opportunities that have been given by the school to participate in some
activities that activate my strengths to improve and enhance my mind and also physical body by
giving my leisure time in a thing that I can be happy and enhanced as a student.

c.     In your community

As a citizen, I can be more active to participate in a community that offers significant activities
that activate my knowledge and can help me to improve myself as a whole.

Prepared by:
Jonnie B. Gamboa
Subject Teacher

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