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ESC 6 – Edukasyong Pantahanan

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1|E d u k as y o n g P a n t a h a n a n a t P a n g k a b u h a y a n w i t h E n t r e p r e n eu r s h i p
Bachelor of Elementary Education
Chapter 5


UNIT II: Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
LESSON 1: Safe and Responsible Use of ICT

2|E d u k as y o n g P a n t a h a n a n a t P a n g k a b u h a y a n w i t h E n t r e p r e n eu r s h i p
Bachelor of Elementary Education
Unit II: ICT
Lesson 1: Safe and Responsible Use of ICT


Computer hardware refers to the physical

parts or components of a computer, such as the
central processing unit, monitor, keyboard, computer
data storage, graphic card, sound card, and

Computer software refers to the instructions

that can be stored and run by hardware. Hardware is
directed by the software to execute any command or
instruction. A combination of hardware and software
forms a usable computing system.

Definition of ICT

ICT refers to forms of technology that are used to transmit, process, store, create, display, share
or exchange information by electronic means. It includes not only traditional technologies like radio
and television, but also modern ones like cellular phones, computer and network, hardware and
software, satellite systems, as well as the various services and applications associated with them, such
as video conferencing.

Specific Objectives

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

• identify various technology tools used for different purposes;

• discuss the applications of ICT in everyday life;
• explain the characteristics of digital information;
• demonstrate the use of ICT safely and responsibly;
• discuss the three types of sources of information;
• examine carefully Internet resources using search strategies.; and
• Use ICT tools safely and effectively in communication and collaboration tasks.


Chapter 4: UNIT II: Information and Communication = 6 hours

Technology (ICT) (5 hours discussion; 1hour assessment)
LESSON 1: Safe and Responsible Use of ICT

3|E d u k as y o n g P a n t a h a n a n a t P a n g k a b u h a y a n w i t h E n t r e p r e n eu r s h i p
Bachelor of Elementary Education

The following table shows a range of technologies that fall under the category of ICT

Information Technologies

Creation Personal Computers, Digital camera, Scanner, Smartphone

Processing Calculator, PC, Smartphone

Storage CD, DVD, Pen drive, Microchip, Cloud

Display PC, TV, Projector, Smartphone

Transmission Internet, Teleconference, Video conference, Mobile Technology.


Exchange e-mail, Cellphone

(Source: )

Application of ICT in Everyday Life

ICT is now used widely in many aspects of life. Let us look at these areas where ICT is applied.

• ICT in Business

One of the most common use of ICT is

e-commerce. Almost all business transactions
are now done through the Internet. ICT
facilitates marketing, customer visit, product
browsing, shopping basket checkout, tax and
shopping, receipt and process order. The e-
commerce also offers services related to
processing transactions, documentation,
presentations, inventory management, and
gathering product information. E-commerce
makes any one does business activity in the
comforts of the home which saves time and other resources.

4|E d u k as y o n g P a n t a h a n a n a t P a n g k a b u h a y a n w i t h E n t r e p r e n eu r s h i p
Bachelor of Elementary Education
• ICT in Education
ICT is now widely used in
education. Online enrolment, online
courses, online content service,
platform for organizing learning
experiences to managing learning and
assessment. Students, teachers,
educational administrators, parents,
and other stakeholders in education,
are all benefitting from the integration
of ICT in Education.

• ICT in Entertainment
ICT has dominated the entertainment world. The
Internet has now become a hub movie (like Netflix,
games, books, and social networking. Even the television
has made technological advances like being able to easily
record programs and view it at your own convenient time.
This is mad3e possible by digital broadcasting. digital
cameras, printers, and scanners made production easier
and more manageable.

• ICT in Financial Services

Banking has also benefited a lot from ICT through
online services from transferring mone4y from one account
to another up to running the day-to-day transactions of the
bank. The networking of banks made deposits and
withdrawals possible anywhere through ATMs. Capital
market transactions, financial analysis, and related services
are available on the online platforms.

• ICT in Public Service

Nowadays, many government services are available online
such as CHED’s Student Financial Program (STuFAPs),
BOI Window Network (BIO—OWN), BOC e- Customs
System, Birth Certificates, APEC Trade Repository and
many more. Land related RTC can be viewed through
internet even at home. ICT has also made possible
conversations between the public and the government
through various social networking services.

Digital Information

Digital technologies are all around us and they are affecting our daily life most especially on
the questions what, where, how, why, and who are we learning from? Access of digital information
involves two things: computer hardware and software.

5|E d u k as y o n g P a n t a h a n a n a t P a n g k a b u h a y a n w i t h E n t r e p r e n eu r s h i p
Bachelor of Elementary Education
Digital Information is stored using a series of ones and zeros. Computers are digital machines
because they can only read information a son or off—1
or 0. This method of computation, also known as the
binary system, may seem very simple, but it can be used
to represent incredible amoun6ts of data. CDs and DVDs
can be used to store and play back high-quality sound and
video even though they consist entirely of ones and zeros.

Unlike computers, humans perceive information in analog. Analog is a device that uses
continuously changing physical quantities to represent data. The position of the hands of the clock is an
analog represents of time ( We capture auditory and visual
signals as a continuous stream.

Digital devices, on the other hand, estimate this information

using ones and zeros. The rate of the estimation, called the “sampling
rate” combined with how much information is included in each
sample (the bit depth), determines how accurate the digital
estimation is.

Since digital information only estimates analog data, an

analog signal is more accurate than a digital signal. However,
computers only work with digital information, so storing data
digitally makes more sense. Unlike analog data, digital information can also be copied, edited, and
moved without losing any quality. Because of the benefits digital information offers, it has become the
most common ways of storing and reading data (Christenson, P. (2006). Digital Definition. Retrieved
2018, Jul 29, from

Characteristics of Digital Information

Digital information is characterized in several ways. Let us briefly look at these characteristics.

1. Ability to reproduce data. The information stored in analog formats

cannot reproduced without affecting its quality. The more it is
reproduced, the lower the quality it becomes. In comparison, digital
information retains its high quality even it is reproduced many times.
For example, movies, videos, music, and audio files in digital formats
can be reproduced and distributed with a quality that is as good as the

2. Ability to combine different types of

media. Conventional technologies are not able to
combine media types. Telephones, for example, can
send and receive only sound and you can watch
television and listen to a radio. with digital
information, it is easy to combine media like phones
with video, or interactive sound with pictures. This is
called multimedia.

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Bachelor of Elementary Education
3. Ability to support varied interactions. The digital domain supports varied interactions, including
one-on-one conferences, one-to-many broadcasts, and anything in
between. These interactions can also be synchronized in real time.

4. Ability to combine transactional capabilities. The digital

domain has also the ability to combine the transactional capability
of computers and computer networks with digital media. It makes
it easier to place an order, finalize a transaction, and click a
button. For example, movies -on-demand which you pay to be
able to watch on your TV screen can easily accessed.

5. Ability to custom-build. The software which were developed for digital communications and
interaction is designed in such a way that users may6 custom-build their use of the tool and the
media. This is not possible with conventional analog technologies.

6. Ability to revise and manipulate texts. In terms of

manipulating or revising texts, sounds, images, and videos, the
conventional alternatives are more limited than the new digital
tools. Nowadays, computers, coupled with the right software
and a few hardware, can do what used to be done before
spending a lot of money.

7. Ability to remotely access digital devices. Digital information can be remotely accessed.
Transmitting digital devices like smartphones or laptops can be accessed remotely through another
internet connection. In the same manner, the content of a website can be remotely accessed and
edited. Example of actions that can be carried out remotely include:
• deleting, adding or editing information stored on a digital device or web page.
• accessing the device’s location services to find its specific location.
• turning on a device’s web camera and using it for recording purposes.

Safe and Responsible Use of ICT

Below is the list of things you should do to get the most out of the technology available to you.
They provide helpful tips and guidance for everyday life as well as setting out the expectations for using
the ICT equipment in your school and at home.

1. Keep your personal identity secure. Keep passwords to yourself.

Do not share it with anyone, even to your closest friend. Log out
and off to your account on any of the device you are using. Lock
your computer as soon as you are done using it even for a short
while especially when using a public computer.

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Bachelor of Elementary Education
2. Respect other’s privacy. Always deal with other
students politely and use appropriate language. Avoid
accessing, creating, storing, or distributing files that could
considered offensive, indecent, or cause hurt or upset to
anyone. Ask permission before you look at other people’s
files. Do not engage in any kind of bullying using text,
multimedia messaging, email or on social sites like Facebook
and Twitter, which may lead to very serious consequences.

3. Stay safe in the net. Do not share any personal

information or other people’s (home address, phone
number, etc.). Do not give your personal information
when someone asks for it in your email. Report to your
teacher or parents anything you see that concerns you.
Do not put any personal details about other people into
emails, posts, comments or updates. Never meet up
with anyone offline whom you met only online without
any adult with you.

4. Obey rules and regulations. Think

carefully about the places you go online and
keep focused when working on learning tasks.
Take good care of the ICT equipment
assigned to you. If you are irresponsible in
your use of ICT, you may lose your access to
it. Use your own device or mobile phone in
school only at agreed times. It may be subject
to confiscation if you break the rule.

5. Ask permission and stay legal. Copy, upload, publish,

distribute materials that are appropriate. Do not take
images or videos of other pupils, friends or staff without
their full knowledge and permission. Do not copy
materials, music, videos or pictures from the internet and
use them in your own work unless they are copyright free
or you were given a written permission to use them.
Remember that anything you do can be traced back to
you including your browsing history and content that you
may copy, upload, publish, or distribute.


Information and ICT is defined as knowledge or data provided or learned about something or
someone. It can come from anywhere such as books, articles, personal experiences, expert opinions,
encyclopedias, and the Internet. People gather information everyday as they perform their daily tasks
whether at work or at home. Students like you, derive information from different sources. Your choice

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Bachelor of Elementary Education
of sources will depend largely on the type of information you are looking for. In general, there are three
types of sources of information: primary, secondary, and tertiary.

1. Primary sources

Primary sources are original materials used by other people as basis for studies. They
report a discovery or share the latest information; they present first hand explanations related
to an event; and present information in its original form.

Examples: eyewitness accounts, minutes of meetings, journalistic reports, financial

reports, government documents, and literary manuscript.

The definition of a primary source may vary depending on the discipline or context.

Examples: A diary is considered a primary source because it is written personally by

the owner of the diary. An interviewee talks about the topic from his or her own knowledge.

2. Secondary sources
Secondary sources are created by people who did not have any first-hand experience
or did not participate in the events or situations being discussed or researched on. They
describe, analyze, interpret, evaluate, comment on, and discuss the evidences derived from
primary sources.
Examples: Biographical works, commentaries, criticisms, dictionaries, histories,
journals articles, magazines and newspapers, monographs, textbooks and websites (both are
also considered tertiary).
Just like primary source, the definition may vary depending upon the discipline or
3. Tertiary sources
Tertiary sources contain information that were extracted from primary and secondary
sources. They are not credited to a specific person. They only provide an overview or summary
of the topic being discussed, terminologies, and references for further reading.
Examples; encyclopedias, reference materials, textbooks, and digests (like Reader’s
Reference materials and textbooks are considered tertiary sources when these are just
listings, summaries, or a repacking of ideas and information.

Analyzing and Evaluating Internet Resources

The overload of information available in the Internet makes it very hard to determine useful
information. Information that you find in the newspapers or television broadcasts are regulated for
quality or accuracy. This is not always true with the information available in the Internet. Thus, it is
important that users evaluate the resource or information because people can publish anything they wish
on the web.

It is hard to identify the author of the information and even if the author is indicated, he or she
could be just hoax trying to confuse the reader. Thus, as an ICT student, before using the materials,
evaluate Internet resource effectively. It is your responsibility. Before using the web, look for the
following information:

• Author/ Writer. The name of the author/writer or creator of the page should be indicated
including his or her credentials. The credentials will tell you if he or she is qualified to write on

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Bachelor of Elementary Education
the given topic. The contact information like email address or Facebook account should be
found somewhere on the page and link to an individual or organization homepage.

• Purpose. Read about his nor her purpose or the reason for creating the page and the intended
audience (scholars, experts, or novice audience). If it is not written, then you should assess its
purpose: to inform or teach, to explain/ discuss or enlighten to convince on what he or she wants
to pursue; or sell a product.

• Fairness/Objectivity. Determine if the information given is a fact, an opinion, or propaganda:

objective/ fair and impartial point-of-view, free of emotion-rising words and bias, affiliation
that may cause bias, and an official approval of the institution, organization or company on the
article/ point-of-view expressed.

• Sources/References and accuracy. Look at the references used by the author/writer so that you
can easily verify the accuracy of the information or material. It should also be grammatically
correct and free of spelling and grammatical errors.

• Reliability and credibility. On your own assessment, what makes you believe the information
on this site? Determiner if the information seems to be valid and well-researched. Check other
sources to verify the correctness of the information as well as quotes used and strong assertions
including companies, organizations, and institutions that back such assertions.

• Timeliness and links. Consider timeliness of information given. Check if the site is
continuously updated, the given links are useful to the purpose of the site.

Accessing Information using ICT

Information available on the Internet ranges from absolute garbage to high quality. Internet
users are confronted with authoritative looking sites that present completely wrong information,
sometimes deliberately. There are also professional looking websites that give no guarantee for quality
information. Evaluate very carefully the source, quality, and accuracy of any information that you plan
to use.

Locating Quality Information

Looking for quality information is a very important step in ensuring the correctness of data you
include in learning tasks, including research. Searching for useful articles takes some practice. Below
are some ways of locating and downloading information:

Google Scholar ( Provides a way to broadly search for scholarly

literature across disciplines and sources.
• Enter key words related to your topic. The search engine will find relevant primary
literature references. There are many journals that require a subscription to view and
download the article. Thus, Google Scholar will provide you with a link to the article
reference, but it will not provide a link to the actual article.
NovelNY (
• Access to research and reference sources as well as books, magazines and newspapers.

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Bachelor of Elementary Education
Other Digital Tools
here is a collection of digital tools that are designed to help you explore the millions of articles
available today. Search engines and curators help you quickly find the articles you are interested in and
stay up-to-date with the literature. Article visualization tools enhance your reading experience, by
helping you navigate from a paper to another
The table that follows is a listing of some of the search engines and article visualization tools
that you can go to for scholarly information.
Search Engines/ Curators Function
BibSonomy It shares bookmarks and lists of literature
CiteUlike It helps search, organize, and share scholarly papers.
DeepDyve It gives instant access to the journals you need.
EvidenceFinder It enriches your literature exploration by suggesting questions
alongside your search results. (blog post)
MyScienceWork It diffuses scientific information and knowledge in a free and
accessible way.
Paperity It is an aggregator of open access papers and journals
ReadCube It reads, manages and discovers new literature
Scicurve It transforms systematic literature review into interactive and
comprehensible environment.
Sparrho It is a personalized recommendation engine for science that allows
you to keep the bird’s eye view on all things scientific.
Zotero It helps you collect, organize, cite, and share your research sources.
Article visualization
Colwiz It creates citations and bibliography and set up your research groups
on the cloud to share files and references.
Elsevier “Article of the Future” It aims to revolutionize the format of the academic paper in regard to
presentation, content and context.
Mendeley- It is a platform comprising a social network, reference manager, and
article visualization tools.
PaperHive It simplifies research communication and introduces new ways to
collaboration and introduces new ways of collaboration through in
document discussions.
ReadCube It reads, manage, and discover new literature.

Tips on How to Search Information

Here are some tips you can follow for an easier access of internet materials you need:

• Search for the article in Google. Click on advanced search, select file format PDF.
• If you cannot fond articles immediately, try different combinations of key word/words.
• Speed-read the article first to know if it is what you need.
• Find one good paper and the look for more articles on the page of cited works. These
papers are more likely to be well-written and well-reviewed.

Developing an Effective Search Strategy

Searching for research materials has now become a lot easier. You only need to develop an
effective search strategy. Do the steps that follow:

11 | E d u k a s y o n g P a n t a h a n a n a t P a n g k a b u h a y a n w i t h E n t r e p r e n e u r s h i p
Bachelor of Elementary Education
1. THINK about your search before you begin. You should ask yourself what you really want to
do to save time. your answer to the questions below will determine how to conduct your search
and what tools you will use.
➢ Do I want to browse?
➢ Do I want to locate a specific piece of information?
➢ Do I want to retrieve everything I can on the subject?
2. CREATE your search statement. The success of your search will depend on clear and specific
search statements. Below are some tips for good search statements:
➢ Be specific.
➢ Use nouns and objects as keywords, whenever possible.
➢ Start with the most important terms in your keyword list.
➢ Prepare at least three keywords to use in your query.
➢ Combine keywords, whenever possible, into phrases.
➢ Do not use common words such as: the, an, and, water except when they are part of the
➢ Think about words you would expect to find in the body of the page, and use them as
➢ Write down your search statement and revise it if there is a need before typing it into a
search engine.
3. APPLY basic search strategies or Boolean Logic to your search statement.
Searching with Boolean Logic
Boolean logic is named after the British mathematician, George Boole (1815-1864).
He wrote about the system of logic designed to produce more accurate search results by using
precise queries. The operators of this logic are: AND, OR, and NOT, which are used to link
words and phrases for more precise queries.

Boolean Logical Operators

• AND – narrows your search by retrieving only documents that contain every one of the
keywords you enter. Remember that the more terms you enter, the narrower you search
• OR – expands your search by returning documents in which either or both keywords
appear. The OR operator is usually used for keywords that are similar or synonymous,
so the more keywords you enter, the more documents you will retrieve.
• NOT/AND NOT – limits your search by returning only your first keyword but not the
second, even if the first word appears in that document too.
Note that AND NOT sometimes can be typed as ANDNOT without space.

Nesting Operators

Using parenthesis is an effective way to combine several search statements into one search
statement. Parentheses separate keywords when you are using more than one operator and three or more

Other Search Strategies

• (+) and (-): Use in front of words to force their inclusion (+) and/ or exclusion (-) in
searches. Do not use a space between the sign (-) in searches. Do not use space between
the sign and the keyword.
Example: +lake-fish

12 | E d u k a s y o n g P a n t a h a n a n a t P a n g k a b u h a y a n w i t h E n t r e p r e n e u r s h i p
Bachelor of Elementary Education
• (“ “): Use around a phrase to ensure it is searched exactly as is, with the words side by
side in the same order.
Example “Home Economics Education”
• (*) wildcards: Use to look for variations in spelling and word from.
Example: * returns library, libraries, etc. colo*r returns color, returns library,
libraries, librarian, etc. color returns color (American spelling) and colour (British
• Type keywords and phrases in lowercase to find both lower- and upper-case versions.
Typing capital letters will only give an exact match.
• Remember that you can combine phrases with keywords using the double quotes and
the plus (+) and minus (-) signs.
Example: +buffalo+animal –“New York”-chicken

Communication and Collaboration in ICT

Communication is defined as the act of sending messages from one person or group to another
using mutually understood signs, signals, instructions, and rules/ guidelines. It follows these basic steps:

1. Formulating the reason for communicating.

2. Composing a message elaborating on what to put across.
3. Encoding the message into written text, pictures, gestures, digital data, etc.
4. Transmitting the encoded message into orderly signals using a specific medium.
5. Natural forces or human activity (noise) start to affect the quality of signals from the sender to
one or more receivers.
6. Receiving signals and rearranging the encoded message following an order of acknowledge
7. Interpreting the rearranged encoded message.
8. Analyzing and clarifying the presumed original message.

Communicating with people is now easier by the presence of digital technology. Today, e-mail
or electronic mail has become a common form of electronic communication which is used for
transmitting and receiving digital information. Emails are used by people from all walks of life
in sending messages and attachments like picture files. In fact, it is now used by firms and
organizations for business purposes and as their way of communicating with employees,
personnel, business associates, and clients.

13 | E d u k a s y o n g P a n t a h a n a n a t P a n g k a b u h a y a n w i t h E n t r e p r e n e u r s h i p
Bachelor of Elementary Education
Another common means of ICT communication is
facsimile. It is used for sending messages through a
telephone network. Today modern fax machines are digital,
which makes it possible to send a message over a wireless
connection and received by the recipients’ fax machine

Video conferencing is the best

communication medium when companies want to reach different people across different zones or
countries. This medium uses camera, loudspeakers.
Internet connections and microphone to connect different
people at the same time. The equipment used allows
everyone to see, speak, and listen to each other.

Another type of ICT communication is

telephone conferencing. Phone conferences allow
participants to listen to each other. They are connected
through a phone call using an option of conferencing.
Participants enter unique code or number to bridge the
call. Source:

Collaboration is a joint effort of

multiple individuals or work groups to finish
a task or project. Collaboration typically
involves the ability of two or more people to
view and contribute to documents or other
content over a network.
tools/Communication and collaboration work best using ICT. All you need to do is practice the use
of ICT tools which you can utilize to communicate and work together even if you are in different places.
Here are some of these collaboration tools.

1. Asana. This is a nifty task and project management tool, that

works great for remote teams with a complex project setup.
It helps you coordinate all the work of your group which
makes everyone updated on things that should be done, who
should do it, and when it should be submitted.
2. Dropbox. This is one tool that is most used for collaboration.
Through this software, you can have access to all your
documents, files, articles and more. With dropbox, you can
use laptop, tablet, or smartphone to access your files.
Dropbox is compatible with all computer and mobile

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3. Google Docs. This is an ideal for working on a document with
a group simultaneously. It brings your documents to life with
smart editing and styling tools and make formatting text and
paragraphs very easy. It has a hundred of free fonts, add links,
images, and drawings. You can access, create, and edit your
documents anywhere using your phone, tablet or computer
even without connection.

4. Google Hangouts. This is like a skype though Skype

can only accommodate video-chat with a maximum of
10 people while with Google Hangouts you can have a
free video-conference with up to 100 people. It stores
all your communication arranged in one place. It is still
widely used as a chat client in the business world.

5. Slack. Slack is an acronym for “Searchable Log of All

Conversation and Knowledge”. It is a tool for
communicating and collaborating that provides a clear
and real-time communication with your group. It is one of
the best ways to communicate with group members. It can
sort out different conversations into different channels. It
now has a voice-calling feature.

6. Skype. This is a go-to tool for video chats that

offers the best quality among all the other free
tools. It does not consume too much mobile data if
you are on the go. It is one popular tool that most
people have already installed on their computers.

7. Trello. This is a collaboration tool that uses a card-

based system to keep your project overview simple.
You can create custom columns like “To-Do” or “In
Progress” which you will use to organize individual
tasks. The tasks will be added as a small card to the
column. For each card you can set a due date, write
comments, and assign people to it. It is available on
your browser and mobile devices even when you are
not connected. Source:

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ICT is a form of technology that is used to transmit, process, store, create, display, share
or exchange information by electronic means. It includes traditional technologies like radio and
television and modern ones like cellular phones, computer and network, hardware and software,
satellite systems, as well as the various services and applications associated with them, such as
video teleconferencing.

Access of digital information involve two things: computer hardware and software.
Digital information can reproduce data, combine different types of media, support interactions,
combine transactional capabilities, to custom-built, to revise and manipulate texts, remotely
access digital devices.

It is your responsibility to ensure a safe computing. There are things that you need to do
to get the most out of the technology available to you. They provide helpful tips and guidance
to everyday life as well as setting out the expectations for using the ICT equipment in school.

Information can come from anywhere such as books, articles, personal experiences,
expert opinions, encyclopedias, and the Internet. The sources you will choose is influenced by
the type of information you are looking for. In general, there are three types of sources of
information: primary, secondary and tertiary.

Information available on the Internet ranges from absolute garbage to high quality. You
may see authoritative looking sites that present completely wrong information that are
sometimes deliberately done. There are also professional looking websites that give no
guarantee for quality information which requires you to evaluate very carefully the source,
quality, and accuracy of any information you access.

Communication and collaboration work best using ICT. There are ICT tools which you
can use to communicate and work together with a group even if you are in different places.
Some of these tools are Asana, Dropbox, Google docs, Google Hangouts, Slacks, Skype, and

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De Guzman. Ines A., Living, Loving and Learning 5, A Text – Workbook, Home Economics and
Livelihood Education, Philippine Copyright 2019 by Golden Cronica Publishing, Inc.

Websites Accessed (Photo Credits)

17 | E d u k a s y o n g P a n t a h a n a n a t P a n g k a b u h a y a n w i t h E n t r e p r e n e u r s h i p
Bachelor of Elementary Education

Name: ______________________Course/Year/Section: ___________ Score: _________

List down five (5) words form this lesson that challenged your understanding. look for the
meaning of each and write it opposite to the word.

Word Meaning






18 | E d u k a s y o n g P a n t a h a n a n a t P a n g k a b u h a y a n w i t h E n t r e p r e n e u r s h i p
Bachelor of Elementary Education

A. Identification. Below is a list of technologies for different purposes. On the space before each
number, identify the use of the technologies by writing C for creation, P for processing, S for
storage, D for display, T for transmission, and E for exchange

_____1. Personal computer _____10. TV

_____2. Digital camera _____11. CD
_____3. Scanner _____12. Calculator
_____4. Smartphone _____13. Cloud
_____5. Radio _____14. E-mail
_____6. Mobile Technology _____15. Cellphone
_____7. Internet _____16. Projector
_____8. DVD _____17. Microchip
_____9. Video conferencing _____18. Pen drive

B. Enumeration. Give five (5) uses of ICT in everyday life. For each are, give one example.
1. _________________________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________________________________
4. _________________________________________________________________________
5. _________________________________________________________________________

C. Crossword Puzzle. Do the crossword puzzle that follows. Use the given clues to decode the

19 | E d u k a s y o n g P a n t a h a n a n a t P a n g k a b u h a y a n w i t h E n t r e p r e n e u r s h i p
Bachelor of Elementary Education


1. is used for sending messages through a telephone network.

3. is ideal for bringing documents to life with smart editing and styling tools.

4. a nifty task and project management tool.

7. a tool that keeps you connected with a group which uses a card-based system.

8. an act of sending messages from one person to another.

9. a tool most used for collaboration and accessing documents, files, and articles.


2. a joint effort of multiple individuals to finish a task.

5. is like a Skype but allows free video-conferencing with 100 people.

6. an acronym for “Searchable Log of all Conversation and Knowledge”, which is one of the best to
communicate with group members.

20 | E d u k a s y o n g P a n t a h a n a n a t P a n g k a b u h a y a n w i t h E n t r e p r e n e u r s h i p
Bachelor of Elementary Education
You are now ready to apply what you have learned from this lesson. Do the learning tasks
A. ICT Tools. Choose communication and collaboration tools that you think will serve your
purpose of saving, editing, styling, and sharing information with your classmates on the
activities on Lesson 2, Unit I
• Identifying Business Opportunities
• Developing a Market Strategy
• Presentation of Class Output
B. Video Conferencing. Check if Skype has already been installed on your laptop or mobile
phone. If it has been not been installed, install it (ask the help of an expert, friend, a classmate
or your teacher), and make a video conference with your groupmates or friends. Talk about a
class project you would like to undertake for your next lesson on productivity tools and product
knowledge. Print out your exchange communication.
C. Class/ Group Sharing. Be ready to share with your classmates/ groupmates your experiences
on the use of the communication and collaboration tools you used, including your video

21 | E d u k a s y o n g P a n t a h a n a n a t P a n g k a b u h a y a n w i t h E n t r e p r e n e u r s h i p
Bachelor of Elementary Education

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