Human Communication

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Mary Joy M.


Human communication
Human communication, or anthroposemiotics, is the field dedicated to understanding how
humans communicate. Human communication is grounded in cooperative and shared intentions.
Richmond and McCroskey (2009) state that "the importance of communication in human society
has been recognized for thousands of years, far longer than we can demonstrate through recorded
history".[1]:223 Humans have communication abilities that other animals do not. Being able to
communicate aspects like time and place as though they were solid objects are a few examples. It
is said that humans communicate to request help, to inform others, and to share attitudes as a
way of bonding.
The current study of human communication can be branched off into two major categories;
rhetorical and relational. The focus of rhetorical communication is primarily on the study of
influence; the art of rhetorical communication is based on the idea of persuasion. The relational
approach examines communication from a transactional perspective; two or more people interact
to reach an agreed perspective. In its early stages, rhetoric was developed to help ordinary people
prove their claims in court; this shows how persuasion is key in this form of communication.
Aristotle stated that effective rhetoric is based on argumentation. As explained in the text,
[which?] rhetoric involves a dominant party and a submissive party or a party that succumbs to
that of the most dominant party. While the rhetorical approach stems from Western societies, the
relational approach stems from Eastern societies. Eastern societies hold higher standards for
cooperation, which makes sense as to why they would sway more toward a relational approach
for that matter. "Maintaining valued relationships is generally seen as more important than
exerting influence and control over others".[1]:227 "The study of human communication today is
more diversified than ever before in its history".[1]:229
Classification of human communication can be found in the workplace, especially for group
work. Co-workers need to argue with each other to gain the best solutions for their projects,
while they also need to nurture their relationship to maintain their collaboration. For example, in
their group work, they may use the communication tactic of "saving face".
Human communication can be subdivided into a variety of types:
Intrapersonal communication (communication with oneself)
Body language
Interpersonal communication (communication between two or more persons)
Group dynamics (communication within groups)
Organizational communication (communication within organizations)
Cross-cultural communication (communication across cultures)

Human Communication Studies

Why Study Human Communication Studies
The Human Communication Studies program helps students develop critical thinking skills,
discover and practice cultural sensitivity, and facilitate future marketability.

Communication is a learned skill, one that encompasses verbal and nonverbal messages, as well
as listening and understanding. Human Communication Studies allows you to fully understand,
and better shape, human interaction in all facets of professional and personal lives. As defined by
the Association for Communication Administration (1995), Communication Studies focuses on
how people use messages to generate meanings within and across various contexts, cultures,
channels, and media. The field promotes the effective and ethical practice of human

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