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Professionalism in Senior High School

by Jesus Z. Menoy

What really constitutes professionalism? Who are considered professionals? Are they
those who pass the board examinations given by the Professional regulation Commission? Are
they those who are paid fees and salaries for the practice of their professions? Are they those
who are so committed to their jobs that they do not know tardiness and absenteeism?

However one defines “professionals” and “professionalism”, it is good to know that even
during senior high school, one can begin being professional in school. Senior high school life is a
preparation for the world of work. Senior high school students are groomed to become future
professionals. They are trained to be the next accountants, architects, language and computer
specialists, businessmen, educators, engineers, optometrists, psychologists, and so forth.

Oftentimes we say, “Don’t judge a book by its cover”. But our human nature dictates
otherwise, because first impression last. We are aghast at the sight of “grease people,” while we
are bedazzled by men and women of good bearing and clad in elegant clothes.

Projecting a professional image need not be expensive. Just remember the acronym
“PALMS”, which stands for:
• Poise
• Attire
• Language
• Manners, and
• Styles

Poise and Posture
Poise is a particular way of carrying oneself. Posture is the relative arrangement of the
different parts of human body. Sit straight. Stand erect. Never slouch nor slump. Don’t squat.
Note that good poise and posture signify self-confidence.

Dress up for school. While the school is your second home and you spend more of your
hours there than in your own home, the school is your place of work. Wear clean shirts, pants,
and dresses. Whenever possible, sandos, midribs, sleeveless blouses, and shirts, and miniskirts
are taboo in formal settings. Women who wear revealing clothes (for example, sexy dresses with
plunging necklines, bare backs, and long slits) cannot expect to win the respect of men. If you
have a passion for passion, remember that not all things fashionable become you. You may not
be wearing signature clothes but you become a campus crush if you dress properly. Don’t forget
to complement your clothes with enough appropriate accessories (belts, jewelry, ties, scarves,
and the like).

Be tactful in your speech. You maintain a good relationship with others when your
language is pleasant. You win friends by avoiding the use of offensive and insulting words.
Develop a sense of humor, but refrain from toilet humor or green jokes. Be moderate in you
speech by speaking neither too much nor too little.

Good manners and right conduct are the marks of an educated person. A person who
observes GMRC is admirable, but one who doesn’t despicable. Sitting on steps of stairs,
squatting or standing on toilet bowls, committing vandalistic acts such as writing graffiti on
walls, screaming or yelling in public, littering, ,loitering, making noises while classes are going
on, not falling in line when there is a queue, and not observing phonetics are bad manners that
need to be corrected. People who do these have no place in civilized society. They belong to a
world inhabited by Palaeolithic men.

Style refers to the way one does a thing. For example, your hairstyle is the way you do
your hair. Remember not to overdo your hair. For women, make use of gel, clips, hair pins, hair
bands, etc. to keep your hair in place. For men, have a regular, haircut and always sport short
hair. Long hair and egghead are no-no’s in an office or any formal setting.

Lifestyle is the manner in which one spends his daily life. The following must be part of
your lifestyle: taking a bath, eating breakfast before going to school or work, preparing for the
activities of the following day, engaging in workouts or regular exercise, and enjoying good rest,
enough sleep, and proper nutrition. These are meant not only to make you physically fit but also
to perk you up for the routinary and extraordinary tasks in school or at work that you ought to
accomplish. A healthy body is your weapon to combat stress and the rigors concomitant with
your day-to-day existence. You work or perform better when you feel well than when you are ill.

Be professional now. Remember that your being professional lies in your hands, in your

Paraphrasing an Academic Text

INSTRUCTION: Paraphrase one of the paragraphs on any of the PALMS in the text
“Professionalism in Senior High School” written by Jesus Z. Menoy. Write the original version
first followed by the paraphrased version.
Original Paragraph:
Poise is a particular way of carrying oneself. Posture is the relative arrangement of the different
parts of human body. Sit straight. Stand erect. Never slouch nor slump. Don’t squat. Note that
good poise and posture signify self-confidence.

Paraphrased Version:
Poise is the intangible presence and feeling that you project when you walk. It’s the way you
walk, the way you carry yourself, the thought of you have put into your own style, keeping you
cool. Posture is how you hold yourself, to stay the body well positioned. It is the general way of
holding the body to a humble posture. Maintaining the good poise and posture signify self-

Summarizing an Academic Text

INSTRUCTION: Summarize the whole text “Professionalism in Senior High School” written by
Jesus Z. Menoy. Write your summary on the space provided.

Summarized Version:
Professionalism in Senior High School is a must for Students especially in Senior High School.
Students should

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