Entrepreneurship Week 8 PDF

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Department of Education • Republic of the Philippines

This module is designed and written with you in mind. It is based on the Most Essential
Learning Competencies (MELCs). It is here to help you master this applied subject on
It contains information about developing brand names. It includes activities that will
help you in creating brand, logo and tagline which makes the business different from its
This should be accomplished within a week. All activities that require online submission
should be coordinated with your teacher. Save the date for your online class and be updated
with teachers’ announcements in the google classroom or FB messenger.

CONTENT STANDARD: The learner demonstrates understanding of concepts, underlying

principles, and processes of developing a business plan.
PERFORMANCE STANDARD: The learner independently or with his/her classmates presents an
acceptable detailed business plan.
At the end of the module, the learners will be able to:
1. Define Brand and identify its elements.
2. Discuss the steps in branding; and
3. Show creativity in creating a brand name, logo, and tagline.

Direction: Write the letter that corresponds to your answer. Use the line provided for your
_____1. What is a brand?
A. The social media account used by your company.
B. What people think your company is.
C. The name of your company.
D. The name, term, or image that consumers can use to identify products from
_____2. It is a legal protection for a brand.
A. Copyright B. License C. Patent D. Trademark
_____3. It is a symbol or visual representation of a brand.
A. Jingle B. Logo C. Packaging D. Taglines
_____4. It is how well your product has been registered among the consumers.

A. Branding B. Co-Branding C. Brand Identity D. Brand
_____5. The value of a brand based on consumer knowledge of, perception of, and loyalty to
the brand.
higher prices and growth opportunities.
A. Brand Equity b. Brand Identity C. Branding D. Co-Branding
_____6. These are brand slogans used to connect with the target market.
A. Jingle B. Logo C. Packaging D. Taglines
_____7. Creating a brand identity is the _____ step in branding.
A. first B. second C. third D. fourth
_____8. It displays the identity that conveys descriptive and persuasive information and
product transportation and protection.
A. Jingle B. Logo C. Packaging D. Taglines
_____9. It communicates your brand’s unique value to your target audience in comparison to
your main
A. Branding B. Brand Extension C. Brand Identity D. Brand Positioning
_____10. This branding element is helpful when introducing a new product.
A. Branding B. Brand Extension C. Brand Identity D. Brand Positioning

Let us play Logo Quiz! Name the different brand logo below. Write your answer the box.

Lesson Developing a Brand Name
1 By: Bernadine R. Oray

Giving a name to a new business is one of the most challenging aspects of starting a
business. In this lesson you will learn things to consider in choosing the right name so that your
business will be easily known to customers.
According to alter ego communications blog post, branding plays an integral role and is
the backbone for any business to thrive in the long run. Most of the businesses tend to ignore
various elements of branding and concentrate just on profits. In recent years, the need for
branding has increased as consumers are more aware and intelligent now, all thanks to the fast
and ever-growing technology!

What is a brand name?

● A brand is a name, term, design, symbol, or any other
feature that identifies one seller's good or service as
distinct from those of other sellers. (Wikipedia)
● Brands are used in business, marketing, and
advertising for recognition.
● A brand name is an identity which puts a product apart
from the other. It summarizes all that a brand stands
for. It creates association in the minds of the
Why is a Brand name important?
● It is the face of the business.
● It makes the business authoritative in the market
This image is taken from the Korea Herald webpage.
which develops credibility and trust.
● It becomes a template for everything you would include on an advertisement of the
● It gives the company something to stand for (a purpose or mission).
● It generates new customers and delights existing ones.
The following are Brand Elements:
1. Brand identity is the visible component of a brand that the audience associates with. In
simple terms, it is the way your brand is recognized by the consumers. A brand identity
consists of:
● Brand Name: It is a name by which a brand is called. It should be simple, unique,
creative, and easy to remember. For example: “Facebook”, “Nestle”, “Nike”
● Logo: It is a symbol that represents your brand. This may be letters, icons, or
caricatures. Just like the brand name, a logo should also be unique.
● Color Schemes: Colors play a vital role in making the brand more recognizable. It should
be consistent and should use color psychology. For e.g.: McDonald uses Yellow and Red
predominantly in all aspects of their brand.

● Taglines: Also known as brand slogans. These are the punchlines that a brand uses to
connect with their audience. For Example, McDonald’s tagline is “Love ko ‘to”, Nike uses
“Just Do It”, etc.
● Jingles: Jingles are like the theme song to a brand.
● Packaging: It displays the identity of the brand. It conveys descriptive and persuasive
information. It facilitates product transportation and protection, assisting at home
A brand identity is the first step that a business should undertake to define their brand
among its consumers.
2. Brand Positioning is a process of setting your brand in the minds of the consumers. It is how
well the product has been registered among the consumers. It helps the target audience in
distinguishing the brand from the others. It helps in brand recall and makes the brand stand
out among the other competing brands. A positioning statement is used as a declaration
that communicates the brand’s unique value to the target audience in comparison to the
main competitors.
3. Brand Equity that is offered is the commercial value that is added to the brand name rather
than the product /serviced by the brand. It is the value associated with the perception of
the consumer. This value is attached by the consumer and not by the business. It is also the
loyalty of a customer towards the brand. It becomes higher for renowned brands like Apple
which has good brand equity compared to its competitors in terms of the technology used.
There are a lot of trusts associated with Apple Products as the brand is luxurious.
4. Brand experience is the thoughts, emotions and the overall experience that is evoked by a
brand upon the consumer. It acts as a subset of the brand image. The brand experience
scale that includes four dimensions: sensory, affective, intellectual, and behavioral.
5. Brand Extension is used by a well-established brand name for new products. It is helpful
while introducing new products into the market under the roof of the existing brand. It is
very important in scaling up and increasing the growth percentage of a brand.
How to create a brand name?
1. Research your audience, value proposition and competition. Your audience is your
target market. In creating a brand that people will love, you must learn what they want.
Moreover, knowing the difference between you and your competition is imperative to
developing a successful brand.
2. Design a logo. The logo is the brand mark or symbol that serves as the face of the brand.
3. Integrate language, you can use to connect, advertise, and embody on social media.
This language is also known as your business tagline. It is the memorable phrase that
provides consumers with a quick indication of the product, brand, and market position.
4. Know what to avoid. The following should be avoided in branding:
a. Do not give your customers mixed messages. Use appropriate language and
visuals to convey the company’s promise or mission.
b. Do not copy your competitors. This happens when you are selling the same
products or services. Put your own twist in the business and make it stand out in
the industry.
c. Do not lose consistency between online and offline. Whether in print or media
the colors, type, theme, or message should always be consistent for brand

5. Monitor your brand to maintain its brand identity. This is keeping track of the business
performance. Use Google Analytics, surveys, comments, social media discussions, etc.,
to monitor your brand and get a sense of how people talk about and interact with you.
This will give you the opportunity to implement changes to your brand as needed,
whether it is to correct a mistake or to improve brand identity.

Activity 5.1. Answer the worksheet below to create brand identity for your proposed business.
Write your answer in a complete sentence. You may use your notebook or encode the answer
in a document file.
Company Name

What Goods or services


How do you provide goods or


Business location

Target consumers

Reasons why consumers buy

from you

Why is your company different

from its competitors?

Activity 5.2. Design a business logo with a tagline for your business. Your logo design should
reflect your brand, logo style (text, initials, symbols) font and color. Read the article on this link
(The 4 Basic Design Elements of a Great Business Logo) for additional information. You may
draw or use a digital application, print then paste inside the box.

Activity 5.3. Jingle making. Create your own jingle for your proposed business/product/service.
Take a video yourself or Record an audio for at least 1 to 2 minutes. You may use any musical
instrument or background music but make sure that it is originally made. The output should be
uploaded to google classroom, padlet, flipgrid, FB messenger or to any platform recommended
by your teacher. The rubric below will be used for grading.

● A brand is the face of the business. Products can be copied but a brand cannot.
● A brand serves as identification, protection, and positioning.
● It should be distinctive, associated with words, easily remembered, can be registered
and not too long.

Direction: Write the letter that corresponds to your answer. Use your notebook for your

_____1. What is a brand?

A. The social media account used by your company.
B. What people think your company is.
C. The name of your company.

D. The name, term, or image that consumers can use to identify products from
_____2. It is a legal protection for a brand.
A. Copyright B. License C. Patent D. Trademark
_____3. It is a symbol or visual representation of a brand.
A. Jingle B. Logo C. Packaging D. Taglines
_____4. It is how well your product has been registered among the consumers.
A. Branding B. Co-Branding C. Brand Identity D. Brand
_____5. The value of a brand based on consumer knowledge of, perception of, and loyalty to
the brand;
higher prices and growth opportunities.
A. Brand Equity b. Brand Identity C. Branding D. Co-Branding
_____6. These are brand slogans used to connect with the target market.
A. Jingle B. Logo C. Packaging D. Taglines
_____7. Creating a brand identity is the _____ step in branding.
A. first B. second C. third D. fourth
_____8. It displays the identity that conveys descriptive and persuasive information and
product transportation and protection.
A. Jingle B. Logo C. Packaging D. Taglines
_____9. It communicates your brand’s unique value to your target audience in comparison to
your main
A. Branding B. Brand Extension C. Brand Identity D. Brand Positioning
_____10. This branding element is helpful when introducing a new product.
A. Branding B. Brand Extension C. Brand Identity D. Brand Positioning


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