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Chapter 1

Problem and its Background


The Bachelor of Science in Criminology (BS CRIM) is a four-year degree

program in the Philippines that is mainly concerned with the nature of crimes and
criminals (Courses, 2021). In lined with this, some skills are required to become a
criminology student like having a strong analytical thinking, having excellent research
skills, having high level of integrity and ethics, and most especially having a strong
communication skill (Leverage edu, 2021). That is why freshmen criminology
students are tested to measure their ability, courage, discipline and camaraderie
through having their reception rites.

Reception rites in ASCB CCJE implemented on October 16, 2021. Reception

rites in the field of criminology is a tradition that aims to welcome the newly members
in the faculty and orient them the life and culture of being a criminology student
(Valdez, 2013). Often times, these rituals are seen by outsiders as harsh and
sometimes inhumane due to their own cultural standards, but for their members,
these are just simple requirements that is necessary to be recognized and accepted
by the community faculty. The College of Criminal Justice Education (CCJE) which is
headed by the officers, aim to prepare students not only academically but also to
develop camaraderie and team work as well as to test and enhance their physical
agility and stamina. (CCJE student council, 2019). The officers together with their
fellow seniors have the responsibility to strengthen discipline and foster the values of
leadership, integrity, and accountability among students while serving their
fellowmen, community and country (USU, 2020).

Based on our evaluation of the freshmen about the reception rites, at first,
they thought that the reception rites would be easy, but it was tiring and challenging
at the same time. They are so proud that they did the reception right and even
though they were tired at the end, it was worth it.

As the pandemic have been controlled by the government, Face to Face

status of Andres Soriano Colleges of Bislig also known as Andres Soriano Colleges
of Bislig resumed along with continuing their tradition in welcoming the freshmen
criminology students through having their first reception rites. In line with this, this
study aims to determine the perception of freshmen criminology students of Andres
Soriano Colleges of Bislig in their first reception rites.

Statement of the Problem

This study focused on what are the perspective of freshmen students on the
reception rights in Andres Soriano Colleges of Bislig.

1. How well do freshmen criminology students know about reception rites?

2. How challenging do freshmen criminology students perceive reception rites

in ASCB?

a. The handlers (Seniors)

b. The activity

3. What amelioration's do students have to overcome the challenge in their

reception rites?
Conceptual/Theoretical Framework

At School
- Discipline Student’s On
- Camaraderie Reception Rites
- Acquired

Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3

On the figure 1, it serves as the basis of the freshmen criminology student’s

perception towards reception rites. The concept of reception rites has started the
year 2021 in Andres Soriano College of Bislig. Reception rites is a ceremony to
welcome freshmen criminology to challenge them in different kinds of activities to
test their abilities and strength, these are just simple requirements to be accepted in
College in Criminal Justice Education.
Scope and Limitations of the Study

This study focuses on the Perception of Freshmen Criminology Students’

Reception Rites in Andres Soriano Colleges of Bislig. The study was carried out to
determine how they manage accepting risks when receiving rights. This research will
help to evaluate all criminology student in Andres Soriano Colleges of Bislig.

The researcher focused on the ASCB freshmen criminology students as the

subject of this study. This study aims to determine the freshmen criminology about
their perception on the reception rites. Therefore, this study only sought out their
experience and opinion about the reception rites.

This study will be conducted on Andres Soriano College of Bislig. The

selection of this study are only be the freshmen criminology students.
Significance of the Study

This research is made with the aim to provide crucial information and
knowledge regarding the chosen topic from the respondents, recent studies or
theses, and related sites needed for the expected importance to the individual as

Freshmen Criminology Students

The results will provide the students with some knowledge, and it will give the
students an information about the certain topic. It also gives the students a full
guideline about reception rites.

The Researcher

The researcher can also gain significance in this study that would improve
their skill, strategy and knowledge in engaging their topic like reception rites.

Future Researcher

This research will be u3seful reference for the researchers who would plan to
make any related study precisely the standard underlining the perception of
freshmen criminology students in reception right in ASCB.
Definitions of Terms

Freshmen - a student in the first year of high school or college. (Freshman Definition
& Meaning - Merriam-Webster)

Perspective - it is a particular way of thinking about something, especially one that is

influenced by your beliefs or experiences. (Perspective definition and meaning |
Collins English Dictionary (

Reception - A social function, especially one intended to provide a welcome or

greeting. (Reception Definitions | What does reception mean? | Best 19 Definitions of
Reception (
Chapter 2

Review Related Literature

This chapter presents the related literature and studies after the thorough
and in-depth search done by the research.

Local Studies

In a trailblazing experience, the University of Bohol College of Criminal

Justice (UBCCJ) freshmen successfully hurdled the first reception rites ever
conducted to first year Criminology students of the department last July 9, 2018 at
the Victoriano D. Tirol – Advanced Learning Center grounds.

Dean Shirley O. Molina, Ph.D, bared that the one day activity is designed
for Batch Armadillos Class 2022 as their formal commencement to cadets life
anchored on the college’s core values of competence, integrity and duty. This year’s
master initiators are headed by Crmgst. Adelfa Maranga with members Crmgst.
Bernard Bapilar, Crmgst. Joseph Lajera, Crmgst. Reina Rose Amor Galo, Crmgst.
Theresil Marie Lapez, Crmgst. Marry Joyce Gudmalin, Crmgst. Richelle Delas Eras
and Crmgst. Marven Jumawid.

On the same vein, the newly elected officers of UBCCJ Supreme Student
Government SY 2018-2019 were simultaneously sworn into office before Mr. James
Tabigue, Student Activity Assistant. The officers include, Christine L. Amasora-
governor, Rizalee Rose S. Razo- vice governor, Alenabelle Pañamogan – secretary,
Rhea Joy Escabarte – treasurer, Froian Keith Busano –auditor, Board Members
John Rey Ayso, Glory Mae Cayme, Camille Jane Camilotes, Kirby Mapili and Angela
Gonzales – commissioner. The advisers are Crmgst. Theresil Marie C. Lapez and
Crmgst. Joseph C. Lajera. The occasion was highlighted with the presence of
P/Supt. Patricio T. Degay Jr., Chief of Tagbilaran City PNP, as guest speaker, Dr.
Victoriano B. Tirol III, UB President and Ms. Ria Eva M. Sevilla, UB Vice President
for Administration. (2018). (http;//
The Philippine Military Academy (PMA) received on Monday the 350 plebes
who will compose Class 2024. The annual reception saw the arrival of 280 males
and 70 females who took their oath as members of the Cadet Corps Armed Forces
of the Philippines (CCAFP). "All aboard, all accounted for, all Covid-19-free, all ready
for cadet-ship," said Major Cherry Tindog, PMA information officer, in a text message
to the Philippine News Agency on Monday evening.

She said the 350 new cadets are those who passed and completed the rigid
screening process prior to entry into the country's premier military institution.There
were over 33,000 examinees in August last year, the biggest in PMA’s history.There
were 1,600 passers of the written examination who proceeded to the next stage, the
physical examination.

Several other examinations and tests ensued such as the neuro and
psychological examination that trimmed down the number of cadets to those who
actually entered the grounds of PMA on Monday.Tindog said the examinees were
unaffected by the hazing incidents that came September 2019 and onwards as the
passers went on to pursue the required screening process.The officer said that
following the "new normal", the usual reception exercises were also done."With their
masks on and observing physical distancing, the PMA Class 2024 performed
exercises that are diagnostic in nature and serve as a benchmark of their physical
strength and stamina. The traditional reception rites deviated from the usual raucous
ceremony with the upperclassmen as spectators,” Tindog said.Unlike in previous
years when parents, relatives and the public get to send off their children and see
them start their dream to become a soldier, the public was barred as a precaution
from the possible spread of the coronavirus disease.”No parents, [it was] not open to
the general public," Tindog said.

For this reception rites, selected PMA officers and a few upperclassmen were
designated to facilitate on the grounds and record the performance of the incoming
cadets. The rest of the cadet corps witnessed the events as spectators," she said.

"Today's reception rites is very different from what had been done before. In
consideration of the Covid-19 pandemic that has forced all of us to the 'new normal',
your class shall be undergoing the reception rites with only the PMA Community to
bear witness to your first steps in the hallowed grounds of the Borromeo Field,” PMA
Superintendent, Vice Admiral Allan Ferdinand Cusi, told the cadets after
administering their oath.

"At its surface, this reception is a simple ceremony to test and gauge your physical
strength prior to the formal start of the training. In its symbolic and military tradition,
on the other hand, the reception rites herald the start of your regimented military life
and your gradual transformation into professional and disciplined young military
leaders," Cusi added. (PNA). (Liza Agoot, 2020)

A CADET of the PNP Academy (PNPA) died on Saturday night, 15 days after
he experienced difficulty in breathing during a reception ceremony for their class at
the PNPA grandstand in Silang town in Cavite.Rafael Sakkam, was declared dead at
around 6:01 p.m. at the Qualimed Hospital in Sto Rosa City, also in Cavite, said Maj.
Mary Ann Torres, spokeswoman of the Calabarzon regional police office.The police
did not say the cause of death. But Torres said Sakkam had “difficulty in breathing”
on June 3 during a reception ceremony for him and his classmates at the PNPA

Torres said Sakkam was brought to the PNPA dispensary then transferred to the
Qualimed Hospital four days later.Lt. Col. Juan Peñafiel Oruga Jr, Silang town police
chief, said Sakkam and his classmates were asked during the reception ceremony to
do some physical exercises.“It’s a traditional reception for PNPA cadets. It was held
at the grandstand, at the field, they were asked to do some (physical) exercise,” said
Oruga. (Victor Reyes, 2022)

The Philippine Military Academy (PMA) welcomed about 297 plebes on

Saturday, April 1, at Fort Del Pilar in Baguio City. Received by the Graduating Class
of 2018, the incoming cadets, who will be future members of the Class of 2021,
underwent some physical training as part of the traditional reception ceremonies.
This day marked the first day of their military career and the last day of their civilian
lives, according to the PMA website. The incoming cadets will spend about 8 weeks
in the “Beast Barracks” to undergo rigorous training and various exams before they
become part of the Cadet Corps of the Armed Forces of the Philippines.
(, 2017)

Cultures around the world have some form of rites of passage to signal the
start of a new phase in the lives of their members. In one way or another, these
cultures perform rituals or ceremonies that members should undertake to indicate
their entry to manhood; or tests one must endure and pass to become a full pledged
warrior; or rites an incoming member must undergo to be accepted into a specific
group in a society. Often times, these rituals are viewed by outsiders as harsh and
sometimes inhuman using their own cultural standards, but for these members it is
but a necessary requirement for them to be acknowledged and accepted by their
The Bureau of Fire Protection, as a Government Agency tasked to prevent and
suppress destructive fires, investigate its causes, provide emergency, medical and
rescue services, and enforce other fire-related laws with the active involvement of
the community has its own set of traditions and customs which have been observed
and practiced throughout its existence. For neophytes and incoming would-be
firefighters, they must first be ‘baptized at fire’ or experience what we call in the
Bureau the Reception Rites.

Reception Rites in the Bureau of Fire Protection is a tradition that aims to welcome
the newly absorbed Fire Officer 1 and orient them to the life and culture of Uniformed
Personnel. While the trainees usually suffer grueling sets of exercises, it is neither
the intention of anyone to inflict pain to these newly absorbed firefighters, nor we are
encouraging even the slightest form of any kind of violence and/or abuse. Reception
Rites is one of the many traditions that have been observed and practiced by the
Bureau of Fire Protection symbolic of a heartwarming greeting and a festive
celebration for the arrival of new “breed of heroes.” These traditions exist and
function as their guide and basis for building and developing their behavior, discipline
and character.
Just like an exhausted mother who, after giving birth to her child and in spite of her
near death experience and insurmountable pain, rejoices with the heavens for a
wonderful blessing; the Bureau of Fire Protection Regional Headquarters 1 also
celebrates with the arrival of these “promising, potential, and determined new breed
of heroes.” Once again, our toast to the Class BUMAGTAS (BUMBERONG
MARANGAL NA TAGAPAGLIGTAS) 2013. (“Spartans! What is your profession?”
“Ahoo! Ahoo!”)
( FO1 Joeffrey C Valdez, 2013).  

A two week delay due to quarantine requirements, 350 new cadets of the
Philippine Military Academy (PMA) took their oaths as members of Class 2025 in the
Corps of Cadets on Monday.
All freshmen cadets, also called plebes, stepped into Fort Del Pilar for the first time
to join their oath taking and reception rites after undergoing the mandatory reverse
transcription-polymerase chain reaction, or RT-PCR, tests for COVID-19 and
isolation at their home provinces or their closest military facility before being driven to
the summer capital, said Air Force 1Lt. Christine Mae Calima, PMA spokesperson.
Seventy of the plebes are female while the biggest number of new cadets are from
Metro Manila, Central Luzon and Calabarzon (Cavite, Laguna, Batangas, Rizal and

Only six of the plebes come from families with monthly incomes of below
P5,000, with 133 belonging to households with monthly salaries of P35,000 or
higher, according to a PMA fact sheets.Like previous cadets, the plebes were
ordered to race across Borromeo Field and perform physical exercises by senior
cadets as part of a traditional rite of passage. This practice tests the physical
endurance of incoming cadets, Calima said.
In his welcome speech, Air Force Maj. Gen. Ferdinand Cartujano, PMA
superintendent, said the plebes would be trained to “operate in unbelievably
miserable spartan conditions” and learn to make decisions in “morally ambiguous
situations” by relying on confidence, character and compassion honed at the premier
military school.
The plebes of PMA Class of 2025 were joined by six cadets who failed to join
the PMA Classes of 2023 and 2024. (Vincent Cabreza, 2021).

Three-hundred fifty cadets have started a four-year rigorous military training

after they took their oath and officially became members of the Philippine Military
Academy (PMA) Class of 2026.The oath-taking and reception rites of the
youngbloods were conducted at the PMA in Fort del Pilar, Baguio City on Saturday,
July 9. “Oath-taking is the highlight of the activity as it signifies the acceptance of the
350 incoming fourth-class cadets to the Cadet Corps Armed Forces of the
Philippines (CCAFP) and marks that beginning of a long, challenging and fulfilling life
of being a cadet,” said Brig. Gen. Julius Tomines, acting PMA Superintendent.The
oath-taking ceremony was followed by the traditional “reception rites” to test and
gauge the physical and mental stamina of a plebe, or a freshman cadet, through a
series of fast-paced physical activities supervised by the members of the training

This also signals the start of their regimented military life and gradual transformation
from civilians into professional and disciplined young military leaders.
The cadets were part of the 37,651 applicants who applied for the PMA Entrance
Examination (PMAEE) last year where only 24,288 individuals were qualified to take
the said examination in 45 Testing Centers nationwide.The prevailing threat of the
Covid-19 pandemic prompted the conduct of the exams in clusters (Island Group)
and in a series of staggered examination dates.
Out of the 24,288 who took the Entrance Examination, only 1,211 passed and
888 reported for the medical and physical examination at the AFP Health Service
Command.From there, only 350 cadets were selected after passing the rigid physical
and medical exams. (Martin Sadongdong, 2022),

Maj. Gen. Ferdinand Cartujano,PMA Superintendent, said the oath taking and
reception rites of the “young bloods” signified the start of their four-year education at
the country’s premier military training institute.
“The reception rites is a simple yet meaningful ceremony to test and gauge [their]
physical strength before the formal start of their training,” he said.
“Traditionally, this signals the start of [their] regimented military life and gradual
transformation from a civilian into a professional and disciplined young military
leader,” he added.Cartujano said the would-be fourth year cadets underwent a rigid
screening process to become part of the PMA Class of 2025.

A total of 35,213 aspiring cadets applied to take the PMA entrance

examination last year but only 19,308 of them qualified and took the tests in 45
testing centers nationwide from Aug. 23 to Oct. 10, 2020.The said examination was
conducted through a clustering by island group in staggered examination dates in
major military camps and public gymnasiums.Out of those who took the exam, 1,226
passed but only 1,076 reported at the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) Health
Service Command for medical and physical examination. From there, only the 350
cadets made the cut.
Cartujano said “new normal” reception rites were observed due to the threats of the
coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic. With their mask on and while observing
physical distancing, the cadets performed physical exercises to test their strength
and stamina.

The oath-taking and reception rites were closed to the parents and relatives of
the cadets and the general public as a precautionary measure amid the health crisis.
(Martin Sadongdong, 2021).

The Reception Rites, a time-honored tradition that has been long upheld in
the uniformed service, of the Eighty (80) Newly-Absorbed Fire Officer One (FO1)
was conducted by BFP-BARMM spearheaded by Regional Director CSUPT JERRY
C LAMANERO (DSC) that was also graced by Commissioned, Non-
CommissionedOfficers and Tactical Group, with the special presence of Engr
Sukarno B Datukan, Upi Agricultural School Administrator, held at Nuru Upi,
This is a welcome ceremony as they undergo their 45-Day Recruit Orientation
Program that marks the beginning of their journey as the new breed of firefighters,
transforming their civilian mentality into real men/women in uniform.
This highlights the BFP-BARMM’s ultimate goal and commitment to producing
competent and exemplary Fire Officer One that will be an integral part of building a
fire-safe nation.(Bureau Fire Protection-BARMM, 2022).

A plebe of the Philippine National Police Academy (PNPA) in Silang, Cavite

died on Saturday, June 18, while receiving treatment after an endurance test that he
went through two weeks ago.The Calabarzon (Cavite, Laguna, Batangas, Rizal,
Quezon) police, in a report on Sunday, June 19, said that PNPA plebe Rafael
Sakkam expired at around 6:00 p.m. while being treated in Qualimed Hospital in
neighboring Sta. Rosa City in Laguna.

The report said Sakkam collapsed on June 3 due to difficulty in breathing

during the reception rites and was initially treated at the PNPA dispensary.Four days
later, Sakkam was transferred to Qualimed Hospital for further treatment but died on
The report did not specify the cause of his death.
During reception rites, cadets were tasked to perform a series of exercises under the
sun to test their endurance.The rite was traditionally regarded as the cadets’
“baptism of fire.”
The PNPA is the training institution for future members of the Philippine
National Police, the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology, and the Bureau of
Fire Protection.
(Delfin T. Mallari Jr., 2022).

Some 377 cadets were tested during the reception rites on Saturday, June 1,
at the Philippine Military Academy (PMA).

From the 28,000 aspirants who took the PMA examinations, it was down to 400
cadets who made it with 320 males and 80 females who will compose the PMA
Class of 2023.However, during the oath-taking and reception ceremony held at the
Sundial Area and Borromeo Field, the number of cadets was down to 377 as some
opted to back out.
The incoming cadets were received by the class of 2021 who will serve as their
squad leaders and mentors during their cadet training.

For 45 minutes, the incoming cadets partake in several exercises that tested
their physical and psychological abilities.Lieutenant General Ronnie Evangelista,
PMA Superintendent, led the oath-taking ceremony and congratulated the incoming
cadets for successfully overcoming the examinations and selected among thousands
of young Filipino aspirants. He added the average survival rate of the cadets is 35 to
40 percent.
Evangelista added the reception rites on Saturday serve as transition from civilian
life to the tough military life.“We receive you not with warmth of hospitality, but with
fiery welcome of eagerness. We receive you not with a cordial toast of laughter and
conversation but with the billows of command and authority. You shall be received
not with relaxing atmosphere of civility but the rigid bearing of alertness and
promptness,” Evangelista said.

Upon admission to the Cadet Corps of Armed Forces of Philippines, one is

able to avail free college education with a well-rounded curriculum and received
monthly pay and allowances.(Lauren Almondo, 2019).

A 21-year-old candidate soldier died of heat stroke at the Ilagan Doctors

General Hospital in Isabela on Friday within days of the start of his training.Julius
Hernando of Mallig, Isabela joined the traditional opening ceremony and reception
rites for Candidate Soldier Course Class of 546-2018 at the 5th Division Training
School of the Philippine Army's 5th Infantry Division at Camp Melchor dela Cruz in
Upi, Gamu, Isabela Thursday morning.

Reception is the first phase of training, where recruits and candidates go

through rigorous physical activity as a rite of passage and to get them ready for
further military training. By noon on Thursday, however, Hernando had passed out
and had to be rushed to the camp’s hospital. He was transferred to IDGH when he
started having seizures and showed a decline in vital signs around 5 p.m.He died at
4:30 a.m. on Friday. Maj. Gen. Perfecto Rimando, commanding general of the 5th
Infantry Division, assured Hernando's family that they will receive financial support
since the recruit died while a certified member of the Armed Forces of the
Philippines.(Artemio Dumlao, 2018).
Chapter 3

Research Methodology

Research Local

The local of the study is located in Mangagoy infront of catholic church, Saint
Vincent De Paul Diocesan Parish, a private school Andres Soriano Colleges of
Bislig. The school Andres Soriano Colleges of Bislig is chosen to be our local of the
study because this institution is the first to conduct a reception rites in ASCB College
of Criminal Justice Education. We deducted the choice of respondents wherein
freshmen students of criminology can only acquire in order to see their perception in
reception rites.

Research Design

This study is made by the means of qualitative methods of researcher. A

qualitative research approach for this study was chosen because qualitative methods
especially useful in discovering the meaning that people give to events that they
experience. The qualitative research methods used for this study are described
further below included purposive sampling as the concurrent data collection and data
analysis procedures.(Glaser & Strauss, 1967)

In this research, the content of the questionnaire will be some question about the
perception of freshmen students on reception rites.

Procedures for selecting study participants and collecting and analyzing data
are described in the section.


The respondents for this study are the first year criminology students who had
experience reception rites. They were chosen to be the participants of this study to
know their perception about the reception rites in Andres Soriano Colleges of Bislig.
Purposive sampling will be used to select the respondents in this study, it involves
the researcher using their expertise to select a sample that is most useful to the
purposes of the research (McCombes, 2022). The participants of this research study
are the freshmen students of College of Criminal Justice Education that has a total of
180 students.

Research Instrument

In this study, questionnaires were used as the research instrument. The

instrument is a tool chosen and used by researchers in their activities to collect data
so that the activity becomes systematic and facilitated by it (Arikunto, 2010)

A questionnaire designed by the researcher to be used by the researcher as

the data collection of this study. The content of the instrument will determine how
well do freshmen criminology students know about reception rites, how challenging
do freshmen criminology students perceive reception rites in ASCB by the handlers
(Seniors) and the activity, and what amelioration's do students have to overcome
the challenge in their reception rites.

Data Collection

the data collection instrument was a questionnaire. This was done in order to
collect adequate and relevant data to address the research objectives if this study.
This study is to determine the perception of freshmen students in criminology. The
instrument used consist of 10 statements in a five point scale from strongly disagree
to strongly agree.

Data Analysis

The research questions will be collected and analysed as the means to get
the data in this study from the respondents. In order to get the frequency count and
percentages, the surveys were analyzed suing descriptive statistics. Tables served
as their presentation format.

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