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Academic Session: 2022 -2023
Qatar History (Notes)
NAME: ________________________________________________ DATE: ___________

CLASS: VII/Div. _____ LESSON/TOPIC: L- 7: National Security and Its Dimensions

Question 1: Answer these questions in a word each:

1. The Objective (to achieve optimum use of resources) expresses the ……………….
Ans: Economic
2. Among the objectives of military security:
Ans: Strengthen the state’s defence capacity.
3. ……………………… has been developed by the state of Qatar to deal with cyber issues.
Ans: National Cyber Security Strategy.
4. ……………… aims to maintain security, stability and cohesion of society.
Ans: Social Security.

Question: 2: Answer the following.

1 Define national security.
Ans: The state’s ability to protect its lands and people from any external aggression, in
addition to its ability to respond to all internal problems, work to solve them, and
consolidate loyalty and belonging to the country and leadership.
2. What is the main objective of military security.
Ans: It aims to strengthen state’s defensive capacity to prevent all those who, as states
or groups from abroad, tempt to harm the security of the country
3. Explain Political Security.
Ans: It is a complementary dimension to the military side, that aims to protect the
country’s security from all threats that lead to chaos and turmoil inside and outside the
state, including supporting the Amir.

******THE END******

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