SOPs For Stations and Installations

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NUNIAl Uganda Natioml Roads Authority MAINTAINING ALERTNESS AND SECURITY WHILE OBSERVING COVID 149 PREVENTIVE MEASURES ‘Standard Operating Procedures for Security Personnel at the UNRA stations uly 2024 10. or 12. 13. 14. 15. 20. 24 22 General Information UNRA offices, installations and some Senior Management Members (SMT) are guarded by security personnel from Uganda Police Force (UPF) and Uganda People's Defense Forces (UPDF) deployed under secondmert and attachment artangements as per the respective Memoranda of Understanding. The security personnel are supervised and coordinated by the Head Investigations. and ‘Compliance under the Office ofthe Executive Director. By the nature of security deployment and operations, and being front liners in ‘enforcement of Covid-19 guidelines alongside maintaining general security for UNRA assets and personnel, the security personnel are at high isk of contracting the Corona Virus, Corona Virus Disease is a respiratory ilness that can spread from person to person even by those without symptoms. The virus is now spreading quickly within the country with confirmed suspicious cases have been identified in a ‘growing number of communities including government securty personnel and ‘organizations. It is possible for someone to become infected by touching a surface or object that has been contaminated with respiratay secretions and ‘then touching their own mouth, nose, or eyes. (On 18” June 2021, His Excellency the President addressed the nation on the ‘update of COVID-19 pandemic in the country noting that the zountry is dealing with a violent second wave which has resulted in sharp increase of infections, ‘death and serious strain of heath workers. He issued a set of directives including ‘42 days lockdown and accordingly the Executive Director UNRA issued the ED comat ‘The securiy personnel are supposed to enforce these directives as part oftheir mandate of protecting lives. Purpose: ‘The purpose of the guidelines is to outline procedures to bs followed by the UNRA security personnel and supervisors in their daly operations during this time when the virus is spreading fast and where community cases are being registered including cases involving themselves and the staf they are to protect. Iti important to note that, whereas COVID19 poses a secury risk to life, other ‘security risks such as terrorism, murder, robbery, theft, deployment motor vehicle ‘vandalism, breaking/burglaries and trespass among others stil exists. Criminals, 23. 30. 3a 32. 33. 40. An. will even explo the fear by the virus and the attention given fo enforcement of, COVID 19 preventive guidelines to commit offences, In order to most effectively serve in their respective deployments and ensure business continuity, the security personnel must frst ensure that appropriate health and safety precautions are exercised within themselves. Ministy of health ‘and UNRA management have issued and will continue to provide the most up to date health information on how to protect personnel, identify symptoms, and prevent spread ofthe vitus as we maintain our core dutles. ‘Command and control ‘The overall supervision, security management and coordinaton including the sources of required tools shall be the responsibilty of the Head Investigations ‘and Compliance on telno. 0772983142 All required resources, activites, deployments, reporting and operations will be ‘coordinated by ASP Naboth Kusiima on tel. 0782879691 email for both headquarters and othe” installations. He shall be supported by AIP Buyinza on 0781519468. They shall provide a weekly specific deployment plan and dally security reports Securty at the stations will be coordinated by the newly deployed security supervisors. ‘Standing orders security personnel ‘Safety procedures of protecting oneself and others from Corona Virus infection: Wash your hands with soap and water Where available use a sanitizer ‘Avoid coughing and sneezing in public. Sneeze of cough to a flexed elbow, or dry tissue end ensure proper disposal ofthe used tissue ¥ Keep a two meter distance at all times Wear protective gear as and when necessary Do not withdraw from duty without a reliever, Rae Operational orders Unies the situation otherwise warrants, Securly personnel must appear on duty in full uniform. Security personnel Must be armed wile on duty ‘Security personnel Must not appear on duty drunk ‘+ Security personne! Must not drink alcohol while on duty + Security personne! Must keep your phones on at al times ‘+ Security personne! Must appear smart, neat and presentable atall times ‘+ Security personnel Must register and report any incident that occurs in the area ‘of operation 5.0. Critical COVID 19 risk areas for security personnel to note Risk Areas rg Public Places Entrances: Contact with Body Fluids as a ) Receptions result of proximity ©) Rest Rooms 1+ Body search of pathogen carrier 4) Construction Sites 6 Searching of Proparty of pathogen ) Siting Areas for carrier ferries + Registration Book f) Ticketing Areas for . Reception Intercoms if picked up weighbridges by sick person: 9) Eating places © Contact with Body Fluids in areas. h) Pantries. ‘of Convenience Residences a) Entrances + Contact with infected uteri in ®) Door Handles ious 6) Rest Rooms + Poot disinfected surfaces Deployment 2) Door Handles Sg a aes at motor vehicles, b) Siting AreaSeats —” OP, oh Patrol and Client ‘ + Searching of Vehcies of pathogen Vohicies aoe ie Armoury 2) Door Handles + Dropping and picking guns ») Table for signing in + Signing for the guns both at return ‘and out guns | and pick ‘) Exchange of guns Spe Ju ecific standing orders for UNRA stations as agreed in a meeting held on 30 ine, 2021 between the Department of Investigations and Compliance and the Directorate of Road Maintenance 60. 6. 62. General conditions 4. Security oficers should ensure safety of UNRA’s assets both atthe station and in the field. Ensure no asset is misused or vandalized during this period 2. Wetfare funds should be managed by stations through a delegated person like Administrative Assistant as itis an office expenditure and accounted for by the stations. 3. Station managers shall support the security supervisors wih transport for security checks 4, Station managers shall support the security officer with security basic tools such as security torches, umbrellas and fx other securiy issues raised by the security officer All firefighting equipment at stations must be fixed and put right. Those that are expired should be replaced ‘All security supervisors should be accommodated atthe stations ‘Stations should provide an inventory of assels for purposes of accountability ‘Spouses ofthe officers not allowed at the station Leave to security supervisors shall be coordinated and granted by ASP Kusima Naboth 410.Security officers shall update the station manager dally ofthe security situation in his area of operation, Roles and responsibilitios, Station Managers 'a) To provide accommodation tothe supervisor at the staticn b) To process the allowances of the police supervisors ©) To provide relevant stationeries 1) To facilitate the seourty supervisor with transport for security checks (For facilities such as Weighbridges and Ferries) 12) Toundertake supervision ofthe police officers the superisor inclusive 1) To procurefprovide necessary logistics forthe supervisor ¥ Food items- Posho, Rice, Beans plus other ingredients (salt, cooking oil, sugar ete) ¥ Charcoal stoves and charcoallgas cooker Toiletries ( bathing soap, toilet paper etc ‘The resident supervisors must ensure: + Provide sanitizers and water for hand washing by all secuy officers under im 63, + That security personnel are reminded of covid19 prevention measures during briefing and debriefing of stat + All security personnel should undergo mandatory temperature check before taking over beals at UNRA installations + Encourage Securly personnel to under-ake COVID 19 tests whenever organized by the station ‘+ Encourage the personnel to report any contact they may have had with a suspicious and or confirmed case of COVID 19 ‘+ All personnel with COVID 19 related symptoms should not be deployed until they are free from symptoms and seek medical assistance. + That the guards from the teritoral police are on duty and always report on time + That they manage and coordinate administrative issues such as leave between UNRA and the tertorial police for quards ‘+ Make daily situation reports and submitted to appropriate offices including the office of the station manager. ‘+ Record and report any incident atthe station as soon as it occurs + Conduct preliminary investigations and preserve any valuable evidence and + Apprehend non-compliant persons andlor any criminal elements + Advise UNRA personnel on security matters at their respective places/stations ‘+ That security personnel are well disciplined and acts of drunkardness, absenteeism, late coming and reporting are dealt wth appropriately ‘+ To generally keep law and order Roles and responsibilities of the security personnel on guard and patrol + Enforce COVID 19 guidelines by: ensuring that all persons accessing a LUNRA facility has put on a mask, washes hands/santizes and keeps social distance + Access control and manning entties and exis. Ensure thal only staff on duty access the premises. + Protect of fe and assets/property of UNRA, UNRA staff and other persons + Keep law and order by conducting patrols and walking their beats to ensure that everything is order. + Searchichecking vehicles, staff or any person who comes to the premise to fensure that he is lawfully there. Ensure that you sanitize every time you conduct search 64, + Register all visitors. The security officer registering visitng must have a sanitizer and ensure that he or she sanitizes every time they finish registering. The visitor shall register themselves ‘+ Guide passengers on ferries and ensure thatthe fery is lawfully operating ‘+ Report any matter of non-compliance and where necessary apprehend ‘suspects and hand over tothe nearest police station + Register all goods enteringlexiting the station. Ensure that all goods exiting the station has a gate pass, + Conduet security assessments, and report any incidents to the immediate supervisors ‘+ Escort duties as and when need arises ‘+ Cooperate with the nearest police station and other sister forces operating in their area of operation, + For close body guards, protect the principal and his immediate family Territorial Command Supervisor ‘The security personnel upcountry are attached from each district whe'e UNRA stations ‘or other installations are located. The DPC's, OC's and or any other person designated 18 a supervisor from the district policing area does not only offer the supervisory duties, but also other key administrative/supportve roles such as: 4. Command and Control. Police officers deployed for guard duties up ‘country are deployed daily on attachment terms by the distict police ‘commander. The distict is therefore responsible for dally briefing and debriefing of personnel. 2. Armament and Deployment of personnel. The district identifies officers for deployment. The Distict provides the necessary ans and aminations for the oficers on duty and ensures that these equipment is not misused, 3, Disciplinary actions. The distict is responsible for the disciplinary procedure of an errant officer. They are charge and intite disciplinary proceedings whenever and officar acts outside the law or gone against any ‘order glven within hisfher area of command 4. Investigation of criminal incidents; the district registers and initiates, investigations (in coordination with the department of investigations) on criminal matter involving any UNRA property or staff such as thet vandalism, homicides, assaults etc 5, Emergency response. The district may, at any time be requested or called ‘upon to support UNRA in emergencies such as rots, fie and any form of disorder 65, 6. Special guard duties. UNRA tasks/duties at times have necessitated the need for special uty guards who are provided for and deployed by the distil ‘Supervision and alert squad operations. ‘The District ensures that a physical visit is from time to time conducted by senior officer (OPC, OC station and OC operations) to ensure that the police oficers are alert on duty, They also check the alerness of the resident security officer. Access control + All visitors must be considered as potentially affected by COVID 19 therefore: all preventive measures must be taken accordingly. However security personnel must ensure full respect of human rights principles. ‘+ All visitors must undertake the normal safety precautions at the entries by ‘washing hands, temperature testing, security checks, registration, sanitizing tc) + Visitors should be allowed to visit only speciic areas identfied within UNRA. premises, Surfaces touched by visitors should be cleaned and disinfected after each visit, ‘+ A dedicated and isolated walting area should be identified in case more Visitors are present at the same time, such area should meet all the general requirements to prevent the contamination of the virus. UNRA management ‘may consider puting up a tent for this purpose + Each visitor before entering the premises must be wearing a mask during the ‘entire presence in the premises and interaction with UNRA staff and other persons ‘+ Persons who may be suspected to having contracted COVID-19 must be isolated in a designated place until a proper assessment and or evacuation is, made + All security personnel and UNRA staff must wear face masks during the entire interaction with vistors

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