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Week of August 21-27

Welcome We want our neighbors know that we are His disciples as we love one another. (John 13:34-35) Recognize guests who may be in attendance. Make them feel part of the group. Are we gathering for our benefit or for the benefit of our community? Opening Prayer God has chosen us to display His mercy and grace to our neighborhood, country and the world. Ask God to help us reflect His mercies in everything we think, do and say this week.

Family Time (Read 1 Peter 2:9,10) Notice that Peter uses the word mercy for salvation. (Give 4 pieces of money, candy, food to one person and tell them to give them to 4 other people in the group.) God gave us a much more valuable gift that we can give away that never costs us personally. Is it easier or harder to give away something that was given to you? Conclude the family time with the statement, we were given mercy, to give mercy, to declare Gods Glory. Kids Time If we are in a very dark room and cannot see, how much light does it take to guide you out of the darkness? (Demonstrate this idea in the dark with 4 un-lit candles, lighting them 1 by 1.) God says that if we believe in Him, we give away light to help others see Him. Those that have a lit candle are called what? What ways can we give light to others? Adult Time (Read 1 Peter 2:9,10) What names are used to describe the people that have received Gods mercy? Are those descriptions based on us or God? Out of Gods mercy, He has redeemed us to Himself as His people, chosen for His purposes. What are His purposes? (We were given mercy, to give mercy, to declare Gods Glory.) Peter ties our words (vs. 9, 10) to our actions (vs. 11, 12) to make a clear point. Not only should we declare Gods excellencies with our mouths, we should live in such a way that God receives glory. What do our deeds tell the lost about the new life God has given us? What are ways that God might use our good deeds to open the door for us to share the gospel?

Closing Statement: God does not need us for anything. It is out of Gods mysterious ways that He would choose to use us to bring others to His mercy. Our deeds authenticate the true value of the Gospel. Prayer Time Pray that we would continually remember whose we are so that we would be motivated to live as Christ and share with others the hope that we have been given. Pray that God would give us compassion & break our hearts for the lost.

Beyond (Evangelism)
Community Calendar BEACH CLUBS: START 1st WEEK OF OCTOBER Beach Clubs are high energy, Christ centered clubs for 3rd-6th graders that meet after school. Adults to serve 1 hour 1 day a week for 10 weeks are needed to share the truth of scripture. Contact: Marilyn Murray ext 171, Church Calendar Did you know that every PBC Home Group is doing the same things that you are being asked to do for the next 5 weeks. That is unity in the body! Just think about how AMAZING it would be if we were all obedient to Christ in these few things.


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