Data Science

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How the data is collected

Observational research
As previously mentioned, this is a method of addressing hypotheses by simply observing.
Observational research can take place in a laboratory or in a natural setting. In laboratory
observational research, scientists set up some type of controlled environment and then watch
what takes place over the course of an experiment. For example, researchers might place
kindergartners in a room and observe how they progress through an obstacle course as a way
to measure their spatial and motor abilities. Natural observations occur in the real world and
not in a laboratory. For example, researchers may go to a college campus and observe behavior
as students interact in a cafeteria.

Experimental research
This is a method in which scientists manipulate variables in a controlled setting in an attempt to
make a causal inference about the variables of interest. In this type of research, there is an
independent variable and a dependent variable. The independent variable is the variable that is
manipulated to see whether or not changing it effects other variables. The dependent variable
is the variable researchers predict will be influenced by the independent variable.

How data will be applied

Clinical research
Clinical research is when scientists study the efficacy and safety of a medication or treatment.
This type of research is often used to investigate medical products and procedures that might
be used to diagnose, treat, or prevent medical conditions or symptoms. It is also called practical
research because it involves the real-world application of scientific findings.

Laboratory research
Laboratory research is generally conducted in order to advance knowledge or understanding of
a particular idea or phenomenon. It is used to establish, test, and revise scientific theories. It is
also referred to as basic research and it often provides the

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