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BALANCING A Busy sCheduLe ANd A spIrItuAL LIfe Thriving and Not Just Surviving BeyoNd BLINd fAIth Moving

Mountains in Your Life reAL devotIoN How We Can Love God

Ann ARboR boston ChARlotte ChiCAgo DenveR DoloRes DURAngo

A publication of


The Art of

MilwAUkee Minne Apolis new hAven new YoRk oAkl AnD

Fall 2011 Volume 3 | Issue 4

pRoviDenCe se Attle

Display until November 30, 2011

Co-DiReCtoRs oF the oRDeR oF ChRist sophiA Mother Clare watts Father peter bowes DiReCtoR oF oUtReACh Rev. Margaret laveda 414.248.7405 Design & lAYoUt grace tenner Design llC DiReCtoR oF photogRAphY Rev. Meira leonard eDitoRs sister Camille stikeleather sister linda kayes CopYwRiteR Rev. timothy lin the light is published four times annually by the order of Christ sophia and is distributed through regional Centers of light. For information on local Classes & events at the Centers of light: Ann Arbor: 743.864.2017 boston: 617.990.7411 Charlotte: 704.526.8301 Chicago: 312.623.4418 Denver: 303.913.7053 Dolores: 970.882.2123 Durango: 970.882.2123 Milwaukee: 414.248.7405 Minneapolis: 612.205.5545 new haven: 203.785.9085 new York: 347.884.1709 oakland: 510.207.6593 providence: 857 231 1920 seattle: 206 525 8488

You cannot transcend what you do not know. To go beyond yourself, you must know yourself.

sri nisargadatta Maharaj an indian spiritual teacher and philosopher

Centers of Light
The Center of Light is a non-profit organization that promotes positive change and personal development. As an alternative school, we offer classes that help people understand themselves better and improve the emotional, spiritual, mental and physical aspects of their lives.

Copyright 2011 by the order of Christ sophia. All rights reserved. Facsimile reproduction, including photocopy or xerographic reproduction, is strictly prohibited under copyright laws.

Maintaining a Spiritual Life in a Busy Schedule

It seems like most people are
You may find that you need to give up some other activities to make room busier than ever before, between all for a spiritual practice. The best time our activities that we do in addition of day to meditate and pray is early to full-time work, our commutes and morning, so you will perhaps need e-mail obligations. But are we really to go to bed earlier to be able to get busier than the farmers and settlers who had to make and grow everything a good amount of spiritual time in when the world is still quiet. Often it they needed, who often had a dozen is easier to meditate where others are children and whose lives often also meditating. The support of the involved hard physical labor? It is difficult to tell from this point in time, group helps us focus. You can check and see if there is anywhere in your since we have appliances, cars and electronics to take so much of the hard area where people get together first thing in the morning to meditate, and workload off of us and also these you can visit and see if you like them conveniences have opened a whole and want to join in with them. Just other set of obligations and needs. That there is much to do now and that before going to bed is another good there was much to do then is certainly time for reflection and prayer. You may need to cut down on television true. watching or other evening activities to have a half hour before sleeping to Did our forefathers and mothers have enter into a state of peace and offer up more time for a spiritual life, or did they choose to make it more important prayers. than most people do today? The fact I have never met anyone who truly has always been that what we decide is most important gets done. In earlier thrived in a spiritual practice without joining an active spiritual community. days, there was more social pressure to go to church and pray before meals. Such communities will have times their members get together, having Our current society does not push classes or services or other functions. a spiritual life on us. We have the This also takes time, though once you freedom to decide for ourselves what form of spirituality we want to practice discover how much you receive from being in such community, you may no and what importance it has for us. longer feel the time commitment to be If you care about having an active bothersome. Studies have shown that spiritual life, you will need to decide people who are active participants in how to fit it in and give it the time spiritual communities report greater and attention it will need. Everything happiness in their lives and tend that is valuable to us needs time and attention. You will not be able to have to recover from illnesses faster and live longer. Clearly, such community a meaningful spiritual life without giving it a quite significant amount of increases our quality of life, especially when we find a community we are time and attention. happy with. We do not actually lack the time and resources for a spiritual life. We simply need to choose the activities that bring us such life above other activities that mean less to us. When we place God and a spiritual life at the center of our lives, everything else will fall into place around it. Try it. You will see this is true. Pick your genre of spirituality, pick a community that works for you, and let yourself begin living more fully by incorporating the great blessings of having a committed spiritual life.

MotheR ClARe wAtts

is a mystic, ordained Priest, Master Teacher, and Co-Director of the Order of Christ Sophia. She has her Masters Degree in Counseling Psychology and practiced as a Jungian-trained psychotherapist. Continually drawing from her education and her experience, including 17 years working as a professional midwife, Mother Clare has garnered a reputation for her clarity of vision. She lectures nationally on Mystical Christianity. She has four grown children and lives in Dolores, Colorado where she oversees the efforts to expand and grow the Sophia Peace Center.

MotheRCl ARewAtts .CoM

Clockwise from top left: Rev. isabelle, Rev. william and Annaleah on a wagon ride to pick pumpkins, Deacon veronica, sister Joan and sister Carolyn, David, sister Maria, elizabeth and Catherine, sister Cynthia and sister sarah.

Beyond Blind Faith

Where did the saying blind faith
come from? Why is it so popular to think that faith is for the foolish or the blind? Faith is something all people intimately participate with and experience constantly. It is defined as complete trust or confidence in someone or something. We have faith when we go to sleep that we will wake up in the morning; faith that when our feet hit the floor, the ground will be there; faith that when we say goodbye to someone, we will see him or her again. We wouldnt move a muscle without faith. Employers hire on faith that a person will do the job promised and achieve a certain level of performance. At a more subtle level, we are faithful to ideas and patterns that have been practiced in our minds, bodies and history throughout the years. We move through life with a certain understanding and conclusion about ourselves that may or may not be true. How many times have you thought something about yourself and later changed your opinion after someone helped you to see otherwise? In other words, you changed what you had faith in. In order to achieve something new, you have faith in yourself and allow yourself to change with the help of others, sometimes relying on their faith in you more than your own. An act of faith means stepping out on something unseen and unknown to you, but there is nothing blind about it. Faith is a first step that leads you to

bY MAsteR leoRA
believing, and believing paves the road to you knowing for yourself. When you learned to walk as a child, you leaned on the knowing of those around you who encouraged you to get up off your belly. After several tries and many bruises, you experienced for yourself what you were capable of. Before long you were walking, barely remembering what it was like to fall. So, how does this relate to you and why does it matter? Because you get to choose what you have faith in; you get to choose where you put your mind and energy and what you draw into your life. You have the power and ability to direct that positive life force within you toward whatever you want. What will you choose? The sky is the limit! When you set your mind and heart on a goal, then take a risk, take a chance and let God, the Universe and faith propel you forward. It is said, faith moves mountains. Sometimes that mountain is you and you have to rely on even the tiniest seed of faith that is within you. Remember that seeds, when planted in good soil, grow strong. Faith, when nourished with positive and forward-moving thoughts and actions, will produce good outcomes. Commit yourself faithfully to following through on something that really matters to you. Trust in what you cannot see or know yet, so that you gain an experience that changes you. Have faith in yourself and soon you will be one that has faith in others as well.

MAsteR leoRA beRnARD

is the Director of the Center of Light, Oakland, serving the East Bay. Her greatest joy is introducing willing hearts to the love of Jesus and Mary, serving through this Order and providing every opportunity for individuals to live this reality and make it their own. Professionally, Master Leora worked for 16 years in the field of childbirth as a certified professional midwife, doula, and childbirth educator. She now works as a community health RN.


The Art of Forgiveness

bY FAtheR peteR bowes

Each of us has been incredibly hurt by something someone said or did to us. We were unable to understand how someone could do this thing to us. Our first reaction is to be indignant and enraged. We might collapse into sadness that people are so mean. Usually, there is a great deal of pride in our reaction. It says something like this: I cannot believe he or she treated me this way. We feel that we are so sincere and well-meaning that it would be impossible for anyone to treat us this way if they knew us. And yet people do treat us meanly at times and are inconsiderate and oblivious to our good intentions. It is a rare person who, after being hurt by someone, has a first thought, I know they have good intentions and mean well. They must not have noticed that this would offend or hurt me. We need to practice the art of forgiveness.

Forgive people if you want God to forgive you. Wash from your heart all animosity.
Forgiveness is an attitude of knowing that people are good at the core and would do what is right if they knew themselves better. Forgiveness is the action of giving understand6

the law of karma, and each of us is accountable for our motives and behaviors. God sees to that. Stay out of the mix and let God ing and patience to others before they make right their offense to us, before they pay us back for misbehavior. It is unevolved to harden your heart to another person. It lacks compassion and peace in your heart. There is no excuse for holding your heart stiff to another person. It shows you do not understand that God is inside the other person and that God is in you. God agrees with God. So to stay in permanent discord with another person is against God. The tendency for people to hold grudges based on differences in religion, making a career or family decision that you disagree with, or having an ideology that you disagree with is against Gods commandment to love your neighbor. You cannot love if you hate someone. You cannot love if you hold a grudge against someone for what they said, what they believe in, or how they behave. They may not know it offends you. They may not think it has anything to do with you. They are usually sincere and well-meaning in their intention to do well. Be Forgive people if you want God to forgive you. Wash from your heart all animosity and bad feelings about the other person, and give that person over to God.. God will judge with wisdom and love and support each person in their growth and development. God sees all the complexities of our motives, longings and strivings and will give to each according to wisdom and justice. Let God figure it out and ask for help to stay out of the other persons karma. Everything we do comes around again under
AskFAtheRpeteR .CoM

patient with people and give them the freedom to make decisions like you would expect them to do for you. If someone is actually harming another person, you should tell them that it is hurting others. If it is criminal, then you should report it because they will do it to others besides you or probably already have. But forgiveness is much nobler than stubbornness or rigidity. Forgiveness is blessed because God cannot forgive you unless you forgive others.

take care of things. You may need to try to talk things out with your sister or brother, but look for ways to agree and not ways to disagree. We should not try to be so prideful that we have to be right all the time. Use love in your conversations and you will arrive at forgiveness much sooner than you think. You know you have forgiven the other person when you can visualize God blessing that person and loving them completely.

For over 25 years, FAtheR peteR bowes

has devoted his life in service to God as an ordained Priest and Master Teacher. As Co-Director of the Order of Christ Sophia, he teaches the ministers and guides the Centers of Light around the country. Known for his sense of humor, Father Peter is also an accomplished musician and author who has composed twelve albums and four books about Mystical Christian teachings. He holds a Masters and a Doctorate degree in Educational Psychology. Father Peter lives at the Center of Light, Chicago.

The Light Lecture Series

A New Series of Lectures Providing Tools for Your Life

No matter where we are in life, there is always more to learn. While it is easy to find continuing education classes that can help you learn a foreign language or a new hobby, there is little to no support available for those who are interested in moving beyond the realm of learning new skills and into the adventure of learning how to live life to its fullest. With that in mind, the Centers of Light will begin offering a new series of lectures called the Light Lecture Series. These classes are designed for those looking to gain the skills necessary to live happier, more fulfilling and productive lives. Each class will explore the principles that govern the topic and will provide practical instruction designed to help you avoid frustration and disappointment, while working toward success and empowerment. There will be ample time for questions. >>

Meditation: The Basics and Beyond

Learn the basics of meditation stilling the mind, breathing, relaxation and then learn how to go into the realms of deeper meditation. this lecture teaches students how to ask questions and receive clear answers in meditation, and how to see aspects of themselves that they have not seen before. All experience levels are welcome. >>

Tools for Healing Depression and Anxiety

Major depression affects 15 million American adults each year, and about 40 million American adults suffer from anxiety. Modern medicine may treat these disorders but not cure them, but there is a way to completely heal. this lecture covers the root causes of depression and anxiety, and teaches students how to overcome them. >>

Spiritual Ways to Improve Your Work Life

in this lecture, students gain specific tools to improve their career through simple spiritual practices such as prayer, meditation and visualizations. students who have used these techniques have seen dramatic shifts in their work situations, which can include gainful employment, salary raises and better working conditions. >>

The Secret to Healthy and Happy Relationships

its easy to fall into the same kinds of relationships over and over again. in this seminar, youll learn absolute musthaves to a healthy relationship as well as the most common mistakes people make in relationships. >>

Gaining Control of Negative Emotions

this lecture helps students identify and understand

These lectures will be offered on a weekly basis beginning Monday, September 12. Registration is now open! Cost is $8 per lecture.
negative emotions so they dont continue happening. these emotions include anger, worry, laziness, fear and sluggishness, as well as passive aggressive behaviors such as consistent tardiness or pouting when hard things are asked of you. >>

Overcoming Bad Habits and Addictions

Addiction is one of the most common issues that people deal with every day. in this lecture, students learn about the core reasons why addictions happen using a psychological, emotional and spiritual approach. students then receive practical steps to overcome bad habits and addictions, as well as personal support for their own negative patterns. >>

Adding Spirituality to Your Yoga Practice

Yoga is a sanskrit word meaning union with god, and began as a hindu discipline aimed at training the consciousness for a state of perfect spiritual insight and tranquility. As yoga became more mainstream, however, it has also deviated from these spiritual origins into simply a physical exercise. students interested in the spiritual aspects of yoga learn practical, hands-on ways to put the spirituality back into a yoga practice. All levels of yoga are welcome. >>

Attracting a Romantic Partner Who Shares Your Spirituality

if you have a devoted spiritual life, how do you find a romantic partner? isnt it hard enough just meeting someone who shares similar interests? Learn how to find someone who shares the same love for god and spirituality.

>> For more information and to register, visit

Join us in Prayers for Peace

On the first Wednesday of every month, the members of the Centers of Light pray for peace, creating a surge of positive energy for people all over the world. Open to all faiths, it is a chance for hearts and minds to make a real difference in the world. People pray for the cause of the month: healing, spiritual awakening, love, solutions to hunger crises, war anything that the world needs in order to become a place of peace. Join us!


Ask Mother Clare

how to know what god wants for you, how to stay balanced and what is fun about adulthood.
in what you thought the guidance was, you will be blessed for wanting to know it and for following what you thought the answer was. in time, if you persist in seeking out gods will for you, you will grow in your accuracy of hearing and receiving it.

What is the best way to stay open and loving without picking up energy from other people/places?
niCole, MinneApolis, Mn

When we are centered in our hearts and radiate out love and peace from there, energy flows outward and there is no way for negative energy to flow inward at the same time. You can choose to be a source of positive energy and focus on


giving and loving and caring about others. in so doing, other peoples negativity will have no place to enter you. Light is stronger than darkness, as all it takes to defeat the darkness in a room is to turn on the light.

how can i learn what god wants for me in my life?

DAviD, ChiCAgo, il

god lives inside each one of us at the cen-

What does it mean to be an adult? What does it feel

like? What does it look like? What is fun about it?
eRikA, DoloRes, Co

ter of our beings, right near our hearts. though it takes years to learn to connect inside to such a degree that you can always get clear and definite guidance from god inside, everyone can tune in and get at least somewhat clear direction if they seek it. god is so happy that you might actually want to know what god wants for you, and god is even happier if you want to cooperate with that plan. this is why god makes answers to sincerely asked questions available to the humble seeker. Make sure you truly want to do what gods plan is for you, no matter what it is. get still and enter into meditation, the best you know how. then ask your question, clearly formulated, and direct it to god inside you. then listen for a response. You may feel it more than hear it, you may see something in your minds eye, or it may come to you some other way. even if you are off

An adult takes responsibility for his or her life on all levels. An adult does not look for other people to take care of them emotionally, financially, spiritually or practically. After all the years of having to be under parents direction and influence, it is a great joy to become an adult and get to choose for ourselves. however, when we do, we need to take responsibility for the outcome of everything we do. the fun in it is that through responsibility, we contribute to creating many things of consequence and meaning. People come to know they can count on us, trust us and be with us because we are trustworthy. We can also choose a spiritual path of our own liking, and commit to it to whatever degree we want, leaving behind the bonds of prior obligations. What about all this would not be fun and rewarding?

Do you have questions?


Sunday Service
Open to All Followed by Brunch
not your average sunday service! experience spirit moving through songs, prayers, and powerful sermons that bring you into closer connection to god the god inside your heart, inside your soul, to the god within. each service begins with a silent meditation followed by a sermon relating directly to the spiritual needs of the community, finally culminating in a transformative Communion and personal blessing.

Introduction To Meditation & Christian Mysticism
Understanding the laws of the universe isnt easy, which is why the Centers of Light offer six sessions that explore the foundations of Christian Mysticism. Open to all, this class gives an overview of what Christian Mysticism is and what mystics do, and, most importantly, it offers participants a chance to experience the spiritual world first-hand. there is no restriction on faith. You only have to believe that there is most likely a power and intelligence that is higher than human intelligence. Free of charge.

What is love?, or What is the Creator? are presented in a simple, practical way that allows students to understand, discuss, and contemplate their meaning. these ancient teachings are paired with powerful hands-on experiences, giving students a tangible way to connect to the reality of gods spirit and power. this class is open to graduates of introduction to Meditation and Christian Mysticism.

Master Teacher Seminars
seminars from the Master teachers of the Order of Christ sophia are once-in-a-lifetime opportunities to receive spiritual teachings that can move mountains in your life. the old saying, one day with a teacher is worth 200 years on your own applies to these enlightening and life-changing events. experience it for yourself by checking the enclosed schedule of events or contacting a Priest at your local Center of Light.

Daily Meditation & Communion

the beauty of gods grace can be experienced with meditation and Communion every morning of the week. We offer a 30 minute meditation followed by a reading and Communion service, which is a wonderful way to develop and deepen your meditation practice. there is no better way to start your day than to receive the love, light and peace of Jesus and Mary. All are welcome.

Bible Contemplation
it is a fairly common experience to read a passage from the new testament and ask, i wonder what that means? Bible Contemplation at the Centers of Light helps unravel the deeper meaning in Jesus teachings by exploring our inner and outer life experiences and how they relate to the parables Jesus taught. As a result, class members discover how these teachings relate directly to their own lives and experiences. this class is open to graduates of introduction to Meditation and Christian Mysticism.

Evening Prayers
All are welcome to join us at the end of the day with evening prayers and songs. Community members from the Centers of Light come together to thank god, Jesus and Mary for the blessings of the day and offer songs of gratitude and thanksgiving. Join us in spreading light into the world with this form of joyful devotion.

Tree of Life
the tree of Life lessons are written for the purpose of unfolding the soul alchemically and opening up spiritual consciousness to the wisdom of god. topics such as What is light?,


clockwise from top:

Father peter, eve at her Chrysalis Ceremony, Denver community, Milwaukee fall clean-up, sr Alana, Janelle and gloria at winter Retreat 2011, Rev. simone and Zoe in Colorado, Mother Clare, Father peter and Master leora leave the Chapel at the sophia peace Center, tamara and Juniper at the 2011 winter teen Retreat in Chicago, Matthew at the Milwaukee inner peace Festival 2011.

Devotion is the heart of every
religion and spiritual path. it is the feeling of love, longing and connection to god. it is from a powerful and pure devotion that rumi, saint teresa of Avila, saint Francis and all the great mystics spoke. it is devotion that offers all of the real fruit of spiritual life. For some people, devotion comes easily and they naturally feel a love-connection with god. For these people, relating to god in a feeling way is something that makes sense to them. they imagine god and feel love and longing immediately. Others have a very sporadic devotional life, in which they feel very connected and loving toward god at some times and then very disconnected at others. For the rest, relating to god with feeling is very challenging. they may have a firm belief and a sense of commitment to god, but not feel a lot of devotion or longing for god. no matter which of these categories you fit in, there is important spiritual work to be done. For those who easily feel connected to god in love, the growth process is focused on the purity of that relationship. Often, if devotion comes easily, it is because the person is naturally emotional, and this emotionality can make the devotion to god easy to feel but also

more selfish. emotions can become addictive and feeling really good or very intense emotions can become an end in itself. in this way, we may really be worshipping the emotion more than god. to correct this, we must be more simple in our devotion. take all drama out of it and see how it feels. real devotion is not about what we get for ourselves, but what we give to god. For those who are very sporadic in their devotion, the spiritual work is to be consistent. if we only offer devotion when we are swept up by big feelings, then we do not contribute to the relationship with god. it is like being in a romantic relationship in which you only express care for your partner after they make a dramatic romantic gesture. A real and deep love relationship is about commitment and consistency as much as passionate love. the same is true with god. We must show up and express love even when we do not feel it intensely. in this way, our love can grow deeper and more steady. those who have a hard time feeling devotion at all are often people who have generally restricted their feelings. When we have shut down our feelings in order to have more control and less vulnerability, we also lose spiritual sensitivity. in order to grow in devotion, we have to open up the places that have been

protected. A good way to start is to visualize your heart protected and tight and then see those protections falling away. then invite god into your heart. Let gods presence heal the wounds that have protected you from love. then practice gratitude every day and notice how your heart softens. every person will benefit from deepening their devotional lives. start with gratitude, honor, love and desire to know god deeply. then seek a teacher to guide you to the deepest realms of love and union with god. May you be blessed on your journey.

ReveRenD lUCille MiChAels is an ordained Priest and Director of the Center of Light, Minneapolis. She began her study with the Order of Christ Sophia in 1999 and has been serving as a Priest since 2002. She holds a Doctoral degree in psychology and is currently working as a psychologist in Minneapolis.

No. 1

Ways to Embrace the Autumn Season

The arrival of autumn demonstrates the truth that change is inevitable. We watch as the leaves that were once green gradually burst into their brilliant display of fall foliage and then let go to carpet the ground. Many people fear change and find themselves feeling depressed by the arrival of autumn. Yet rather than a solemn and resistant approach to change, nature celebrates it with a flourish of color that captivates our hearts and fills us with joy. We, too, can learn to approach the inevitability of change with trust and joy. This season, take a lesson from nature and learn how you can embrace the glory of change.

No. 2
SPEND 10 minutes per day in meditation tuning into the changes happening within you.

No. 3
STRIvE to open and feel love. When you feel loved, you dont fear change.

No. 4
mAkE a list of five things that you are ready to let go of and let them go.

SPEND TImE looking at the beauty of the fall season and contemplate the truth that as we let go and open, so we can be filled.

No. 5
mAkE a list of five qualities, goals or aspirations you want to strive for and take them on.

No. 6
LEARN a new skill, take a class. When you feel the joy of what is new, you wont be preoccupied with holding on to what is old.

No. 7
APPRECIATE the abundance you have in your life.

No. 8
mAkE a list of the many ways you have been blessed with abundance.

No. 9
TAkE a walk once a week, blessing your surroundings and enjoying gods creation.

No. 10
COmmIT to speaking to at least one new person per week. Connect with your neighbors or make a new friend.

Life as a Novice: In Their Own Words

suit. What would it be like? i had to find out! the first thing i learned when i moved into the Milwaukee novice house was that i really didnt know much about living with other people. i was mostly used to living alone and having a lot of time to seclude myself and nurse my wounds. in my own confused world, i felt trapped and cornered, like an animal threatening to attack if anyone came too close. Was this really me? Did i really have this much trouble feeling comfortable around others? the answer was definitely, Yes. i just pretended that this wasnt the case, keeping my self-image propped up and others far away. the next big thing i learned was that i didnt know myself very well not my true feelings, desires or motives. the other novices have been a mirror for me, kindly reflecting back to me different ways of seeing myself and supporting me in my growth along the way. Although i didnt understand at first, i began to realize that i didnt have to do everything on my own, relying solely on myself. Life in the novice program has been a steady climb upwards toward being okay with my life and accepting myself as i am. i

When i found the Center of

Light in Milwaukee, i felt like i had found what i had been seeking so vigilantly: something that would heal me and bring me into the light of god. i felt that god had led me to this Center of Light as an answer to my prayers. the Center was like a beautiful dream to me. People related harmoniously and id never seen people work together so seamlessly. it wasnt long before i noticed the next-door apartment complexs for rent sign and moved in so i could be closer to the Center. i began attending everything possible (and even some things not possible, like when i was caught covertly doing my laundry at the Center and was reminded that i wasnt actually in the novice program). i really didnt expect to be invited to be a novice. i wanted to live at the Center, but i didnt know when or if that could happen. so when i was invited to be a novice in the fall of 2009, i was surprised, shocked, and so excited to make spiritual training my full-time pur-

really never had an opportunity to be around such great examples before, and have learned many simple and deep lessons. now this place, which seemed so alien before, has become my home and the people i live with i now consider family. this Center of Light has become a place of love and safety for me, an experience unlike anything i could have imagined. having people who accept me in these new ways, who are honest about how i interact with them, has done much to build up my ability to trust others. i am mightily blessed to be living here. When i visit my relatives and friends, i can feel how different and relaxed i am, and how much more able i am to love others and to be genuine. in the end, i got the last thing i really expected or wanted from the novice program. i got to cross a great personal chasm, which i had created when i was very young that is, a separation that kept me away from Christianity, and consequently, Jesus and Mary. it is a miracle and a great gift for me to have gained the relationship and understanding that i now have. im sure many seekers have thought this, but i am probably the last person that i, or anyone who knew me, would have guessed would be here, doing this work. i am a very fortunate soul and have been given much. Matthew Jones, Milwaukee

16 16

Spiritual Community
our spiritual community is a place where real, meaningful conversation can happen, thanks to the high level of integrity and honesty in every relationship. spiritual community gives us the opportunity to learn, grow and support each other in our individual journeys to god, no matter how young or old you are, whether you are single or married, with children or not. Activities such as camping trips, movie nights, picnics and cookouts make spiritual community at the Centers of light an even more dynamic and vibrant part of life.



Sign up for a free 6-week introductory series:

Introduction to Meditation and Christian Mysticism.

Gather with us on Sunday for a half hour of meditation followed by singing, a sermon, and Holy Communion. Join us for our monthly seminars to meet our Teachers and Priests. See the inserted Schedule of Events for all Classes, Seminars, Services and Community Gatherings. Event descriptions can be found on pages 10 and 12.

Winter Retreat 2012

The Light at the Top of the Mountain
Keeping Your Eye Single
The experience of light brings clarity to our lives, revelation to our minds and understanding to the motives of our heart. If our devotion to God is courageous and strong, the light of God will guide our lives and move us toward the goal of union with God. For More Information, Please Contact Rev. Gabrielle at 312.623.4418

Spiritual truths have been handed down from teacher to student since the time of Christ. The Radical Path: Teachings & Truths of Mystical Christianity by Father Peter Bowes brings these intimate truths into written form for spiritual seekers who can recognize the power of these ancient wisdom teachings.

Available at

Present this coupon and receive $10 off your next Seminar with any Center of Light across the country.

What Does It Take to Have a Better Life?

When you come up against challenges in life, you do your best to get by. Relationships? Careers? Spirituality? Where do you start? How can you adequately manage your life if youve never been taught how?

The answer: You learn.

Light Lecture Series is a series of classroom lectures that teaches people the necessary skills to live a better life. Lecture topics include all the major areas of life you may want to improve.

The Light Lectures will be offered on a weekly basis beginning Monday, September 12. Registration is now open! For more information and to register visit:

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