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Business Model Canvas - Organized by : Co-Host Universities :

Key Partners Key Activities Value Propositions Customer Customer Segments


- Micro, Small, and - Collaborates with is a platform - Personal Assistance

Medium Enterprises Micro, Small, and that aims to help - Automated Services - Owner of MSMEs
(MSMEs) Medium Enterprises MSMEs to develop their - Chat with MSMEs who want to
(MSMEs) businesses by finding owner collaborates
- Investor investors for these - The Investor can - The investor who
- Manage and develop MSMEs. rate and review the want invest on
- Bank 1. Investors MSMEs on their MSMEs
a) See the development pages
- E - Wallet - as bridge of MSMEs based on
for bring MSMEs and MSME reports every
Investor week
b) Seeing the insights
Key Resources from the MSMEs to Channels
consider which
MSMEs have the
potential to progress - Web
• Resource Partners c) Sharia Investment - Apps
- MSMEs 2. MSMEs - Social Media
- Investor a) Submit a business - MSMEs
portfolio - Investor
• Infrastructure App b) Make a report every - Affiliator
week - Talent/KOL
• Human Resources c) Demonstrate the
legalization of the
• Brand business

Cost Structure Revenue Streams

- Employes Salary - E-wallet used by Investor
- Development and Maintenance App - Bank used by Investor
- Web Hosting - MSMEs Registration
- Advertisement
- Server

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