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Animal Reproduction Science 124 (2011) 155–162

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Female reproductive cycles of wild female felids夽

Janine L. Brown ∗
Center for Species Survival, Department of Reproductive Sciences, Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute, Smithsonian’s National Zoological Park,
1500 Remount Road Front Royal, VA 22630, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Many felid species are endangered because of destructive human activities. As a result,
Available online 3 September 2010 zoos are being tasked with sustaining genetically healthy populations in case of catas-
trophic extinctions. Unfortunately, with the exception of a few species, most felids do not
Keywords: reproduce well in captivity. The ability to track reproductive activity via hormones is key
Gonadal steroids to developing successful ex situ breeding programs. Through the development of nonin-
Noninvasive monitoring
vasive fecal hormone monitoring techniques, a high degree of variability in estrous cycle
Fecal hormones
characteristics has been found to exist across the taxon, including the type of ovulation.
Ovarian cycle
Pregnancy For example, although all felids have induced ovulations, the occurrence of spontaneous
ovulations varies across species, and even between individuals within a species. Clouded
leopards, fishing cats and margays frequently have spontaneous ovulations, whereas these
are rarely observed in the cheetah, tigrina and ocelot. There are marked species differences
in the impact of season on reproductive function, with some being exquisitely sensitive
to photoperiod (e.g., Pallas’ cat), some moderately affected (tiger, clouded leopard, snow
leopard), and others that are not influenced at all (e.g., ocelot, tigrina, margay, lion, leopard,
fishing cat). One of the greatest challenges remaining is overcoming the problems asso-
ciated with highly variable ovarian responses to ovulation induction therapies used with
assisted reproductive procedures, like artificial insemination (AI). Success is relatively high
in the cheetah and ocelot, but few pregnancies have resulted after AI in clouded leopard,
fishing cat and tiger. Current knowledge of the reproductive physiology of nondomestic
felids, including aspects of the anatomy, behavior and ovarian cycles will be presented, and
how the rapidly growing endocrine database is aiding ex situ management efforts.
Published by Elsevier B.V.

1. Introduction species population declines in the wild are habitat loss

and fragmentation, human-animal conflict, and for some
Twenty-three of the 36 known wild cat species are species, poaching for pelts and traditional medicines. While
threatened or endangered with extinction in at least some declines in wild felid numbers are significant, cats in gen-
part of their natural range ( Felids eral have the advantage of being highly charismatic and
are placed into small (<6.5 kg, n = 18 species), medium popular zoo exhibit animals. Yet, despite a long history in
(7–20 kg, 11 species) and large (35–135 kg, 7 species) size captivity, a significant challenge continues to be determin-
categories, based on body weight. The major causes of ing how to manage these generally secretive animals in
environments that allow them to thrive and reproduce,
while at the same time satisfying the public’s viewing
夽 This paper is part of the special issue entitled: Reproductive Cycles of
needs. Even in relatively naturalistic enclosures, reproduc-
tion in captive felids remains poor, with the exception
Animals, Guest Edited by Michael G. Diskin and Alexander Evans.
∗ Corresponding author. of some of the Panthera species. Because reproduction is
E-mail address: key to species survival, and hormones drive this process,

0378-4320/$ – see front matter. Published by Elsevier B.V.

156 J.L. Brown / Animal Reproduction Science 124 (2011) 155–162

understanding the basic reproductive endocrinology of mental exposure, sample volume and consistency, and
felids is vital for their conservation and management. sample homogeneity (Wielebnowski and Watters, 2007).
The recognition over two decades ago that steroid These effects may not be consistent across species or hor-
metabolites could be measured in urine and feces revolu- mones; thus, each assay and fecal handling technique must
tionized our ability to track hormone status in wild species. be properly validated using both laboratory and biological
For most, the decision to measure fecal or urinary hor- tests.
mones is driven by which material is easiest to collect.
However, for felids, nearly all gonadal steroids are excreted 4. Estrous cycle
in feces, so urinary analyses are not a reliable option (see
review, Brown, 2006). In the 15 years since fecal steroid There are four phases of the cat estrous cycle: proestrus,
techniques were validated for wild felids, over 200 papers estrus, diestrus and anestrus (or interestrus) (see review,
have been published that describe gonadal cycle patterns Wildt et al., 1998). Proestrus usually lasts less than a
for just over half of the species. Thus, while an impressive day, and is associated with the presence of ovarian fol-
endocrine database now exists, and hormone monitoring licles, increasing circulating estrogens and occasionally
has played a major role in the breeding management of male interest excluding copulation. Estrus accompanies
many felid species, there obviously is still much left to do. advanced follicular development and peak concentrations
of estradiol and is characterized by male mounting and
2. Anatomy of the reproductive tract coitus, and depending on the species, behaviors such
as vocalization, lordosis, rolling, rubbing and foot tread-
The ovaries are caudal to the kidneys and attached prox- ing. Multiple intromissions, often over several days, are
imally by the suspensory ligament and dorsally by the believed necessary in most felids to stimulate the release of
mesovaria. The mesosalphinx covers the oviducts and lat- gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) from the medial
eral aspect of the ovaries to form an ovarian bursa. Each basal hypothalamus and subsequent surges of luteinizing
oviduct tracks cranially in the medial aspect of the ovarian hormone (LH) from the anterior pituitary gland (Shille et
bursa, then caudally to the lateral aspect before terminat- al., 1983; Johnson and Gay, 1981). This cascade of events
ing at the uterotubal junction. The uterus is bicornuate and causes final follicular and oocyte maturation and results in
horns are suspended dorsally by the mesometrium. The ovulation after mating. During diestrus, one or more cor-
uterine body is partially divided internally by a septum, pora lutea (CL) produce progesterone that stays elevated
and the cervix is short, opening at an angle at the vagi- for varying lengths of time regardless of whether concep-
nal orifice. The lips of the vulva are located just below the tion occurs or not. Anestrus is the period in between waves
anus. After fertilization, blastocysts become evenly spaced of follicular development, when circulating estrogens are
throughout the uterine horns for litter bearing felids, with at nadir.
efficient transuterine migration. Cats have an endothelio- Reproductive ovarian steroid cycle patterns now have
chorial type, zonary placenta. been published for about half of the nondomestic felid
species, with fecal steroid analyses being used in the vast
3. Noninvasive steroid monitoring majority. Surges of estrogens distinguish estrous from
interestrus periods, with cycles ranging from 2 to 4 weeks
Injection of radiolabelled estradiol-17␤ and proges- and estrus lasting 3–10 days (e.g., Fig. 1). Cats have his-
terone into domestic cats revealed that 95% of metabolites torically been categorized as induced ovulators – requiring
are excreted in feces within 1–2 days (see review, Brown, mating to stimulate ovulation. However, we now know that
2006). High performance liquid chromatography, gas felids exhibit a range of ovulatory patterns, from almost
chromatography/mass spectrometry and immunoreactiv- exclusively induced to varied combinations of induced
ity analyses have determined that: (1) fecal estrogens and spontaneous. These differences occur not only across
consist primarily of unconjugated and conjugated (3- species, but also between individuals within a species (see
sulfate, 17␣-sulfate and 17␤-sulfate) estradiol, with minor Brown, 2006; Göritz et al., 2009). Indeed, spontaneous
amounts of estrone and estriol; and (2) progesterone is increases in progestagens after estrogen surges are nonex-
metabolized and excreted mostly as polar compounds istent or rare in the tiger (Panthera tigris), puma (Felis
(>75%), probably conjugates, and some unconjugated preg- concolor), snow leopard (Panthera uncia), cheetah (Acinonyx
nanes. Extracting steroid metabolites from feces generally jubatus), tigrina (Leopardus tigrinus), ocelot (Leopardus
involves boiling, vortexing or shaking samples in combina- pardalis) and lynx (Lynx pardinus, Lynx canadensi, Lynx
tions of organic solvents (e.g., ethanol, methanol), usually lynx), but occur, at least occasionally, in the lion (Pan-
containing at least 10% water or buffer to assist in recovery thera leo), leopard (Panther. pardus), Pallas’ cat (Otocolobus
of conjugated steroids. There is no measure for indexing manul), fishing cat (Prionailurus viverrinus), and regularly
fecal data as there is for urine (i.e., creatinine); however, in the clouded leopard (Neofelis nebulosa), margay (Leopar-
sample variability can be reduced by drying feces and mix- dus wiedii) and domestic cat. In some species, non-mating
ing the powder before extraction. Reasonable data can induced ovulations are more prevalent when females are
be obtained, however, using well-mixed wet fecal sam- housed together, whereas in others they also can occur in
ples if animal diets and health remain fairly constant. singletons. Thus, within this taxon ovulatory mechanisms
Finally, it is important to keep in mind that the follow- vary, regulated to a greater or lesser degree by species and
ing variables can significantly affect steroid metabolite perhaps individual-specific responses to physical and/or
concentrations: age of sample after defecation, environ- psychosocial stimuli.
J.L. Brown / Animal Reproduction Science 124 (2011) 155–162 157

4000 Ocelot 100

Fecal Progestagens (μg/g)

Fecal Estrogens (ng/g)
3000 75

2000 50

1000 25

0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140

2000 Tigrina 100

Fecal Progestagens (μg/g)

Fecal Estrogens (ng/g)

1500 75

1000 50

500 25

0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140

3000 Margay 400

Fecal Progestagens (μg/g)

Fecal Estrogens (ng/g)

2000 300



0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140

Days of Sampling

Fig. 1. Longitudinal profiles of fecal estrogens (open triangle) and progestagens (closed circle) in a singleton ocelot (top panel), tigrina (middle panel) and
margay (bottom panel). Ocelot and tigrina females exhibit regular follicular cycles indicative of induced ovulators. In the ocelot, fecal progestagens covary
with estrogens during the follicular phase. Successive nonpregnant luteal phases are observed in the margay after estrogen surges, which are indicative of
spontaneous ovulations.

5. Reproductive seasonality Reproduction is at least somewhat seasonal in many

non-domestic felids like the tiger, clouded leopard, Pallas’
We know from extensive studies that the domestic cat cat, lynx and snow leopard. By contrast, follicular activity
is seasonally polyoestrous under natural photoperiods, but in lions, leopards, bobcats, pumas, margays, ocelots, tigri-
will cycle year round when housed on a 12–14 h light nas, jaguars and fishing cats is not influenced by season
cycle (Shille et al., 1979). In general, ovarian cyclic activ- (Brown, 2006). Like the domestic cat, photoperiod plays a
ity is reduced under decreasing photoperiod and resumes role in modulating reproduction in seasonal nondomestic
after exposure to increasing light (i.e., a long-day breeder). felids, which likely also involves melatonin control.
Melatonin appears to regulate photoperiod-induced sea-
sonality in the cat, with concentrations being highest 6. Pregnant and nonpregnant luteal phases
during the dark phase (Leyva et al., 1989). Follicular devel-
opment and estrous cyclicity can effectively be suppressed Progestagen concentrations during pregnant and non-
in cats by oral melatonin administered several hours before pregnant luteal phases are quantitatively similar in
lights-off during a stimulatory photoperiod; i.e., a regimen nondomestic felids as in domestic cats (Wildt et al., 1998).
that mimics short-day melatonin secretion (Graham et al., In general, length of the nonpregnant luteal phase is about
2004). one-third to one-half that of pregnancy. Luteal secretion
158 J.L. Brown / Animal Reproduction Science 124 (2011) 155–162

of progesterone is dependent on LH and prolactin from the on body size only. For some, despite decades of work,
anterior pituitary. The placenta may also produce progesta- appropriate dose combinations that do not over or under
gens because in the domestic cat, removal of the ovaries stimulate the ovaries have not been identified (Graham
after mid-gestation does not terminate pregnancy. Estro- et al., 2006; Pelican et al., 2006). Furthermore, current
gens increase after mid-gestation in some species (e.g., gonadotropin regimens appear to perturb normal female
cheetah, Pallas’ cat, fishing cat, domestic cat), but not in reproductive function and reduce fertility (Roth et al.,
others (e.g., clouded leopard, tiger) (Brown, 2006). From 1997). For example, there now is considerable evidence
a reproductive management standpoint it is technically that standard eCG/hCG protocols cause ovarian hyperstim-
possible to diagnose pregnancy based on fecal progesta- ulation, resulting in concentrations of estrogen that are
gen concentrations that remain elevated past the normal several-fold greater than those observed during natural
length of a non-pregnant luteal phase. Measurement of estrus (Roth et al., 1997; Pelican et al., 2006). The etiol-
prolactin and relaxin also can be used diagnostically ogy of excessive estrogen production after gonadotropin
provided appropriate samples are collected. Circulating treatment appears to be due, in part, to the development
prolactin increases at about Day 35 in the domestic cat of ancillary ovarian follicles. Hyper-estrogenism creates an
and again just before parturition (Banks et al., 1983). Ges- abnormal endocrine environment that is detrimental to
tational prolactin is luteotropic as it has been shown that fertilization, embryogenesis and implantation. One excep-
administering the dopamine agonist, cabergoline, after tion is the cheetah, where fecal estrogen concentrations
mid-gestation decreases progesterone and causes fetal after gonadotropin ovulation induction are not different
absorption or abortion (Tsutsui and Stabenfeldt, 1993; from those associated with natural estrus (Brown et al.,
Jochle and Jochle, 1993). Circulating relaxin from the feto- 1996). It is in this species that pregnancy success after
placental unit increases about Day 20 and continues to AI is among the greatest for felids (∼50%). Other regi-
rise throughout gestation before declining around the time mens now are under study, including use of pFSH, pLH and
of parturition (Stewart and Stabenfeldt, 1985). This hor- various GnRH analogs to induce follicular maturation and
mone is responsible for softening pelvic connective tissue ovulation. However, to date none have proven routinely
to facilitate parturition (Tsutsui and Stabenfeldt, 1993). successful. Thus, there remains a clear need to develop bet-
Relaxin and prolactin can be dignostic of pregnancy after ter hormonal protocols that will result in more predictable
mid-gestation because high concentrations are not found ovarian responses in felids. One proposed approach that
in nonpregnant cats. Though most effective using serum or is beginning to show promise, though no pregnancies yet,
plasma, a commercial canine relaxin RIA (Synbiotics Corpo- is the use of synthetic progestins or GnRH analogs to
ration, San Diego, CA) has been used to diagnose pregnancy temporarily shut-down the ovary prior to gonadotropin
during late pregnancy in the domestic cat and leopard stimulation (Pelican et al., 2006).
using urine (De Haas van Dorsser et al., 2006). Even more
recently, a simple strip test from the same company (Wit- 8. Comparative reproductive profiles of selected
ness Relaxin® ) was moderately effective in diagnosing late felid species
pregnancy using domestic cat urine, but only if diluted 1:1
in nonpregnant cat serum to reduce interference (De Haas The following examples highlight the diversity of
van Dorsser et al., 2007). Similarly, the Witness Relaxin® female reproductive mechanisms exhibited by felids.
test has shown some positive results (though not 100% Endangered status is based on IUCN Redlist categories
effective) in Iberian lynx urine samples that were concen- (
trated by ultrafiltration and brought up in serum (Braun
et al., 2009). Cats do not appear to produce a chorionic 8.1. Domestic cat
The domestic cat is considered a small-sized felid.
7. Ovarian control for assisted reproduction Females reach puberty between 4 and 12 months of age
(average 6–9 months), at approximately 75% of their body
Artificial insemination (AI) and in vitro fertiliza- weight (Tsutsui and Stabenfeldt, 1993; Wildt et al., 1998).
tion/embryo transfer (IVF/ET) are powerful tools for Short-haired breeds tend to reach puberty at an earlier age
managing rare populations (see review, Pelican et al., than long-haired cats. Pregnancy lasts 58–65 days with the
2006). Successful ovarian stimulation for AI and IVF/ET length of the nonpregnant luteal phase being 35 and 40
has been achieved in at least one-third of all cat species, days. Domestic cats are seasonally polyestrus, cycling at
but results have been mixed and pregnancy success rates ∼21-day intervals and breeding during longer days (Jan-
are <20% in most species. The main problem is the vari- uary and September). Though traditionally classified as an
able responses and sensitivities to gonadotropin treatment, induced ovulator (Shille et al., 1983), it is now recognized
especially in species that exhibit spontaneous ovulations. that many individuals have ovulations regularly without
The gonadotropins eCG and hCG are typically used to mating. During gestation, both prolactin and relaxin are
stimulate follicular development and induce ovulation, elevated, distinguishing it from a false pregnancy (Banks
respectively. Most wild felids have ovulations 37–42 h after et al., 1983; Stewart and Stabenfeldt, 1985). Females are in
hCG, and AI success is only possible if inseminations are estrus for 3–16 days, during which time they display clear
conducted post-ovulation due to interfering effects of anes- mating behaviors, e.g., calling, rolling, urinating. Females
thesia (Howard et al., 1992). It is not possible to extrapolate assume a lordosis posture, head and front legs down, rump
gonadotropin doses from one species to another based held high, during mating. Kittens are weaned after ∼8
J.L. Brown / Animal Reproduction Science 124 (2011) 155–162 159

weeks, thus permitting a female to produce up to three lit- ∼50 days. Estrous cycles in the Pallas’ cats are somewhat
ters per year. Domestic cats have long served as the model difficult to distinguish because the species is highly sea-
species for developing assisted reproductive techniques in sonal with females exhibiting ovarian activity for only ∼3
wild felids (Howard et al., 1992, 1996). months of the year (January–March) (Brown et al., 2002).
Based on fecal estrogens, cycles averaged ∼14 days, but
8.2. Cheetah the pattern is unusual in that inter-estrous baseline estro-
gen concentrations also are elevated during the breeding
The cheetah is a medium-size species living in Africa season, perhaps as a result of overlapping follicular waves.
and is listed as vulnerable with a decreasing population Based on fecal progestagen analysis and laparoscopic ovar-
trend. Historically, this species has been known for its poor ian evaluations, Pallas’ cats occasionally have ovulations
reproductive performance in captivity. Cheetahs reach sex- without mating. During gestation, both fecal progestagens
ual maturity at 2–3 years of age. Gestation averages 94 and estrogens are elevated, although the temporal profiles
days, with nonpregnant luteal phases lasting ∼53 days. differ (Brown et al., 2002). Progestagens increase within
Cheetahs exhibit comparatively short estrous cycles, which days after breeding and peak about mid-term, whereas
range from 7 to 21 days in duration. Estrus lasts 2–6 estrogen excretion increases after mid-term and remains
days. One of the major impediments to successful cap- elevated until just before parturition. The biphasic pro-
tive propagation in the cheetah is the inability to reliably file of estrogen excretion, temporally distinct from that
identify when females are in estrus for timing of breed- of progestagens, is observed only during pregnancy and
ing introductions. An extensive study of behavior and fecal not during the nonpregnant luteal phase, lending sup-
estrogen analyses revealed that while no single behavior port to the possibility of a placental origin. Pallas’ cats are
was indicative of estrus, higher rates of rubbing, rolling, exquisitely sensitive to photoperiod. A serendipidous dis-
object sniff, chirping and urine spraying often correlated covery was the observation of stimulated ovarian activity
with estrogen surges, though on a highly individual basis in the nonbreeding season by a sudden transition from
(Wielebnowski and Brown, 1998). Periodic bouts of ovarian ‘short days’ to ‘long days’ during a month-long Festival
inactivity typically are observed in this species, which are of Lights. Although animals eventually cycled during the
known to be related to socially induced reproductive sup- breeding season, they did not reproduce. It was not until
pression (Wielebnowski et al., 2002). Cheetahs in the wild cats were moved to a different part of the zoo, away from
are solitary, yet many facilities house females in groups the Festival lights, that conception occurred (Brown et al.,
because intra-species aggression is relatively infrequent. 2002). To more closely examine the effect of photoperiod
One study found that although serious altercations were on gonadal function, one Pallas’ cat pair was subjected to an
rare, subtle antagonistic behaviors often were observed artificial short-day photoperiod (9.5 h of light/day) during
(growl, hiss, chase, attack) along with increased stereotypic the summer non-breeding season. After allowing a 1.5-
pacing and reduced auto-grooming. Concurrently, average month acclimatization period, light was increased 0.5 h per
fecal estrogen concentrations were less in the paired chee- week until it reached 12 h per day. After reaching the 12 h
tahs, especially in subordinants, with little cyclic activity. photoperiod, the female cycled based on endocrinological
Separation of the pairs resulted in a rapid reinitiation of changes. Several attempts at using AI in Pallas’ cats have
normal behaviors and ovarian activity (Wielebnowski et al., resulted in no pregnancies, despite apparent normal ovar-
2002). One possible explanation for this finding is stress- ian responses to eCG/hCG (Brown et al., 2002; Swanson,
induced ovarian suppression. Jurke et al. (1997) found that 2006).
two of seven zoo-held female cheetahs had high average
fecal corticoid concentrations and also were acyclic. How- 8.4. Clouded leopard
ever, there was no relationship between ovarian acyclicity
and increased adrenal corticoid activity in the study of The clouded leopard is a medium-sized felid that lives in
Wielebnowski et al. (2002). From a management stand- tropical Asia, and is listed as vulnerable with a decreasing
point, knowledge that estrous cyclicity in cheetahs can population trend. Females reach sexual maturity at about
be socially suppressed even when aggressive interactions 2 years of age and exhibit a comparatively long estrous
are relatively minor has resulted in management changes cycle at 15–40 days, with a 3–6-day estrus. Gestation lasts
such that breeding females today are generally housed sep- ∼90 days, with nonpregnant luteal phases lasting 45–50
arately. In pregnant cheetahs, fecal estrogen metabolites days. Breeding management of clouded leopards is chal-
increase after about mid-gestation, though the source is lenging as most successful pairs result when individuals
unclear. Brief estrogen surges often occur during the luteal are introduced before puberty. Otherwise, a male will often
phase in both pregnant and nonpregnant females, sug- attack or even kill the smaller female, even when she is
gesting there may be some follicular activity even in the in estrus. Behavioral changes as females approach estrus
presence of elevated progestagens (Brown et al., 1996). include marking, lordosis and producing a low intensity
chuffing sound called prusten. Clouded leopards exhibit
8.3. Pallas’ cat reproductive seasonality in western zoos; those exposed
to temperate photoperiods have brief periods of anestrous
The Pallas’ cat, a small-sized felid of Central Asia, is in the late summer to early fall (Brown et al., 1995). How-
listed as near threatened with a declining population. ever, if housed indoors under a long-day light cycle, ovarian
Females reach puberty at about a year of age, pregnancy activity continues year round. Clouded leopards are one
lasts 66–77 days and the non-pregnant luteal phase is of the cat species that exhibit spontaneous ovulations,
160 J.L. Brown / Animal Reproduction Science 124 (2011) 155–162

some females doing so quite regularly. In a study of 14 protocols to induce normal ovarian activity in conjunction
clouded leopards, 40% exhibited spontaneous ovulation in with the use of assisted reproduction techniques in tigers.
the absence of mating (Brown et al., 1995). Because there
is no way to predict when a female will have spontaneous 8.6. Leopardis species
ovulations, developing ovulation induction protocols for
use with AI has proven very difficult for this species, result- Of the three small-sized species inhabiting the Amer-
ing in only one pregnancy despite dozens of attempts icas, the margay is listed as threatened, the tigrina or
(Howard et al., 1996). Unlike the cheetah, Pallas’ cat, fishing oncilla is vulnerable, and the ocelot is of least concern,
cat and domestic cat, increased estrogen production dur- with suspected decreasing populations. Historically, none
ing the latter part of pregnancy in the clouded leopard is of these small cats breed well in captivity. Puberty occurs
not observed, indicating potential differences in placental at about 1–2 years of age, estrous cycles are 10–20 days,
steroidogenic function (Brown, 2006). and estrus lasts 2–7 days (Moreira et al., 2001) (Fig. 1).
Duration of gestation is 75–85 days and mating-induced
8.5. Tiger nonpregnant luteal phases are about 40 days in length.
Females rarely exhibit regular overt signs of sexual recep-
The tiger, a large-sized species living in tropical Asia, tivity, with the exception of ocelots that occasionally
is one of the most beautiful and charismatic of the felid display behaviors such as rubbing, vocalizing, rolling, urine
species. It is listed as endangered, with some subspecies spraying and sniffing. Comparatively, ocelots and tigrinas
on the brink of extinction (e.g., Siberian – P. tigris altaica; rarely ovulate spontaneously (Fig. 1, top and middle panel),
South China tiger – P. tigris amoyensis). In addition to habi- whereas non-mating induced luteal phases of ∼40 days
tat destruction, tigers suffer at the hands of man through in duration are observed frequently in margays (Fig. 1,
poaching of bones and penises for traditional medicines. lower panel). Ovarian activity is not seasonal in these
Befitting their larger size, tigers reach puberty at 3–4 years species, although unexplained periods of acyclicity often
of age. Female cycles can be quite variable, occurring at are observed. Unlike the cheetah, these anestrous periods
18–40-day intervals with estrus lasting about a week (Seal do not appear to be caused by social suppression as they
et al., 1985; Wildt et al., 1998; Graham et al., 2006). Siberian have been documented in females housed alone (Moreira
tigers have been reported to be seasonally polyestrus in et al., 2001). In the ocelot, fecal progestagens often are
captivity, with peak activity from February through June increased in conjunction with estrogen surges, correlat-
(Seal et al., 1985). Graham et al. (2006), however, found ing as high as r = 0.4 (Fig. 1, top panel). To date, only two
more variation in fecal endocrine patterns among indi- other species have shown this covariance between ovarian
viduals (Siberian and Sumatran), with some unexplained steroids – the jaguar (Brown, unpublished) and lynx (see
periods of acyclicity not related to season. Behavioral signs below). The progestagens are believed to be of follicular
of estrus correlate with increased estrogen production and origin, because concentrations are only a fraction of those
include prustening, rolling, rubbing and lordosis (Seal et al., observed after ovulation (Moreira et al., 2001). Pregnan-
1987). Gestation is ∼108 days, and the nonpregnant luteal cies have resulted after AI (ocelot and tigrina) and IVF/ET
phase lasts ∼35 days. Like the clouded leopard, an increase (ocelot), but success has been limited, again due to incon-
in estrogen excretion is not observed during pregnancy. sistencies in responses to ovulation induction protocols
In contrast to most other felid species, tiger reproduce (Swanson, 2006).
well in captivity. By contrast, use of assisted reproduc-
tive techniques has met with limited success. Despite early 8.7. Lynx
accomplishments in the production of a single litter of cubs
through the use of IVF (Donoghue et al., 1990) and two lit- Lynx are medium-sized cats, with the Iberian or Span-
ters by AI (Donoghue et al., 1993), poor ovarian responses to ish lynx being critically endangered and considered the
eCG/hCG ovulation induction have prevented further suc- world’s most endangered felid. Canadian and European
cesses despite dozens of attempts (Graham et al., 2006). lynx both are of least concern with stable populations;
Like the domestic cat, excessive and sustained elevations in however, the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service lists the Cana-
estrogens as a result of chorionic gonadotropin treatment dian species as vulnerable. In general, females reach
appear to disrupt oviductal embryo transport (Graham puberty at 1–2 years of age. These are seasonally breed-
et al., 2006). Furthermore, extensive trials with varying ing species, with births occurring in mid to late spring
eCG/hCG doses could not identify a combination that (∼January–April). Estrus lasts less than a week, with a
resulted in adequate follicular development and ovulation gestation duration of 60–70 days. Ovarian follicular and
without causing hyperestrogen production. Trying another luteal function has been difficult to quantify in lynx using
approach, Crichton et al. (2003) found >93% homology standard immunoassay techniques (Fanson et al., 2009;
between amino acid sequences of Siberian tiger FSH and Pelican et al., 2009; Denhard et al., 2008). Estrous cycle
LH and porcine gonadotropins, and so used pFSH and pLH length remins largely undetermined because evaluations
in ovarian stimulation trials. While ovarian responsiveness of estrogens do not reliably correlate with estrous behav-
was high, even after repeated treatments indicating no ior. Although it was possible to detect estrogenic (ovarian)
inhibitory antibody production, and there was no evidence surges at the time of copulatory events with daily fecal
of estrogen hyperstimulation, luteal progestagen excretion collections some of the time (Pelican et al., 2009), a con-
was reduced compared with natural matings. Clearly, con- sistent cyclic pattern similar to other felid species was not
siderably more research is needed to identify alternative evident. Instead, there is a seasonal pattern of estrogen
J.L. Brown / Animal Reproduction Science 124 (2011) 155–162 161

excretion, with baseline concentrations increasing dur- captive environment compatible with welfare needs and
ing the breeding season, regardless of whether mating maximal reproductive potential. Ultimately, by utilizing a
or pregnancy ensues. Fecal progestagen excretion also is variety of endocrine techniques in conjunction with phys-
variable throughout the year and not diagnostic of luteal iological and behavioral assessments, zoo managers will
activity, again very different to data in other felid species. be in a better position to determine which environmen-
Further analyses of urinary progesterone and pregnane- tal factors are harmful, benign or stimulating to individual
diol similarly failed to show clear elevations in pregnant animals. If we are to continue maintaining wild cats ex
Iberian and Eurasian lynx females, despite finding signif- situ, we no longer can ignore our obligation to assess the
icant amounts of native progesterone in HPLC-separated adequacy of environmental and husbandry conditions for
urinary eluates (Göritz et al., 2009; Jewgenow et al., 2009; optimal behavior, health, reproduction and wellbeing.
Braun et al., 2009). Adding to this frustration, results
of a radio-metabolism study indicated a progesterone Conflict of interest statement
immunoassay is capable of detecting relevant metabolites
in feces (Denhard et al., 2008), so it is unclear why these The author has no conflict of interest in publishing this
noninvasive methods do not produce typical steroidogenic review.
patterns. Another lynx characteristic is a significant co-
excretion of estrogen and progestagen metabolites (up to References
r = 0.8), and a post-partum lactational elevation in gonadal
steroid hormones (Denhard et al., 2008; Pelican et al., 2009; Banks, D.H., Paape, S.R., Stabenfeldt, G.H., 1983. Prolactin in the cat. I.
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