Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 Where Is My Pencil

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Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 Where is My Pencil
Made Ary Aditia

Soal Ulangan Harian

Kurikulum Merdeka

Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris

Bab V Where is My Pencil?

Diharapkan peserta didik mampu menyebutkan benda – benda di dalam ruangan dengan
baik dan lancar. Peserta didik dapat menulis kalimat yang berkaitan dengan benda di

Soal Matematika Kelas 4 Where is My Pencil?

Waktu Tersisa

Petunjuk Umum :
1. Pilihlah salah satu jawaban yang paling benar!
2. Waktu yang disediakan untuk menjawab seluruh soal 30 menit
3. Setiap soal memiliki bobot nilai yang sama
4. Tekan cek nilai untuk melihat nilai
5. Isi nama dan email sesuai dengan petunjuk guru lalu tekan kirim
6. Dilarang menggunakan kalkulator, buku, atau alat bantu lainnya

Pilihan Ganda

Soal No.1
Look at the picture below!

Where is the pencil?

A. on book
B. on chair
C. on sofa
D. on table

Soal No.2
Look at the picture below!

What are in the living room?
They are . . . .
A. sofa, bed, vase
B. table, lamp, picture
C. lamp, picture, clock
D. chair, vase, picture

Soal No.3
Look at the picture below!

There is . . . . betwen two bolsters

A. pillows
B. dolls
C. blankets
D. mirrors

Soal No.4
Look at the picture below!

There is a . . . between a mirror and pencils
A. chair
B. table
C. book
D. bed

Soal No.5
Look at the picture below!

There are . . . . in the living room.

A. television, lamp, cupboard
B. picture, sofa, lamp

C. television, lamp, shelf
D. picture, lamp, shelf

Soal No.6
Look at the picture below!

Where are the books?

A. in shelf
B. in cupboard
C. in wardrobe
D. in table

Soal No.7
Look at the picture below!

There are two . . . in the bedroom
A. blankets
B. dolls
C. pillows
D. wardrobes

Soal No.8
Look at the picture below!

There are . . . . on floor

A. shirts
B. trousers

C. books
D. fan

Soal No.9
Look at the picture below!

Where is the bag?

A. on sofa
B. on floor
C. on picture
D. on table

Soal No.10
Look at the picture below!

What are on the bed?
There are . . .
A. blanket and shirt
B. trouser and pillow
C. shirt and trouser
D. shirt and shoes Nilai =
Nilai Tertinggi (Maksimal): 100

Yuk kirim nilai kalian kepada guru! 📘 📣

Let's arrange the words!
1. DEB

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