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Date: 18th February, 2023 P5 六年級 Note

本 週 帶 回 物 品
□ 課本: Student Book 學生課本、Workbook 習作本、作業簿(西瓜本)、Reading
故事讀本(Students in Space)。
本 週 作 業
□ 單字背誦: 02/22(三) 將進行單字小考(請背誦拼字)

□ 寫 Writing Book 英文作業本:

a. 抄寫英文單字各 2 次,句型各 1 次,不須抄寫中文

b. 句型練習:

句型: How long have you been ___________________?

I have been _____________ for _________________.
How long have you been ___________________?
I have been _____________ since ____________________.
u 例句: How long have you been studying dinosaurs?
I have been studying dinosaurs for three weeks.
□ 預讀: Hip Hooray 課本 p. 60~61 聽 CD B6~9

□ 預讀:故事讀本(Students in Space)

【 Weekly Conversation 每週生活對話】

Q: How long have you been waiting for the bus?
A: I have been waiting for the bus for 30 minutes.
2 月 22 日星期三測驗單字
1. waiting for the bus 2. taking karate lessons 3. studying dinosaurs
等公車 上空手道課程 研究恐龍

4. playing the tuba 5. using crutches 6. living in Belgium

彈奏低音號 使用拐杖 住在比利時

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