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No ID Result Question Answer Answer

7 71025 CORRECT Code: V5SBJ Simplify tan2x cos2xsinx. A A
A) sin x
B) cos x
C) tan x
D) 1 + tan x
19 71216 CORRECT Code: NAQ4S Which of the functions below C C
represents the graph below?  
A) y = - cos(2x)
B) y = cos(2x)
C) y = -cos(x)
D) y = cos(x)
23 71220 CORRECT Code: SWEIE Which of the trigonometric functions C C
correspond to the graph shown below?  
A) 2sinx3
B) 2sin(4x)
C) 2cosx4
D) 2cos4x
20 71222 WRONG Code: YHFXC Find the number of terms in given D C
arithmetic progression 13, 17, 21, ... , 81    
A) 17
B) 16
C) 18
D) 26  
22 71229 CORRECT Code: ETZLS The first term of an arithmetic D D
progression is 15 and the sum of the first 20 terms is 1630. Find the second term.  
A) 6
B) 7
C) 17
D) 22  
8 71252 CORRECT Code: 70MPE Given that sinθ=1√3 and that θ is B B
obtuse, find the value of cosθ.
A) −√23
B) −√63
C) √6√3
D) √2√3
18 71280 CORRECT Code: OAKMS Convert the following angles to A A
No ID Result Question Answer Answer
degrees −9π8
A) −202.5
B) −201.5
C) −200.5
D) −203.5
25 71281 WRONG Code: CPUDD   The diagram shows a semicircle C B
with radius 10 cm and centre O. Angle BOC = θ radians. The perimeter of sector AOC is twice the perimeter of sector BOC.
Find θ in term of π.
A) π2−3
B) π−2 3
C) π−3 2
D) π3−2
39 71284 WRONG Code: NJXEQ The first term of an arithmetic A C
progression is 7 and the eleventh term is 32. The sum of all the terms in the progression is 2790. What is the number of terms
in the progressions?
A) 49
B) 50
C) 45
D) 48
10 71337 CORRECT Code: AKFL1 Express 2sin2x−7cos2x+4 in terms of A A
sinx .
A) 9sin2x−3
B) 9sin2x+3
C) 9sin2x+11
D) −5sin2x−3
6 71340 CORRECT Code: YBKNY Given that sinA=−513 and cosB=45, A A
where A and B are in the same quadrant, find the value of cosA tanB.
A) −913
B) −1613
C) 913
D) 1613
5 71433 WRONG Code: NBEJV What is the exact value D A
of sin30 cos60 ?
A) 14
B) √34
C) √32
D) 12
24 71434 CORRECT Code: 7996W Given that tanθ=2√5 and  that θ is B B
acute angle. What is the exact value of sinθ?
No ID Result Question Answer Answer
A) 2√5
B) 23
C) √53
D) 4√5
16 71546 CORRECT Code: LI51P The diagram shows a sector of a circle C C
with centre C and radius 20 cm. The angle ACB is θ radians. Given that the length of the arc AB is 46 cm, find the value of
 θ (in radians).
A) 4.6
B) 3.14
C) 2.3
D) 2.0
11 71549 CORRECT Code: DRUXM Which row of Pascal's Triangle would D D
you use to expand (x+y)3 
A) 1
B) 1  1
C) 1  2  1
D) 1  3  3  1
21 71552 CORRECT Code: A1BDH Select the correct expansion of (1 - A A
A) 1 − 5x + 10x2 − 10x3 + 5x4 − x5
B) -1 + 5x - 10x2 + 10x3 - 5x4 + x5
C) 1 + 5x + 10x2 + 10x3 + 5x4 + x5
D) 1 − 5x + 10x2 + 10x3 + 5x4 − x5
4 71592 CORRECT Code: 2S0CH An arc subtends an angle of π3radians A A
at the center of a circle with a radius 15 cm. Find the length of the arc in terms of π.
A) 5π cm
B) 10π cm
C) 25π cm
D) 225π cm
31 71597 CORRECT Code: WG3H1 The sector below has an arc length D D
of 30 cm.     Calculate the length of x. Give your answer to 2 decimal places.  
A) 9.73 cm
B) 10.73 cm
C) 11.73 cm
D) 12.73 cm
1 71601 CORRECT Code: ASCU9 The second term of a geometric C C
progression is 12 and the fourth term is 27. Given that all the terms are positive, find the first term.
A) 32
B) 6
No ID Result Question Answer Answer
C) 8
D) 10
3 71667 CORRECT Code: 1KRZR Find the area of a sector of radius A A
14 cm and angle π7 radians.
A) 14π cm2
B) 98π cm2
C) π cm2
D) 7π cm2
17 71709 CORRECT Code: QFRTW Given the second term of a geometric A A
progression is 4, and the sum to infinity is 25. Find the possible first term.
A) 5
B) 3.2
C) 2.56
D) 6
30 71711 CORRECT Code: I0DE8 The first term of a geometric A A
progression is 4 and second term is 3. Find the sum to infinity.
A) 16
B) 1
C) 3
D) 12
12 71745 CORRECT Code: DXKIY The first term of an arithmetic D D
progression is 16 and the sum of the first 20 terms is 1080.  What is the common difference of this progression?
A) 7
B) 6
C) 5
D) 4
14 71920 CORRECT Code: GSQPK The diagram shows the D D
angle θ=−515 . Find the basic angle of θ.
A) −65o
B) 65o
C) 155o
D) 25o
35 71945 WRONG Code: BAMQC Given θ is an angle which lies in B C
the third quadrant where 0≤θ≤2π and its basic angle is π4. Find the value of θ.
A) π4
B) 3π4
C) 5π4
D) −π4
No ID Result Question Answer Answer
40 71987 WRONG Code: VGBDZ Look at the following diagram. In the D A
diagram, ABC is an equilateral triangle with side length 2 cm. PQR is an arc of a circle with A as the center. The arc PQR touch
the side BC at point Q. What is the area of the shaded region?
A) 12π  cm2
B) π  cm2
C) √32π  cm2
D) √3π  cm2
34 71994 WRONG Code: MZ9B7 Look at the following diagram. In the A B
diagram, CD is an arc of a circle with centre A and radius 2 cm. The line BC is  2√3  cm and is perpendicular to AC. What is the
area of the shaded region?  
A) 2√3−2√3π3cm2
B) 2√3−2π3cm2
C) √3−π3cm2
D) 2√3−π3cm2
2 72018 CORRECT Code: GLDA9 What are the C C
solutions of  3cos(2x)+1=0  for  0 ≤x≤180  ? 
A) {109.47 ,250.53 }
B) {70.53 ,289.47 }
C) {54.74 ,125.27 }
D) {35.27 ,144.74 }
13 72020 CORRECT Code: Y4LBU What is the coefficient of  x3  in the C C
binomial expansion  (2x−3)4 ?
A) 216
B) 96
C) -96
D) -216
33 72022 CORRECT Code: DOSPE Given that the binomial expansion of D D
(x−1)3=x3−3x2+3x−1. What is the solution(s) of x3−3x2+3x=2?  
A) x=−2 or x=0
B) x=2 or x=−2
C) x=2 or x=0
D) x=2
26 72260 CORRECT Code: SYETF The first term of a geometric A A
progression is 120. The sum of the first two terms is 180. What is the common ratio?
A) 12
B) −12
C) 32
D) −32
27 72266 CORRECT Code: XXU2U Simplify the trigonometric identity C C
No ID Result Question Answer Answer
A) 2cosx
B) 2cotx
C) 2sinx
D) 2tanx
28 72275 CORRECT Code: HVKJ1 The function f(x)=2cos(x3) is defined A A
for the domain 0≤x≤3π. What is the inverse function of f(x)?
A) f−1(x)=3cos−1(x2)
B) f−1(x)=3cos−1(2x)
C) f−1(x)=13cos−1(x2)
D) f−1(x)=2cos−1(3x)
15 72300 CORRECT Code: 2B499 Which of the following is the graph C C
of y=sin−1(x).
36 72909 CORRECT Code: R1ND0 By changing the expression in terms B B
of cosx, solve the equation sinxtanx=3cosx for 00≤x≤3600.
A) 30 ,150 ,210 ,330
B) 60 ,120 ,240 ,300
C) 60 ,120 ,210 ,300
D) 30 ,150 ,240 ,300
9 72910 CORRECT Code: JEE6S The D D
equation 5(2sinx−cosx)=4(sinx+2cosx) when cosx≠0 can be written as ...
A) tanx=115
B) tanx=56
C) tanx=34
D) tanx=136
32 73437 WRONG Code: HUZI9 The sum of the 1st and 2nd terms of a B C
geometric progression is 50 and the sum of the 2nd and 3rd terms is 30. Find the sum to infinity.
A) 252
B) 1254
C) 6258
D) 6254
38 73856 WRONG Code: A2K6V A company makes a donation to A C
charity each year. The value of the donation increases exponentially by 10% each year. The value of the donation in 2015 was
$10 000. Find the total value of the donations made during the years 2015 to 2021, inclusive.
A) $11 111.11
No ID Result Question Answer Answer
B) $77 156.1
C) $94 871.71
D) $114 358.881
37 73881 CORRECT Code: PAHRN The first three terms of an arithmetic B B
progression are 2sinx, 3cosx and (sinx+2cosx) respectively, where x is an acute angle. Find the value of x. Give your answer in
two decimal places.
A) 43.13
B) 53.13
C) 63.13
D) 73.13
29 73905 CORRECT Code: GUNSO Solve 4sin2x=7−8cosx for 0≤x≤2π. C C
A) {π6,11π6}
B) {π6,5π3}
C) {π3,5π3}
D) {π3,11π6}

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