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Nama: Vidiayu Aswari

Kelas : XII IPS 2

hello everyone my name is Vidiayu Aswari , i'm from class 12 ips 2. today in here i want to explain about
how to make ice lemon tea ,so just keep watching guys and listen carefully to the video .


for the ingredients we need is:

- one bed of tea pack

- two piece of lemon orange

- two teaspoon of sugar

-six ice cube

-fivety milliliter of hot water

-onehundred milliliter of cold water

next for the step:

1. first, brewed tea bag in fivety milliliters of hot water

2. second, add sugar and then stir until evenly distributet

3. third, cut the lemon in half and squeeze the lemon

4. next, add ice cube and add 100 milliliters of cold water 5. then, stir until the lemon juice mixes with
the tea

6. after, that add lemon slice as decoration

finally ice lemon tea is ready to be served and enjoy, thank you for watching my video today ,see you.

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