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Talking about your phone, social media, and internet use.

Take into consideration the following:

a) Introduction: Introduce yourself (name, age, place of origin, and occupation) and the topic
(what you will talk about)
b) Development: Here you will talk a valance diet and how healthily you eat
Consider the following questions:
 What is a healthy diet?
 What is My Dish (el plato del buen comer)? How it is divided?
 Do you usually eat food from the different groups in my dish? Why? / Why not?
o Do you usually have breakfast, lunch, and dinner?
o What do you usually have for breakfast, lunch, and dinner?
o How often do you eat junk food? What?
c) Conclusion: mention the importance of having healthy diet internet. Also, indicate your
participation is over and thank the audience.
d) General aspects: Make sure you use the grammar covered along the unit: adverbs of
manner, infinitives definite article the, food vocabulary.
Use the following checklist:

The student… Score Comments

Personal and Topic introduction 5%

Describes describe the 20%

information required in the
development section.

Says a conclusion 10%

Shows appropriate Grammar 20%

and Vocabulary use according
to his/her current English level

Shows appropriate 10%

pronunciation, intonation, and
fluency according to his/her
current English level
Speaks Coherently and 10%
Appropriate body language and 10%
eye contact
Speaks between 3 to 5 min 10%
The visual support is clear and 5%
Final score: 100%

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